If church isn't your thing and you want to check out some of the offshoot fellowships, you should be able to locate one near you throught their websites. Here's a few I know of;
My family and I have been attending "regular" churches since the late 80's. We've even been employed by a few. :)-->
Seems if we ex-wayfers have bible teaching/pastoral skills, there is a great demand among the body of Christ. Forget the "I have a problem with the doctrine" thing, and our gifts make very much room.
"the differn't churches attended by GSers' gives credence to my point that the haughty 'attacks'on twi 'foundational' truths is definitely from a 'slanted' angle.!!"
Are you saying that because some of us prefer church to TWI that we have a "slanted angle"?
Thats nonsense! All of us were a part of TWI and at one time bought into their doctrines.
But many here at GS Cafe, after investigating TWI doctrines have found a lot of error in them.
Allan, instead of chastising those who disagree with you doctrinally perhaps you should discuss your, or TWI's biblical beliefs in a rational manner over in the Doctrinal forum, who knows, maybe you'll be able to show biblically where some of us are in error. But maybe, if you listen you might learn something too!
having custody of my children every other weekend i take them, ages 11, 6 and 4 whether wethey like it or not. my 11 year old admitted recently that she is "sort of starting to like it". the church is very friendly and they don't seem to mind too much when my 4 year old turns to jelly and slimes his way under the pews or when my six year old walks up front for the childrens sermon with his pants on backwards or with missing shoes and tie askew.
i intially started attending these services to bless my aging parents but this form of worship has grown on me.
afterwards, we all go out to a greek diner for lunch.
my soon-to-be ex wife roundly, derisivly and with much condescending laughter criticizes this church attendance, an attitude which will not serve her well when we settle our divorce. she attends a wierwillist/geerite fellowship with the kids which is fine with me. no harm yet as far as i can see.
i will be having my youngest boy baptized at this lutheran church.
having custody of my children every other weekend i take them, ages 11, 6 and 4 whether wethey like it or not. my 11 year old admitted recently that she is "sort of starting to like it". the church is very friendly and they don't seem to mind too much when my 4 year old turns to jelly and slimes his way under the pews or when my six year old walks up front for the childrens sermon with his pants on backwards or with missing shoes and tie askew.
i intially started attending these services to bless my aging parents but this form of worship has grown on me.
afterwards, we all go out to a greek diner for lunch.
my soon-to-be ex wife roundly, derisivly and with much condescending laughter criticizes this church attendance, an attitude which will not serve her well when we settle our divorce. she attends a wierwillist/geerite fellowship with the kids which is fine with me. no harm yet as far as i can see.
i will be having my youngest boy baptized at this lutheran church.
it's all good.
as long as it is truly good.
and i will be the one to judge.
luther vs wierwillw? no contest.
i'll take luther.
Grasshopper, I am glad you are finding a positive response there. There are many churches which are more than happy to reach out to former twi-ers.
I attend a regular church. I tried different offshoots when I first left, and I realized it was twi docrine making me sick....you can be soooo right, yet sooo wrong. I went to a CES fellowship right away, and it was a bit religious IMHO. CFF didn't have anything in San Diego, so W*yne Cl*pp referred me to some Geer-ites. I went to one Sunday felowship to realize I didn't want anything that even closely resembled twi. The Geer-ites are Wierwille worshippers to the hilt. That's not me. It took me a few weeks to stop cringing when they prayed in Jesus' (not Jesus Christ's) name or when they referred to him as God, but I soon got over that by the true love of God I saw. I learned not to sweat the small stuff. It was only big stuff to begin with because twi made it that way.
