damn right mo....twi paid anoutragious sumof money to have an info mercial produced and then paid BIG bucks to have it played on Terry Bradshaw`s *Pick of the week* pretending that it had been some big deal that they had been chosen for.
There was a huge outcry to the network....
There is a thread about it in the archives.
You might still be able to view it on twi`s web site.
"Toys for the mog....a licoln, top of the line harlys, motor coaches, airplanes, booze, smokes"
Hey that wasn't ABS. That year at The Rock, the announced a "secret" gift for Vic. They had an "offering" (fund raiser) "available". (as if we weren't going to kick in the cash)
If I remember correctly, we all gave money after the service that night then on the last night they presented Vic with what was clearly a custom Harley. They hit us up for the cash because it was a "gift".
My thoughts now are:
was it really a secret? I mean, how could it possible be a secret. Everyone knew BUT Vic? I doubt it.
They didn't have enough of our money? Now they needed a special collection for a bike they already paid for?
Don't forget to allow a few bucks for some beastility films for Way Corpse training purposes....after all..you never know who might get blessed knowing that "expensive" stuff....gosh where's that chapter & verse when ya need it?? LOLOL
As a 16 year old I sold a 10 speed Continental Schwinn, pretty new, that I LOVED
a Snipe sailboat that I had spent many hours rehabilitating for seaworthiness
so that I could attend the Advanced CLass
[My church now doesn't ask these things - trip outs!]
Gee, I'm glad I did so that I could get that cool green syllabus and to receive so much wisdom
-to discern the real from the counterfeit
-discerning of spirits
-healings and such
The whole New Knoxville aura was a blessing
Table manners, MOG worship, Sleepless nights analyzing the diff uses of Heteros and allos.
Dr. W. cast some spirits out of me (in front of everybody in a very showy way - "I tol' ya Satan would attack again during this class!")
I had fainted in the BRC ((- in retrospect it mayhave had something to do with listening to the Philippine-Tony-What's-His-name-Pscyhic-healer-popping-zits-off-a-heart-he-had-just- pulled-out-of-a-chest-cavity-with-just-his-finger-as-scapel cassette - you think? ))
It's all (hysteria) glory!
(Rufus Mosley: right foot... left foot....right foot... left foot....right foot... left foot....Glory...Hallelujah...Glory...Hallelujah...GLory...Hallelujah...Glory...H
allelujah... )
I heard later that some leader went to the track with my ABS. If my minister did that... sayonara!
Is this off topic? well, ok.
"God bless, I love you, You're the best (suckers and sex partners I could find)."
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You forgot Drambuie, dog training and gold coins.
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You forgot to overlap percentages so they would total more than 100%!! As twi custom is.
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Silly me, heh heh.
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What about the building and maintening of facilities that most of the contributers never have access to?
Toys for the mog....a licoln, top of the line harlys, motor coaches, airplanes, booze, smokes,
Yeah no doubt God really needed us to send our tithe to twi for THAT purpose.
Weren`t there some sons of a priest in the bible that got in really hot water for doing the same thing?
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I think a lot of those things would qualify under "creative accounting".
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SNORT...now there goes MY coffee all over the screen....roflmao
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Did I miss the wire transfers to offshore "business" accounts?
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No, they are still really there. You just can't see em.
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As bad as the top chart is, this is what it allegedly looks like when they flip it over when nobody is looking..
Housing expenses for ex mog 5%
Off shore accounts 40%
gold aquisition 27%
anonymous payments for mog's 3-ways 4%
bribes to "sanitize" their sorry reputation 22%
criminal activities 2%
Edited by Mr. HammeroniLink to comment
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oh OH ...would that include 25,000 dollars for info mercials????
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Yep. I think that would fall under the last category..
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no Rascal it was $29,000, eehh but who's counting?
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Infomercials ???????
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damn right mo....twi paid anoutragious sumof money to have an info mercial produced and then paid BIG bucks to have it played on Terry Bradshaw`s *Pick of the week* pretending that it had been some big deal that they had been chosen for.
There was a huge outcry to the network....
There is a thread about it in the archives.
You might still be able to view it on twi`s web site.
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What about money used to support the wife and family of a convicted child sex offender while he was imprisoned?
Was it you cw who told us this?
What catagory would you place this under?
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I fixed it for that rascal..
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Georgio Jessio
"Toys for the mog....a licoln, top of the line harlys, motor coaches, airplanes, booze, smokes"
Hey that wasn't ABS. That year at The Rock, the announced a "secret" gift for Vic. They had an "offering" (fund raiser) "available". (as if we weren't going to kick in the cash)
If I remember correctly, we all gave money after the service that night then on the last night they presented Vic with what was clearly a custom Harley. They hit us up for the cash because it was a "gift".
My thoughts now are:
was it really a secret? I mean, how could it possible be a secret. Everyone knew BUT Vic? I doubt it.
They didn't have enough of our money? Now they needed a special collection for a bike they already paid for?
How dumb were we?
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
how dumb were we?? dunb dumb!!!!!!!!i chipped in too!
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I think I contributed about four bucks.. ptooie.
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Second James
Don't forget to allow a few bucks for some beastility films for Way Corpse training purposes....after all..you never know who might get blessed knowing that "expensive" stuff....gosh where's that chapter & verse when ya need it?? LOLOL
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I'm working on that one..
Perhaps it was "donated"..
or maybe a home brew project of sorts..
I don't even think it was LEGAL to OWN such a thing back then.. morals of the community and all..
If so, it'd have to fall under the category of "creative accounting".
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Yup, infomercials.
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I wonder how much mileage they're gonna try to get out of that one..
"gee, we were actually on TV twenty years ago, before we got the beating of a lifetime for it.."
Your ABS, not exactly at work..
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Juan Cruz
me and ABS:
As a 16 year old I sold a 10 speed Continental Schwinn, pretty new, that I LOVED
a Snipe sailboat that I had spent many hours rehabilitating for seaworthiness
so that I could attend the Advanced CLass
[My church now doesn't ask these things - trip outs!]
Gee, I'm glad I did so that I could get that cool green syllabus and to receive so much wisdom
-to discern the real from the counterfeit
-discerning of spirits
-healings and such
The whole New Knoxville aura was a blessing
Table manners, MOG worship, Sleepless nights analyzing the diff uses of Heteros and allos.
Dr. W. cast some spirits out of me (in front of everybody in a very showy way - "I tol' ya Satan would attack again during this class!")
I had fainted in the BRC ((- in retrospect it mayhave had something to do with listening to the Philippine-Tony-What's-His-name-Pscyhic-healer-popping-zits-off-a-heart-he-had-just- pulled-out-of-a-chest-cavity-with-just-his-finger-as-scapel cassette - you think? ))
It's all (hysteria) glory!
(Rufus Mosley: right foot... left foot....right foot... left foot....right foot... left foot....Glory...Hallelujah...Glory...Hallelujah...GLory...Hallelujah...Glory...H
allelujah... )
I heard later that some leader went to the track with my ABS. If my minister did that... sayonara!
Is this off topic? well, ok.
"God bless, I love you, You're the best (suckers and sex partners I could find)."
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