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spanish flu epidemic of 1918


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We can't seem to get a handle on disasters until they've happened.

In 1918, the "Spanish flu," so-called because it got more coverage in Spain during the tight, WWI censorship, circled the globe.

It struck with amazing speed, often killing its victims within just hours of the first signs of infection. So fast did the 1918 strain overwhelm the body's natural defenses, that the usual cause of death in influenza patients---a secondary infection of lethal pneumonia---oftentimes never had a chance to establish itself. Instead, the virus caused an uncontrollable hemorrhaging that filled the lungs, and patients would drown in their own body fluids.
Not only was the Spanish Flu strikingly virulent, but it displayed an unusual preference in its choice of victims---tending to select young healthy adults over those with weakened immune systems, as in the very young, the very old, and the infirm. The normal age distribution for flu mortality was completely reversed, and had the effect of gouging from society's infrastructure the bulk of those responsible for its day to day maintenance. No wonder people thought the social order was breaking down. It very nearly did.

It killed hundreds? Thousands? No, millions. Actually, 30-40 million around the world. Puts hurricanes and tsunamis in perspective, doesn't it?

For two years, a very bad strain of flu has been killing birds, and about 60 humans too. Scientists say it's only a matter of time, not if but when, before one of the trillions of trillions of little virii makes the genetic leap to become a human contagion and the physical leap to some poor, Chinese peasant, whose chickens were infected by some wild bird. From the peasant to his family, to his village, to the local city, to the capital, to the world capitals, in a matter of weeks or even days.

They say it could be this winter. Thought you'd want to know. Surgical masks will be in short supply.

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Did you just watch Nightline? I was flipping through channels and heard them talking about it. Sobering, for sure, especially since I (re)read Camus' The Plague not too long ago. Hard to imagine it spreading here. From the few minutes I listened, they said they have enough of whatever it is they have (anti-viral medication, or maybe a vaccine) to treat a few thousand, but not nearly enough for as many as might be infected. Somebody ought to be doing something to prepare, but who? And what?

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When I was in Cambodia last year this was all that was on the news.

The stories always developed the same way too. First they'd say that the flu had been discovered in some country's chicken population, then the health minister of that country would make a statement that there was no cause for alarm, everything was under control, they'd caught the outbreak in time and everything was going to be just fine. The next day they'd say that, well they would have to exterminate a few more birds, but not to worry. Then, the day after that they'd say that, actually, everything was totally out of their control and that they'd be destroying and burning every bird in the country immediately. Then they'd start talking about the humans who'd died as a result of contact with the birds, then say that it was an isolated incident and not to worry. Then more people would die, and then they'd just quit talking altogether.

I saw it happen in China, then Thailand, then Viet Nam, then Indonesia. After that I came back home - and heard not another word.


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This virus has cost the poultry industry worldwide 10-15 billion in destroyed birds. That's a lot of birds.

By the way, people who died of Spanish flu died of hemmoraging. People who die of ebola (and related diseases) die of hemmoraging. They're different diseases, but it should put this "flu" in perspective. It's not your garden variety influenza that worries public health officials.

In a worst-case scenario, not everyone here at Greasespot will be around next year, and possibly quite a few, regardless of age or present health. Closed communities like TWI in New Knoxville could remain untouched, or could be wiped out, depending on how successfully they isolate themselves. Given their penchant for putting "believing" ahead of common sense, the Way woods may be re-opened for burials.

I know. What a morbid thought. But take a look around next time you're in a public restroom and you'll get some notion of the priority given to prevention by the average idiot. You know the saying about "one bad apple." It refers to a spoiled apple, which is an apple with a "disease," so to speak.

The government should be mobilizing, NOW. So far, all we get is warnings.

By the way, these diseases are found in many areas where there is poverty and ignorance, and the breeding ground for fundamentalist Islamism. It's followers have expressed an interest in biological weapons. Why wouldn't one infect himself and then come here before the symptoms begin to show? Hell, they blow themselves up. What's the difference to them?

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I watched something similar last night, maybe it was the same thing.

They finally isolated the critter harboring the SARS virus. It was a bat native to China. In China, live animals are brought to market and killed there when sold. All kinds of animals are brought together who ordinarily would never visit each other in the wild, at least never in such large numbers.

It seems that birds will pick up almost any virus and many times not get sick from it. However, for some reason, the virus tends to mutate in the bird, and then, this mutated version is transmitted around to other animals including us. The only solution in China is to stop selling bats at open markets, but I don't think that's too likely.

I heard there were about 2 million Tamiflu doses in the country. I don't know if that's the total, or if that's what's left over after emergency personel have their dose. The only way that quantity will increase significantly is if somebody puts enormous funding down to begin production; it's expensive to do, and it's not easy.

If there is a stable culture of Spanish flu around, 10 years ago would have been a good time to start looking for a vaccine. Once you know what vaccine works, it also takes almost a year to produce sufficient quantities.

I think bacteria and viruses are a greater threat to mankind than nuclear weapons in the long run!

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The maker of Tamaflu is a Swiss company and they are now filling orders on a "first come - first served" basis and the USA is nowhere near the top of that list, according to the news.

So what has been the catalyst to bring all of this out in the open and create this sense of urgency and media induced panic? Is it because the "inevitable" has finally happened to New Orleans? Is it the increase in natural disasters? Are people of influence and action finally being promoted to important positions where they can cause change?

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Good posts, all.

Anybody else think that a healthy "fear" is sometimes appropriate? Of course, we can define fear here as natural anxiety in the face of a potentially devastating threat, which propels one out of one's apathetic lethargy and into action.

Not enough fear out there.

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Actually, George, that happened in Pennsylvania just as you described. It was nothing to be concerned about, of course, but a few infected chickens were found on one farm in Lancaster County, but it was a minor outbreak, so minor that the Pa. Dept. of Health issued a statewide warning. Then they killed all the chickens not only from that farm, but from a wide area in Central Pa. (but, not to worry, it was just a minor precaution). Then they put an export ban on all chicken products from Pennsylvania. Nothing to be concerned about, though. Everything is under control. Just lots and lots of dead chickens. Hardly worth mentioning. In fact, it got very little media attention.

They recently lifted the ban on Pa. exports. Something to think about.

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Anybody else think that a healthy "fear" is sometimes appropriate? Of course, we can define fear here as natural anxiety in the face of a potentially devastating threat, which propels one out of one's apathetic lethargy and into action.

Not enough fear out there.

satori, I never know how much fear is healthy, and how much is paralyzing. I mean, if I thought about it long enough, I wouldn't eat because of the health risk -- between mad cow disease, avian flu, and migrant workers touching my vegetables. Have you ever seen migrant workers? Back when I lived in Florida, there was a large Haitian population who worked on farms. The ones I knew and saw weren't big on hygiene. They also had an uncontrolled outbreak of AIDs, and this was long before it was really clear what caused AIDs and how it spread. Since then, I've always washed my fruits and vegetables as if I'm washing the dishes -- in a sink full of sudsy water. I'd probably soak them in bleach, too, if that didn't present a health hazard of its own.

I don't know. If I consider all the risks, I spend too much time thinking about how to avoid death, and forget to live.

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