We have been asked to take in an undetermided number of people. So far all the hotel space is gone and we are looking at other buildings to house them including a closed hospital. I am about 350 miles from the disaster and while folks are optomistic they are alos very concerned.
One of the "mega churches" here is organizing for some families to come here. We have lots of folks who are ready to house and others who will help support them financially while they get on their feet.
Our guests haven't gotten here yet, but will most likely get here tonight. We've been doing construction projects all day...building shelves, storage sheds, closets, putting up some clotheslines and doing some rewiring. We got two or three truckloads of groceries and are just about all set.
We installed central air and heat and a big generator since these folks might be here for the long haul. Our winters might be quite unpleasant for somebody accustomed to the Gulf Coast.
As I said, our little town has a population of about 500 while Marshall has 1200 or so. The total population of our entire county is about 7000 (cattle outnumber people 6 to 1). It'll be difficult to absorb that many people into such small towns, especially if any are seeking jobs. I found out today, our guests are not coming directly from NOLA, but from Ft. Chaffee. The evacuees could just as easily be from Biloxi or anywhere else on the Gulf Coast. We won't know until they arrive.
Some locals are anticipating trouble and have stocked up on ammunition. The prevailing attitude, however, like that of hillbilly and southern rural folks everywhere, is we'll give you whatever you want or need and treat you like family as long as you treat us with the dignity and respect with which we treat you.
I'm sure these folks have been screened for criminals at Ft Chaffee, but just to make sure, the Sheriff and a few deputies will be keeping a watchful eye as they get off the bus.
You have to remember, the Sheriff and his 4 deputies, along with Marshall's two traffic cops and our one highway patrolman are the only law enforcement for the entire county. We're kinda on our own here.
I'll be sending up some pics as soon as I get new batteries for my camera.
An intersting note here...
With the notable exception of yours truly...yes, ME...Ron G....There has NEVER been a Way presence in this county...no twigs, no Corps, no clergy, NADA...EVER.
Yet we've NEVER been hit with a hurricane. We have some world class ice storms, but we manage to get through them. We get an occasional tornado and have had some torrential rains and a few high winds, but we always survive.
Evidently, God looks out for others besides Wayfers...isn't that ironic?
i don't think any of them victems can get to maine but if they could we will help
my club has over a million members strong have declared the 9th of this month as our day to kick in and help $wise
we want each member to put 2 bucks in a jar and the next day it will go to one of our clubs in texas earmarked for the local red cross so we are sure it is going where we want it to
Ron, I'm so thankful for you and your neighbors and your generous acts of kindness. I know there are stories like this unfolding all over the US of A. I'm proud.
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My prayers Ron
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
how nice to hear a wonderful story!
thanks to you and your town ron
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I'm praying with you
We have been asked to take in an undetermided number of people. So far all the hotel space is gone and we are looking at other buildings to house them including a closed hospital. I am about 350 miles from the disaster and while folks are optomistic they are alos very concerned.
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Very cool, Ron. Glad you could do that.
One of the "mega churches" here is organizing for some families to come here. We have lots of folks who are ready to house and others who will help support them financially while they get on their feet.
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Ron G.
Our guests haven't gotten here yet, but will most likely get here tonight. We've been doing construction projects all day...building shelves, storage sheds, closets, putting up some clotheslines and doing some rewiring. We got two or three truckloads of groceries and are just about all set.
We installed central air and heat and a big generator since these folks might be here for the long haul. Our winters might be quite unpleasant for somebody accustomed to the Gulf Coast.
As I said, our little town has a population of about 500 while Marshall has 1200 or so. The total population of our entire county is about 7000 (cattle outnumber people 6 to 1). It'll be difficult to absorb that many people into such small towns, especially if any are seeking jobs. I found out today, our guests are not coming directly from NOLA, but from Ft. Chaffee. The evacuees could just as easily be from Biloxi or anywhere else on the Gulf Coast. We won't know until they arrive.
Some locals are anticipating trouble and have stocked up on ammunition. The prevailing attitude, however, like that of hillbilly and southern rural folks everywhere, is we'll give you whatever you want or need and treat you like family as long as you treat us with the dignity and respect with which we treat you.
I'm sure these folks have been screened for criminals at Ft Chaffee, but just to make sure, the Sheriff and a few deputies will be keeping a watchful eye as they get off the bus.
You have to remember, the Sheriff and his 4 deputies, along with Marshall's two traffic cops and our one highway patrolman are the only law enforcement for the entire county. We're kinda on our own here.
I'll be sending up some pics as soon as I get new batteries for my camera.
An intersting note here...
With the notable exception of yours truly...yes, ME...Ron G....There has NEVER been a Way presence in this county...no twigs, no Corps, no clergy, NADA...EVER.
Yet we've NEVER been hit with a hurricane. We have some world class ice storms, but we manage to get through them. We get an occasional tornado and have had some torrential rains and a few high winds, but we always survive.
Evidently, God looks out for others besides Wayfers...isn't that ironic?
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
ron god bless you and your town!
i wish i were in a position to help
i don't think any of them victems can get to maine but if they could we will help
my club has over a million members strong have declared the 9th of this month as our day to kick in and help $wise
we want each member to put 2 bucks in a jar and the next day it will go to one of our clubs in texas earmarked for the local red cross so we are sure it is going where we want it to
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Linda Z
Ron, I'm so thankful for you and your neighbors and your generous acts of kindness. I know there are stories like this unfolding all over the US of A. I'm proud.
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For whom?
Just kidding.
Let us know if you need a hand with supplies, Ron.
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Great work Ron.
Please continue with the updates as often as you can.
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