Multiple Presbys signed the Declaration of Independence including a Rev.
- one of our Revs was the first white guy arrested in the Civil Rights movement.
We've ordained women for over 70 years.
We're (relatively) safe (and MUCH safer) from exploitation, incompetence, haughtyness, abuse, money grubbing, bad attitude, family splitting, pride, idolatry, capricious whimful leaders.... etc.
I go to a very regular chuch. First United Metodist. We have had the hottest bible in the past few weeks that I have ever heard in my 16 yrs in twi. We are starting a bible study with 500 people on Wensdays.
The most stunning "fellowship" I 've recently encountered was at work.
I worked alongside a man for the day, who shared with me about his wife's struggle and suffering with intestinal cancer, who "should have died" (according to doctors) two years ago, and is holding the cancer at bay on a juice diet.
He didn't tell me he was a Christian, nor prosletize himself or his religion (whatever denomination it may have been, I know not nor care). He didn't need to. In our talking He thanked God and I thanked God along with him.
No scripture quotings. Just a nod to the "big guy upstairs".
My wife and I attend Northpoint Church in Toledo. We're involved in disaster relief right now. It is a United Brethren church and has pretty good teachings. The pastors are usually graduates of Moody Bible Institute.
I am organist/Director of Music at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Lincolnton,
NC where we are getting ready to run our 7th Alpha Class (Nicky Gumbel DVD
from Holy Trinity Anglican Church Brompton Road in Knightsbridge London,England) which is a vast improvement over Power For Abundant Living or its successor Class on The Way of Abundance and Power.Church's email is which also has a link to Alpha( in care of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Manhattan,New York City.
Multiple Presbys signed the Declaration of Independence including a Rev.
- one of our Revs was the first white guy arrested in the Civil Rights movement.
We've ordained women for over 70 years.
We're (relatively) safe (and MUCH safer) from exploitation, incompetence, haughtyness, abuse, money grubbing, bad attitude, family splitting, pride, idolatry, capricious whimful leaders.... etc.
Some seem to be getting soft on sexual immorality as evidenced by the battles over homosexuality.
My wife and I attend Northpoint Church in Toledo. We're involved in disaster relief right now. It is a United Brethren church and has pretty good teachings. The pastors are usually graduates of Moody Bible Institute.
Hey Eagle
I go to a United Brethren Church in Michigan, just northwest of you. Was the pastor from your church the one who became bishop?
Instead of looking for churches that teach way doctrine, why not learn about the doctrines your church teaches. That may prove more beneficial since twi doctrine is held in contempt by most denominations as heretical or demonic.
I did it and learned how weak twi arguments really are.
It took me years before I would even consider attending a church, since I thought I knew the Word better then they did!
Once I "un-Waybrained" and did actually start checking out churches, I found that most taught the word very well.
In fact I'd guestimate about 90% of the time I cannot find a problem with their teachings. However they mostly teach "milky" teachings.
I've conceded that there is probably never going to be a church or offshoot that I'll agree with doctrinally 100% of the time.
What I do like about church is the loving, non-judgemental attitude of the people in the churches I've attended, and the praise/worship which is so much better then TWI or any offshoot I've attended has.
Welll..if moderator so permits..the differn't churches attended by GSers' gives credence to my point that the haughty 'attacks'on twi 'foundational' truths is definitely from a 'slanted' angle.!!
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To answer your question,
St. Mary of the Mills, Laurel, MD
BTW, Welcome to gsc...if nobody has said so already, I'm sure Raf will be around with your coffee presently.
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Juan Cruz
I don't know how "regular" my church is.... (!)
but they're pulling out all the stops to raise and send cash for Katrina relief...
- goal = 5-10 thousand dollars
my denomination:
Multiple Presbys signed the Declaration of Independence including a Rev.
- one of our Revs was the first white guy arrested in the Civil Rights movement.
We've ordained women for over 70 years.
We're (relatively) safe (and MUCH safer) from exploitation, incompetence, haughtyness, abuse, money grubbing, bad attitude, family splitting, pride, idolatry, capricious whimful leaders.... etc.
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Sorry, but I can't but LOL to that one!
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Welcome to GreaseSpot.
No -- no church for me. However -- if I found one that had decent teachings, then it might be a different story.
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I go to a very regular chuch. First United Metodist. We have had the hottest bible in the past few weeks that I have ever heard in my 16 yrs in twi. We are starting a bible study with 500 people on Wensdays.
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I don't "go" to church.
I am the church.
You are the church.
