We were taught every possible angle on why we should give our tithe to the Way. But in the Gospels, which TWI seemed to have deleted from the Bible, Jesus (remember Jesus?) said that when we help "the least of these my children" then we're helping him. I continue to tithe - 10%, not 15% as TWI demanded - but nowadays I give to groups and individuals who represent "the least of these" and whether or not I get blessed back is not important. That whole bribe thing about tithing in order to get blessed back .... that's totally wrong. Just think how much money the Way could give to the Red Cross if they sent all the Abundant Sharing from one Sunday. Their numbers may be down, but I still bet it would be a bundle. -X
Gordon B Hinckley the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator for Our time ( Yes I believe this and NO I'm not getting into a discussion about Why I do ) has called for aid to be given.
If GOD had something to say to President Hinkley concerning the wherefores and why as's of this situation President HInckley would have shared said revelation with us.
Since no revelation has been forthcoming It is clear that GOD has not spoken on this issue.
Therefore all LDS I know attribute this to just part of the end times spoken of in the BIble as opposed to a direct attack on New Orleans for specific sins.
Our function as followers of Christ is to provide aid, succor and support to our afflicted brethren in accordence with God's word, to feed, clothe, and shelter, the poor, the sick, the widow and the orphan
Speaking of a big fancy auditorium, a bunch of buildings that are bound to be half empty, and millions of dollars in the bank---isn't there something in James about turning away the destitute and naked when you have the power to do something about it?
When will those godless idiots in Ohio ever wake up?
You must really hate the people of NO what did they ever do to you. Would you really want to send some poor person there? Havent they suffered enough already? Why they would have to sit (in straightly lined chairs of course) in the largest tent in the world and listen to singing ladies of the way. Why they would have to listen to Beautiful Ohio at the crack of dawn and be eaten alive by flies. And...Hey this is sounding familiar for some reason......
You are forgiven. What you have just taught will echo through so many lives, it will be more than you can possibly have been able to give out of your wallet.
May I use your words for a sharing/teaching?article?
katrina is just more proof that there is no caring ,parental god watching over the earth or his so called 'children' in christ.
and if there IS a god this is just more proof of his dark, sadistic nature.
with a god like this who needs satan? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
isnt the bible full of examples of god drowning whole populations? his favorite MO?
Assuming that the narrow "pan & scan" theology through which you apparently filter and depict these issues takes into account the wider spectrum of ideas on how various Christians throughout the centuries have actually contemplated questions relating to good and evil.
Have you, for example, familiarized yourself with notions held amongst ancient Christian "gnostic" movements?
And I am certain others here might also offer other profound Christian thinkers and ideas, both ancient and modern. Not to mention the fascinating ideas found in other religions and mythologies.
Sure you can. By the way, I read your article on "Power For Abased Living".
Great, I needed that.
I think it fits in here too, that s@#t happens, so stop condeming yourself that you caused it or that you were'nt believing enough....
how bout...trust God during this time and get through it knowing he's holding hand.
I don't want to overthink the why's and how's of the people who stayed,(in New O) it is not my place to judge. All it will do is make me think evil, and NOT do anything....and that is not going to help or change anything!
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We were taught every possible angle on why we should give our tithe to the Way. But in the Gospels, which TWI seemed to have deleted from the Bible, Jesus (remember Jesus?) said that when we help "the least of these my children" then we're helping him. I continue to tithe - 10%, not 15% as TWI demanded - but nowadays I give to groups and individuals who represent "the least of these" and whether or not I get blessed back is not important. That whole bribe thing about tithing in order to get blessed back .... that's totally wrong. Just think how much money the Way could give to the Red Cross if they sent all the Abundant Sharing from one Sunday. Their numbers may be down, but I still bet it would be a bundle. -X
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Gordon B Hinckley the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator for Our time ( Yes I believe this and NO I'm not getting into a discussion about Why I do ) has called for aid to be given.
If GOD had something to say to President Hinkley concerning the wherefores and why as's of this situation President HInckley would have shared said revelation with us.
Since no revelation has been forthcoming It is clear that GOD has not spoken on this issue.
Therefore all LDS I know attribute this to just part of the end times spoken of in the BIble as opposed to a direct attack on New Orleans for specific sins.
Our function as followers of Christ is to provide aid, succor and support to our afflicted brethren in accordence with God's word, to feed, clothe, and shelter, the poor, the sick, the widow and the orphan
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You must really hate the people of NO what did they ever do to you. Would you really want to send some poor person there? Havent they suffered enough already? Why they would have to sit (in straightly lined chairs of course) in the largest tent in the world and listen to singing ladies of the way. Why they would have to listen to Beautiful Ohio at the crack of dawn and be eaten alive by flies. And...Hey this is sounding familiar for some reason......
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Well I suppose you are right
let me see ....would I rather physically die in the streets from neglect.........or go to the Way International and get my soul and spirit murdered?
hmm.. tough call ..on closer examination it is a pretty close isn't it?
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Then again there is that free bumper sticker..
For the car they no longer have
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You are forgiven. What you have just taught will echo through so many lives, it will be more than you can possibly have been able to give out of your wallet.
May I use your words for a sharing/teaching?article?
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think fish
katrina is just more proof that there is no caring ,parental god watching over the earth or his so called 'children' in christ.
and if there IS a god this is just more proof of his dark, sadistic nature.
with a god like this who needs satan? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
isnt the bible full of examples of god drowning whole populations? his favorite MO?
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Assuming that the narrow "pan & scan" theology through which you apparently filter and depict these issues takes into account the wider spectrum of ideas on how various Christians throughout the centuries have actually contemplated questions relating to good and evil.
Have you, for example, familiarized yourself with notions held amongst ancient Christian "gnostic" movements?
And I am certain others here might also offer other profound Christian thinkers and ideas, both ancient and modern. Not to mention the fascinating ideas found in other religions and mythologies.
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Fish Boy, Is this the mind-set imprinted upon you by your experience in the Way Ministry? -X
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They did seem to drive people to extremes..
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Sure you can. By the way, I read your article on "Power For Abased Living".
Great, I needed that.
I think it fits in here too, that s@#t happens, so stop condeming yourself that you caused it or that you were'nt believing enough....
how bout...trust God during this time and get through it knowing he's holding hand.
I don't want to overthink the why's and how's of the people who stayed,(in New O) it is not my place to judge. All it will do is make me think evil, and NOT do anything....and that is not going to help or change anything!
raf-not to derail I'll pm you.
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Or you can start a thread in the Doctrinal forum and we can all play
too. Unless you'd prefer privacy, in which case, never mind.
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Oh, you just have to have the last word,wolf!
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