Cripes --- they require (no -- they demand!) that believer's in a 250 mile radius attend a SNS, and these bozos can't travel 7 miles for the funeral of the former 1st Lady???
CWS and I wrote the book on TWI and vicious disregard for folks as anyone who knows our story can attest to
AND I repeat
Since when was going to a funeral or memorial service a requirement of grieving??? For those of you who like that format, for those of you who feel it is the proper thing to do GO FOR IT!!!
But, for pity sakes, stop trying to make it sound like those of us who eschew that kind of public display are some sort of monsters!!!
What TWI did to Dorthea Wierwille during her life is apples
What TWI continues to do is pears
Attending funerals is oranges
Stop trying to turn the apples and pears into oranges
I wonder if twi was simply afraid to allow anyone attend.
Goodness if innies see that outies are still alive, successfull, loving...see their old frineds are still the great folks they always would certainly dispell a lot of the myths surrounding ones fate after departing twi....pieces might start falling into place.
"I wonder if twi was simply afraid to allow anyone attend."
Of coure they are afraid! You ever run into some innies? Most especially those higher in rank? I do at least a few times a year and it never ceases to amaze me to realize that they are far more afraid of me now that I am out, then I ever was of them when I was in.
But if you were in TWI 2 to see the VICIOUS disregard for good human beings and their lives you would understand that this is probably not the case
this is so true.
I was put on probation during a time that was very crucial to my best friends (believer)final days.....She fell asleep during a stem cell transplant...they would not allow me to go to the hospital to visit her.......I helped to take care of her during her 2 yrs battle w/ cancer. I went to the dr's office with her and listened to the dr's report that it spread to 7 organs........i had spent many hours keeping her heart light and many hrs praying together and helping her thru many difficult times...we were the best of friends....................get real!!!!!..I wasnt allowed to go her funeral..I called the hospital every Monday and spoke the nurse to find out how she was doing!!!!! I found out she "Expired" from the hospital staff......
So for those who are in....I know how you feel that you couldnt go and pay your final respects!!!!!!!
What unbelievabl cruelty .... keeping dear friends seperated in ones final days....denying what littl measure and peace and comfort that you physical presence could have provided to a dying person in their last hours...
Good lord, I am agahst at the control and power that we allowed twi to have over our lives...I don`t know any other group on this planet that would have been this vindictive....
You know DAMN well that is what it is...they had the power to hurt ... the power to deny that which would have brought peace....and they exercised it....
Damn em...there is NOTHING regarding Godliness or common decency that resides within them ..
I looked in local phonebook and Rosalie's address is listed as New Knoxville/New Bremen Road(edge of TWIHQ property) instead of 5555 Wierwille Road which is listed as Howard Allen's address.
Rosalie lives off grounds here in this manicured house and property minutes away from the OSC building and just minutes away from Mrs. W's Memorial service. She should have been there. The reasons why have been talked about in the above posts.
I wonder if twi was simply afraid to allow anyone attend.
Goodness if innies see that outies are still alive, successfull, loving...see their old frineds are still the great folks they always would certainly dispell a lot of the myths surrounding ones fate after departing twi....pieces might start falling into place.
Yeah......the LUNCHEON following the funeral service would have provided ample opportunity for innie staff to mix with "friends and co-workers" who left twi years ago. The conversations would have spurred on lots of questions and, perhaps, debunked many lies and labeling by twi's leaders.
Surely.....the "possessed" label would have been nearly laughable had those innies spent some quality time discussing with ex-way folk their families, careers, community involvement, prayers answered and BLESSINGS FROM GOD galore.
The powerful witness of first-hand information would have empowered others to leave twi's confines.....and started another mass exodus. :D-->
Yeah, I can see why rosa-lie and co. were/are AFRAID of informing others about the St. Marys funeral service. The "invite" to attend twi's grounds and the garden of living waters at the end of this month is a FUTILE ATTEMPT TO CONTROL THE SITUATION, GUARD THEIR FLOCK AND PAY HOMAGE TO TWI'S ANNIVERSARY DATE.
Twi honors victor paul wierwille and lauds his work to the skies......YET, they blatantly disregard the family funeral service of "the first lady of the way international."
