So that's where the ex - Reverend Barb Lally is hiding out. I heard they were mean as hell to believers for a long time. They supported LCM in all his legalism then quietly disappeared into the night with not so much as a goodbye or an "I'm sorry" and have not been heard from since.
I have no respect for that kind of selfish person. And that is the kindest way I know to say it. The dozens who were mistreated and kicked out will have harsher words I am sure.
We ran a Twig in their Limb in Virginia for two years. I remember meeting them once, we went to the airport to greet them both. A bunch of us (maybe twenty) to greet them from some trip. Someone had to try and explain what Twig we were, and they said "Oh, yeah the 'Outer regions twig'".
From that time on, instead of calling ourselves the Newport News Twig, we called ourselves the 'Outer Regions' twig.
The Lallys did maintain a very close relationship with all their Twigs and Twig Coordinators. I am certain that if we had stayed there for a decade or more, they might have known us by name, or even would have visited our Twig once. Or at least they woudl have been able to recognize us by sight.
Bonnie has very fond memorys of both Lallys, she attended more limb functions than I did. That once at the airport was the only time that either Bonnie or I ever actually meet the Lallys face-to-face, though and I am certain that it did not last more than 60 seconds. Bonnie was in the audience for likely a dozen limb functions, though.
As Twig Coordinators from 1980 until 1997, we probably had the most posetive and most functional relationship with those two, as we did with any limb Coordinators.
As Twig Coordinators from 1980 until 1997, we probably had the most posetive and most functional relationship with those two, as we did with any limb Coordinators.
Simply amazing. They were the most egotistical, judgmental people I've ever seen. They should face the people they hurt because of their undying support of lcm. They have many apologies to make.
Simply amazing. They were the most egotistical, judgmental people I've ever seen. They should face the people they hurt because of their undying support of lcm. They have many apologies to make.
They may well have been okay people I really dont recall. We were only stationed in Virginia from the middle of 1980 to early 1983, so we only ran a Twig for 2 years ish, maybe two PFAL classes each year and a few folks going WOW. We would not have recognized each other on the sidewalk had we bumped into each other. My understanding at the time, and years later was that Inside of Norfolk the beleivers were thick as flys. I recall that in a twig we ran in Ct 1990 through 1993, we had a Corp couple that was on 'probation' and they said that Norfolk had so many beleivers that they would commonly go months at a time without face-to-face seeing and speaking with a non-beleiver. In that case, it was a real problem for that couple (Oborsky) as it had been so many years since they had experienced not being within a 'tight' branch with hundreds of corp and Joe Believers.
So apparently the Lallys were tightly surrounded by a very thick crowd of corp to help and shield them from Joe Believers.
It is hard to imagine anyone being more egotistical and judgemental than Steve Strezpec.
Friends? Yeah right....I'm laughing my arse off here! Who would want to be friends with them? They thought they were superior to others. They probably thought they were too good for any friends to be privileged to sit at their feet. gagggggg!!!!
They were the RCs for the Pacific Region and lived in Washington back in the early to mid 90s.
We ran a Twig in their Limb in Virginia for two years. I remember meeting them once, we went to the airport to greet them both. A bunch of us (maybe twenty) to greet them from some trip. Someone had to try and explain what Twig we were, and they said "Oh, yeah the 'Outer regions twig'".<BR><BR>From that time on, instead of calling ourselves the Newport News Twig, we called ourselves the 'Outer Regions' twig.<BR><BR>The Lallys did maintain a very close relationship with all their Twigs and Twig Coordinators. I am certain that if we had stayed there for a decade or more, they might have known us by name, or even would have visited our Twig once. Or at least they woudl have been able to recognize us by sight.<BR><BR>Bonnie has very fond memorys of both Lallys, she attended more limb functions than I did. That once at the airport was the only time that either Bonnie or I ever actually meet the Lallys face-to-face, though and I am certain that it did not last more than 60 seconds. Bonnie was in the audience for likely a dozen limb functions, though.<BR><BR>As Twig Coordinators from 1980 until 1997, we probably had the most posetive and most functional relationship with those two, as we did with any limb Coordinators.
