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Sears Mastercard:

I was alarmed to find out I'd been assessed a $35 late fee by my Sears card, even though my bill cycle closing date is October 7th. If you don't have a calendar, today is October 3rd.

Sears, and several other companies have shortened their billing cycles to a 24-day payment cycle. That means you can no longer look at the date, add a month, and know when it's due.

Of course, the invoice provides the due date. I just didn't read it because it's been the same since I got the damn card.

I called their customer service, and after navigating the endless automated choices spoke to an English-speaking (wonder of wonders!) representative who apologized, removed the late fee and all finance charges, and informed me that this was the new rule. She said it would not affect my credit until I was 30 days late, so that wasn't an issue.

Love ya, Sears.

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Ooh, you had to go and get me started about Sears MasterCard.

Thanks to their screwy policies, I paid off my balance, closed my account, and will never step foot in another Sears store as long as I live.

Sometime last year I got a letter from those crooks stating that they were raising my interest rate because of "activity" on my "other accounts." Mind you, I've always paid my Sears MC early and paid considerably more than the minimum (no wonder they hate me--no pricey late fees and less interest collected). I had no past due credit card balances with anyone, and I didn't have tons of credit card accounts open.

They must have pulled this on a lot of account holders when they socked me with it, because for two days I tried repeatedly to get through to customer service and only got a busy signal. I gave up and said, "screw 'em."

Our accountant says Sears MasterCard ought to be shut down because of so many abuses like the ones Satori and I have described.

The name "Sears" used to represent to me a place to buy decent appliances and paint and lawn mowers. Now the name just means "mud." Way to go, Sears! That's some PR campaign ya got there!

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I haven't had any problem with Sears-

But Aspire VISa

That's a whole other story

THey hold checks and delay applying them

Their phone bank in somewhere in India

THEy charge you to make an on line payment,.

So you not only pay the bill but have to pay for the priviledge of paying


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I have a Sears charge card, and have used it for:

A lawnmower;

A hot water-heater for the house;

An alternater and battery for my truck;

An oil change for my Subaru;

And am thinking of getting a new stove;

And I've never had any problems with payments, or their billing practices.

(Then again), this is not their MasterCard, but just the regular charge card.. And I never get anything there I can't pay off in one month's time.

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Yup they are all paid to be professional skunks and thieves,squeezing every last nickel out of anybody-legal,moral or not.. Ive always been wary with my credit cards . Too many of my friends have got in deep with them and taken years to dig out. I pay mine off immediately and on the first sign of any BS I say "SeeYa! cancel me!" Don't need the aggravation. I deal honorably with them-I expect them to deal honorably with me. If not they are off my list and like Linda I never give them another nickel.

Ive had good luck (knock wood) with the major one I have been using for a few years now-- a Boston Red Sox MasterCard--They have actual humans answers the phone (imagine that! and they speak English and are courteous!)and there have been no problems or hoops to jump through when bills are inaccurate.

If Sears wants to deal with you like that-----shake the dust........

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