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Stress Reduction Exercise


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Just in case you've been having a rough time lately, here's an 8-step stress reduction technique recommended in the latest psychological texts. The best thing about it is that it really works.

1. Picture yourself near a mountain stream.

2. Birds are softly chirping in the cool clean air.

3. Nobody but you knows about this secret place.

4. You are in total seclusion from the hectic place called "The World."

5. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity.

6. The cold water is crystal clear.

7. You can easily make out the face of the person you're holding underwater.

8. See! You're smiling already. :D

Hope you find this useful.

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This whole thread better be gone in the morning!

I've hit the "report" button on my post and on Pirate's.

Are there any moderators out there?

I tried to call pamsandiego but there's no answer. It's 11 pm here.

I would have called someone else but it's 2am on the East Coast.

Edited by Mike
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you seem stressed.

You might want to try a stress reduction exercise.

Not the one from the first post-

that one you have a problem with.

Maybe a slow walk around the block,

or feeding the pigeons,

or studying cloud formations.

I once found tracing a pattern to be relaxing.

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  Mike said:
This whole thread better be gone in the morning!

[ Or else?

Someone made YOU the arbiter of what stays and what goes? ]

I've hit the "report" button on my post and on Pirate's.

[Well, that's all you CAN do.

Next, you see if the staff agrees with you. ]



the original post was a joke.

Perhaps it was in poor taste, perhaps not.

Me, I didn't think it was worth even a full smirk,

but that doesn't mean anything.

You found someone's post offensive.

You reported that post and cited the reasons. (I'm guessing you did that and did it correctly.)

That's your part.

Now the moderation staff decides if any action is warranted.


just because one or more posters find a post offensive is no reason to suppose

it will "have to" be deleted or whatever.

If it DID, a LOT of posts in here would be gone.

I think the majority of posts here can be considered "offensive" by SOMEBODY here.

Me, I had a problem with a movie post once.

I didn't report it because I judged it wasn't worth dwelling on it.

If they elect to leave it up,

you can ignore that and do something else,

you can storm off in a huff,

or you can throw a temper-tantrum that some people will find offensive.

This is not your board-

therefore these are not your rules.]

Edited by WordWolf
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This is a story about a popular young Baptist preacher, who on Sunday morning announces to the congregation that he will not renew his contract and is moving on to a larger congregation that will pay him more. There is a hush. No one wants him to leave.

Bubba, who owns several car dealerships, stands up and announces, "If the preacher stays, I'll provide him with a new sedan every year, and his lovely wife with a minivan, to transport their children!" The congregation sighs, and applauds.

Billy Bob, the entrepreneur and investor, stands and says, "If the preacher stays, I'll double his salary, and establish a foundation to guarantee the college education of his children!!" More sighs and applause.

Ms. Ella May, age 70, stands and announces, "If the preacher stays, I'll give him SEX!!"

There is a hush. The preacher, blushing, asks, "Ms. Ella May, whatever possessed you to say that?" Ms. Ella May answers, "I just asked my husband how we could help, and he said, .... 'Fxxx him'!"

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ROTFL, I found the original post amusing pirate, thanks. I found Mike`s reaction hysterically funny!

What a hoot.... pirate...you`d BETTER be worried....rofl ....you been REPORTED! gasp shiver.....know this.....that we will hold you directly responsible for any mayhem and murder created as a direct result of spiritual contamination from devil spirits inadvertantly absorbed from allowing our eyes contact with the offensive filth in your post ;)

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Lower your voice and strengthen your argument. -Lebanese proverb

1. If the moderators start moderating for good taste we will never get caught up.

2. If you don't like the post, start a debate over why if it is important to you.

3. If the moderators remove every post and every poster that someone else doesn't like, the board will be empty in the time it takes to hit the delete button. :blink:

Edited by Modaustin
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  mstar1 said:
Mike-Looks like you opened up to a "Spirit of getting bent out of shape over nothing"

after you close your trap door maybe you could try some stress reduction exercises...

Well now, we all know why Smikeol is miffed this morning now, don't we? And I daresay it isn't over Pirate's joke either.

(Hint. It might be related to our non-acceptance of the 'god breathed piffle'. ;))

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Well, I thought it was funny. And I was waiting for the violent punch line to come up. AND I have been choked before, so the image is momentarily and mildly unsettling.

But it's still funny!

Mike, if that jokes incites someone to murder, he was gonna murder anyway, and just needed an excuse. If someone is that far gone, they will find an excuse in the wallpaper if necessary, and nothing you say or don't say will prevent it.

You made it sound like we Greasespotters are all one short step from being possessed killers. Is that what you meant?


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MIke MIke Mike

I submit that continued dining at the cafe will open you to further danger.

It is clearly not PFAL based.

It is also futile to try and get the rest of us to change to a PFAL based reality

Therefore in order to be true to your own stated belief to read nothing but PFAL material--please avoid threads such as these for your own well being


That said here is MO's stress reducer

Take a dozen hard boiled eggs -more if you are really upset--these eggs need to be really hard maybe 7 minutes

After they cool write the name of the person who is causing the stress in black marker on each egg.

go outside where you can hose or shovel up the mess

standng 10 to 15 feet from a wall hurl eggs one at a time at the wall.

The eggs will explode in a shower of fragments

This works -- I did it with my ex's name and Mr Urquharts name it is very satisfying


Okay MIke if you are still here

I am ready for you to explain and complain how the wanton destruction of graffiti covered unborn fetuses of poultry can lead to debil spurt possession.

Chapter and verse from PFAL please

Citing the spritual state of poultry

Why writing names on eggs is spritually unsound

Why relieving stress by making fowl bombs is an open door to possession

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When you read something you consider offensive, you get devil spirits inside of you?

thoughts are NOT devil spirits , emotions are not devil spirits.

they are only thoughts and emotion something God created us all with .

why are you so frightened?

You claim to have a mind and ability to think and reason yet a joke can spark a fear so deep for you you must use large red letters to threaten with.

have you any ability to control your mind? Can your mind be overtaken with words? what can these (murder spirits)you say this opens your mind up to do to you ?

You would like to have the power of Jesus yet you cower and fear over what any man can do to you.

Paul says "they can do nothing".

I think your a control freak. In an out of control world, the only one your responsible for is yourself.

why are you so very frightened that you will have spirits inside of you when you read a joke?

Is Jesus able to love people in a world that has problems ?

will you ever be able to control what people do or do not do? if NOT then why are you so afraid and angry?

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My goodness gracious, Mike. My most abject apologizes for having offended you in this manner.

I consider myself properly chastised for my obviously inappropriate posting. In the future, I shall more carefully consider the wordings of what is written here. Reporting me to the moderators too. I was absolutely all aquiver awaiting the certain retribution to follow.

If a post such as this could "open up to devil spirits of murder" I guess I'd better get rid of my King James Bible. It's just full of murder, rape, incest and mayhem of all kinds.

Not to mention PFAL where little kids get run over by cars because of their mother's negative believing.

Back to the Doctrinal Thread with you.

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Try taking deep breaths and exhaleing a few times...

I think that somewhere in the Bible there is something about a merry heart?

We might not all have the same sense of humor...

But, it's nice to know that there are some among us that at least have a sense.

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