I personally know many lesbians and I have no problem with any of them being themselves. I don't look at them as differant in any way and if God does than I don't believe in that gawd, he is a false God.
Your friend can just as easily find God being a lesbian as she can being straight. Don't put a stumbling block in her way by pointing out the evils of lesbianism as taught by TWI or some twisted passage in the Bible.
Howdy..I'm presently in the middle of attempting to teach a lesbian friend of mine a bit of Gods Word. I am learning alot about this persons past, just from her willingness to share her heart...guess what I'm asking about is, not necessarily whether or not they are "born" that way, but rather whether any of you have ever discovered any lesbians who have changed over to being straight...or whether there are organizations that can help a lesbian to find "deliverance"..she is "seeking God" (in her own words, and I have very little knowlege on the subject.
So thank you all for considering this & whatever you know may helpt this fine person.
JJ, what we got to understand when you see that lesbo is it's Satan looking you right in the eye. That's right. Hallelujah brother, we know the truth, don't we? And we know it was blood that cleansed us from our sins, brother, amen. So keeping that in mind, here's what you do...
Get yourself seven live chickens, of the tribe of Purdue, in the cellar or attic of your house. And after sunset you fast over them for several hours, contemplating nature, Adam and Eve, and the right way to "do it," and how they showed us by their wonderful example in the garden, up until Eve wrapped her fingers around that big serpent and took a bite of the apple and the ensuing ruckus got them kicked out of Eden.
Wait up late until Satan thinks it's safe to come around, like around midnight, with the lights turned down, and you call him out. "Heeeeere, Satan." "Heeeeeeere, Satan." And when he shows up, quick you take a small chainsaw (gas is better, cause it's loud and really gives the birds a big sendoff) and you just send those chickens to the Lord, amen! All that blood is sure to scare the bejesus out of old Satan, because he won't really know whose it is, it being dark and all, and he'll be in the next town before you can say, "There's wonderful power in the blood!"
Then, when you're still all covered in the blood and feathers of righteousness, oh hallelujah! you go to that "fine person's" house and tell her you have helped her deliverance along, and ask if she is startin' to feel frisky. If not, simply repeat the exercise. If she is... wink, wink. Delivered!
I know, I know, a little too spiritual for some people.
The deliverance I was referring to when I first posted was in reference to two health issues she has...she has made no plea for me to fix her...& I'm not in a position of KNOWING if she needs fixed.
I agree with one of the posters above that lesbianism is a sin..I see that in the Bible...if its a detrimental thing to her..I honestly don't know..With my TWIT background, obviously you know what I was formerly taught.
I didn't come here to argue...nor to uphold LCM's doctrinal position (I left in 87 so the WARP class etc is not in my mindset)
Rather I came here to seek information on the Topic I posted...
She IS a very fine person IMHO, & yet I see her physical ailments that are of great concern to her & was wondering if the two are linked or what.
Satori..I've read you in the past..I was pretty suprised by your answer & saw absolutely no profit in reading it..BUT I did read it entirely and hopefully you can share something in this thread that will help her.
I have a sis-in-law who's step-mother turned lesbian after she was divorced. I hear she's back to heterosexualism again. Which is good for some red blooded american male 'cuz she's still quite fetching.
I'll ask if she went for some help somewhere in the Seattle area if you want 2J.
James, Contrary to the *nothing* you percieve in his -post....Satori made a very good point, ie that POSSIBLY some of the ideas concerning lesbianism and the necessity of them needing *deliverance* aquired ..even as enthusiastically as they were enacted in twi ..... are questionable.
I don`t think that you can link her lesbianism to physical ailments....anymore than you can link vp`s cancer to his sins....ie fornication, adultery, abuse
OR ...any more than you can attest that yours or my LACK of sickness is due to some virtue that we posess...ie we aren`t gay...so we are allowed to be healthy.
Sickness being due to sin is as antiquated a notion as the necessity of sacraficing the chickens to appease the angry spirits...
Other wise everybody we know that is nice would never get sick and every sinner would be immediatly struck down with the suffering of a debilitating crippling illness....
You want to be a genuine Christian brother??? one honestly representing God the loving heavenly father????....then the ONLY right that you have .... the only responsibility that is yours....is to just LOVE her with the love of God, pray for her, share scripture together ....anything else and you are sticking your nose where it doesn`t belong, imo....
Let God work in her heart and mind concerning what she needs *deliverance* from...
This seems like one of those defining topics where people have to decide how much of the Bible they want to believe is true. Or for that matter, even the question of any sex outside of marriage could define that. Or maybe even the thought of sex outside of marriage. lol
At the least I think it was "wrong" for men proclaiming themselves ministers to have sex with women outside their marriage, especially those seeking Christian direction.
Also "incorrect" to say the the Bible approves of the gay relationship, as far as I can tell, as some gay ministers would claim. But I figure people can do what they want, and nobody is going to stop me from thinking about sex :)-->
Then, when you're still all covered in the blood and feathers of righteousness, oh hallelujah! you go to that "fine person's" house and tell her you have helped her deliverance along, and ask if she is startin' to feel frisky. If not, simply repeat the exercise. If she is... wink, wink. Delivered!
