It is kinda cool. Keep in mind that Sept 6th is also Rosh Hashanah The Jewish new year. This configuration of the constelation Virgo and new moon occurs every year. The new moon (the moon between the sun and earth-no reflected light from the sun) marks the begining of a month, The constelation this occurs in marks which month of the jewish year.
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Brother Speed
I've been looking out my western sky and I see two planets getting closer together. I believe one to be Venus, but search me what the other is.
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Tumbleweed Kid
Do you have a link to the magazine?
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It is kinda cool. Keep in mind that Sept 6th is also Rosh Hashanah The Jewish new year. This configuration of the constelation Virgo and new moon occurs every year. The new moon (the moon between the sun and earth-no reflected light from the sun) marks the begining of a month, The constelation this occurs in marks which month of the jewish year.
Here is a link to Astronomy Magazine To get at all the features you have to be a subscriber
Here is a link to Your Sky an online interactive planetarium. Just follow their directions and you willl be able to see the current confoiguratio in your area
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Rosh Hashanah is Oct. 4th this year. (Starts at sunset on the 3rd.)
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I stand corrected- thanks
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