Galen, I'm quite certain I've been to your twig. I lived in Newport News from '79 to "84. You weren't the leader of the Denbigh area twig, were you?
The Lalley's did run the region and the state of Washington until about 1995 I believe. They were from this area or Spokane. That is proably why they came back here. No one was ever contacted by them as far as I know.
I personally spoke to Barb Lally as she was calling to speak to my Broker for a Real Estate Company in Redmond Wash. last year....She identified herself to do a phone interview with my Broker. Apparently she is the PR person for the Wash
State Realtor Assoc...... well I replied that I was a blast from her past... and she was quite leary to say the least as to who I could possibly be and a connection to TWI....I had identified myself and she remembered me but quickly cut the conversation with me. I had never had any problems with the Lally's in fact I found them to be very gracious to me.
I believe they want to separate themselves as far as they can from TWI as well as any of the people associated with innies or outies...
Planning commissioners are appointed by the mayor and make recommendations to the City Council on significant land-use policies such as tree protection and development standards.
I personally spoke to Barb Lally as she was calling to speak to my Broker for a Real Estate Company in Redmond Wash. last year....She identified herself to do a phone interview with my Broker. Apparently she is the PR person for the Wash
State Realtor Assoc...... well I replied that I was a blast from her past... and she was quite leary to say the least as to who I could possibly be and a connection to TWI....I had identified myself and she remembered me but quickly cut the conversation with me. I had never had any problems with the Lally's in fact I found them to be very gracious to me.
I believe they want to separate themselves as far as they can from TWI as well as any of the people associated with innies or outies...
To bad so sad........
That is so lame she cut the conversaton with you. Did she even ask how you were? Just because they want to separate themselves from TWI doesn't mean they should be exempt from any apologies they owe to people. If they were REAL people, they would inquire if they hurt you while they were in TWI. That would be the honest thing to do. What if you were someone hurt by them? Trust me, they were NOT nice people. Their egotism of being reverends was nauseating.
They were the limb coordinators for two of the three years we were in WA. Soon after I was diagnosed with IDDM, I asked Barbara about receiving healing. Instead of offering to pray for me, she told me to continue to read the bible until I saw the desired results, and I think some of that old crap about taking your medicines until they make you sick. If you take too much insulin, it will make you DEAD in short order.
I thought she was really cold and aloof. She made me feel dirty and inadequate.
Tom, on the other hand, seemed fairly nice. He loved western WA and it is no surprise to me he returned there.
They were replaced by Roman Steciew. Talk about being chastised with scorpions!
That is so lame she cut the conversaton with you. Did she even ask how you were? Just because they want to separate themselves from TWI doesn't mean they should be exempt from any apologies they owe to people. If they were REAL people, they would inquire if they hurt you while they were in TWI. That would be the honest thing to do. What if you were someone hurt by them? Trust me, they were NOT nice people. Their egotism of being reverends was nauseating.
I had never had any problems with the Lallys on the occassions that I was around them.
It is to bad that no one has stepped forward if any at all with any apologies made from the Lallys.
So that's where the ex - Reverend Barb Lally is hiding out. I heard they were mean as hell to believers for a long time. They supported LCM in all his legalism then quietly disappeared into the night with not so much as a goodbye or an "I'm sorry" and have not been heard from since. <BR><BR>I have no respect for that kind of selfish person. And that is the kindest way I know to say it. The dozens who were mistreated and kicked out will have harsher words I am sure. <BR><BR>To me that is a cowards way out. <BR><BR><BR>no phone numbers please
got witnessed to in jackson mississippi in jan 1980 , took class july 80, tom and barb lally arrived on scene shortly after complaining that they have ben sent back to mississippi nd they didnt like the place.they were the only twig in my area for a while,tom was always nice but barb was always an ...., allways up in my face and everybodyelses for no reason,putting the people of mississippi down putting the state down threating to run people off,etc,etc. 2nd time after wow in 84 i decided to go to va.beach va. the lallys were branch coordinators tom was still nice barb a bigger .... and mean. roa 1995 saw tom and barb , tom was nice and talked to me, barb turned her back to me and would not talk to me,all i can say is good fukin riddance it was way overdue for at least her to be gone she hurt a lot of people and ran a lot of people off. got rid of a branch coordinator here in burbank ca., back in 1996 named steve rauchley what a major arragant .... told me to cut my hair, yeah right!!! my hair remained but another guy cut his we finally got word up the ladder about him and he was fired. some people nver spoke up about .... leadership and that caused many to get hurt and run off. i still attend way fellowships went way disciple in 03-04. most of us these days will repord bad leadership. i dont put up with that crap. i come to hear the word and fellowship with some really cool people. things have really changed in that last 10 years,not the same ministry,its great!!!all the leadership iv encountered in the past7 years are so are ordinary friendly caring people none of this in your face yellin ..... i live with the region coordinator a few years back and that was a fun experience long hair pony tail and all,yep i have a pony tail a friend of mine calls it a horses foot!!!!!!!!!!