I went to a few churches before I found one I liked. Once I went, I ended up getting a lot of healing (from twi experiences) in a divorce care group. I saw a lot more people who really cared about practicing the presence of Christ than I ever did in one year while on staff at HQ. It was refreshing and just what I needed.
i saw so much heart in the way they do things and this is the most conservative branch of the lutheran church (missouri synod)
i just sort of zone out when the rituals kick in and my daughter and i sing some of the more religious hymns with pseudo opera voices especially when we sit underneath the choir (but not too loud cause we don't want to offend).
i'll tell you though.
you can't beat "a mighty fortress is our god" for 14th century kick foot.
luther had guts.
unlike some others i've known
anyone coming to the burning at the stake tonight? we've got heretic jerky 2 for a buck.
but i better not go there because i'll start cursing and swearing and....
I once heard Martindale say, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Churches are swamp breeding grounds for devil spirits" or something to that effect.
One of the more devilish things, imo about TWI was there constant negative attitudes towards their brethren in Christ, i.e. Churches!
I now believe they did this to keep us away from churches to get us to stay with them and keep giving them money and our service. Just part of the cult mentality IMO.
you can't beat "a mighty fortress is our god" for 14th century kick foot.
I totally agree Hopper! :D--> I always liked that song. It had heart to it unlike a lot of the twi made-up songs we used to sing.
I once heard Martindale say, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Churches are swamp breeding grounds for devil spirits" or something to that effect.
One of the more devilish things, imo about TWI was there constant negative attitudes towards their brethren in Christ, i.e. Churches!
I remember him saying something like that. Boy were we missing out a lot just by ASSuming we knew it all.
I remember the first time I saw a praise and worship CD advertisement on TV when I was on Staff. That was the first spark in my heart that I wanted more than twi taught. It also was my first alert that I didn't have satisfaction in all 9 all the time (gag!!). What a damn farce! There is soooo much more satisfaction for me during praise and worship at church than any words I ever spoke in tongues. It feels like 2 way communication during praise and worship. SIT felt like me talking to the wall.
Don't get me started on SIT w/Interpretation and Prophecy....we'll have to start another thread...LOL!
I have a crucifix on a wall in my house. My mother-in-law gave it to my husband, and I never took it down. I heard those were dog whistles to devil spirits.....
What about those of you that have young children? Are they enjoying church?
I have a 12 year old and she loves it.
She's been an altar server since she was in 4th grade (she's in 7th now). She's developed a very good reputation as one of the best servers in the parish. We are having a dedication of a new altar this Saturday. The celebrant for that is the auxillary bishop of the Washington archdiocese and she was requested, by name, to be one of the servers for that mass.
Sort of funny thing (at least to me). We used to attend the 6:30 AM daily mass before school and work. She asked last year if we could stop doing that. I said "sure, no problem" (I don't want to be one of those parents who over-churches their kids). Well, she asked me over the summer if we could start going back to daily mass...I told her I'd be proud to take her...and we've been doing so since school started.
She is very involved with the middle school teen group and is involved with 2 or 3 theatrical productions during the year put on by the middle school and high school kids.
Through the Church, she's gotten involved with helping with the local food bank, soup kitchen, doing fund raisers (like car washes) for pro-life activities (such as raising money to help poor mothers with day-to-day needs that are part of keeping a family), and so on. She always loves doing it...the only problem is sometimes getting her up on Saturday morning so that she can get to where she needs to get LOL.
She's also looking forward to getting into 9th grade so that she can join the high school teen group (they do a lot more fun stuff than the middle school teen group, so she tells me :)--> )
So, yeah, Jan, she has a blast with it.
And as far as the younger kids, there are a lot of CYO sports, parties, and so on. Basically, there are socializing opportunities for kids anytime after they get beyond kindergarten age.
I am reading with great interest the churches you find yourselves attending. For 4 years we've been checking out the nondenoms and AOG and we were very disappointed.
I went to 1 AOG and it scared the H outta me. It was too weird: people on the floor, group prayer sounding like mourning, songs morose. It gave me an eerie feeling, so I never went back. I was raised in these churches before twi.
The church I go to now has a few people who sit in the back and say "Come on!" when the pastor says something good. It used to really bug me, but I tune it out now. Some day I want to say "OK, where we going??"
