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GreaseSpot Cafe

August STS


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Get out your barf bag! Someone loaned me their STS tape from last month to try to prove to me that TWI was better. What I heard was the same ole – same ole. This could have been a tape from two or three years ago – in fact, I had to check the date on the tape to make sure it wasn’t! Anyway, here are some notes I took from the tape. I skipped through parts of it, but I think you’ll see enough to recognize the same BS we listened to in TWI 2.

I haven't finished, but I also don't want this to get too long for people to read. :D

I've tried to be consistent in keeping my comments in italics and stuff from my notes in regular or bold.

August 7

Emcee: Chavoustie

Opening prayer is exactly the same and they are still only calling God, “Almighty God”, “Heavenly Father” or just plain “Father”. This was an edict given ex cathdra by the spitting son of Belial before his demise

-Almighty God, our Heavenly Father

-Thank you for Your Son

-Thank you for the path he blazed

-Thank you for the accuracy, integrity and solidity of your wonderful, matchless word

-In this day and time

-Stand upon

-Solid foundation upon which to stand

-Walk out with resolve and with commitment

-Thank you for the BOD

-Thank you for continuing to work in them mightily

-Thank you for our teacher

-For all the Word He has worked in his heart

-Thank you for those who joined us here

Visiting by bus and by car are believers and guests from the Cleveland, Toledo, Bowling Green and Miami Valley Branches

So, they’re still forcing people to caravan into HQ. Gawd, that bus ride from FL up there was awful! I told my ex when we got there that next time we were flying!! I wanted to fly home, but he wouldn’t let me.

-Thank you, Way Productions. That was tremendous!

How many times did we hear that?? Even after they played songs that are over 10 years old….

What better way could there be to redeem the time than to listen to the great teachings from God’s word - the edifying and encouraging Way Prod - on the Sunday Teaching Service?

Did you know the rightly-divided word has been sounding out from International Headquarters through the Sunday Teaching Service tapes for over 40 years? … Starting back in the ‘60s…..the Sunday Teaching Service tapes have enabled men … to stay tapped into the heart of headquarters.

Still pushing the tapes and using them to brainwash yourself by listening to them over and over again. These tapes have helped men & women, not God. Did anyone see that? Also, the same freaking terms used over and over again! Can’t they get at least a few new words in their vocabulary?

What better way could there be to introduce a new person to our Biblical research, teaching, and fellowship ministry than by showing them a recent copy of the Sunday Teaching Service?

We’re not concerned about teaching people about God or just helping them. Nope, you want to introduce them to the ministry. Sell them on TWI. That’s your goal! Get it! Got it? Good!

Prayer for money

Same stuff here.

-Heavenly Father

-Thank you for all your goodness to us

-Your bountiful supply to US, your people

-We walk out on the great and precious promises of your word

-Thank you for the confidence and trust that we can have in Your ability to supply

-That you can supply our each and every need according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

-Thank you, “Father” for this abundant sharing for the continued outreach of the prevailing Word

The Teaching: Don Lomax

Building Biblical Understanding: Walking Worthy for God

- Very thankful to the Board of Directors for the privilege to teach God’s Word

- Our topic of emphasis is The Rise and Expansion of the Christian Church in the First Century and in this teaching, we want to consider how can God’s Word expand with greater impact

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:10

-Considered and thought about the impact that our ministry has already had over the years.

Over the past 60 something years … ministry …. had tremendous success and impact in reaching people with God’s word. As a ministry, we have accomplished what God inspired in the heart of our founding president, Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille—the Word over the World. That is impressive!! We have moved God’s Word over the World.

Still promulgating this lie!

In the November/December 1995 Way Magazine, there was a “Prevailing Word Report” regarding this great accomplishment. … International travel and electronic communications have virtually eliminated the geographic barriers of our day and time. Language and cultural barriers have been substantially minimized as well, thereby making God’s Word available to anyone who hungers and thirsts after righteousness.

Like TWI actually used any “electronic communications” to accomplish that ethereal goal….

We have moved God’s Word over the world. I think about the internet. The Word is available on www.theway.org. Just sign on!

