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Okay - the hair thing. I don't think I "flip" my hair, but I will pull it out from underneath the collar of my shirt, which is where it often seems to end up. It get's itchy having all that hair down the back of your shirt.

Why, when out on the town and one woman goes to the restroom, do the rest get up and follow?

Because the one who goes first is going to show the rest of us where it is! lol lol

What is so spell binding about soap operas and romance novels? Usually the leading man is very confident, takes charge, and sweeps the damsel off her feet. And they have lots of sex. But from my own limited experience and listening to other guys, find woman resent this type of man and have far less interest in sex. Does this imply you actually do want men to be in charge, to swept you off your feet, and became your knights in shining armour? And as a result your sexual desire would be stronger?

NO!!! We want to fantasize about it, but it isn't what we want in reality. Sort of like you might fantasize about a porno star, but would you really want to marry one? raise a family with one?

Why is the mothering instinct so strong that some can not let go of it? They want to 'mother' their children for the rest of their lives it seems. They fuss over 40 year old kids and try to tell them how to run their affairs. My ex's mother was like this and it created so much tension and anamosity. The only way we could bear a visit with her was looking forward to her leaving. There were constant long distant phone calls checking up. Quite a rift developed.

I'm just guessing on this one. But I'd guess that older generations of women were not allowed to have careers or much of a life apart from being a wife and mother. So they don't know how to be anything else. For them to stop being a mother, may be akin to no longer being of any value.

Edited by Abigail
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The other day I was watching Judge Judy and this cute 30's something gal being the plaintif was being constantly viewed by the cameraman during the questioning phase...and she musta flipped her head/hair a good dozen times.. The defendant, a larger pudgy gal with short hair never flipped...the plaintif had all sorts of things to say...the defendant was close mouthed & had to be questioned again & again.

Obviously in this setting its easy to be "nerous" & both gals were ...but the plaintif was more than eager to tell all she knew & flipped & flipped & flipped.

Yes she was descent looking and with those looks perhaps the flipping is a natural "look at me" tnedancy that gals give off if they're the center of alot of guys attention.

Gals..do you think that ladies jerk & flip their heads & hair due to needing More & more attention,.subconsciously?? (My guess as a guy..so don't shoot me down too quickly) LOL

Sad thing is, now all these reality types of programs (even Jeopard) I now view from a "flipiant" standpoint....that is what flipiant means right??????????? LOL

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HAHAHAH Second James

Actually I have observed this phenom myself over the years.

Unless there is hair falling in your eyes (where you would NEED to flip) I find most flippers are INSECURE about their looks and have to constantly look 'perfect".

At least how they think they are perceived as to not disappoint the onlookers.

I have known girls to use their hair to hide from onlookers, all the while demanding the attention. It is subconcious for the most part , but starts as an insecurity issue and then grows to habit from there.

I am a girl and WAS a flipper once. I am now a WOMAN and have put away childish things.......and use hairspray. The two don't mix.


ok ok

I did the flip a minute ago, so I annalyzed this even more.......

My hair was in a pony tail, so I took it out and brushed my hand through my hair (technicaly not a flip, but close).

What I realized , is this is a way to "fluff" my hair, hence, make it look better.

Most girls flip one side to the other to "fluff" therefore, look better.

Unfortunatly, most do it too often and exagerate their insecurities.


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LOL! I suppose I'm a flipper at times. ^_^

I got my hair cut once and the length was PERFECT for turning my head in the "no" motion and my hair felt so cool and light and feathery on my neck. I flipped it a lot until my ex started yelling at me to stop. He thought I was using it as a "flirting" technique - nevermind that we were usually alone at home or in the car together. :rolleyes:

I did use tilting my head and maybe a gentle flip when I was dating and flirting or trying to get a guys attention.... :P

I also flip my hair, like Abigail said, if it's in my face, down my shirt or otherwise annoying me in some way.

With some girls, I think it's habit. I don't *think* I flip my hair much anymore, the weenie roasters will have to tell you since I'm not aware of it if I do. But sometimes it does just feel neat to "flip" your hair. :D

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This is a good thread that i missed until now----

I gotta ask whats with all the shopping?

I personally most of the time would rather face wild, rabid, hungry lions, or be dragged through a mile of broken glass than go shopping, but it seems to be something some of you ladies not only do it when you absolutely need to, but (shudder)also do it when you don't need to.

Is this some sort of evolutionary transmitted thing from the days spent gathering berries and nuts?

Edited by mstar1
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I somehow missed out on some of the genes connected to soap operas, romance novels, and shopping.

Soap operas make me cringe, romance novels (the real bodice-rippin' kind with the hunky guys on the covers) make me yawn, and shopping makes me crazy!!

I'd much prefer exploring the nooks and crannies of an antique store or rooting through stuff at an estate sale than walking from store to store in a mall. My favorite clothing store is in a strip shopping center adjoining the nearby mega-mall. I'd much rather go there than traipse through five department stores looking for what I need and want. And I try things on at home. With those three-way mirrors in the dressing rooms, there's absolutely no reason ever to have to ask your spouse or boyfriend, "Does my butt look big in this?" If store owners had any sense, they'd install those carnival funhouse mirrors that make everyone look skinny. :lol:

Here's one for you guys: How come you don't ask for directions when you're lost? I know that's a cliche in any "what's the difference between men and women" discussion, but I just wanna know why. Is it an ego thing or do you just not want to bother stopping somewhere to ask? What's the deal with that?

Edited by Linda Z
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Funny --you hate to shop yet you prefer to be going through the nooks and crannies of an antique store or rooting through stuff at an estate sale---Although thats a little more my speed its still shopping and a gathering of stuff.

I don't know about the directions thing, lately ---the last few years anyway-I get to a point and will ask --especially if i am travelling around on business and have to be somewhere, if its not so crucial and I'm enjoying the ride and scenery of being wherever it is that I am, and most likely have never been before, I get lost enough in that moment and enjoy the small spatial challenge of finding my way again. Often times the journey is more important than the destination anyway

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