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Don't know whether to cry or laugh.....


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I happen to have both, 2 girls 11 and 12 yrs old and 3 boys, one is 7 and the twins are 6 yrs old. Goey (my fiance) has met them all and he hasn't been scared off (haha!)

Have you ever have one of those days when nothing seems to go right, where it would of been better to of just stayed in bed. Well that's how the day went and just about an hour ago had to of been the final straw.

My 7yr old son comes in through the back door and slams it and blows out all the glass, it goes everywhere!! I send him up to his room for some time out while I clean up the mess (actually the time out was more for me so I could cool down before dealing with him) So now I have this huge hole in my back door and it's getting dark out and I need to get something in there to fill it otherwise anyone can come waltzing through my door in the middle of the night. I phone up a glass place and they're about to close in 15 minutes, so I get the twins ready and call my son down from upstairs and he comes down with blood all over his head, apparently some of the glass landed on his head, I hosed him down with the shower head and it ended up being a teeny scrape, he'll live!!!

Anyways I'm trying to make this long story short, I picked up the piece just before closing and it FITS, the measurements I phoned in were just perfect, aleast I did something right today.

I've never gone through this kind of stuff with my girls, they are a piece of cake compared to the boys, well most of the time!!

So I'm curious those of you that have kids which do you find easier to raise boys or girls?


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Awwwwww, Cowgirl, I'm laughing if that helps! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

Very interesting question. My mama might disagree with the girls are easier to raise theory. confused.gif

I certainly gave her a run for her money when I was a teenager and, now having been in a cult for 10 years, she may tell you my little brother was MUCH easier to raise. I vividly remember her standing in the kitchen with her hands on her hips telling me the house wasn't big enough for the both of us.....

I'm a much better daughter now, but I think it's cause she's so much smarter than she was when I was living under the same roof with her. angelkit.gificon_biggrin.gif:D-->

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Bless your heart!

I have two kids, 16 years apart. My son is 25 and my daughter 9. I have told him more than once that it really can be a good thing to get phone calls from school and how thankful I am that his sister has shown me that.

Used to be the school principal would call me, all upset, sounding like he had just witnessed THE crime of the century, telling me that bow jr had peed out on the playground right in front of anyone who happened to be looking in that direction.

Or another favorite was when he called me, shouting that my 1st grade son was asked to stand up next to his desk and give a word that began with the letter "P." Bow jr stood there with both hands on his hips and said "....."

I think he fainted when I said, "Well, it does begin with a "p."

No wonder that man cringed each week when I came in to the school for our Cub Scout meetings. LOL

I have always enjoyed my son tremendously, but I have to say that my daughter is a piece of cake most the time.

(I do realize that I still have to survive the teenage girl years, but hey, it's so nice and pleasant right now...)

I'm impressed your measurements were perfect and you thought that quickly to replace the glass. I might not have done as well, especially once I saw the blood on his head.

Great job!

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that depends........

I had serious moments with each of mine...one girl and one boy. Each of them had me on the edge a time or two. Each had me in the Principal's office a time or two. My daughter earned the title "Queen of the Mouth" and son earned the title "Master of Mischief". Pick one!

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