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Second James

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  Belle said:
Judging someone on their looks is another comment from our favorite label maker. BrotherSpeed, maybe you should post your "What is a label" quote here, too.

Or maybe I should make it my signature, eh Belle?

Here it is for the curious:

son: Dad? What's a label?

dad: Oh that's something they give someone so they can hate them before they meet them.

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  Mr. Hammeroni said:
And if they found out the man of the house would rather spend time with the kids instead of hunting, fishing, showing an interest in fast cars, etc., etc., etc... not exact, but there were similar statements given about a really great guy in our area.. that that is why they "knew" something was not "quite right" with him..

Sure "cleaned out the household" that time.. <_<

The dude doesn't like hunting, fishing, or fast cars? He's not homosexual, he's a commie!



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Hey Brother Speed..what do you call a group of people wearing bombs around their waists cruising through town looking for victims to blow up ? (I'll give you a clue..starts with 'T')

What is the differn'ce between a 'democrat' and a 'liberal' ??!!

You see 'labels' have always been around and always will be.The undesirables and evil 'groups' are the ones who try to shrug off a 'tag' because it 'exposes' them., after all..aren't you serving with (in your own words) LDS ??!!

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You see 'labels' have always been around and always will be.

because idiots,halfwits, bigots and people without coherent thought processes, or the capability or will to think and weigh things for themselves have always been around.

The followers, the superstitous, and the thoughtless don't need any exposing --the outward displays of mindless foolishness as well as the revealing of the inner ineptitude is free for all the world to see

Edited by mstar1
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  Second James said:
Satori..have you ever seen the movie "What the Bleep do we know?"..one of its "statements" is how a person "rewires" themselves, as time goes on, and in the case of homo..I believe that people do "rewire" themselves..perhaps for the sake of sanity...or fulfilling lustful suggestions made in their minds..or experimentation...& yet I believe we have a god who can help "us" re-wire back to his original design. After all "Father Knows Best" ...he's the inventor of life...he knows what will bless his child , and we're the variable in the equation as to our obedience in what he's shown each of us.

I saw What the Bleep. I think a lot of it was New Age cliche, disguised as science. There may be some small basis in fact for the brain "re-wiring" itself, but I think it was grossly overstated. Since Wierwille always had one foot in the New Age movement (think "red drapes"), it doesn't surprise me that some of us would find WTB reassuring.

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Satori..yeh I agree about the "new age" connection with "what the Bleep"...in dealing with my friend..to her, was & is a very powerful movie which helps her explain "who she is" ..and the state that she is now in...either able or unable to unwire & re-wire herself.

A few of you referred to me as wanting to "fix her" earlier in this thread & I see that I basically have nothing to do with any such notion..I do have the freedom to encourage her to read Gods Word & consider the possibility of her creator being able to "re-wire " her. if thats what she desires. Thats where it gets "tricky" from my viewpoint, as I can tell her huge affection for the ladies & yet the social implications seem to really weigh on her the more we talk. If Lesbianism is sin..& lets call it a "tough sin" to overcome or not be tempted by...& if overcoming this "sin" is based mostly upon wanting to escape its clutches..then I can see the possibility of a lesbian getting spiritual help from her creator...BUT being wired as she is & still desiring the affections of the same sex...I'd guess the odds of her getting "rewired" are very slim... (Now thats my opinion & entitiled to it..for all of those who are fuming right now!!lolol)

The Way I think placed the homo thing at the "bottom of the totem pole" (is their wordage) in that its IS a tough sin to get out from under..thats what I "heard"...besides their purging mentality..& desire to not let "it" "spread" amongst the flock.

Is my foot gwetting any further into my mouth by writing this..probably..BUt does anyone else see it l00% opposite to this??

Now there's a fun word for ya'll...GWETTING..LOL

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JJ..I have 'spoken to'..'counselled' a few 'homos' over the years(and recently) and an interesting side note is that after they have 'copulated and climaxed' pretty much straight away they feel remorseful and 'dirty'.

Which to me lends credence that it is 'spiritual', that they are 'caught up' in the 'anticipation and lust' factor and once that 'spirit' is satisfied, the individuals own 'godly' conscience 'kicks in'.

It's pretty sad.

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I swore I would stay out of this....

Allan, I have had hetero sex after which I felt shame and remorse and dirty. Please stop using examples that work for both types of individuals. It blows your argument out of the water. I can also assure you, you never "counselled a homo". By your unbridled disdain, you merely gave them the time of day. An encounter I am sure they could have done without.

