There were some pretty boys, too. The Wows that got me into the class were all guys( I married one of them after my own wow year)and everyone they brought to twig was a girl. Go figure.
Of course the girls all had romantic interests(including me), the wow guys could brush them off with 'babe in the Word' stuff or 'I was just ministering to your heart' stuff.
Nowadays I would see that as being deceived. Dates, dinners, long walks, hand holding, a few kisses that weren't of the twig variety, long backrubs. Sure looked like courting behavior to me.
I was the only one of that group that didn't get the ol' brush off after the class. Such a success story. (Hmmm. Twenty years in TWi, through the martinfool years. Hmmm.)
I think of the times I spent at Rome City and Emporia with fond memories. Just like when I travelled in the army. I had a lot of friends then and fortunately for me, I found a church of God church that in time was an intimate experience as far as the fellowship goes. I was so thankful for that! So there IS life outside the Way International
Since it's my birthday, i would like to make a brief note. I turned 68 today, the same age as Victor, when he passed away. When i made my stand against him, when he went back on his word and changed what he had taught me and many others, that was when the love and grace, went out of his minestry, and he set himself, as the MAN OF GOD, and stopped giving other men of God, thier contrabusion to his spirtiual development. I saw this comming in 1969, but until i heard his plan of how he was going to take over the states rights, 1971, of all the fellowships,and he was going to controll all all of the states and thier MONEY. That is, was, and always will be the rout of ALL eveil. I was receiveing, more money into THE WAY WEST then he was at headquters. The agreement was that I " THE WAY WEST " would send H.Q.15 % each month, for aubuant shearing each month. Which I did every month. I did that. I keeped my word.I had spent 15 years in the real wrold, and had learned enough to know that people lie, cheat, and steal. Victor was so sincear, that I gave him a chance to prove himself. I believe that is what most of us did. As things worked out, he failed. His word wasn't any good. He taught one thing and did anouther. All of are hearts have been broken, however not by God. His word is always faithful. His Word is always truth. His promises work just as great today as it has always had for getting the rent or house payment paid. Please all of you keep your brain and heart on Gods word. He loves us and will always bring us to victory. Filled with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. we THE BELIVERS, have been given such enormouse power in this age of DARKNESS. Be prepared.LOVE GOD AND YOUR FAMILY OF GOD.
Thanks for putting up with me, and I hope you heard my message. We cannot exspeck any help from other then from GOD. If you know of anything better, please contack me, .. @
I hope you don't mind me editing you for typos and adding a few
spaces. I find your story is too important for people to skip
over just because they're having a little trouble reading it...
Originally posted by jimdoop:
Since it's my birthday, I would like to make a brief note. I turned 68 today- the same age as Victor when he passed away. I made my stand against him when he went back on his word and changed what he had taught me and many others. THAT was when the love and grace went out of his ministry. He set himself as the MAN OF GOD, and stopped acknowledging other men of God's contributions to his spirtual development.
I saw this coming in 1969. 1971 was when I heard his plan-how he was going to take over the states rights of all the fellowships, and he was going to control all of the states and their MONEY.
(That is, was, and always will be the root of ALL evil.) I was receiving more money into THE WAY WEST then he was at headquarters. The agreement was that I-"THE WAY WEST" would send H.Q. 15% each month, for abundant sharing each month. I did this every month. I kept my word.
I had spent 15 years in the "real world", and had learned enough to know that people lie, cheat, and steal. Victor was so sincere that I gave him a chance to prove himself. I believe that is what most of us did. As things worked out, he failed. His word wasn't any good. He taught one thing and did another.
All of are hearts have been broken-but not by God. His Word is always faithful. His Word is always truth. His promises work just as well today as they always have for getting the rent or house payment paid. Please all of you keep your brain and heart on God's Word. He loves us and will always bring us to victory. Filled with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. we THE BELIEVERS, have been given enormous power in this age of DARKNESS. Be prepared. LOVE GOD AND YOUR FAMILY OF GOD.
