They got the most empathetic expressions on their faces and wrote down their phone number on a card and told me that if they could do anything to help me - mow my yard, clean my gutters, anything at all, to give them a call.
Gee they must have a lot of time on their hands. :D-->
I wouldn't normally post to a thread like this, but a certain smart-aleck comment motivated me. Oldiesman, they were missionaries. They save money ahead of time, or are supported by their families, but they don't work jobs during their missionary service. I'm sure that they're not all without ulterior motives, but many of them sincerely believe that being kind and doing good works to help others, whether or not they will believe the gospel, is service to God and a good witness of His love. I don't believe as they do but, by and large, they're much better witnesses of their faith than the missionaries TWI sent out.
I have a lot more respect for people who actually do good for others than for TWIt-wits who mouth off, but really don't give a damn about people.
I don't claim to have half the sincerity or goodness of the best of the Mormon missionaries, but when I was a WOW (twice) I spent a lot of time with people who would never in a million years take the class, but who I thought could use a friend. As far as I'm concerned, the best thing I, along with my family, ever did as a WOW was to be a real friend to a lesbian alcoholic, and simply be there for her as a friend through rehab and beyond. We did the same for a drug-addicted prostitute, and a family that divorced because the husband was homosexual. We were friends with all of them, and not a one of them took the class. We also ran some people through the class, but I always felt better about, and thought we came closer to doing right by, the people we befriended and helped, who never took the class.
I don't believe as they do but, by and large, they're much better witnesses of their faith than the missionaries TWI sent out.
Oh yeah sure.
I can just see myself out WOW, mowing somebody's lawn for free who doesn't give a rats a** about God, the bible, or you.
This reminds me of an incident out WOW. ha!
I was in the cafeteria of a college campus in Little Rock AR. My WOW sister challenged me to walk up to and invite myself to sit down with and witness to one of the Professors, who was sitting there eating his lunch.
I asked if I may have a moment of his time to talk about God and the bible?
After sharing about two sentences worth, he said "your moment is up" and asked me to no longer take up his time and remove my rear end from his table.
I remembered this man.
A few months later, coincidentially, our branch was doing a Saturday Car Wash. We all participated, and any donations would be appreciated. The washes were free for anyone who had the balls to not make a donation. :D-->
Anyway, guess who shows up? Mr. Nasty.
I dropped my sponge and bucket and stared at the guy, now all smiles cause he was getting a free car wash. Smiley smirky face.
I wanted so much to ask everyone, out of respect for me, to drop their sponges, but what the heck.
So if a person doesn't have the courtesy to spend 5 minutes listening to what I have to say about God and the bible, you really think it's God's will that he gets a free car wash or a free manicured lawn?
No wonder why they say Christians are idiots.
Just smack the other side of my face while your at it too.
So if a person doesn't have the courtesy to spend 5 minutes listening to what I have to say about God and the bible, you really think it's God's will that he gets a free car wash or a free manicured lawn?
I don't think it's God's will, I don't think it isn't either. However I am not sure how you meant this? Obviously God wants people to have the word but what if he had only bad experiences but seeing you lovingly do what you guys decided to do would have moved him somehow and perhaps he remembers you. Would God rather you gave lovingly and freely or were holding a grudge?
sorry to burst your bubble but the Mormon missionaries are 'trained and primed'during their training to use this as a tool to keep trying to 'witness' to ya !
Your name, address, comments would have already been recorded down..
As Galen said over in the politics and tacks section, they are steeped in Freemasonry beliefs and LOTS of other weird sssstuff.
Gee, OM, no wonder you like TWI doctrine so much.... they teach a God that only loves based on conditions and you jumping through the right hoops. You think people only deserve something when they jump through your hoops....
People like you are the reason people like that guy acted the way he did!! YOU'RE the reason people have that bumper sticker that says, "God, save me from your followers"
Well, I know a woman who was abused very badly by the mormon church. I highly advise anyone considering joining that church to check out the following google searches.
.... they teach a God that only loves based on conditions ...
Friend Belle. Do you seriously believe that these fine gentlemen who knocked on your door jumping over themselves wanting to moe your lawn and manicure your property offered all that all because of the love of God and expect absolutely nothing in return?
My goodness, even Jesus Himself expected some commitment from folks.
I ran into Mormon missionaries my WowVet year and made if not a close friendship at least a respectful one with them.
I really wasn't interested in buying in to being a Mormon (although I read the stuff they gave me , because I said I would) or selling them on Way doctrine. They were good kids a long way from home doing their best to move 'the word' as they saw it which I could relate to at the time having just got off the WOW field.
After 1 or 2 more formal type visits, I let them come over just to hang out, be themselves and be comfortable and do things they shouldn't like watch a football game or drink a coke or two.
They were good cleancut kids, I liked them alot and even as an official TWI twig coordinator™ at the time I felt no urge to disrupt thier mission or sell them on TWI and they were at the same place with me. We ended up being pretty good friends that year
Not everything is a sales job, sometimes unconditional is unconditional.