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hi karmic


'caught up' in the 'anticipation and lust' factor and once that 'spirit' is satisfied, the individuals own 'godly' conscience 'kicks in'.

It's pretty sad."

i can't tell you how many spirits i've met. most of them are in teenage / young adult bodies. i think they're taking over the world.

this godly conscience kicking in..... could you expound ?

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  Second James said:
The Way I think placed the homo thing at the "bottom of the totem pole" (is their wordage) in that its IS a tough sin to get out from under..thats what I "heard"...besides their purging mentality..& desire to not let "it" "spread" amongst the flock.

Is my foot gwetting any further into my mouth by writing this..probably..BUt does anyone else see it l00% opposite to this??

Now there's a fun word for ya'll...GWETTING..LOL

I don't know TWI 1 teachings on homosexuality, but TWI 2 had homosexuality at the bottom of the totem pole not because it is a tough sin to get out of--as far as I know they didn't think it was all that hard, just obey leadership etc, renew mind etc...

Homosexuals were at the bottom of the totem pole because they were spiritual filth with all weaknesses and immoral impulses...no good in them, not to be trusted in any capacity. For example, if you had a medical provider who you thought was gay, you were opening a huge conduit for the adversary, for instance. A gay teacher could infiltrate your children with gayness...they were worthy of death.

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  Allan said:
JJ..I have 'spoken to'..'counselled' a few 'homos' over the years(and recently) and an interesting side note is that after they have 'copulated and climaxed' pretty much straight away they feel remorseful and 'dirty'.

Which to me lends credence that it is 'spiritual', that they are 'caught up' in the 'anticipation and lust' factor and once that 'spirit' is satisfied, the individuals own 'godly' conscience 'kicks in'.

It's pretty sad.

Allen you may have misunderstood. I think they meant they felt remorseful and dirty after speaking to you. Yous is a good example of TWI's predilection for "spiritual" voyeurism. You weren't helping anybody. You were peeping. You're a peeper. That accounts for the fascination. (Martindale's too. Wierwille's too.)

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TWI-2 did put the various forms of possession into a row of progression. At one end being the 'least' or 'slightest', and at the other end were those sins that were the deepest or worst. Suicide was considered the absolute worst, with Homos being just one step 'up' from that.

Reading Romans the way they did I could see where they got this idea.

It was part of TWI-2's focusing on evil, rather than focusing on godliness. To spend so much time focusing on and praising the Adversary; does not really maintain anyone thinking about love and forgiveness...

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I don't know, if you didn't have the "pleasure" of sitting in the auditorium and listening to him spew his venom for homosexuals, I don't know if you can appreciate the true hatred he had for this part of society. This is Craiggers I am talking about......

I was there, I heard it and many others here on GS heard it. I am thinking, theoretically, if Donna was a "homo" (as many think and know) as you put it Allen (the homo part), then I can understand his hatred. I guess he had to go out and exploit women to prove his manliness, when his wife preferred a woman over him. Me thinketh he protesteth too much.

Edited by outofdafog
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Homosexuals were at the bottom of the totem pole because they were spiritual filth with all weaknesses and immoral impulses...no good in them, not to be trusted in any capacity. For example, if you had a medical provider who you thought was gay, you were opening a huge conduit for the adversary, for instance. A gay teacher could infiltrate your children with gayness...they were worthy of death.
were you referring bramble's description here, allan ?
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  Allan said:
Maybe he did Outofdafog..maybe 'butch women' and 'limpwristed' men just got too much for him !

Bramble..I think you described 'homos' much better than any of us could !!

Teens full of 'spirits' ? Not surprising given the media etc..

How sad that you think yourself qualified to counsel homosexuals. Or anyone else for that matter.

Why don't you go back to TWI? It seems like you would fit there so well.

What's that saying? Lord, protect me from your followers.

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Karmicdebt..I suggest if you felt shameful and dirty after hetero sex you should have demanded your money back !!

Outofdafog..thanks again for your advice..similar reply to many others who disagree with your line of thinking.

JFYI..we have run classes even recently with 'homos' in them, they got b/a, s.i.t. etc.. so I KNOW God is a lot bigger than all that junk ! Then it is up to them to decide if they want to be pulled out of the fire AND SOME HAVE (I only hope that doesn't disappoint you.)

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