"Heeeeere, Satan." "Heeeeeeere, Satan." And when he shows up, quick you take a small chainsaw (gas is better, cause it's loud and really gives the birds a big sendoff) and you just send those chickens to the Lord, amen! All that blood is sure to scare the bejesus out of old Satan, because he won't really know whose it is, it being dark and all, and he'll be in the next town before you can say, "There's wonderful power in the blood!"
I thought about putting it in "gems".. but naw..
We need a REAL special place here for these!
"send those chickens to the lord.."
Heh heh heh heh heh..
Satori, I hope you write a book! I'll buy.. even several for Christmas gifts..
I know several lesbians, one couple I consider friends(I work with one daily.) They are early/mid twenties, one takes medication to control seizures she's had since childhood. They are crazy about soap operas(record them) and scrapbooking.
Another friend once had a child in my preschool, we have little in common--she's a staunch Roman Catholic, very conservative, has bucks-- but she is very lonely, and I occasionally go out to eat with her, or to a craft show, and one of my kids babysits for her now and then. I'm one of maybe three people who know she's a lesbian, one other being her 'best friend' who lives in another state. They 'lapse' and have a vacation together every year, somewhere nice, like Cancun. Sonny boy goes out to Grandpa's ranch. Forty something,no real health problems--some skier's knee. Likes eliptical trainers and thinks I should try one but her health club is waaay out of my budget. She's concerned about her elderly parents, I can relate. Her parents have no clue about her being a lesbian.
Another is my neighbor's niece, who does neighbor's yard work(neighbor is undergoing treatment for cancer). Thirties, out of the closet, spiked hair, chains, tattoos. She works in a nursing home and seems robust. Likes coffee, and metal music--has much more in common w/ my hubby than with me. Neighbor is very thankful for niece's help.
Lesbian's are just as individual as anyone else, some have health issues, some don't. Being lesbian is just one aspect of their lives. The ones I know seem like decent people with 'normal' lives and goals, other than being lesbian.
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Did she indicate to you that she was seeking "deliverance" from being a lesbian - is she unhappy with that part of her life?
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My opinion and my opinion only, no promises that it's biblically accurate....
You share the Word with her, let God worry about her being a lesbian.
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I personally know many lesbians and I have no problem with any of them being themselves. I don't look at them as differant in any way and if God does than I don't believe in that gawd, he is a false God.
Your friend can just as easily find God being a lesbian as she can being straight. Don't put a stumbling block in her way by pointing out the evils of lesbianism as taught by TWI or some twisted passage in the Bible.
JMHO - not a fact
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Lesbianism is only a sin if you act on the urge
just like Alcoholism is only a problem if you drink
God's word is for everyone--and it isnn't your, mine, or anyone elses' job to change someone --that's God's job
And last but not least, I'm too busy trying to fix the areas of my life that aren't up to snuff to worry about fixing anyone else.
Clearly this does not apply if laws are being broken --then appropriate measures need to be taken
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i need to be delivered from my straight life
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Radar OReilly
Hi Honey!!! Welcome Back....I have missed you.
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oh thank you dear
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JJ, what we got to understand when you see that lesbo is it's Satan looking you right in the eye. That's right. Hallelujah brother, we know the truth, don't we? And we know it was blood that cleansed us from our sins, brother, amen. So keeping that in mind, here's what you do...
Get yourself seven live chickens, of the tribe of Purdue, in the cellar or attic of your house. And after sunset you fast over them for several hours, contemplating nature, Adam and Eve, and the right way to "do it," and how they showed us by their wonderful example in the garden, up until Eve wrapped her fingers around that big serpent and took a bite of the apple and the ensuing ruckus got them kicked out of Eden.
Wait up late until Satan thinks it's safe to come around, like around midnight, with the lights turned down, and you call him out. "Heeeeere, Satan." "Heeeeeeere, Satan." And when he shows up, quick you take a small chainsaw (gas is better, cause it's loud and really gives the birds a big sendoff) and you just send those chickens to the Lord, amen! All that blood is sure to scare the bejesus out of old Satan, because he won't really know whose it is, it being dark and all, and he'll be in the next town before you can say, "There's wonderful power in the blood!"
Then, when you're still all covered in the blood and feathers of righteousness, oh hallelujah! you go to that "fine person's" house and tell her you have helped her deliverance along, and ask if she is startin' to feel frisky. If not, simply repeat the exercise. If she is... wink, wink. Delivered!
I know, I know, a little too spiritual for some people.
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Let's just say I think you're meddling, not ministering, and a friendship with such an agenda is not a friendship.
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Brother Speed
I don't have a problem with lesbians.
After all I'm a lesbian in a man's body. If I were in an horrific accident that removed my manhood, I'd still be attracted to women.
I thank God everyday that the heart, mind and personality that I fell in love with just so happened to belong to a woman.