In vpw's latter days....he demanded that the board of trustees take care of Mrs. Wierwille and "God help them if they forsook this responsibility." And yet, esteeming vp's work on one hand, TWI REFUSED TO UPHOLD VICTOR PAUL WIERWILLE'S WORDS.
The more we talk about these goons and that place the more it gets smaller and smaller in my mind. THANK GOD!!!
I was just looking at some pictures of the grounds at HQ and did that place ever look empty and cold. Perfert ... yes...not a blade out of place...but cold and lifeless.
Yeah.....with each passing year, twi has become more ANAL on details and neglecting the people.
There was a time, back in 1974-1984, when hq represented a "destination for yearly reunions/sweet fellowship with our peers. And, yet now.....the structure, the system is idolized.
It's cold and sterile! That's because there's no one there to enjoy it and they wouldn't be allowed to if they could.
Pity all that beautiful landscaping is going to waste. Pity so many people who could be enjoying it are so imprisoned by TWIt doctrine that they don't even remember how to enjoy life, much less, how to stop and smell the roses.
There was a time, back in 1974-1984, when hq represented a "destination for yearly reunions/sweet fellowship with our peers.
You know...even during those year, that place scared me. I never felt at home. Everything was so 'super-security-ized' that I felt I was on the verge of getting into big trouble at any given moment if I stepped somewhere that I wasn't supposed to be. In the back of mind the thought..."I'm probably NOT supposed to be here and someone is bound to catch me!" was always lurking.
I guess for me ... it never felt like HOME as they boasted it was, but rather...just an overly perfectionized piece of property. Sterile is the only word that comes to mind. The feeling was for me institutional.
I also felt when I went back home...there was something WRONG with my believing because I didn't live that pristine lifestyle they did at HQ. I felt that I lived below standard.
To stand at the face of a beautiful un-cut forest, beside an ocean with the rugged shoreline and the harshness of the rock pertruding from the earth, nothing touched by human hand but only the ravages of the sea, would make me feel far closer to God than that place ever did.
To stand at the face of a beautiful un-cut forest, beside an ocean with the rugged shoreline and the harshness of the rock pertruding from the earth, nothing touched by human hand but only the ravages of the sea, would make me feel far closer to God than that place ever did.
When I said that "hq represented a destination for yearly reuinions/sweet fellowship with our peers"...... I certainly wasn't talking about the manicured lawns, the polished brass or the fountain area. -->
Living, breathing people.....our peers, who walked in the love and grace of God....were THE REASON TO MAKE THE JOURNEY and arrive at the destination, at hq for the roa.
I thought your comment was perfect...I guess it just conjured up thoughts of disdain I had for that supposedly 'hallowed' place that I felt no real connection to.
Often people would tell me of their HQ spiritual adventures and how FANTASTICAL their time was...but I couldn't get the feeling. Felt outta' the loop. -->
But it was great for me to post what I did...helped me unravel yet another TWIsted knot in my brain about that freaky place!
Yes, I do agree... about the peers and getting together. My greatest memories were always getting together with other reprobates such as myself and laughing at all the stupidity we saw! That was always so refreshing!!!
All year putting up with TWI legalists and then finally finding a few 'like us' and letting it all out...a venting/bonding time!!! :D-->
Yes indeed, good therapy huh.:.) Even though I think the more you talk about something the more agitated you can get. (that's on the flip side)
Agitated...very good word. I like it.
Now, in saying this, I recently read a book called Overcoming Hurts & Anger by Dwight Carlson.
This book explains that we as humans can suppress our pains, our anger, our hurts. When we do this...this is very detrimental to our lives. It is not to say either...that we are to let all our rage, anger out...having hissy fits cause we're ticked at all. All of these issues that we have had locked up inside of us for so many years need to be looked after. If not, they will continue to cause pain which in turn will become anger.
We were taught in TWI that anger is negative. That it's a sorta' being 'out of control'. I believe that both anger and pain are innate in us and are healthy emotions. They are put there to help us, make us aware that something is wrong. To ignore these is just delaying the inevitable.
That's why GSC is a healthy place. It's not a 'let's vent' for the sake of 'venting'. Maybe for some yes, but I believe that the majority it is not. You see it especially when people start off a post by saying..."I've been thinking" or 'Something I read got me thinking". Something here on GS, triggered something that they probably had suppressed in their mind and now, they were finally putting it together and getting to express it and seeing it for what it was. Venting is part of the grieving process. If we do not vent, we are not healthy emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually. And yes, at times, as we talk about it meaning, what has caused the anger, the anger will surface. And yes, this person may become agitated.