I have a deep craving for fellowship with like-minded believers.........problem: Can't find any.
I'm floored by how many of you are so easily able to compromise and put up with traditional Kristendumb. I listen to a radio station with so-called "esteemed" ministers trying to teach the Bible and they hack it to pieces. They may as well be teaching or reciting fairy tales.
Here are some of the most common infractions which keep me from going to a "church":
They call an account in the OT a "story". It's not a story....Cindarella is a story....Abraham existed and therefore is a historical account.
They come up with some of the most ludicrous explanations for why Paul, David, Job, and almost all other Biblical greats went through what they did. Just last night, one guy said that "Issac lied to Ambimelech because Abraham taught him to lie" "After all, Abraham was Issac's father and a son will only follow his father's example."
The trinity is so lame! Sometimes I tune into that station while I'm driving and I feel like I could spit tobacco or something. They make up explanations as they go.
John 3:16. It is taugh as though it is the way a person gets born again. All evidence points to the verse as being an invitation more than instruction.
Administrations. Boy, if they could almost get this one, they could probably actually get the rest. Listening to them makes me feel like the 7 epistles were never written.
I wouldn't mind going to church if they weren't so convinced that the Roman Catholic Church has been so correct all these centuries.
Wait a minute! Peter is the rock! Oh my God! I've been deprogrammed.
Personal Entertainer..boy oh boy you've stirred up a hornets nest..how dare you state that you still believe in some of twis' doctrine..!!
The hornets are coming..I can hear their buzzzzing..whats that they're saying??
Listen carefully..
I'm floored by how many of you are so easily able to compromise and put up with traditional Kristendumb
Compromise, no. Put up with.. perhaps. A cakewalk compared with the crap I put up with in der way..
I think a lot of us just re-evaluated what we were taught and came to a different conclusion.
I wouldn't mind going to church if they weren't so convinced that the Roman Catholic Church has been so correct all these centuries.
Well, despite some of the peace treaties, I haven't seen local protestant churches celebrating mass, installing priests, and purchasing "holy relics".. :)-->
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Hi Jan,
If church isn't your thing and you want to check out some of the offshoot fellowships, you should be able to locate one near you throught their websites. Here's a few I know of;
Christian Family Fellowship (CFF)
Christian Educational Services (CES)
Cortright Fellowship and believers home pages
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My family and I have been attending "regular" churches since the late 80's. We've even been employed by a few.
Seems if we ex-wayfers have bible teaching/pastoral skills, there is a great demand among the body of Christ. Forget the "I have a problem with the doctrine" thing, and our gifts make very much room.
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Allan said;
"the differn't churches attended by GSers' gives credence to my point that the haughty 'attacks'on twi 'foundational' truths is definitely from a 'slanted' angle.!!"
Are you saying that because some of us prefer church to TWI that we have a "slanted angle"?
Thats nonsense! All of us were a part of TWI and at one time bought into their doctrines.
But many here at GS Cafe, after investigating TWI doctrines have found a lot of error in them.
Allan, instead of chastising those who disagree with you doctrinally perhaps you should discuss your, or TWI's biblical beliefs in a rational manner over in the Doctrinal forum, who knows, maybe you'll be able to show biblically where some of us are in error. But maybe, if you listen you might learn something too!
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Well said, my brother OUT.
Geeze, nobody gives a rat's behind about being "doctrinally correct". (except of course, the cult members)
Christians have been arguing for centuries about doctrine. What really matters, IMO is character and behaviour.
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Outin88, what church group do you attend?