I have known her sonfor several years, an outstanding young man who just recently returnedfrom his the two year mission.
I absolutely understood the purity of his desire to put his life on hold for two years and focus solely on how he could get to know/serve/trust God better.
It has very little to do with promoting the mormon religion.
I also meet with the missionaries that are in the area ....mainly because I understand the honesty of their commitment...they always treat me with respect and always offer to help me out with chore or whatever I need...I have yet to ever have one call me back to try to persue his promotion of his religious beliefs.
It truly IS about serving God.
And yes it has been our experience here that they DO help all over the community wherever there is a need, without strings being attatched.
It cracks me up when people assume because their motives tend to be mercenary, that the whole rest of the world has to have an agenda as well.
Yup...My wow bro and I washed windows with Rick Ely at that big hotel that we had some holiday gathering in in eureka springs...remember the wow limb day at the state park?
That was a beautifull place.
The full moon shining over the ozark mountains all shrouded with fog....I`ll never forget how pretty it was.
Our skit was so terrible that I don`t rmember it....I don`t remember yours either if it
The OTHER family that was in our branch THERES was great...they sang a song about tex tex tex texarkana tex and did funny little blurbs about trying to witness find housing lol
So if a person doesn't have the courtesy to spend 5 minutes listening to what I have to say about God and the bible, you really think it's God's will that he gets a free car wash or a free manicured lawn?
No wonder why they say Christians are idiots.
"But to you that hear I say, Love your enemies; do good to those that hate you..."
Hmm, whom to heed? Oldiesman or Christ? Tough call.
Sorry oldies, I changed my was much harsher than I intended....sometimes something sounds a lot funnier in my head...but is ugly when I read it in print :-)
It seemed like you were saying that because we had an agenda to sell stuff everyone did.
So if a person doesn't have the courtesy to spend 5 minutes listening to what I have to say about God and the bible, you really think it's God's will that he gets a free car wash or a free manicured lawn?
You witness for God in how you live. And for reaching out to others, not to get 5 minutes of someone's time to spek the word, but to help them. If that means mowing their lawn, so be it (in our area christian men cut firewood for ANYONE who needs it). Once you build a RELATIONSHIP with someone and they inquire about what makes you who you are you can then witness to them verbally; having already done so through your actions.
That is why TWIt membership is so low - they do not exhibit Christ-like behavior when in public and they are arrogant to others...and they sure have no skills in building relationships.
Do you seriously believe that these fine gentlemen who knocked on your door jumping over themselves wanting to moe your lawn and manicure your property offered all that all because of the love of God and expect absolutely nothing in return?
Happens all the time in my part of the woods...except not by Mormand, by real Christians.
Oh I don't know, Oldies. I've met some very wonderful people, Christians and Jews, whose only agenda was to help others and try to make this world a little bit better to live in.
Not everyone wants something in return for a kindness. Some people are just plain kind.
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I wouldn't normally post to a thread like this, but a certain smart-aleck comment motivated me. Oldiesman, they were missionaries. They save money ahead of time, or are supported by their families, but they don't work jobs during their missionary service. I'm sure that they're not all without ulterior motives, but many of them sincerely believe that being kind and doing good works to help others, whether or not they will believe the gospel, is service to God and a good witness of His love. I don't believe as they do but, by and large, they're much better witnesses of their faith than the missionaries TWI sent out.
I have a lot more respect for people who actually do good for others than for TWIt-wits who mouth off, but really don't give a damn about people.
I don't claim to have half the sincerity or goodness of the best of the Mormon missionaries, but when I was a WOW (twice) I spent a lot of time with people who would never in a million years take the class, but who I thought could use a friend. As far as I'm concerned, the best thing I, along with my family, ever did as a WOW was to be a real friend to a lesbian alcoholic, and simply be there for her as a friend through rehab and beyond. We did the same for a drug-addicted prostitute, and a family that divorced because the husband was homosexual. We were friends with all of them, and not a one of them took the class. We also ran some people through the class, but I always felt better about, and thought we came closer to doing right by, the people we befriended and helped, who never took the class.
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I can just see myself out WOW, mowing somebody's lawn for free who doesn't give a rats a** about God, the bible, or you.
This reminds me of an incident out WOW. ha!
I was in the cafeteria of a college campus in Little Rock AR. My WOW sister challenged me to walk up to and invite myself to sit down with and witness to one of the Professors, who was sitting there eating his lunch.
I asked if I may have a moment of his time to talk about God and the bible?
After sharing about two sentences worth, he said "your moment is up" and asked me to no longer take up his time and remove my rear end from his table.
I remembered this man.
A few months later, coincidentially, our branch was doing a Saturday Car Wash. We all participated, and any donations would be appreciated. The washes were free for anyone who had the balls to not make a donation.
Anyway, guess who shows up? Mr. Nasty.
I dropped my sponge and bucket and stared at the guy, now all smiles cause he was getting a free car wash. Smiley smirky face.
