I was in a band once, that required everyone to wear ties. I can't play fiddle with that knot around my neck, so I refused. They kicked me out, and my replacement was so bad, they wanted me back. I told them I would, if they got rid of the ties. They didn't, and I didn't.
Matter of fact -- I have a hard time breathing with a tie on. Screw em. Don't know how the *professional guys* do it day after day. Guess that is why they get the
*big bucks*.
As far as *sitting with testicles* goes, it is done gently and with great care!!
Do any of you guys wonder anything about the gals?
What is it like to get a permanent in your hair? shave the back of your legs where you can't see? wear a bra all day? get a mammogram? what does it feel like to put makeup on your face?
Maybe LG was right that people wonder but just don't want to talk about it. That's ok with me, as I said, I was just wondering!
dmiller - you're a hoot! "very gently" of course, and I wouldn't want you to be any different.
I could see where, a pitcher on the mound going through those overly-exagerated pitches raising his legs up to chest-height with each pitch, would easily re-arrange your underwear with each pitch.
I no longer work terribly physically active. but just doing 'things' it is not un-coomon for a man's underwear to become re-arranged when you also have various loosely hanging items also in that same underwear.
If you had nothing in that same underwear, I could easily see where you might never become re-arranged under-neath.
We once had a conversation months ago, about the difficulties of using a toilet. A round toilet bowl, means there is a 'question' of where a man puts is plumbing when he sits. Outside means you might leak onto the floor. Inside means you dangle up against the inside of the bowl, or down into the water-puddle. Either way if anything is dropped into the water-puddle it is going to splash your plumbing. I dont think that women are concerned with this, as they dont have anything hanging down into the bowl.
I have had to wear ties. You get used to them.
I was never able to get used to shaving. Shave once at 5am, then again by noon I would have to shave again. After a week my neck is so raw and I have in-grown hairs, curling and twisting, growing under-neath the skin, getting infected. During my last tour of duty (as an MP) I had to shave twice a day for three years, by the end of the first year I was constantly broken out and infected, with drainage on my neck. My last day on active-duty was the last day that I have shaved. Fortunately most of my career was spent at sea, so I was able to grow a beard.
Galen I wasn't really expecting anything. I was just wondering what men think about that they cannot possibly duplicate, such as how does it feel to get a mammogram.
Now I understand why men hate shaving better than I did before. My father and husband never had that kind of beard so it was not so difficult. Now I know. Maybe every male hates shaving but does it anyway because they "have to".
I also kind of envy my son in law, how he can toss his son up in the air. They laugh so hard. And it build's such trust in Anthony and his giggle is so commanding. I wish I could play with him like that just to hear him giggle...but I don't have that kind of brute strength!
Sure I wonder what it would like to be a guy. To never have to deal with that monthly mess. Though, as much as I hated it, I wouldn't want to give up the experience of being pregnant. To never have to wear a bra or nylons (I actually think the latter is more uncomfortable than the former).
I wonder what it is like to walk the streets at night without fear - or at least certain fears. To have less worries about gaining weight or getting grey hairs. And yes, the sexual aspect of it would be intresting too, is it the same? different? how would it be different?
At the same time, I'm not so sure I want to experience being the one who is usually expected to be the "aggressor/initiator" in romantic relationships and face the possibility of so much rejection. Though, it would have been nice to be able to be the initiator without being viewed as "easy" or "whore".
I think shaving my legs is far less uncomfortable than shaving my face would be. BUT I'd rather shave my face than certain other body parts.
Oh Krys, I could take this conversation way beyond what is probably the proper boundaries for this board. B)
Okay - gonna reply to some of the others separately.
"I no longer work terribly physically active. but just doing 'things' it is not un-coomon for a man's underwear to become re-arranged when you also have various loosely hanging items also in that same underwear.
If you had nothing in that same underwear, I could easily see where you might never become re-arranged under-neath."
