I LOVE your sign off quote. It has been a favorite of mine since 5th grade and I used it in my senior annual as a quote that summarizes my life. It is genius..."miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep." Doesn't that just about say it for anyone ever in TWI? And for Mrs. W.
Robert Frost was a genius, my favorite poet of all time. I forgot about my sign off. I guess appropriate for the occasion.
I've got to go out to load trucks again. Katrina effort in full swing up here in Michigan and Northern Toledo. Weekend work. It's fun though. I committed to this prior to Mrs. Wierwille passing away. Couldn't leave the rest of the guys hanging without help on the trucks. So I didn't attend the Visitation or the Memorial this weekend. I send my regards and deepest sympathies to the Wierwille family. My feelings were posted on the website Memorial. It was all I could do at this time.
Our trucks are headed to a Florida drop off point and Biloxi, Mississippi.
I wish the best at the Memorial today for Mrs. Wierwille. I know a lot of us are unable to attend.
Of course they conveniently leave out the fact that her memorial service and visitation is this weekend is St. Mary's open to everyone.
Seems very self- righteous and cult like. The way I see it they have not changed ONE BIT. Still hardened and calloused towards their fellow man in my opinion. This seems to be is a direct snub of the entire Wierwille family and freinds.
But then again, what do you expect? In my 25 year experience this has been the case. They are faithful in carrying out their traditions.
Also not even the slightest mention of Katrina. Most every Christian or charitable group acknowledges and mentions it on their sites and reach out in some way.
Judging from thier site they do not appear to care one bit. How boring to have that "Dead Sea" constipation.
TWI under the new leadership, well, somewhat new, has begun a few reforms and I am happy to hear they are letting anyone pay their respects. I'm not sure about the arrangements made behind the scenes with the Wierwille family but this is a lot better than the previous administration. Regardless of how people feel about the Way International, this is a lot better than previous years.
It IS a nice memorial on your site ... but I don't remember anyone ever calling her "Dottie." Dr. Wierwille called her "Dotsie." Are you sure people called her "Dottie?" In the 23.5 years I was in TWI, "Dotsie" was the only nickname I ever heard Mrs. Wierwille called.
OK is it just me? Did I miss it before? Or is this the first time that The Way website has made any mention to the "founder" of their ministry?? Just wondering anyone else know??
You may be right about "Dotsie". I heard "Dottie". I do have a problem in my right ear hearing which is about a half to three quarters of my left ear. I barely passed a hearing test in the Army after coming back from Vietnam. Seemed normal to me. But there are those that say I miss things people say. Don't know. I heard "Dottie" all these years. I apologize for any error I have. Anybody else confirm "Dotsie" over "Dottie"? I need to know to correct the Memorial at the website.
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Nice memorial Eagle.
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Thank you for posting this.
I LOVE your sign off quote. It has been a favorite of mine since 5th grade and I used it in my senior annual as a quote that summarizes my life. It is genius..."miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep." Doesn't that just about say it for anyone ever in TWI? And for Mrs. W.
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Thanks Oldies and Robes:
Robert Frost was a genius, my favorite poet of all time. I forgot about my sign off. I guess appropriate for the occasion.
I've got to go out to load trucks again. Katrina effort in full swing up here in Michigan and Northern Toledo. Weekend work. It's fun though. I committed to this prior to Mrs. Wierwille passing away. Couldn't leave the rest of the guys hanging without help on the trucks. So I didn't attend the Visitation or the Memorial this weekend. I send my regards and deepest sympathies to the Wierwille family. My feelings were posted on the website Memorial. It was all I could do at this time.
Our trucks are headed to a Florida drop off point and Biloxi, Mississippi.
I wish the best at the Memorial today for Mrs. Wierwille. I know a lot of us are unable to attend.
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Of course they conveniently leave out the fact that her memorial service and visitation is this weekend is St. Mary's open to everyone.
Seems very self- righteous and cult like. The way I see it they have not changed ONE BIT. Still hardened and calloused towards their fellow man in my opinion. This seems to be is a direct snub of the entire Wierwille family and freinds.
But then again, what do you expect? In my 25 year experience this has been the case. They are faithful in carrying out their traditions.
Also not even the slightest mention of Katrina. Most every Christian or charitable group acknowledges and mentions it on their sites and reach out in some way.
Judging from thier site they do not appear to care one bit. How boring to have that "Dead Sea" constipation.
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A la prochaine
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That poem by Robert Frost has always been my favorite.
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an internal cry simmers inside,
but let it out i dare not,
buried in my ocean it shall abide.
a familiar face is a memory that fades,
remembering the goose-bumps of older days
spiritually inspired escapdes
this tool, not taught how to handle
not passed through my blood,
i sit here in a shamble,
forgetting what i once was.
i do not blame
for we all sit in shame.
one day to be free
in a place for eternity
where hate is released and given to fade
rip mrs. w
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It is interesting twi put this on their website. Does this mean even us copouts can go and pay respects without getting arrested?
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TWI under the new leadership, well, somewhat new, has begun a few reforms and I am happy to hear they are letting anyone pay their respects. I'm not sure about the arrangements made behind the scenes with the Wierwille family but this is a lot better than the previous administration. Regardless of how people feel about the Way International, this is a lot better than previous years.
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Me, I'm wondering how she lost her first name in their
"memorial" of "her".
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It IS a nice memorial on your site ... but I don't remember anyone ever calling her "Dottie." Dr. Wierwille called her "Dotsie." Are you sure people called her "Dottie?" In the 23.5 years I was in TWI, "Dotsie" was the only nickname I ever heard Mrs. Wierwille called.
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OK is it just me? Did I miss it before? Or is this the first time that The Way website has made any mention to the "founder" of their ministry?? Just wondering anyone else know??
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You may be right about "Dotsie". I heard "Dottie". I do have a problem in my right ear hearing which is about a half to three quarters of my left ear. I barely passed a hearing test in the Army after coming back from Vietnam. Seemed normal to me. But there are those that say I miss things people say. Don't know. I heard "Dottie" all these years. I apologize for any error I have. Anybody else confirm "Dotsie" over "Dottie"? I need to know to correct the Memorial at the website.
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I remember Dotsie.
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and if I may one more time...Mrs W exuded quiet dignity IMO
Thanks all
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Dotsie it is. Thanks. This weekend the Memorial gets corrected.
God Bless.
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