Thanks for putting up with me, and I hope you heard my message. We cannot expect any help from anyone other then from GOD. If you know of anything better, please contact me, .. at
Since it's my birthday, I would like to make a brief note. I turned 68 today- the same age as Victor when he passed away. I made my stand against him when he went back on his word ...
Hi Jim Happy Birthday.
You said you made a stand against him when he went back on his word?
May I ask, why did you remain with the ministry after that?
I don't see you EVER taking a stand against him when he was alive.
At least a meaningful one.
To the contrary, did you not later become the limb leader of Maine, and stay for many years?
Additionally, according to The Cult That Snapped, you knew Wierwille had many women.
But all these things may not have bothered you all that much back then.
What I loved a long time ago was the fellowship, how sweet it was. That was probably why some people stayed as long as they did (those who left TWI) was they felt connected. In a church I'd been a part of for 6 years, I felt that same intimacy closeness so I knew it was possible to get that elsewhere in a church!!
Oh, also I enjoyed going to Emporia and Rome City I thought was beautiful..Going to the ROA was kind of fun for awhile, although I hate tent camping. LOL Change of scene I guess.
I hope you don't mind me editing you for typos and adding a few
spaces. I find your story is too important for people to skip
over just because they're having a little trouble reading it...
Originally posted by jimdoop:
Since it's my birthday, I would like to make a brief note. I turned 68 today- the same age as Victor when he passed away. I made my stand against him when he went back on his word and changed what he had taught me and many others. THAT was when the love and grace went out of his ministry. He set himself as the MAN OF GOD, and stopped acknowledging other men of God's contributions to his spirtual development.
I saw this coming in 1969. 1971 was when I heard his plan-how he was going to take over the states rights of all the fellowships, and he was going to control all of the states and their MONEY.
(That is, was, and always will be the root of ALL evil.) I was receiving more money into THE WAY WEST then he was at headquarters. The agreement was that I-"THE WAY WEST" would send H.Q. 15% each month, for abundant sharing each month. I did this every month. I kept my word.
I had spent 15 years in the "real world", and had learned enough to know that people lie, cheat, and steal. Victor was so sincere that I gave him a chance to prove himself. I believe that is what most of us did. As things worked out, he failed. His word wasn't any good. He taught one thing and did another.
All of are hearts have been broken-but not by God. His Word is always faithful. His Word is always truth. His promises work just as well today as they always have for getting the rent or house payment paid. Please all of you keep your brain and heart on God's Word. He loves us and will always bring us to victory. Filled with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. we THE BELIEVERS, have been given enormous power in this age of DARKNESS. Be prepared. LOVE GOD AND YOUR FAMILY OF GOD.
Thanks for putting up with me, and I hope you heard my message. We cannot expect any help from anyone other then from GOD. If you know of anything better, please contact me, .. at
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once again
Two words
pretty girls!
or in keeping with the syntax of the post
girls which are pretty to the eyes!!!
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Pretty girls surely were a plus..
but I think I was young and dumb. Too young, too inexperienced- easy mark. Got sucked in way too easily.
I loved the "love"..
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Hmmph. I missed out on the pretty girls.
But I did find some hot bible, even if it did come from somewhere else.
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pretty girls that lavished me with attention and cared
at least until I got through session 12
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God first and last
Beloved Ijn698, Mr Hammeron, DMiller, and Higway29
God bless you all my friend
Yes pretty girls was what got me in and being on Bless partol and kissing 1,000's and hugging 1,000's a day was a big plus
But that was just me
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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There were some pretty boys, too. The Wows that got me into the class were all guys( I married one of them after my own wow year)and everyone they brought to twig was a girl. Go figure.
Of course the girls all had romantic interests(including me), the wow guys could brush them off with 'babe in the Word' stuff or 'I was just ministering to your heart' stuff.
