It's a lie. Unless you can state factually and specifically what "preferential treatment" I received.
I will admit that having family in twi made the experience more pleasant. That is true. But special treatment? I do not recall any.
Rascal, if you assume that I received answers to my letters only because I had family in twi, that's a stretch. Again, you are surmising evil things you have no knowledge about.
You can talk authoritatively about your involvement, not mine.
QUOTE] I see now that we missed the mark on worshipping Jesus, but
HOW In heaven's name can you miss the mark on JESUS and claim to be a Biblical RESEARCHING and teaching fellowship???
I mean the whole book is about Him in some way or another--from the prophets, to his life, to the good news....
it wasn't out of hate or malice, just not enough right teaching on the subject.
So let me get this straight -- GOd showed VPW the greatness of the WORD (that hadn't been known since the 1st century church) and just "forget" about correct teaching about HIS SOn -?? -->?? ??
Good points Mo, God showed vp and vp forgot the most important aspect of CHRISTianity
I think in making Biblical research our entire became a distraction from our true duty and the activities that would have helped us mature as christians....almost a form of idolotry.
HOW In heaven's name can you miss the mark on JESUS and claim to be a Biblical RESEARCHING and teaching fellowship???
So let me get this straight -- GOd showed VPW the greatness of the WORD (that hadn't been known since the 1st century church) and just "forget" about correct teaching about HIS SOn
As far as worshipping Jesus is where we possibly missed the mark. I'm still getting used to the idea that it's ok to worship Jesus. After many years of waythink, this is a breakthrough.
Wouldn't have hurt to explore that doctrine in greater detail, but perhaps it was necessary for things to go down the way they did, for us to fully understand God's unparalled, exhaulted position. I am STILL very comfortable with that belief.
I thought HE paid the price for me, not the other way around..
I can count at least twelve people that I sacrificed to that stinkhole.
Eleven of them, I've reconciled with. The last one, it was bad enough, if I run accross them, I'll volunteer to buy the bullets..
All for the organization. Personal gain to me? Zero. Personal loss? Can't fathom it. The price for "da verd" was a LITTLE higher than it was advertised..
What about you Oldies? From your posts, I know of at least one.
It`s funny how we believed that all of our studying made everything else that went on in twi ok....
It was like because we viewed ourselves as workman that needeth not to be ashamed....we had license and free rein to behave badly....without suffering the consequences of our behavior....
Oldies, if you believe in any form of unitarianism, whether it be Arianism, Adoptionism, Socinianism, or whatever, then it would be blasphemous to worship Jesus.
If you believe in the traditional doctrine of Trinitarianism, then worship of Jesus is necessary.
BTW, I would refer you to Rev 4:1 through 5:14 for some other thoughts on the worship of Christ.
Good points Mo, God showed vp and vp forgot the most important aspect of CHRISTianity
I think in making Biblical research our entire became a distraction from our true duty and the activities that would have helped us mature as christians....almost a form of idolotry.
...almost a form of idolotry. Naw, that isn't quite right.
...Epitome of idolatry. Yeppers, exactly right now, I think.
One) Love God with all thy heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Two) Love thy neighbor as thy self.
an analogy...
One and Two are gardens.
the gardener needs to water and tend to each garden equally for both to flourish. if the gardener tends to one over the other, one garden will flourish whilst the other withers. if the gardener neglects each, both wither.
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You enjoyed access and were allowed to question ... even recieved an answere in return oldies while others were denied this priveledge.
I will leave it to you to surmise why you consistantly recieved preferential treatment.
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It's a lie. Unless you can state factually and specifically what "preferential treatment" I received.
I will admit that having family in twi made the experience more pleasant. That is true. But special treatment? I do not recall any.
Rascal, if you assume that I received answers to my letters only because I had family in twi, that's a stretch. Again, you are surmising evil things you have no knowledge about.
You can talk authoritatively about your involvement, not mine.
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Yeah, I think twi ended up being a big 15 yr plus detour in life from where I was supposed to go and what I should have been doing.
It is amazing once back on track again how clear it all becomes.
No, I would not go back for anything... and cannot think of any other path that my life could have taken would have been much less destructive.
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No, being able to participate in an ORGANIZATION.