Oh trust me, underwear become re-arranged on women too - and it's damned uncomfortable. We just excuse ourselves and adjust in private. Can you imagine the looks we'd get if we adjutsed in public? :o
"We once had a conversation months ago, about the difficulties of using a toilet. A round toilet bowl, means there is a 'question' of where a man puts is plumbing when he sits. Outside means you might leak onto the floor. Inside means you dangle up against the inside of the bowl, or down into the water-puddle. Either way if anything is dropped into the water-puddle it is going to splash your plumbing. I dont think that women are concerned with this, as they dont have anything hanging down into the bowl."
Ah - but there is little worse than sitting down on a wet seat
Many men who do it don't wear ties and many men who don't do it wear ties, although a lot of men who don't do it have special neckwear such as Catholic priests.
I, personally, have never worn a tie while doing it.
As for baseball players, they wear plastic cups over the parts and that helps them to do it when they aren't playing baseball. These cups need to be adjusted frequently.
They can't do it while wearing the cup and this might explain why they don't wear ties while playing baseball. Ties need to be adjusted frequently, also.
oh my! "Doing it" had nothing to do with my wondering.
Now you've got the idea. I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that we should live vicariously and describe that which cannot be described! I just wondered what everybody wondered!
For the longest time rejection from women bothered me to the point of dispare. Of course I also had a very low self esteem problem. When turned down for a date it would take weeks before I would ask someone else out. I felt like a complete loser. Many times I wished it was the woman who did the asking and the man who did the accepting.
In many learning situations it would be nice to be a woman. If a woman doesn't catch on, trainers are much more patient with woman than men. Especially if the trainer is male, he will often times go out of way to help the "fairer sex".
It would be nice to have someone stop when my car is not running or the tire is flat, and fix it for me.
Sexually I would like to experience multiple orgasms in a relative short period of time. And to go over next weeks ball game schedule while having sex.
Wonder how it feels, while getting a hair cut, to enjoy the conversation or pick up a magazine and read it?
"I'll admit, I always wondered. What they think, what THEIR hormones do to them.. "
We're thinking stay the hell out of my way or I'm gonna clock you!!!!! OR We're really really awnting to get laid. Sometimes its both at the same time. LOL LOL
Actually, kidding aside, it is amazing, wonderful, and sometimes terrifying the effect our hormones can have on our lives. They can leave us depressed and crying for no known reason, they can cause us to "nest" and clean like crazy, they can cause us to be aroused, angry, in love. . . .
"what motivates them to clean, pluck, wax, color hair..
What DRIVES some of them to lose that last pound and a half..
what motivates some of them to wear the MOST uncomfortable shoes designed by the mind of man.."
Men, of course. And other women too. We know you men are very visually oriented and we want to look attractive for the one we are with or the one we hope to be with. Like men, who often compete and business and sports, women compete too. We compete over shows, clothing, hair styles, etc.
And eventually, as we mature, we do it simply because we feel better when we look our best.
"to know what they really are thinking when they giggle.."
We are either thinking you are absolutely gorgeous or absolutely ridiculous.
"and cry.."
That we are unloved, hurt, unappreciated, or on the good side, touched by something very deeply.
"to figure out what REALLY p*sses them off.."
That's easy - MEN
:P :P :lol:
"Yeah, we're a complicated lot, that's fer sure..."
See George, I think it would be wonderful to be so simplistic. When a woman is hungry, she has to torture herself over what to eat, how many calories, how much fat, etc.
But then again, getting laid is often much easier for us than it is for men. ;)
"Many times I wished it was the woman who did the asking and the man who did the accepting. "
In some ways I think it would be easier this way too. Better than waiting and hoping he will ask.
"Especially if the trainer is male, he will often times go out of way to help the "fairer sex". "
This may be, but those same trainers/bosses are often times less likely to promote a woman than a man.
"Sexually I would like to experience multiple orgasms in a relative short period of time. "
Okay I have to ask the women out there, how many of you actually experience this? I tend to think that while this may be physically possible for many women, it is built up to be a big deal by the porn industry and in real life, most of us are content with one good orgasm.
I'm just having way too much fun with this thread!!!!!
