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Editing Posts is an Essential Privilege


Previous Editing Privileges Revoked?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Editing is an established privilege on Greasespot, and should remain in place.

    • Let us edit our posts, when and as we see fit
    • Nothing doing, anything we post can and will and SHOULD be held against us for all eternity
    • what am edit?

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Well Satori, I was actually thinking more of people who make a number of abusive posts, and then delete them a few hours later before they have had the chance to sober up.

Actually, I agree more with your opinion anyway...that people should be allowed to edit their post to infinity, if there is still a gs cafe that far down the road, anyway. :)

But then on the other hand, I really DO hate it when a whole entire thread makes non sense because someone deleted every poast they made on that thread.

But since I rarely edit posts, I'll leave that up to the rest of you to decide. Either way is fine with me.



Edited because I can!

Edited by Bluzeman
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  ChattyKathy said:
When do we arrive at the point we say I'm responsible not the moderator for my behavior? Editing required by the moderator should fall under grace on his/her part. If we can't abide by the common courtesy law around here why should they abide by the grace to manage our bad behavior? And there is a huge difference between having a bad time and saying things we regret and repeated remarks to ones that love and care or wouldn't be there in the first place.

A couple of things aren't clear to me. First of all, for those who believe that individuals are responsible only to and for themselves, why even enter into a social arrangement? Anyone can type out anything he wants to say on his own word processor; edit, delete, rearrange, erase, re-word, bitch, moan, gripe, complain, swear at the gods and at the universe, whatever suits you. Be as vulgar, or as candid, or as nasty as you please -- you've got total freedom, and no one to answer to. Perfect arrangement for those who think their words don't extend beyond themselves. For those who enjoy interaction, who want to be read and understood, who like social arrangments, there are things like internet discussion boards, and each has its own quirks. If one is too restrictive, another is not. To me, it's a matter of finding the right one to fit my personality. Or adjusting my own expectations and preferences if I have other reasons to post at a particular one.

Automatic settings are fair and impartial. They don't know or care or take into account or make judgments about whether a particular person drinks or doesn't drink, whether he is gay or Way-brained or verbose or annoying or popular, he is welcome to post within the parameters of a few automatic functions. No decision needs to be made by any administrator or moderator, who brings his own preferences and prejudices into the process, about the fate of any one poster. He decides his own fate, based on whether or not he is comfortable with and can tolerate the restrictions or the freedoms of any particular message board.

Because GreaseSpot is a social arrangement, the way I see it, the alternative to Time Limits is to ban the posters who repeatedly make a nuisance out of themselves. Having time limits preserves their freedom to post. It may inconvenience others, but, overall, it is actually less restrictive, less damning of those who have personality quirks of their own.

Edited by laleo
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You did well for not being clear and thank you for that.

Your question First of all, for those who believe that individuals are responsible only to and for themselves, why even enter into a social arrangement? rather states what I was saying. If we aren't responsible for our words in a social setting why should we expect someone to be responsible for them on our behalf?

Automatic settings can allow for extra work for moderators like in this example because if I chose not to control my tongue towards the greasespot community within a two hour limit of my spewing it and as Satori mentioned the first offended reader reports it at that moment in time the moderator takes on extra work.

Perhaps they enjoy going into our posts and taking out the bad words we called each other while not in our best state of mind and this is beating a dead horse (gosh what a saying right?) but I've held silent on this issue of abuse towards each other long enough. If I hurt feelings or .... people off in the process well then I reckon I'll regret it come 2 hours from now.

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Kathy, I'm not totally following you. I see the editing time limits and the issue of abusive posters as two separate problems, sometimes related, but one doesn't cause or solve the other.

Back awhile ago, when the search function was all awry, I asked Paw why I couldn't search anymore. From what he explained (not that I totally understood the techno-babble), the search function was crippled by the edit function. In other words, the more people edit, the more it screws up the search function. Now, that may not be an issue for some, but I like using the search function to find new posts, or find old posts, or to find certain people's posts, or for whatever. So when others heavily edit and delete their posts, it affects my use of the forum. I couldn't care less what they're saying to each other, I just wish they would leave it up on the board so that I can use the features I like to use. Plus, practically everyone is irritated by the annihiliated threads.

Now, as far as whether someone decides to "spew," anyone who spews often enough at enough people will likely end up causing a headache for the admin whether they delete their own posts or not. I'm not following what you're saying as far as that goes. If someone can't or won't "control [his] tongue towards the greasespot community," two hours, ten hours, two months, or ten years isn't going to solve that issue. Two hours may help, in that if Paw gets complaints that someone is consistently abusive, he can read it himself and decide for himself if the posts, in context, constitute "abuse."

Anyway, not that it matters, but, so far, the arguments presented on this thread have done more to convince me that having a time-limit is long overdue.

Edited by laleo
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You brought up some interesting points. I'd not considered the search option getting whacked out but makes loads of sense sure. And yes I do believe we are in agreement no one likes having threads annihilated. And we agree (I think in part) as well regarding bad behavior reaping less interest in engaging in conversation so I think we're growing closer even if you and I still don't quite know how to speak each others language. ;)

But I'm not yet convinced. I still want the option to edit myself but I'm listening, I really am.

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One thing I would like to point out is that almost every post here has been edited. Something I would like to suggest is that we get a 10 minute *grace period* after hitting "enter"/ or "add reply" (such as was in place on the other site), so that we can fix small typos, etc. and not have it show up as an edit.

I only have the reply screen here, and I see things better once they are posted (full screen size), rather than this smaller page to post on.

Perhaps the *front end* of the edit feature could be *edited* too??


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I think what Paw is saying is there is no edit grace time. If you go back into your post it will reflect edit.

And if you don't want a new post to be combined with your pervious post if you wait 10 minutes before you do Add Reply it will not add to the previous rather it will be a stand alone post.

I hope that made sense dear.

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"new post to be combined with your previous post"

edit grace time and new combined with old.............uh huh

if it's new how can it also be previous?

Is this that math where the end is the beginning and the beginning is also the end? The number 1 or some such silliness.

Positive is negative.

The barefoot boy with boots on.

Pull up a chair and sit on the floor.

Makes perfect sense to me.


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  pawtucket said:
IF you post in a thread and THEN post again within TEN minutes of the FIRST post, your 2nd post AND your 1st post will become ONE.

And if you do it three times, then you will understand the mystery of the trinity.

You will be enlightened.

Or perhaps, you will be confused.

Edit: Each of the above three lines was posted as a separate post. The three became one.

Edited by LG
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I'm feeling enlightened already :blink:

Hey your right

My three became juan er one

Have I achieved the highest plateau of Greasespotiness?

I'd like to thank the Cafe Board for this priviledge (even tho it's just a two by four that looks kinda like Paw)


Edited by Wonton Soup
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  Wonton Soup said:
I'd like to thank the Cafe Board for this priviledge (even tho it's just a two by four that looks kinda like Paw)

I understand that Paw prefers calling that two by four a stud. (Whether that's a delusion of grandeur or not, I don't know.)

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