But, deeper is the pain that is fueling the anger that we must face and deal with. If not, it will continue to fester in our lives.
Now like I said, venting for the sake of I do not agree. In the 'venting' process, we see the errors, we understand them, we see what caused the pain and then we see that perhaps things we blamed ourselves for are perhaps not always all our fault.
After posting here on GSC, I feel better not worse for doing so. The lightbulb is finally coming on in many respects. I'm getting the picture. The pistons are now firing. I'm seeing things for what they really are...and not what I was 'taught' they were.
For so many years in TWI, I suppressed it all, the bad especially. In this book, he explains, once we begin to suppress the bad, all gets suppressed. And after awhile, if we suppress long enough, we start to loose feeling. Even the good feelings. WE BECOME NUMB.
I guess for me GS is an UN-NUMBING of sorts. Many people do many things to numb (suppress) their pains. They drink, do drugs, beat their wives, kids, become busy so they don't feel (meaning, immerse themselves in whatever) all to not feel. Sometimes the pain is too scary to face. But once you do...if you can face the anger, and understand its source, it will then begin to go.
I often think of the movie 'Good Will Hunting' with Robin Williams and Matt Damon. It was when this young man understood it wasn't his fault that his father beat him and abused him, that the pain was gone. Until then, he was angry, violent, insensitive, and pushed all personal relationships away from him. To get close to him was too painful. He was afraid of what was inside. So he suppressed it. Nevertheless it still came out though, but in different forms.
Anyhow, I've blithered enough. Those are my thoughts on things.
I do not claim to be a therapist, counsellor, psychologist or psychiatrist in any way, shape or form. Most of what I have shared here is what I learnt from this book as well as my own observations of human nature.
I just want to understand and deal with my pain, and this place helps.
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A la prochaine
What a beautiful thought!
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Cripes --- they require (no -- they demand!) that believer's in a 250 mile radius attend a SNS, and these bozos can't travel 7 miles for the funeral of the former 1st Lady???
What an arrogant, apostate bunch of *********.
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A la prochaine
Ditto on what Mr. Music Man said!!!

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CWS and I wrote the book on TWI and vicious disregard for folks as anyone who knows our story can attest to
AND I repeat
Since when was going to a funeral or memorial service a requirement of grieving??? For those of you who like that format, for those of you who feel it is the proper thing to do GO FOR IT!!!
But, for pity sakes, stop trying to make it sound like those of us who eschew that kind of public display are some sort of monsters!!!
What TWI did to Dorthea Wierwille during her life is apples
What TWI continues to do is pears
Attending funerals is oranges
Stop trying to turn the apples and pears into oranges
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I wonder if twi was simply afraid to allow anyone attend.
Goodness if innies see that outies are still alive, successfull, loving...see their old frineds are still the great folks they always would certainly dispell a lot of the myths surrounding ones fate after departing twi....pieces might start falling into place.
I don`t think that innies could have handled it.
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"I wonder if twi was simply afraid to allow anyone attend."
Of coure they are afraid! You ever run into some innies? Most especially those higher in rank? I do at least a few times a year and it never ceases to amaze me to realize that they are far more afraid of me now that I am out, then I ever was of them when I was in.
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this is so true.
I was put on probation during a time that was very crucial to my best friends (believer)final days.....She fell asleep during a stem cell transplant...they would not allow me to go to the hospital to visit her.......I helped to take care of her during her 2 yrs battle w/ cancer. I went to the dr's office with her and listened to the dr's report that it spread to 7 organs........i had spent many hours keeping her heart light and many hrs praying together and helping her thru many difficult times...we were the best of friends....................get real!!!!!..I wasnt allowed to go her funeral..I called the hospital every Monday and spoke the nurse to find out how she was doing!!!!! I found out she "Expired" from the hospital staff......
So for those who are in....I know how you feel that you couldnt go and pay your final respects!!!!!!!
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THAT sucks eagle....this physically sickens me.
What unbelievabl cruelty .... keeping dear friends seperated in ones final days....denying what littl measure and peace and comfort that you physical presence could have provided to a dying person in their last hours...