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So that's where the ex - Reverend Barb Lally is hiding out. I heard they were mean as hell to believers for a long time. They supported LCM in all his legalism then quietly disappeared into the night with not so much as a goodbye or an "I'm sorry" and have not been heard from since.
I have no respect for that kind of selfish person. And that is the kindest way I know to say it. The dozens who were mistreated and kicked out will have harsher words I am sure.
To me that is a cowards way out.
no phone numbers please
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oh when i called that number ext. 122
i just got her voicemail. i'll have to try again
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We ran a Twig in their Limb in Virginia for two years. I remember meeting them once, we went to the airport to greet them both. A bunch of us (maybe twenty) to greet them from some trip. Someone had to try and explain what Twig we were, and they said "Oh, yeah the 'Outer regions twig'".
From that time on, instead of calling ourselves the Newport News Twig, we called ourselves the 'Outer Regions' twig.
The Lallys did maintain a very close relationship with all their Twigs and Twig Coordinators. I am certain that if we had stayed there for a decade or more, they might have known us by name, or even would have visited our Twig once. Or at least they woudl have been able to recognize us by sight.
Bonnie has very fond memorys of both Lallys, she attended more limb functions than I did. That once at the airport was the only time that either Bonnie or I ever actually meet the Lallys face-to-face, though and I am certain that it did not last more than 60 seconds. Bonnie was in the audience for likely a dozen limb functions, though.
As Twig Coordinators from 1980 until 1997, we probably had the most posetive and most functional relationship with those two, as we did with any limb Coordinators.
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Yeah, her email address which is also listed on this site will surely be read by her.
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Simply amazing. They were the most egotistical, judgmental people I've ever seen. They should face the people they hurt because of their undying support of lcm. They have many apologies to make.
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Wayfer Not!:
They may well have been okay people I really dont recall. We were only stationed in Virginia from the middle of 1980 to early 1983, so we only ran a Twig for 2 years ish, maybe two PFAL classes each year and a few folks going WOW. We would not have recognized each other on the sidewalk had we bumped into each other. My understanding at the time, and years later was that Inside of Norfolk the beleivers were thick as flys. I recall that in a twig we ran in Ct 1990 through 1993, we had a Corp couple that was on 'probation' and they said that Norfolk had so many beleivers that they would commonly go months at a time without face-to-face seeing and speaking with a non-beleiver. In that case, it was a real problem for that couple (Oborsky) as it had been so many years since they had experienced not being within a 'tight' branch with hundreds of corp and Joe Believers.
So apparently the Lallys were tightly surrounded by a very thick crowd of corp to help and shield them from Joe Believers.
It is hard to imagine anyone being more egotistical and judgemental than Steve Strezpec.
But we have likely discussed that before.
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How sure are you that it is the same Barb Lally?
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What would you tell B Lally if she actually answered?
(Something like "Helloooooo I am a voice from the Paaaaaaast.....")???
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or maybe you could ask her what the heck a government communications specialist is.
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I called the number and got her extension. It is 122. From listening to the voicemail, it surely sounds like her.
Anybody gonna call? If I called her, I'd ask her why they disappeared and never apologized for their actions.
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Kinda interesting.. Wa state is about as far as you can get from the old gulag.. and still be in the country, anyway.
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LOL! That's velly intellesting....
You're quite the P.I. seestor, ex!
;)--> Thanks for sharing the fruits of your labor with us!