BUT, only sign on to that site! Don’t build your own. Don’t go to anyone else’s. And for God’s sake – STAY AWAY FROM THE CAFÉ or you’ll get POSSESSED!!

It’s been over ten years since we have accomplished that awesome vision and goal of the Word over the World. Now, we are taking the prevailing Word to the world. How can God’s Word expand with a greater impact? By each individual believer putting on more of God’s Word.

Same stale answer! “Put on more of the word!” WTF???

The more God’s word grows and abounds in our lives and in our fellowship, the more it can expand with a greater impact in our day and time. It can have great impact in the lives of the people we know and love in our communities … wherever we might live. That’s how we do it; we put on more of God’s word in our minds individually and collectively first, and then we move out holding forth the greatness of God’s Word with all boldness and we will see God’s word expand with even greater impact in our day and time.

Does that say anything practical? Does that give any specifics? I thought this was a “how to” ministry! This is the same vague b.s. rhetoric they’ve been shelling out for as long as I can remember…. “put on more of the word” – “hold forth the word” – “make a great impact” blah, blah, blah….that doesn’t teach people anything!

As we delve into the great accuracy and integrity of this word, we’ll see in doctrine and in practice what it is first to walk worthy—what does it mean to walk worthy? Then we’ll go to Acts and we’ll see some of the practical benefits and blessings of walking worthy of the Lord—in particular, walking in peace, walking edified and walking with respect for God and in the comfort of the holy spirit.

He never does give concrete answers for these points he says he’s going to cover.

The theme verse:

For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding: Colossians 1:9

“Filled” means to be filled to capacity. We fill our minds and hearts with God’s Word.

“In all wisdom” indicates that we are not only filled with knowledge but “wisdom”

Wisdom means knowledge applied. It’s not just getting a bunch of head knowledge of God’s Word. Wisdom means knowledge applied, the right application of knowledge. It is skillful application.

Pity they don’t teach THAT! See any TWIts actually DOING anything? All I see and hear and remember being told is to share all that “head knowledge” they pushed on us.

“Spiritual understanding” which is the opposite of natural knowledge.

Spiritual means things that belong to or proceed from the Spirit Who is God.


Spiritual understanding is a byproduct of building our Biblical understanding. We build our Biblical understanding and we get that great spiritual understanding, because these words in God’s Word are spirit and they are life.

I thought GOD gave us spiritual understanding.

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:10

“That” is purpose. ….

Later “that” is “impact”, but TWI doesn’t P.I. – right!

So we are filled with this knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that…. God not only wants us to be filled with the knowledge of his will - he wants us to increase. So you get filled and you increase. That’s tremendous!

Does anyone see anything of value in this section? It sounds like bombastic repetition to me.

“Worthy” means balanced. It is a balanced walk. The balance is in knowing the doctrine, the true standard, God’s Word, and then doing it, living it, and practicing it. \

Again, pity they don’t actually practice what they preach.

“Unto all pleasing:” Hebrews 11:6: “But without faith (believing), it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Believing pleases God. We believe God’s Word—that is pleasing to Him.

“Fruitful;” we can be fruitful. Fruit is good! We want to be fruitful in every good work.

“Increasing:” we want to grow from the vitality inside in God’s Word, by that knowledge of God’s Word.

Victor Paul Wierwille wrote from God’s Magnified Word, page 16:

“We walk worthy of the lord by being fruitful. Not only fruitful, but increasing in the knowledge of God. The more knowledge of God’s word we have, the more fruitful in every good work we can become. The knowledge of the Word and its application will produce fruit.”

That’s the practical application of walking worthy of the Lord. You increase, you put on more of God’s word, and then you apply more of that word. Your life will produce fruit.

Okay, this was 30 minutes of listening to the same stuff being said twenty ways to Sunday….what a waste!

God has no favorites. This is how we benefit from the greatness of God’s Word. As we apply these principles faithfully, we reap the results. This is how any of us grow.

God has no favorites, eh? No favorites INSIDE TWI, you mean, but we know that isn’t true either. Apply principles faithfully aka do what we tell you those principles are or you’re screwed.

Edited by Belle
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Thank you for CONTINUING to work in them mightily

The bod, that is..

CONTINUING? kinda assumes a lot.. that somehow, He's worked in them mightily all along.. who in the world are they trying to kid???