"To never have to wait in line for the bathroom"
you can actually experience this. You just have to learn the proper squating technique so you don't pee all over your shoes :blink: :blink:
"To be part of the "Good Ole Boy" club"
I don't know about the "good ole boy" club in the traditional sense. But I love the way men can hang out together without having to "talk serious" or talk make-up and clothes. They way they can just hang out in front of the TV or play a game of cards and hang.
"To have someone of the opposite sex make eye contact with you instead of staring at your chest."
Now that is something I would LOVE to experience!!! I wonder what men would think if we stared at their crotch instead of trying to look them in the eye. :o
"To experience the pressure to be "macho" and never cry"
I'm not sure I would like that. While I am not a public crier, it is good to get it out, I'd hate to have to hold it all inside.
"To get majorly aroused just by thinking of sex"
And we wonder why women can multitask and men can't. It's cause they are ALWAYS multi-tasking. They are thinking of sex all the while they are doing anything else they do! B)
See George, I think it would be wonderful to be so simplistic. When a woman is hungry, she has to torture herself over what to eat, how many calories, how much fat, etc.
and at the same time, we have to decide how hard we're willing to work and how much we feel like cleaning up afterwards
I know one or two absolutely brilliant women! Most of their capabilities will never be tapped because they are moderately good looking. If they looked like Janet Reno, they'd have a chance.
I wonder what it would really be like to be respected for my mind! Seriously...no pun intended. Seriously, before the accident when I was younger, I could compete among many intellectual gymnists and often hold my own. I can't do that anymore, but if I still had that abiliby, how would my life been different if I tapped my intellect in a laboratory rather than teaching.
Tom Castildo and I had similar grades and we were lab partners for years. He could remember minutia and I was good at problem solving. So - - we had similar intellects, and almost identical knowledge having been schooled in the same small institution. I had better manual dexterity. We both applied for the same entry level position. He got the job and I didn't. Of course that was 40 years ago, but you get the idea.
What's it like to have to pee in front of everyone else in the bathroom?
How hard is it to keep from looking around given men's general concern about size?
What's it like to grow up not being able to be modest if a guy plays sports?
What's it like to want to act in theater, dance or do other things considered less than masculine in the eyes of some narrow minded members of society?
How hard is it to keep from looking around given men's general concern about size?
Belle, the truth of the matter.. I don't WANT to know.. or look for that matter :D
What's it like to have to pee in front of everyone else in the bathroom?
May not bother others, but I Never got used to it.. after forty years.. still "weird"..
What's it like to grow up not being able to be modest if a guy plays sports?
From one who had the athletic prowess of a Carp, I could never tell you..
What's it like to want to act in theater, dance or do other things considered less than masculine in the eyes of some narrow minded members of society?
From one who could dance like a Carp, I couldn't tell you anything about this either..
my wife came home with a new permanent the other day
she looked lovely
but she will be going back for another in a few months
why don't they call it a temperary?? and as some of us older guys know{57 today} the lovely wife is hot to trot all the time and so are we but now i know what the saying, the spririt is willing but the flesh is weak means!! B)
"We once had a conversation months ago, about the difficulties of using a toilet. A round toilet bowl, means there is a 'question' of where a man puts is plumbing when he sits. Outside means you might leak onto the floor. Inside means you dangle up against the inside of the bowl, or down into the water-puddle."
OK, either Galen is exaggerating or I fear I am woefully inadequate.
That's another thing ladies. Most men brag about the size of their schlong, the bigger the better. I suppose the reason we engage in such penile olympics is that somewhere between our ears we are convinced that the bigger, the more desirable we are as lovers.
As you probably have noticed men like to measure themselves against each other. I am convinced that is the basis of our fascination with sports. We are elated and validated when the team with which we identify ourselves wins and sometimes fall into despair or rage when they lose. It's part of our linear and spatial orientation of our psyche. The male ego is a very fragile thing and perhaps the most delicate part is our sexuality. The idea that you women might find us lacking relative to other men in the area of providing you with optimum sexual pleasure and performance is one of the most devastating of of possibilities.