Corrupt one, at that..
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An organization. A "social club". A not-so exclusive, "exclusive" country club.
A "church".
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An organization that participation within distracted us from our true duty to God and to each other :-(
Teachings though very religious sounding, once learned..... effectivly distanced us from God and the rest of the body of Christ.
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QUOTE] I see now that we missed the mark on worshipping Jesus, but
HOW In heaven's name can you miss the mark on JESUS and claim to be a Biblical RESEARCHING and teaching fellowship???
I mean the whole book is about Him in some way or another--from the prophets, to his life, to the good news....
So let me get this straight -- GOd showed VPW the greatness of the WORD (that hadn't been known since the 1st century church) and just "forget" about correct teaching about HIS SOn -??
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and I sacrificed PEOPLE on their damned altar too.
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loy and vic sacrificed THOUSANDS.
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i remember back in the early years {70's} we were invited encouraged } to ask a question and send it to "the teacher" i guess some people got answers
i never wrote
i was hooked lined and sinkered into what ever the big man said i never dared to question.
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(((((Hamm)))) To my shame me too....literally.
Good points Mo, God showed vp and vp forgot the most important aspect of CHRISTianity
I think in making Biblical research our entire became a distraction from our true duty and the activities that would have helped us mature as christians....almost a form of idolotry.
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Amazing where all of this studying, and "mastering" took us, is it not..
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Arrogant, heartless, anal retentive, pompous self rightious pricks......
Amazing how HARD we worked to arrive so far from where we thought we were going...
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Wouldn't have hurt to explore that doctrine in greater detail, but perhaps it was necessary for things to go down the way they did, for us to fully understand God's unparalled, exhaulted position. I am STILL very comfortable with that belief.
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Ah, but the cost..
I thought HE paid the price for me, not the other way around..
I can count at least twelve people that I sacrificed to that stinkhole.
Eleven of them, I've reconciled with. The last one, it was bad enough, if I run accross them, I'll volunteer to buy the bullets..
All for the organization. Personal gain to me? Zero. Personal loss? Can't fathom it. The price for "da verd" was a LITTLE higher than it was advertised..
What about you Oldies? From your posts, I know of at least one.
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You mean the wrong teaching on tithing?
Doesn't bother me in the least.
I tried it. It didn't work for me. So I stopped doing it. No harm done.
Ok so maybe I lost a few bucks. Hundreds. Maybe even thousands.
Truth is, I probably would have wasted the bucks somewhere else.
I've had my ups and downs in twi. It wasn't a cake walk all the time, anyone who was around for any length of time knows this.
Lost 2 good friends who died, one got hit by a truck, another shot himself in the head.
I think these were two guys who would have wanted me to eat the fish and spit out the bones, as I remember them.
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Apparently you don't remember.. sorry I even brought it up.
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It`s funny how we believed that all of our studying made everything else that went on in twi ok....
It was like because we viewed ourselves as workman that needeth not to be ashamed....we had license and free rein to behave badly....without suffering the consequences of our behavior....
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Worship Jesus?
Noooo Thanks......
I said
Where did you get that?
What's the chapter and verse?
Can you show it to line by line
Did it come out of Romans or just out of Rome
If it did,
think I'll leave it behind
Is it really God's Word or just something you've heard. If it is think I'll leave it behind.
Tom Burke....
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Oldies, if you believe in any form of unitarianism, whether it be Arianism, Adoptionism, Socinianism, or whatever, then it would be blasphemous to worship Jesus.
If you believe in the traditional doctrine of Trinitarianism, then worship of Jesus is necessary.
BTW, I would refer you to Rev 4:1 through 5:14 for some other thoughts on the worship of Christ.
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BTW, Oldies,
Your recent few posts on this thread have been remarkably humble. My compliments.
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Brother Speed
...almost a form of idolotry. Naw, that isn't quite right.
...Epitome of idolatry. Yeppers, exactly right now, I think.
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Brother Speed
One) Love God with all thy heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Two) Love thy neighbor as thy self.
an analogy...
One and Two are gardens.
the gardener needs to water and tend to each garden equally for both to flourish. if the gardener tends to one over the other, one garden will flourish whilst the other withers. if the gardener neglects each, both wither.
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