Good lord, I am agahst at the control and power that we allowed twi to have over our lives...I don`t know any other group on this planet that would have been this vindictive....
You know DAMN well that is what it is...they had the power to hurt ... the power to deny that which would have brought peace....and they exercised it....
Damn em...there is NOTHING regarding Godliness or common decency that resides within them ..
Viscious ...cruel.. childishly vindictive...uncaring.....
Yeah RIGHT I can just see evidence of your so called *truth* just oozing from your slimey, seared, corrupted, sleazy souls ....
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Thank you Rascal..
After posting this my stomache turned....
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Wasn't it loy that boasted to have power to "bring degredation to" our lives?
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
I looked in local phonebook and Rosalie's address is listed as New Knoxville/New Bremen Road(edge of TWIHQ property) instead of 5555 Wierwille Road which is listed as Howard Allen's address.
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think fish
"it's all about control"
(in my best hank hill impersonation)
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Rosalie lives off grounds here in this manicured house and property minutes away from the OSC building and just minutes away from Mrs. W's Memorial service. She should have been there. The reasons why have been talked about in the above posts.
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Yeah......the LUNCHEON following the funeral service would have provided ample opportunity for innie staff to mix with "friends and co-workers" who left twi years ago. The conversations would have spurred on lots of questions and, perhaps, debunked many lies and labeling by twi's leaders.
Surely.....the "possessed" label would have been nearly laughable had those innies spent some quality time discussing with ex-way folk their families, careers, community involvement, prayers answered and BLESSINGS FROM GOD galore.
The powerful witness of first-hand information would have empowered others to leave twi's confines.....and started another mass exodus.
Yeah, I can see why rosa-lie and co. were/are AFRAID of informing others about the St. Marys funeral service. The "invite" to attend twi's grounds and the garden of living waters at the end of this month is a FUTILE ATTEMPT TO CONTROL THE SITUATION, GUARD THEIR FLOCK AND PAY HOMAGE TO TWI'S ANNIVERSARY DATE.
It's so obvious! Sheeeesh.
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Yeah....rosalie's manicured property, thanks to twi grounds department, way builders, way go-fers, safety department, housekeeping and others.
Surely, rosalie has declared all these services and tax-free perks with the IRS ?
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All of this is very interesting....
Twi honors victor paul wierwille and lauds his work to the skies......YET, they blatantly disregard the family funeral service of "the first lady of the way international."
In vpw's latter days....he demanded that the board of trustees take care of Mrs. Wierwille and "God help them if they forsook this responsibility." And yet, esteeming vp's work on one hand, TWI REFUSED TO UPHOLD VICTOR PAUL WIERWILLE'S WORDS.
The irony of it all.
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A la prochaine
The more we talk about these goons and that place the more it gets smaller and smaller in my mind. THANK GOD!!!
I was just looking at some pictures of the grounds at HQ and did that place ever look empty and cold. Perfert ... yes...not a blade out of place...but cold and lifeless.
How did I not see it before!
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Yeah.....with each passing year, twi has become more ANAL on details and neglecting the people.
There was a time, back in 1974-1984, when hq represented a "destination for yearly reunions/sweet fellowship with our peers. And, yet now.....the structure, the system is idolized.
I think THE wagging the dog!!!
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It's cold and sterile! That's because there's no one there to enjoy it and they wouldn't be allowed to if they could.
Pity all that beautiful landscaping is going to waste. Pity so many people who could be enjoying it are so imprisoned by TWIt doctrine that they don't even remember how to enjoy life, much less, how to stop and smell the roses.
The world is too much with them:
Thank you, Mr. Wordsworth.
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A la prochaine
You know...even during those year, that place scared me. I never felt at home. Everything was so 'super-security-ized' that I felt I was on the verge of getting into big trouble at any given moment if I stepped somewhere that I wasn't supposed to be. In the back of mind the thought..."I'm probably NOT supposed to be here and someone is bound to catch me!" was always lurking.
I guess for me ... it never felt like HOME as they boasted it was, but rather...just an overly perfectionized piece of property. Sterile is the only word that comes to mind. The feeling was for me institutional.
I also felt when I went back home...there was something WRONG with my believing because I didn't live that pristine lifestyle they did at HQ. I felt that I lived below standard.