Nowadays I would see that as being deceived. Dates, dinners, long walks, hand holding, a few kisses that weren't of the twig variety, long backrubs. Sure looked like courting behavior to me.
I was the only one of that group that didn't get the ol' brush off after the class. Such a success story. (Hmmm. Twenty years in TWi, through the martinfool years. Hmmm.)
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I think of the times I spent at Rome City and Emporia with fond memories. Just like when I travelled in the army. I had a lot of friends then and fortunately for me, I found a church of God church that in time was an intimate experience as far as the fellowship goes. I was so thankful for that! So there IS life outside the Way International
I'm a newbie here,
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God first and last
Beloved Bramble and Jan
God bless your hearts
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Since it's my birthday, i would like to make a brief note. I turned 68 today, the same age as Victor, when he passed away. When i made my stand against him, when he went back on his word and changed what he had taught me and many others, that was when the love and grace, went out of his minestry, and he set himself, as the MAN OF GOD, and stopped giving other men of God, thier contrabusion to his spirtiual development. I saw this comming in 1969, but until i heard his plan of how he was going to take over the states rights, 1971, of all the fellowships,and he was going to controll all all of the states and thier MONEY. That is, was, and always will be the rout of ALL eveil. I was receiveing, more money into THE WAY WEST then he was at headquters. The agreement was that I " THE WAY WEST " would send H.Q.15 % each month, for aubuant shearing each month. Which I did every month. I did that. I keeped my word.I had spent 15 years in the real wrold, and had learned enough to know that people lie, cheat, and steal. Victor was so sincear, that I gave him a chance to prove himself. I believe that is what most of us did. As things worked out, he failed. His word wasn't any good. He taught one thing and did anouther. All of are hearts have been broken, however not by God. His word is always faithful. His Word is always truth. His promises work just as great today as it has always had for getting the rent or house payment paid. Please all of you keep your brain and heart on Gods word. He loves us and will always bring us to victory. Filled with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. we THE BELIVERS, have been given such enormouse power in this age of DARKNESS. Be prepared.LOVE GOD AND YOUR FAMILY OF GOD.
Thanks for putting up with me, and I hope you heard my message. We cannot exspeck any help from other then from GOD. If you know of anything better, please contack me, .. @
Serving Him Jimmy Doop. 2005/ Stepember 8th
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God bless.
I hope you don't mind me editing you for typos and adding a few
spaces. I find your story is too important for people to skip
over just because they're having a little trouble reading it...
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You said you made a stand against him when he went back on his word?
May I ask, why did you remain with the ministry after that?
I don't see you EVER taking a stand against him when he was alive.
At least a meaningful one.
To the contrary, did you not later become the limb leader of Maine, and stay for many years?
Additionally, according to The Cult That Snapped, you knew Wierwille had many women.
But all these things may not have bothered you all that much back then.
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Happy birthday, Jimmy!
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Happy Birthday, Jim.
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happy bday rev doop
linda l. and i had a few drinks last night
and did some remincing
it was fun your name came up of course
we were very fortunate to have you here in maine
dennis arsenault
rumford maine
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What I loved a long time ago was the fellowship, how sweet it was. That was probably why some people stayed as long as they did (those who left TWI) was they felt connected. In a church I'd been a part of for 6 years, I felt that same intimacy closeness so I knew it was possible to get that elsewhere in a church!!
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Oh, also I enjoyed going to Emporia and Rome City I thought was beautiful..Going to the ROA was kind of fun for awhile, although I hate tent camping. LOL Change of scene I guess.
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WordWolf's post (#11) from THIS THREAD
Happy reading. :)
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God first
Beloved DMiller
God loves you my dear friend
I glad you got this to the top
I thank Jimmy Doop for so must loving words and all others that added to this tread
thank you all
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I meant to post this in response to Sprawled Out!!!
But -- I guess it's good to get this here *out of the shadows*, eh? ;)
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