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Hamm... I think they ran the state of WA and maybe that whole region for awhile for twi... maybe they have some friends there?
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Friends? Yeah right....I'm laughing my arse off here! Who would want to be friends with them? They thought they were superior to others. They probably thought they were too good for any friends to be privileged to sit at their feet. gagggggg!!!!
They were the RCs for the Pacific Region and lived in Washington back in the early to mid 90s.
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Galen, I'm quite certain I've been to your twig. I lived in Newport News from '79 to "84. You weren't the leader of the Denbigh area twig, were you?
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The Lalley's did run the region and the state of Washington until about 1995 I believe. They were from this area or Spokane. That is proably why they came back here. No one was ever contacted by them as far as I know.
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I personally spoke to Barb Lally as she was calling to speak to my Broker for a Real Estate Company in Redmond Wash. last year....She identified herself to do a phone interview with my Broker. Apparently she is the PR person for the Wash
State Realtor Assoc...... well I replied that I was a blast from her past... and she was quite leary to say the least as to who I could possibly be and a connection to TWI....I had identified myself and she remembered me but quickly cut the conversation with me. I had never had any problems with the Lally's in fact I found them to be very gracious to me.
I believe they want to separate themselves as far as they can from TWI as well as any of the people associated with innies or outies...
To bad so sad........
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Looks like she's a planning commissioner in addition to selling real estate.
Planning commissioners are appointed by the mayor and make recommendations to the City Council on significant land-use policies such as tree protection and development standards.
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That is so lame she cut the conversaton with you. Did she even ask how you were? Just because they want to separate themselves from TWI doesn't mean they should be exempt from any apologies they owe to people. If they were REAL people, they would inquire if they hurt you while they were in TWI. That would be the honest thing to do. What if you were someone hurt by them? Trust me, they were NOT nice people. Their egotism of being reverends was nauseating.
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Watered Garden
They were the limb coordinators for two of the three years we were in WA. Soon after I was diagnosed with IDDM, I asked Barbara about receiving healing. Instead of offering to pray for me, she told me to continue to read the bible until I saw the desired results, and I think some of that old crap about taking your medicines until they make you sick. If you take too much insulin, it will make you DEAD in short order.
I thought she was really cold and aloof. She made me feel dirty and inadequate.
Tom, on the other hand, seemed fairly nice. He loved western WA and it is no surprise to me he returned there.
They were replaced by Roman Steciew. Talk about being chastised with scorpions!
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Sounds about right.
How can people like that still live with their stinkin' selves?
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GDT 1143
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I had never had any problems with the Lallys on the occassions that I was around them.
It is to bad that no one has stepped forward if any at all with any apologies made from the Lallys.
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got witnessed to in jackson mississippi in jan 1980 , took class july 80, tom and barb lally arrived on scene shortly after complaining that they have ben sent back to mississippi nd they didnt like the place.they were the only twig in my area for a while,tom was always nice but barb was always an ...., allways up in my face and everybodyelses for no reason,putting the people of mississippi down putting the state down threating to run people off,etc,etc. 2nd time after wow in 84 i decided to go to va.beach va. the lallys were branch coordinators tom was still nice barb a bigger .... and mean. roa 1995 saw tom and barb , tom was nice and talked to me, barb turned her back to me and would not talk to me,all i can say is good fukin riddance it was way overdue for at least her to be gone she hurt a lot of people and ran a lot of people off. got rid of a branch coordinator here in burbank ca., back in 1996 named steve rauchley what a major arragant .... told me to cut my hair, yeah right!!! my hair remained but another guy cut his we finally got word up the ladder about him and he was fired. some people nver spoke up about .... leadership and that caused many to get hurt and run off. i still attend way fellowships went way disciple in 03-04. most of us these days will repord bad leadership. i dont put up with that crap. i come to hear the word and fellowship with some really cool people. things have really changed in that last 10 years,not the same ministry,its great!!!all the leadership iv encountered in the past7 years are so are ordinary friendly caring people none of this in your face yellin ..... i live with the region coordinator a few years back and that was a fun experience long hair pony tail and all,yep i have a pony tail a friend of mine calls it a horses foot!!!!!!!!!!
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