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i've returned to my lutheran roots.
i hated church as a kid however,
having custody of my children every other weekend i take them, ages 11, 6 and 4 whether wethey like it or not. my 11 year old admitted recently that she is "sort of starting to like it". the church is very friendly and they don't seem to mind too much when my 4 year old turns to jelly and slimes his way under the pews or when my six year old walks up front for the childrens sermon with his pants on backwards or with missing shoes and tie askew.
i intially started attending these services to bless my aging parents but this form of worship has grown on me.
afterwards, we all go out to a greek diner for lunch.
my soon-to-be ex wife roundly, derisivly and with much condescending laughter criticizes this church attendance, an attitude which will not serve her well when we settle our divorce. she attends a wierwillist/geerite fellowship with the kids which is fine with me. no harm yet as far as i can see.
i will be having my youngest boy baptized at this lutheran church.
it's all good.
as long as it is truly good.
and i will be the one to judge.
luther vs wierwillw? no contest.
i'll take luther.
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Grasshopper, I am glad you are finding a positive response there. There are many churches which are more than happy to reach out to former twi-ers.
I'll pray for you.
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I attend a regular church. I tried different offshoots when I first left, and I realized it was twi docrine making me sick....you can be soooo right, yet sooo wrong. I went to a CES fellowship right away, and it was a bit religious IMHO. CFF didn't have anything in San Diego, so W*yne Cl*pp referred me to some Geer-ites. I went to one Sunday felowship to realize I didn't want anything that even closely resembled twi. The Geer-ites are Wierwille worshippers to the hilt. That's not me. It took me a few weeks to stop cringing when they prayed in Jesus' (not Jesus Christ's) name or when they referred to him as God, but I soon got over that by the true love of God I saw. I learned not to sweat the small stuff. It was only big stuff to begin with because twi made it that way.
I went to a few churches before I found one I liked. Once I went, I ended up getting a lot of healing (from twi experiences) in a divorce care group. I saw a lot more people who really cared about practicing the presence of Christ than I ever did in one year while on staff at HQ. It was refreshing and just what I needed.
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thanks guys.
i saw so much heart in the way they do things and this is the most conservative branch of the lutheran church (missouri synod)
i just sort of zone out when the rituals kick in and my daughter and i sing some of the more religious hymns with pseudo opera voices especially when we sit underneath the choir (but not too loud cause we don't want to offend).
i'll tell you though.
you can't beat "a mighty fortress is our god" for 14th century kick foot.
luther had guts.
unlike some others i've known
anyone coming to the burning at the stake tonight? we've got heretic jerky 2 for a buck.
but i better not go there because i'll start cursing and swearing and....
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Def 59, are you from a place called Delta, OH or are you from the delta US?
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I once heard Martindale say, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Churches are swamp breeding grounds for devil spirits" or something to that effect.
One of the more devilish things, imo about TWI was there constant negative attitudes towards their brethren in Christ, i.e. Churches!
I now believe they did this to keep us away from churches to get us to stay with them and keep giving them money and our service. Just part of the cult mentality IMO.
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Hi Jan,
I've been attending Pureheart Christian fellowship church, here is a link to their website;
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I totally agree Hopper!
:D--> I always liked that song. It had heart to it unlike a lot of the twi made-up songs we used to sing.
I remember him saying something like that. Boy were we missing out a lot just by ASSuming we knew it all.
I remember the first time I saw a praise and worship CD advertisement on TV when I was on Staff. That was the first spark in my heart that I wanted more than twi taught. It also was my first alert that I didn't have satisfaction in all 9 all the time (gag!!). What a damn farce! There is soooo much more satisfaction for me during praise and worship at church than any words I ever spoke in tongues. It feels like 2 way communication during praise and worship. SIT felt like me talking to the wall.
Don't get me started on SIT w/Interpretation and Prophecy....we'll have to start another thread...LOL!
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I have a crucifix on a wall in my house. My mother-in-law gave it to my husband, and I never took it down. I heard those were dog whistles to devil spirits.....
[tune of twiglight zone...doo, doo, doo, doo]
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Thanks Sister Ex.
Jesus said the two greatest commands are to Love God with all your heart, mind, sould and strength, and the Love your neighbor as yourself.
I really don't recall commands that says not to love others or to not fellowship with those that disagree doctrinally with you.
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The christian praise/worship songs are what began waking me up to what was missing in twi too. I am still church hopping though.