To stand at the face of a beautiful un-cut forest, beside an ocean with the rugged shoreline and the harshness of the rock pertruding from the earth, nothing touched by human hand but only the ravages of the sea, would make me feel far closer to God than that place ever did.
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When I said that "hq represented a destination for yearly reuinions/sweet fellowship with our peers"...... I certainly wasn't talking about the manicured lawns, the polished brass or the fountain area.
Living, breathing people.....our peers, who walked in the love and grace of God....were THE REASON TO MAKE THE JOURNEY and arrive at the destination, at hq for the roa.
Ala, you and I know THAT all too well.
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A la prochaine
I thought your comment was perfect...I guess it just conjured up thoughts of disdain I had for that supposedly 'hallowed' place that I felt no real connection to.
Often people would tell me of their HQ spiritual adventures and how FANTASTICAL their time was...but I couldn't get the feeling. Felt outta' the loop.
But it was great for me to post what I did...helped me unravel yet another TWIsted knot in my brain about that freaky place!
Yes, I do agree... about the peers and getting together. My greatest memories were always getting together with other reprobates such as myself and laughing at all the stupidity we saw! That was always so refreshing!!!
All year putting up with TWI legalists and then finally finding a few 'like us' and letting it all out...a venting/bonding time!!!
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A la prochaine
Agitated...very good word. I like it.
Now, in saying this, I recently read a book called Overcoming Hurts & Anger by Dwight Carlson.
This book explains that we as humans can suppress our pains, our anger, our hurts. When we do this...this is very detrimental to our lives. It is not to say either...that we are to let all our rage, anger out...having hissy fits cause we're ticked at all. All of these issues that we have had locked up inside of us for so many years need to be looked after. If not, they will continue to cause pain which in turn will become anger.
We were taught in TWI that anger is negative. That it's a sorta' being 'out of control'. I believe that both anger and pain are innate in us and are healthy emotions. They are put there to help us, make us aware that something is wrong. To ignore these is just delaying the inevitable.
That's why GSC is a healthy place. It's not a 'let's vent' for the sake of 'venting'. Maybe for some yes, but I believe that the majority it is not. You see it especially when people start off a post by saying..."I've been thinking" or 'Something I read got me thinking". Something here on GS, triggered something that they probably had suppressed in their mind and now, they were finally putting it together and getting to express it and seeing it for what it was. Venting is part of the grieving process. If we do not vent, we are not healthy emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually. And yes, at times, as we talk about it meaning, what has caused the anger, the anger will surface. And yes, this person may become agitated.
But, deeper is the pain that is fueling the anger that we must face and deal with. If not, it will continue to fester in our lives.
Now like I said, venting for the sake of I do not agree. In the 'venting' process, we see the errors, we understand them, we see what caused the pain and then we see that perhaps things we blamed ourselves for are perhaps not always all our fault.
After posting here on GSC, I feel better not worse for doing so. The lightbulb is finally coming on in many respects. I'm getting the picture. The pistons are now firing. I'm seeing things for what they really are...and not what I was 'taught' they were.
For so many years in TWI, I suppressed it all, the bad especially. In this book, he explains, once we begin to suppress the bad, all gets suppressed. And after awhile, if we suppress long enough, we start to loose feeling. Even the good feelings. WE BECOME NUMB.
I guess for me GS is an UN-NUMBING of sorts. Many people do many things to numb (suppress) their pains. They drink, do drugs, beat their wives, kids, become busy so they don't feel (meaning, immerse themselves in whatever) all to not feel. Sometimes the pain is too scary to face. But once you do...if you can face the anger, and understand its source, it will then begin to go.
I often think of the movie 'Good Will Hunting' with Robin Williams and Matt Damon. It was when this young man understood it wasn't his fault that his father beat him and abused him, that the pain was gone. Until then, he was angry, violent, insensitive, and pushed all personal relationships away from him. To get close to him was too painful. He was afraid of what was inside. So he suppressed it. Nevertheless it still came out though, but in different forms.
Anyhow, I've blithered enough. Those are my thoughts on things.
I do not claim to be a therapist, counsellor, psychologist or psychiatrist in any way, shape or form. Most of what I have shared here is what I learnt from this book as well as my own observations of human nature.
I just want to understand and deal with my pain, and this place helps.
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