I wanted so much to ask everyone, out of respect for me, to drop their sponges, but what the heck.
So if a person doesn't have the courtesy to spend 5 minutes listening to what I have to say about God and the bible, you really think it's God's will that he gets a free car wash or a free manicured lawn?
No wonder why they say Christians are idiots.
Just smack the other side of my face while your at it too.
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Oldies,when were you in LR?
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Feb-July 1980.
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I don't think it's God's will, I don't think it isn't either. However I am not sure how you meant this? Obviously God wants people to have the word but what if he had only bad experiences but seeing you lovingly do what you guys decided to do would have moved him somehow and perhaps he remembers you. Would God rather you gave lovingly and freely or were holding a grudge?
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Oh he was real real nice after he got his free car wash.
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sorry to burst your bubble but the Mormon missionaries are 'trained and primed'during their training to use this as a tool to keep trying to 'witness' to ya !
Your name, address, comments would have already been recorded down..
As Galen said over in the politics and tacks section, they are steeped in Freemasonry beliefs and LOTS of other weird sssstuff.
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Gee, OM, no wonder you like TWI doctrine so much.... they teach a God that only loves based on conditions and you jumping through the right hoops. You think people only deserve something when they jump through your hoops....
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Thank you, I wasn't in LR until l995, just curious.
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Well, I know a woman who was abused very badly by the mormon church. I highly advise anyone considering joining that church to check out the following google searches.
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My goodness, even Jesus Himself expected some commitment from folks.
You can't be this naive.
You are smarter than this.
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ROFLMAO is a small world....No damn wonder you look so familiar.
I was a wow in Ark that year as well oldies (texarkana and fayetteville)....we were at all of the same meetings and state functions.
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I ran into Mormon missionaries my WowVet year and made if not a close friendship at least a respectful one with them.
I really wasn't interested in buying in to being a Mormon (although I read the stuff they gave me , because I said I would) or selling them on Way doctrine. They were good kids a long way from home doing their best to move 'the word' as they saw it which I could relate to at the time having just got off the WOW field.
After 1 or 2 more formal type visits, I let them come over just to hang out, be themselves and be comfortable and do things they shouldn't like watch a football game or drink a coke or two.
They were good cleancut kids, I liked them alot and even as an official TWI twig coordinator™ at the time I felt no urge to disrupt thier mission or sell them on TWI and they were at the same place with me. We ended up being pretty good friends that year
Not everything is a sales job, sometimes unconditional is unconditional.
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Belle, my dear friend here in Tenn is a mormon.
I have known her sonfor several years, an outstanding young man who just recently returnedfrom his the two year mission.
I absolutely understood the purity of his desire to put his life on hold for two years and focus solely on how he could get to know/serve/trust God better.
It has very little to do with promoting the mormon religion.
I also meet with the missionaries that are in the area ....mainly because I understand the honesty of their commitment...they always treat me with respect and always offer to help me out with chore or whatever I need...I have yet to ever have one call me back to try to persue his promotion of his religious beliefs.
It truly IS about serving God.
And yes it has been our experience here that they DO help all over the community wherever there is a need, without strings being attatched.
It cracks me up when people assume because their motives tend to be mercenary, that the whole rest of the world has to have an agenda as well.
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Were you at that event at Christ of the Ozarks?
I still think of that and cringe when we did that skit on the honeymooners. I was so terrible.
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Yup...My wow bro and I washed windows with Rick Ely at that big hotel that we had some holiday gathering in in eureka springs...remember the wow limb day at the state park?
That was a beautifull place.
The full moon shining over the ozark mountains all shrouded with fog....I`ll never forget how pretty it was.
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Our skit was so terrible that I don`t rmember it....I don`t remember yours either if it
The OTHER family that was in our branch THERES was great...they sang a song about tex tex tex texarkana tex and did funny little blurbs about trying to witness find housing lol
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"But to you that hear I say, Love your enemies; do good to those that hate you..."
Hmm, whom to heed? Oldiesman or Christ? Tough call.
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Sorry oldies, I changed my was much harsher than I intended....sometimes something sounds a lot funnier in my head...but is ugly when I read it in print :-)
It seemed like you were saying that because we had an agenda to sell stuff everyone did.
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You witness for God in how you live. And for reaching out to others, not to get 5 minutes of someone's time to spek the word, but to help them. If that means mowing their lawn, so be it (in our area christian men cut firewood for ANYONE who needs it). Once you build a RELATIONSHIP with someone and they inquire about what makes you who you are you can then witness to them verbally; having already done so through your actions.
That is why TWIt membership is so low - they do not exhibit Christ-like behavior when in public and they are arrogant to others...and they sure have no skills in building relationships.
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Happens all the time in my part of the woods...except not by Mormand, by real Christians.
You witness through your actions.
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Oh I don't know, Oldies. I've met some very wonderful people, Christians and Jews, whose only agenda was to help others and try to make this world a little bit better to live in.
Not everyone wants something in return for a kindness. Some people are just plain kind.
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