Probably just themselves..

Good grief..

They'd be better off praying for their lawyers..

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I've heard these words before---

Back in 1982 or was it 1983? maybe 1984? could have been 1985? 1986? 1987?

I mean they are the same canned phrases, the same buzzwords even the same reasearch.

I mean if the ministry is what you believe don't you thinkit is time that a little "Meat" was preached instead of just more Milk???? :huh:

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Good morning, wonderful Belle of the South..

Thanks (?) for transcribing this little "gem", you've got more intestinal fortitude than I could ever muster up! :)

Well, at least I was warned.. barf bag sitting right here by my easy chair..

Hard to read even the comments, but Groucho.. I think I like yours best.. :lol:

Thank you, “Father” for this abundant sharing for the continued outreach of the prevailing Word

"continued"(???) outreach (where in God's name?) prevailing (don't wanna go there..)" word.

Good grief.. nothing's changed..

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Opening prayer is exactly the same and they are still only calling God, “Almighty God”, “Heavenly Father” or just plain “Father”. This was an edict given ex cathdra by the spitting son of Belial before his demise

since you mentioned me i just had to respond dear belle

no offense but you really should have told me to get out more than one barf bag. i could not even read your whole post..... sowwy my friend....

Edited by excathedra
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..."Thank you Way productions, that was tremendous"

ummmm....I always thought that Way productions was a bit less than tremendous...but then again, I like Yucko the clown. :rolleyes:

I rented this stupid movie from Blockbuster...can't even remember the name of the stupid thing...but it starred Yucko...and he WAS funny.

Quote..."What better way could there be to introduce a new person to our Biblical research, teaching and fellowship ministry than by showing them a recent copy of the Sunday teaching service?"

Since you asked...How about showing them all the threads in the Grease Spot cafe, and what happens to a person who is foolish enough to put any stock in this cornfield cult?

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Thanks Belle.

I couldn't have waded through that tape to transcribe it.. . I couldn't even read your whole post.

Word Over the World? Have they forgotten that there are six BILLION people in the world? Do they really NOT Know that there are over 5.995 billion of the over six billion people in the world who have NEVER even heard of TWI?

Even here in Dayton, Ohio there might be like 100 people here who know anything about TWI. Of those people, like all but like six of them are X TWI folk.

2 X anti cult people and about four minister who heard of it a long time ago but really don't know much about it.


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God has no favorites.
Interesting that they can mouth it- why then can't they grow up and friggin act like it?? ptooie.
Thank you, Way Productions. That was tremendous!

I wonder why they don't phrase this as a question anymore. "wasn't that tremendous, folks?"

"Well, I guess so..."

A shout comes from the crowd:

"compared to WHAT???"

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Word over the world?

As I recall, this was the "lofty" goal of Veepee...

He compared his "ministry" to Paul's...that's quite a comparison.

How many people in the Christian world have heard of Paul of Tarsus?

How many people in the Christian world have heard of Veepee W, or LCM, or Rosalie Riverrat?

As HCW pointed out, there are over 6 billion people in this world.

I think that when Vic died, Martinfail realized that he would NEVER achieve the goal of word over the world...so instead of admitting that the goal was unattainable...he simply decided to arrogantly proclaim that we have achieved the goal! ...and a lot of people BELIEVED HIM!!!!!

If word over the world had anything to do with twi doctrine becoming the prevalent Christian dogma in the Christian world...they not only failed miserably, they were relegated to a position of almost total obscurity! Those who HAVE heard of twi's doctrine...have tossed them into the same cookie jar that contains the Moonies, the Hari Krishnas and other's of the same ilk.

Word over the world indeed!...Hey Rosie, if you reached the goal, then why has the number of twi followers fallen by about 90%??? Why did you have to sell off the Emporia and Rome city facilities???

You would think that by reaching your goal of WOW, people would be lined up trying to get into the meetings! The money should be rolling in by the truck full!

Talk about living in denial...these fakers live in a totally "pretend world"...it's a pathetic situation.

Another question for Rozilla...if the goal of word over the world has been achieved, then why did the man who led the ministry into this realized goal get defrocked and thrown out on his arse???

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