That females play a very powerful role in natural selection is easily confirmed when watching the mating rituals of animals shown on televised nature programs. Often you see males parading before females showing their capabilities whether it is display of physical dominance or the most eye catching plummage. The female selection, the narration tells us, is based upon their shopping list of qualities that they prefer to have passed on to their progeny. While we men admire and identify with the chosen, the idea that we might be the human equivalent of those males rejected by nature truly evokes angst within us.
It is hard for us to talk about our perceived inadequacies because to do so we become vulnerable. Actually vulnerability is a sign of strength because becoming vulnerable requires courage to face ourselves as we really are. We are socialized not to show any vulnerability and to keep a stiff upper lip as well as other parts of our anatomy when called into service. Vulnerability, we believe attracts the sharks in our world like blood in the water. Our training in this area starts when we are quite young. I am sure you have heard parents give the familiar refrain to to their crying pre-schooler sons, "Big boys don't cry."
Perhaps this exercise of observation and soul baring will give you insight into what goes on in our heads. As important as feeling loved is to you women so is feeling respected and admired by you is to us.
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I was in a band once, that required everyone to wear ties. I can't play fiddle with that knot around my neck, so I refused. They kicked me out, and my replacement was so bad, they wanted me back. I told them I would, if they got rid of the ties. They didn't, and I didn't.
Matter of fact -- I have a hard time breathing with a tie on. Screw em. Don't know how the *professional guys* do it day after day. Guess that is why they get the
*big bucks*.
As far as *sitting with testicles* goes, it is done gently and with great care!!
:D :D
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Do any of you guys wonder anything about the gals?
What is it like to get a permanent in your hair? shave the back of your legs where you can't see? wear a bra all day? get a mammogram? what does it feel like to put makeup on your face?
Maybe LG was right that people wonder but just don't want to talk about it. That's ok with me, as I said, I was just wondering!
dmiller - you're a hoot! "very gently" of course, and I wouldn't want you to be any different.
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I could see where, a pitcher on the mound going through those overly-exagerated pitches raising his legs up to chest-height with each pitch, would easily re-arrange your underwear with each pitch.
I no longer work terribly physically active. but just doing 'things' it is not un-coomon for a man's underwear to become re-arranged when you also have various loosely hanging items also in that same underwear.
If you had nothing in that same underwear, I could easily see where you might never become re-arranged under-neath.
We once had a conversation months ago, about the difficulties of using a toilet. A round toilet bowl, means there is a 'question' of where a man puts is plumbing when he sits. Outside means you might leak onto the floor. Inside means you dangle up against the inside of the bowl, or down into the water-puddle. Either way if anything is dropped into the water-puddle it is going to splash your plumbing. I dont think that women are concerned with this, as they dont have anything hanging down into the bowl.
I have had to wear ties. You get used to them.
I was never able to get used to shaving. Shave once at 5am, then again by noon I would have to shave again. After a week my neck is so raw and I have in-grown hairs, curling and twisting, growing under-neath the skin, getting infected. During my last tour of duty (as an MP) I had to shave twice a day for three years, by the end of the first year I was constantly broken out and infected, with drainage on my neck. My last day on active-duty was the last day that I have shaved. Fortunately most of my career was spent at sea, so I was able to grow a beard.
Is any of this, what you were expecting?
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Galen I wasn't really expecting anything. I was just wondering what men think about that they cannot possibly duplicate, such as how does it feel to get a mammogram.
Now I understand why men hate shaving better than I did before. My father and husband never had that kind of beard so it was not so difficult. Now I know. Maybe every male hates shaving but does it anyway because they "have to".
I also kind of envy my son in law, how he can toss his son up in the air. They laugh so hard. And it build's such trust in Anthony and his giggle is so commanding. I wish I could play with him like that just to hear him giggle...but I don't have that kind of brute strength!
Edited by krysilisLink to comment
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This is a topic I just can't pass on. :lol:
Sure I wonder what it would like to be a guy. To never have to deal with that monthly mess. Though, as much as I hated it, I wouldn't want to give up the experience of being pregnant. To never have to wear a bra or nylons (I actually think the latter is more uncomfortable than the former).
I wonder what it is like to walk the streets at night without fear - or at least certain fears. To have less worries about gaining weight or getting grey hairs. And yes, the sexual aspect of it would be intresting too, is it the same? different? how would it be different?
