It is good to see those ladies sweating so hard to help America, and to thank the veterans.
I should swing by the next time I am in the neighborhood, just to thank them for their kind gesture.
In fact, I recommend that ALL the men who frequent Greasespot Cafe, to go The Midnight Bunny in Moundhouse and show our appreciation for their patriotism.
ET1 SS - USN Retired,
Knight of the Rose Croix,
Knight of the order of St Andrew,
Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine.
Does all that stuff after your name mean you are a Mason? I am a majority member of Job's Daughters and a former Rainbow Girl. Haven't made it to Eastern Star yet.
Nevada hails as the most unreligious state in the union -- fewest churched people, fewest churches, lowest charitable giving, etc. but this week in the newspaper we have this,
quote:Sparks mayor upset about new signs
Bel Willem
9/30/2003 11:06 pm
Infuriated that the word ?God? was cut from ?God Bless America? signs at Sparks City Hall to protect the city from a lawsuit, Mayor Tony Armstrong bought new signs Tuesday and posted them around the building.
?Personally, I?m very angry,? Armstrong said. ?It reaches right into my gut and into my heart. I guess I?m just an old red-necked Nevadan because I want the sign, and I want my sign to say, ?God bless America.??
The old signs ? most located in the licensing department as a tribute to Sept. 11, 2001, victims ? were cut over the summer when City Attorney Chet Adams expressed concerns that they might be construed as a governmental endorsement of religion.
Adams said recent events, such as the removal of a monument bearing the Ten Commandments from a courthouse in Alabama, made displaying the word ?God? inside City Hall imprudent. As a result, a city employee cut the word ?God? from the signs with scissors.
On Tuesday, Adams said he supported the mayor?s decision to replace the altered signs.
?If the city wants to do that and we get sued, I will aggressively defend the city in any way that I can,? Adams said. ?If we were to win, that would be wonderful; I would love to prevail in this type of a lawsuit.?
Armstrong?s decision to replace the signs Tuesday followed a deluge of angry phone calls and e-mails to City Hall from residents who opposed the sign cutting.
?That?s part of our country, God is part of our country,? said Sparks resident Mary Neary, a foster parent and stay-at-home mom. ?It?s not everybody?s belief, I understand that, but it?s the majority.?
After initially deciding to take the issue before the city council, Armstrong later decided to purchase new ?God Bless America? signs with his own money after calling city councilmen and gaining their approval.
Armstrong said that to comply with the open-meeting law, he probably would have had to include the issue on an agenda and take it to the council for a public discussion and vote.
?I guess if I get sued for breaking the open meeting law, then I get sued,? Armstrong said. ?It?s just that important.?
Richard Siegel, president of the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada, said Tuesday that the organization has not taken a position on the signs in Sparks City Hall. Siegel said the ACLU supported the removal of the Ten Commandments monument in Alabama but he didn?t know whether the Sparks case was serious enough to warrant its involvement.
?If some kind of Catholic relic was being put in the Sparks City Hall, that we would challenge,? Siegel said.
Still, Siegel said he believes Adams? concerns about the signs were justified.
?All things being equal, it is better for government bodies not to challenge the separation of church and state,? he said. ?The city attorney?s office is wise to avoid these issues.?
Armstrong said he realized the city could be sued because of the religious tone of the signs, but he would be shocked if that happened.
?Ninety percent of this nation believes in some kind of god. It just amazes and shocks me that people would actually sue you for using the word ?God? in a city building,? Armstrong said. ?Our money says, ?In God we Trust.? I don?t see anyone suing the federal government for that.?
Armstrong said he had spoken approval from every city councilman except Ward 2 Councilman Phil Salerno before deciding to purchase the signs on Tuesday. He purchased the new signs at Flag Store Sign & Banner in Sparks.
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Do we dare ask how you know this information??
Maybe, I should go verify your story...
Oh, can I borrow a few dollars?
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Wow, when congress recently voted to screw the veterans I dont think that this was the exact message the were trying to get out.
Still its good to see some people are doing things other than putting up plastic flags and voting for reps who slash benefits, to support the troops.
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So are you saying that the Midnight Bunny ranch wants to help our veterans stand up for America?
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If nothing else, it will stiffen their resolve...
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It is good to see those ladies sweating so hard to help America, and to thank the veterans.
I should swing by the next time I am in the neighborhood, just to thank them for their kind gesture.
In fact, I recommend that ALL the men who frequent Greasespot Cafe, to go The Midnight Bunny in Moundhouse and show our appreciation for their patriotism.
ET1 SS - USN Retired,
Knight of the Rose Croix,
Knight of the order of St Andrew,
Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine.
Bless you
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Does all that stuff after your name mean you are a Mason? I am a majority member of Job's Daughters and a former Rainbow Girl. Haven't made it to Eastern Star yet.
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Kit Sober
Nevada hails as the most unreligious state in the union -- fewest churched people, fewest churches, lowest charitable giving, etc. but this week in the newspaper we have this,
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"Does all that stuff after your name mean you are a Mason?"
I am a member of:
Harry S. Truman, Lodge 649, F&AM, Naples, Italy
Steadfast, Lodge 216, F&AM, Bremerton, Wa
Bay View, Lodge 120, AF&AM, Niantic, Ct
Reliance, Chapter 70, Bremerton, Wa
Valley of Bremeron, Orient of Washington, 32*
AFFIFI Temple, AAONMS of Tacoma, Wa
"I am a majority member of Job's Daughters and a former Rainbow Girl."
I am glad to hear such, my daughter.
"Haven't made it to Eastern Star yet."
Something to consider.
[This message was edited by Galen on October 05, 2003 at 20:23.]
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