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Second James
Satori..thanks for nothing
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Seriously 2J, has this woman asked you to fix her? I believe the question has already been posed, but you saw fit to answer me first.
She may not realize your "helpfulness" extends to such big plans for her.
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Hey, sometimes nothing is far better than something..
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Second James
The deliverance I was referring to when I first posted was in reference to two health issues she has...she has made no plea for me to fix her...& I'm not in a position of KNOWING if she needs fixed.
I agree with one of the posters above that lesbianism is a sin..I see that in the Bible...if its a detrimental thing to her..I honestly don't know..With my TWIT background, obviously you know what I was formerly taught.
I didn't come here to argue...nor to uphold LCM's doctrinal position (I left in 87 so the WARP class etc is not in my mindset)
Rather I came here to seek information on the Topic I posted...
She IS a very fine person IMHO, & yet I see her physical ailments that are of great concern to her & was wondering if the two are linked or what.
Satori..I've read you in the past..I was pretty suprised by your answer & saw absolutely no profit in reading it..BUT I did read it entirely and hopefully you can share something in this thread that will help her.
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Brother Speed
ailments linked to lesbianism?
I doubt it. But that depends entirely on what her ailments are of course.
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Brother Speed
I have a sis-in-law who's step-mother turned lesbian after she was divorced. I hear she's back to heterosexualism again. Which is good for some red blooded american male 'cuz she's still quite fetching.
I'll ask if she went for some help somewhere in the Seattle area if you want 2J.
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James, Contrary to the *nothing* you percieve in his -post....Satori made a very good point, ie that POSSIBLY some of the ideas concerning lesbianism and the necessity of them needing *deliverance* aquired ..even as enthusiastically as they were enacted in twi ..... are questionable.
I don`t think that you can link her lesbianism to physical ailments....anymore than you can link vp`s cancer to his sins....ie fornication, adultery, abuse
OR ...any more than you can attest that yours or my LACK of sickness is due to some virtue that we posess...ie we aren`t gay...so we are allowed to be healthy.
Sickness being due to sin is as antiquated a notion as the necessity of sacraficing the chickens to appease the angry spirits...
Other wise everybody we know that is nice would never get sick and every sinner would be immediatly struck down with the suffering of a debilitating crippling illness....
You want to be a genuine Christian brother??? one honestly representing God the loving heavenly father????....then the ONLY right that you have .... the only responsibility that is yours....is to just LOVE her with the love of God, pray for her, share scripture together ....anything else and you are sticking your nose where it doesn`t belong, imo....
Let God work in her heart and mind concerning what she needs *deliverance* from...
It is a personal thing between her and God....
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LOL fixed. Why do people assume that someone who's life or choices aren't the same as theirs are somehow broken?
Superglue? Duct Tape?
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Brother Speed
Fix her? Nawww.
Teach her. Light her on fire and beat her out with a stick. Yeah, you teach her!
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This seems like one of those defining topics where people have to decide how much of the Bible they want to believe is true. Or for that matter, even the question of any sex outside of marriage could define that. Or maybe even the thought of sex outside of marriage. lol
At the least I think it was "wrong" for men proclaiming themselves ministers to have sex with women outside their marriage, especially those seeking Christian direction.
Also "incorrect" to say the the Bible approves of the gay relationship, as far as I can tell, as some gay ministers would claim. But I figure people can do what they want, and nobody is going to stop me from thinking about sex
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I have grown to love Satori's posts..
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I thought about putting it in "gems".. but naw..
We need a REAL special place here for these!
"send those chickens to the lord.."
Heh heh heh heh heh..
Satori, I hope you write a book! I'll buy.. even several for Christmas gifts..
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Second James,
I know several lesbians, one couple I consider friends(I work with one daily.) They are early/mid twenties, one takes medication to control seizures she's had since childhood. They are crazy about soap operas(record them) and scrapbooking.
Another friend once had a child in my preschool, we have little in common--she's a staunch Roman Catholic, very conservative, has bucks-- but she is very lonely, and I occasionally go out to eat with her, or to a craft show, and one of my kids babysits for her now and then. I'm one of maybe three people who know she's a lesbian, one other being her 'best friend' who lives in another state. They 'lapse' and have a vacation together every year, somewhere nice, like Cancun. Sonny boy goes out to Grandpa's ranch. Forty something,no real health problems--some skier's knee. Likes eliptical trainers and thinks I should try one but her health club is waaay out of my budget. She's concerned about her elderly parents, I can relate. Her parents have no clue about her being a lesbian.
Another is my neighbor's niece, who does neighbor's yard work(neighbor is undergoing treatment for cancer). Thirties, out of the closet, spiked hair, chains, tattoos. She works in a nursing home and seems robust. Likes coffee, and metal music--has much more in common w/ my hubby than with me. Neighbor is very thankful for niece's help.
Lesbian's are just as individual as anyone else, some have health issues, some don't. Being lesbian is just one aspect of their lives. The ones I know seem like decent people with 'normal' lives and goals, other than being lesbian.
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