At the same time, I'm not so sure I want to experience being the one who is usually expected to be the "aggressor/initiator" in romantic relationships and face the possibility of so much rejection. Though, it would have been nice to be able to be the initiator without being viewed as "easy" or "whore".
I think shaving my legs is far less uncomfortable than shaving my face would be. BUT I'd rather shave my face than certain other body parts.
Oh Krys, I could take this conversation way beyond what is probably the proper boundaries for this board. B)
Okay - gonna reply to some of the others separately.
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Brother Speed
Nope, I'm happy to never know what it's like to be a woman. I am and have always been glad to have been born male.
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"I no longer work terribly physically active. but just doing 'things' it is not un-coomon for a man's underwear to become re-arranged when you also have various loosely hanging items also in that same underwear.
If you had nothing in that same underwear, I could easily see where you might never become re-arranged under-neath."
Oh trust me, underwear become re-arranged on women too - and it's damned uncomfortable. We just excuse ourselves and adjust in private. Can you imagine the looks we'd get if we adjutsed in public? :o
"We once had a conversation months ago, about the difficulties of using a toilet. A round toilet bowl, means there is a 'question' of where a man puts is plumbing when he sits. Outside means you might leak onto the floor. Inside means you dangle up against the inside of the bowl, or down into the water-puddle. Either way if anything is dropped into the water-puddle it is going to splash your plumbing. I dont think that women are concerned with this, as they dont have anything hanging down into the bowl."
Ah - but there is little worse than sitting down on a wet seat
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Well.. now that you ask..
To be a woman for a day..
I'll admit, I always wondered. What they think, what THEIR hormones do to them.. what motivates them to clean, pluck, wax, color hair..
What DRIVES some of them to lose that last pound and a half..
what motivates some of them to wear the MOST uncomfortable shoes designed by the mind of man..
to know what they really are thinking when they giggle..
and cry..
to figure out what REALLY p*sses them off..
and what doesn't
Well, if I knew all that.. life would be sooooo boring, I suppose..
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Ron G.
Krysilis wonders...
"How do men who do it wear ties all day?"
Many men who do it don't wear ties and many men who don't do it wear ties, although a lot of men who don't do it have special neckwear such as Catholic priests.
I, personally, have never worn a tie while doing it.
As for baseball players, they wear plastic cups over the parts and that helps them to do it when they aren't playing baseball. These cups need to be adjusted frequently.
They can't do it while wearing the cup and this might explain why they don't wear ties while playing baseball. Ties need to be adjusted frequently, also.
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Brother Speed
I've never done it wearing a tie! :lol:
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oh my! "Doing it" had nothing to do with my wondering.
Now you've got the idea. I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that we should live vicariously and describe that which cannot be described! I just wondered what everybody wondered!
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George Aar
Well, I'll try to give some insight into the tremendously convoluted workings of the male mind (at least from my perspective).
When we're hungry we often think something like "Gee, I'd like to get something to eat".
If we're tired, a common thought would be "Gosh, I'd sure like to get some rest".
If we're horny, the thought process would be something along the lines of "Boy, I'd sure like to get laid".
If we're short of cash, the predominant thought would be something like "Wow, I need to make some money!"
And so on...
Yeah, we're a complicated lot, that's fer sure...
And as far as sitting "on" them, trust me, we don't do that - EVER!
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Stayed Too Long
For the longest time rejection from women bothered me to the point of dispare. Of course I also had a very low self esteem problem. When turned down for a date it would take weeks before I would ask someone else out. I felt like a complete loser. Many times I wished it was the woman who did the asking and the man who did the accepting.
In many learning situations it would be nice to be a woman. If a woman doesn't catch on, trainers are much more patient with woman than men. Especially if the trainer is male, he will often times go out of way to help the "fairer sex".
It would be nice to have someone stop when my car is not running or the tire is flat, and fix it for me.
Sexually I would like to experience multiple orgasms in a relative short period of time. And to go over next weeks ball game schedule while having sex.