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I have a 12 year old and she loves it.
She's been an altar server since she was in 4th grade (she's in 7th now). She's developed a very good reputation as one of the best servers in the parish. We are having a dedication of a new altar this Saturday. The celebrant for that is the auxillary bishop of the Washington archdiocese and she was requested, by name, to be one of the servers for that mass.
Sort of funny thing (at least to me). We used to attend the 6:30 AM daily mass before school and work. She asked last year if we could stop doing that. I said "sure, no problem" (I don't want to be one of those parents who over-churches their kids). Well, she asked me over the summer if we could start going back to daily mass...I told her I'd be proud to take her...and we've been doing so since school started.
She is very involved with the middle school teen group and is involved with 2 or 3 theatrical productions during the year put on by the middle school and high school kids.
Through the Church, she's gotten involved with helping with the local food bank, soup kitchen, doing fund raisers (like car washes) for pro-life activities (such as raising money to help poor mothers with day-to-day needs that are part of keeping a family), and so on. She always loves doing it...the only problem is sometimes getting her up on Saturday morning so that she can get to where she needs to get LOL.
She's also looking forward to getting into 9th grade so that she can join the high school teen group (they do a lot more fun stuff than the middle school teen group, so she tells me
:)--> )
So, yeah, Jan, she has a blast with it.
And as far as the younger kids, there are a lot of CYO sports, parties, and so on. Basically, there are socializing opportunities for kids anytime after they get beyond kindergarten age.
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Wow that is great!
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I am reading with great interest the churches you find yourselves attending. For 4 years we've been checking out the nondenoms and AOG and we were very disappointed.
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I went to 1 AOG and it scared the H outta me. It was too weird: people on the floor, group prayer sounding like mourning, songs morose. It gave me an eerie feeling, so I never went back. I was raised in these churches before twi.
The church I go to now has a few people who sit in the back and say "Come on!" when the pastor says something good. It used to really bug me, but I tune it out now. Some day I want to say "OK, where we going??"
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The churches I found that I like advertise they have a contemporary worship service.
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I have a deep craving for fellowship with like-minded believers.........problem: Can't find any.
I'm floored by how many of you are so easily able to compromise and put up with traditional Kristendumb. I listen to a radio station with so-called "esteemed" ministers trying to teach the Bible and they hack it to pieces. They may as well be teaching or reciting fairy tales.
Here are some of the most common infractions which keep me from going to a "church":
They call an account in the OT a "story". It's not a story....Cindarella is a story....Abraham existed and therefore is a historical account.
They come up with some of the most ludicrous explanations for why Paul, David, Job, and almost all other Biblical greats went through what they did. Just last night, one guy said that "Issac lied to Ambimelech because Abraham taught him to lie" "After all, Abraham was Issac's father and a son will only follow his father's example."
The trinity is so lame! Sometimes I tune into that station while I'm driving and I feel like I could spit tobacco or something. They make up explanations as they go.
John 3:16. It is taugh as though it is the way a person gets born again. All evidence points to the verse as being an invitation more than instruction.
Administrations. Boy, if they could almost get this one, they could probably actually get the rest. Listening to them makes me feel like the 7 epistles were never written.
I wouldn't mind going to church if they weren't so convinced that the Roman Catholic Church has been so correct all these centuries.
Wait a minute! Peter is the rock! Oh my God! I've been deprogrammed.
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Personal Entertainer..boy oh boy you've stirred up a hornets nest..how dare you state that you still believe in some of twis' doctrine..!!
The hornets are coming..I can hear their buzzzzing..whats that they're saying??
Listen carefully..
The word 'hypocrite springs to mind...
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Compromise, no. Put up with.. perhaps. A cakewalk compared with the crap I put up with in der way..
I think a lot of us just re-evaluated what we were taught and came to a different conclusion.
Well, despite some of the peace treaties, I haven't seen local protestant churches celebrating mass, installing priests, and purchasing "holy relics"..
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