Surprisingly not. I quit working for twi in 2001. I got a glowing reference when I first left HQ, but I had the same job from that time until recently. I got married and moved to another state. I asked my co-worker about what kind of reference twi gave me. She said it was fine. But she said it wouldn't have mattered because of the exceptional reference my most recent employer gave me.
Guess it depends on the individual people. I never worked for TWI directly, just TWI people. One in particular owed me back salary and despite being as poor as I was at the time, I wrote it off.
But I had quit TWI and his business at the same time and was marked and avoided. I did most of the work for that business at that time and did allow time for someone to take my place and train them before I left. I also worked my butt off in the business so he and his family could make it to the ROA.
After quitting, I was looked down upon. The man was a large financial contributor to TWI. After quitting TWI, I thought I would at least get a good reference but got a bad one from him.
Despite that, I was hired because I was a temp that was able to work the job I was hired for and proved myself on the job. The man doing the interview ignored the bad reference.
I thought I was toast, but it turned out okay after all.
I'm sure the laws vary some from state to state, but in Michigan if you give a bad reference you better have damned good documentation of specific problems to back it up. Otherwise you could be facing a lawsuit.
I agree with Abigail. In my area too, it's illegal to give a bad reference without documentation. In fact, I don't think they can ask any questions here except to verify your employment there, your position, salary and title. You might want to look into that. :)-->
Oh, I won't sue the guy. I forgave him. But I am much the wiser to work for someone in that kind of position again. Since I beat that rap, no lawsuit. If I hadn't, I would have been dirt poor and couldn't afford a lawyer.
Sounds like TWI itself was smarter and gave good, neutral, or no reference. I like the information being given on this thread though as I do intend to begin a business. Some of this material may protect me.
I had a similar situation... worked for a couple of years for a big-wig local wayfer. He and his partner told me in person several times how wonderful they thought my work was. (Stupidly, I never had them put it in writing... didn't think I'd be needing it.)
Anyway, I found myself suddenly booted from twi, and a message was left on my answering machine the very next day saying they no longer needed my services!! I wrote a very professional letter asking for written references on my work, since I would be needing to find employement elsewhere. I got nothing. Zip.
After that I didn't even list them as a reference on applications because I was concerned about what they might say to potential employers.
Heck, they aren't even good to their OWN people, much less those "outside" THE household. Where do they learn to act like that, I wonder...... SATAN? said in my best Church Lady voice
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Surprisingly not. I quit working for twi in 2001. I got a glowing reference when I first left HQ, but I had the same job from that time until recently. I got married and moved to another state. I asked my co-worker about what kind of reference twi gave me. She said it was fine. But she said it wouldn't have mattered because of the exceptional reference my most recent employer gave me.
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Guess it depends on the individual people. I never worked for TWI directly, just TWI people. One in particular owed me back salary and despite being as poor as I was at the time, I wrote it off.
But I had quit TWI and his business at the same time and was marked and avoided. I did most of the work for that business at that time and did allow time for someone to take my place and train them before I left. I also worked my butt off in the business so he and his family could make it to the ROA.
After quitting, I was looked down upon. The man was a large financial contributor to TWI. After quitting TWI, I thought I would at least get a good reference but got a bad one from him.
Despite that, I was hired because I was a temp that was able to work the job I was hired for and proved myself on the job. The man doing the interview ignored the bad reference.
I thought I was toast, but it turned out okay after all.
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Eagle, Remember God, maybe these people will get a bad reference to heaven
BTW wE WERE BATTERED BY twi TOO, and lost all our friends. Thank God for Waydale and G.S. Cafe, now I got lots of friends right here.
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I'm sure the laws vary some from state to state, but in Michigan if you give a bad reference you better have damned good documentation of specific problems to back it up. Otherwise you could be facing a lawsuit.
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Let me see..."Former glassy eyed cult member seeking employment. Experience in stringing chairs and leading songs..."
Somehow my affiliation with twi always "escaped" from making it onto my resume.
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Georgio Jessio
I never got a reference but I did find out that my associates degree in theology is useless.
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I agree with Abigail. In my area too, it's illegal to give a bad reference without documentation. In fact, I don't think they can ask any questions here except to verify your employment there, your position, salary and title. You might want to look into that.
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One other legal question is:
"Would you rehire that person?"
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Oh, I won't sue the guy. I forgave him. But I am much the wiser to work for someone in that kind of position again. Since I beat that rap, no lawsuit. If I hadn't, I would have been dirt poor and couldn't afford a lawyer.
Sounds like TWI itself was smarter and gave good, neutral, or no reference. I like the information being given on this thread though as I do intend to begin a business. Some of this material may protect me.
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God first
Beloved Eagle
God bless your heart
That happen to a friend of mine that taught me a lot of things that have help me along life way
But it was God who help him get the job and I am sure it was God that help you forgive that person
Forgiving seems to be a key to growth
This man understood Geneis like I not heard taught my any others
He did a time line better than the one I did
Its was good to think about him again
thanks Eagle
with love and an holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I had a similar situation... worked for a couple of years for a big-wig local wayfer. He and his partner told me in person several times how wonderful they thought my work was. (Stupidly, I never had them put it in writing... didn't think I'd be needing it.)
Anyway, I found myself suddenly booted from twi, and a message was left on my answering machine the very next day saying they no longer needed my services!! I wrote a very professional letter asking for written references on my work, since I would be needing to find employement elsewhere. I got nothing. Zip.
After that I didn't even list them as a reference on applications because I was concerned about what they might say to potential employers.
The hypocrasy still just burns me up.
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So much for "doing good unto ALL men...."
Heck, they aren't even good to their OWN people, much less those "outside" THE household. Where do they learn to act like that, I wonder...... SATAN? said in my best Church Lady voice
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