Wonder how it feels, while getting a hair cut, to enjoy the conversation or pick up a magazine and read it?
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Ahhhhhh, the other sex....... :P
Yeppers! I've wondered:
What's it like to write your name in the snow
To never have to wait in line for the bathroom
To never have to shave your legs or tweeze your eyebrows
To not have to worry about your weight
To be able to lose weight just by "cutting back a little" for a week or so
To be part of the "Good Ole Boy" club
To not have so may obstacles to getting promoted
To have someone of the opposite sex make eye contact with you instead of staring at your chest.
To have the very hard responsibility of asking the girl out
To have the burden of supporting and protecting your family
To have the priviledge of playing golf as a "business meeting"
To make business deals in the locker room
To not worry about panty lines
To be able to use "It's Sunday and the game/the race is on" as an excuse for doing nothing
To experience the pressure to be "macho" and never cry
To get majorly aroused just by thinking of sex
Yeah, I've wondered about it a little.... ;)
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"I'll admit, I always wondered. What they think, what THEIR hormones do to them.. "
We're thinking stay the hell out of my way or I'm gonna clock you!!!!! OR We're really really awnting to get laid. Sometimes its both at the same time. LOL LOL
Actually, kidding aside, it is amazing, wonderful, and sometimes terrifying the effect our hormones can have on our lives. They can leave us depressed and crying for no known reason, they can cause us to "nest" and clean like crazy, they can cause us to be aroused, angry, in love. . . .
"what motivates them to clean, pluck, wax, color hair..
What DRIVES some of them to lose that last pound and a half..
what motivates some of them to wear the MOST uncomfortable shoes designed by the mind of man.."
Men, of course. And other women too. We know you men are very visually oriented and we want to look attractive for the one we are with or the one we hope to be with. Like men, who often compete and business and sports, women compete too. We compete over shows, clothing, hair styles, etc.
And eventually, as we mature, we do it simply because we feel better when we look our best.
"to know what they really are thinking when they giggle.."
We are either thinking you are absolutely gorgeous or absolutely ridiculous.
"and cry.."
That we are unloved, hurt, unappreciated, or on the good side, touched by something very deeply.
"to figure out what REALLY p*sses them off.."
That's easy - MEN
:P :P :lol:
"Yeah, we're a complicated lot, that's fer sure..."
See George, I think it would be wonderful to be so simplistic. When a woman is hungry, she has to torture herself over what to eat, how many calories, how much fat, etc.
But then again, getting laid is often much easier for us than it is for men. ;)
"Many times I wished it was the woman who did the asking and the man who did the accepting. "
In some ways I think it would be easier this way too. Better than waiting and hoping he will ask.
"Especially if the trainer is male, he will often times go out of way to help the "fairer sex". "
This may be, but those same trainers/bosses are often times less likely to promote a woman than a man.
"Sexually I would like to experience multiple orgasms in a relative short period of time. "
Okay I have to ask the women out there, how many of you actually experience this? I tend to think that while this may be physically possible for many women, it is built up to be a big deal by the porn industry and in real life, most of us are content with one good orgasm.
I'm just having way too much fun with this thread!!!!!
"To never have to wait in line for the bathroom"
you can actually experience this. You just have to learn the proper squating technique so you don't pee all over your shoes :blink: :blink:
"To be part of the "Good Ole Boy" club"
I don't know about the "good ole boy" club in the traditional sense. But I love the way men can hang out together without having to "talk serious" or talk make-up and clothes. They way they can just hang out in front of the TV or play a game of cards and hang.
"To have someone of the opposite sex make eye contact with you instead of staring at your chest."
Now that is something I would LOVE to experience!!! I wonder what men would think if we stared at their crotch instead of trying to look them in the eye. :o
"To experience the pressure to be "macho" and never cry"
I'm not sure I would like that. While I am not a public crier, it is good to get it out, I'd hate to have to hold it all inside.
"To get majorly aroused just by thinking of sex"
And we wonder why women can multitask and men can't. It's cause they are ALWAYS multi-tasking. They are thinking of sex all the while they are doing anything else they do! B)
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and at the same time, we have to decide how hard we're willing to work and how much we feel like cleaning up afterwards
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That's why microwave ovens were invented!!