Another person you may meet is the church.
Wherever we go. Wherever we are.
The most stunning "fellowship" I 've recently encountered was at work.
I worked alongside a man for the day, who shared with me about his wife's struggle and suffering with intestinal cancer, who "should have died" (according to doctors) two years ago, and is holding the cancer at bay on a juice diet.
He didn't tell me he was a Christian, nor prosletize himself or his religion (whatever denomination it may have been, I know not nor care). He didn't need to. In our talking He thanked God and I thanked God along with him.
No scripture quotings. Just a nod to the "big guy upstairs".
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Hi Jan:
My wife and I attend Northpoint Church in Toledo. We're involved in disaster relief right now. It is a United Brethren church and has pretty good teachings. The pastors are usually graduates of Moody Bible Institute.
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SAints elsewise known as Mormon.
Have a fantastic ward with the loving caring body of people it has efer been my privilege to know
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I go to Dans Church
Dans post reminded me of a poem someone gave me once:
i am a little church(no great cathedral)
far from the splendor and squalor of hurrying cities
-i do not worry if briefer days grow briefest,
i am not sorry when sun and rain make april
my life is the life of the reaper and the sower;
my prayers are prayers of earth's own clumsily striving
(finding and losing and laughing and crying)children
whose any sadness or joy is my grief or my gladness
around me surges a miracle of unceasing
birth and glory and death and resurrection:
over my sleeping self float flaming symbols
of hope,and i wake to a perfect patience of mountains
i am a little church(far from the frantic
world with its rapture and anguish)at peace with nature
-i do not worry if longer nights grow longest;
i am not sorry when silence becomes singing
winter by spring,i lift my diminutive spire to
merciful Him Whose only now is forever:
standing erect in the deathless truth of His presence
(welcoming humbly His light and proudly His darkness)
ee cummings
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Only "regular" church for me is Greasespot, if you dare call it a church!
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
I am organist/Director of Music at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Lincolnton,
NC where we are getting ready to run our 7th Alpha Class (Nicky Gumbel DVD
from Holy Trinity Anglican Church Brompton Road in Knightsbridge London,England) which is a vast improvement over Power For Abundant Living or its successor Class on The Way of Abundance and Power.Church's email is which also has a link to Alpha( in care of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Manhattan,New York City.
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Some seem to be getting soft on sexual immorality as evidenced by the battles over homosexuality.
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I've been going to Calvary lately. I can feel the spirit of God there, though I don't agree with all their doctrine.
It's hard to find a church that believes the dead in Christ shall rise, (and they aren't already there) and that doesn't believe in the Trinity.
The last time there, the preacher taught on how we should tithe. That's another one I don't agree with.
But, oh well.
I'm a little afraid of gettin overly involved, don't want to get "sucked in" again.
So I just show up sometimes for Sundays. The church is within walking distance of my house.
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Hey Eagle
I go to a United Brethren Church in Michigan, just northwest of you. Was the pastor from your church the one who became bishop?
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Instead of looking for churches that teach way doctrine, why not learn about the doctrines your church teaches. That may prove more beneficial since twi doctrine is held in contempt by most denominations as heretical or demonic.
I did it and learned how weak twi arguments really are.
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Watered Garden
We got to a Grace Brethren church.
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My wife and I attend a church semi-regularly.
It took me years before I would even consider attending a church, since I thought I knew the Word better then they did!
Once I "un-Waybrained" and did actually start checking out churches, I found that most taught the word very well.
In fact I'd guestimate about 90% of the time I cannot find a problem with their teachings. However they mostly teach "milky" teachings.
I've conceded that there is probably never going to be a church or offshoot that I'll agree with doctrinally 100% of the time.
What I do like about church is the loving, non-judgemental attitude of the people in the churches I've attended, and the praise/worship which is so much better then TWI or any offshoot I've attended has.
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What about those of you that have young children? Are they enjoying church?
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Hey Outin88!!
Where in AZ are you? I am in Sierra Vista.
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Hi Jan,
I'm in Glendale AZ.
And to answer your question about my kids going to church the answer is yes, my daughter really likes going, she attends a childrens group.
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My wife and I attend a "spin-off." Quite happily.
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Welll..if moderator so permits..the differn't churches attended by GSers' gives credence to my point that the haughty 'attacks'on twi 'foundational' truths is definitely from a 'slanted' angle.!!
Thankyou 'Templelady' for declaring your hand.
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Where is Glendale? Near Phoenix?
For those of who attend fellowships, how did you find out where they were?
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