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I know one or two absolutely brilliant women! Most of their capabilities will never be tapped because they are moderately good looking. If they looked like Janet Reno, they'd have a chance.
I wonder what it would really be like to be respected for my mind! Seriously...no pun intended. Seriously, before the accident when I was younger, I could compete among many intellectual gymnists and often hold my own. I can't do that anymore, but if I still had that abiliby, how would my life been different if I tapped my intellect in a laboratory rather than teaching.
Tom Castildo and I had similar grades and we were lab partners for years. He could remember minutia and I was good at problem solving. So - - we had similar intellects, and almost identical knowledge having been schooled in the same small institution. I had better manual dexterity. We both applied for the same entry level position. He got the job and I didn't. Of course that was 40 years ago, but you get the idea.
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Stayed Too Long
It would be nice to have the patience woman have when working with children. They don't show so much stress when being with a child all day long.
Woman have the ability to comfort people better than men in times of pain and distress.
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That's the whole point!!!
Must be some secret code between wimen.. only they can understand.. :D
Not gonna tell ME, noooooooo..
Edited by Mr. HammeroniLink to comment
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What's it like to have to pee in front of everyone else in the bathroom?
How hard is it to keep from looking around given men's general concern about size?
What's it like to grow up not being able to be modest if a guy plays sports?
What's it like to want to act in theater, dance or do other things considered less than masculine in the eyes of some narrow minded members of society?
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May not bother others, but I Never got used to it.. after forty years.. still "weird"..
From one who had the athletic prowess of a Carp, I could never tell you..From one who could dance like a Carp, I couldn't tell you anything about this either..
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
just a thought
up here in maine we call it "lobster logic"
my wife came home with a new permanent the other day
she looked lovely
but she will be going back for another in a few months
why don't they call it a temperary?? and as some of us older guys know{57 today} the lovely wife is hot to trot all the time and so are we but now i know what the saying, the spririt is willing but the flesh is weak means!! B)
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"We once had a conversation months ago, about the difficulties of using a toilet. A round toilet bowl, means there is a 'question' of where a man puts is plumbing when he sits. Outside means you might leak onto the floor. Inside means you dangle up against the inside of the bowl, or down into the water-puddle."
OK, either Galen is exaggerating or I fear I am woefully inadequate.
That's another thing ladies. Most men brag about the size of their schlong, the bigger the better. I suppose the reason we engage in such penile olympics is that somewhere between our ears we are convinced that the bigger, the more desirable we are as lovers.
As you probably have noticed men like to measure themselves against each other. I am convinced that is the basis of our fascination with sports. We are elated and validated when the team with which we identify ourselves wins and sometimes fall into despair or rage when they lose. It's part of our linear and spatial orientation of our psyche. The male ego is a very fragile thing and perhaps the most delicate part is our sexuality. The idea that you women might find us lacking relative to other men in the area of providing you with optimum sexual pleasure and performance is one of the most devastating of of possibilities.
That females play a very powerful role in natural selection is easily confirmed when watching the mating rituals of animals shown on televised nature programs. Often you see males parading before females showing their capabilities whether it is display of physical dominance or the most eye catching plummage. The female selection, the narration tells us, is based upon their shopping list of qualities that they prefer to have passed on to their progeny. While we men admire and identify with the chosen, the idea that we might be the human equivalent of those males rejected by nature truly evokes angst within us.
It is hard for us to talk about our perceived inadequacies because to do so we become vulnerable. Actually vulnerability is a sign of strength because becoming vulnerable requires courage to face ourselves as we really are. We are socialized not to show any vulnerability and to keep a stiff upper lip as well as other parts of our anatomy when called into service. Vulnerability, we believe attracts the sharks in our world like blood in the water. Our training in this area starts when we are quite young. I am sure you have heard parents give the familiar refrain to to their crying pre-schooler sons, "Big boys don't cry."
Perhaps this exercise of observation and soul baring will give you insight into what goes on in our heads. As important as feeling loved is to you women so is feeling respected and admired by you is to us.
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