The fact the criminals have stoledn all the guns isnt God. the reports of mutiple rapes and murders and crimes of horid measures isnt God.
it is people , people in misery.
Im sure for every horror of humanity a story of helping may be out there But why do they keep saying Security is their biggest concern?
What are they protecing?
all these news people can get in and get information out why are they saying No communication is a major problem ?
We are running out of Gas here because people are flipping out and have emptied our stations.
I do not know what I would do if it was my child who was thirsty and hungey I like to think I would steal and kill someone for a bag of chips and a gallon of water.
You say they are not believing God.
Dear Lord, people are suffering and want to live and cope. they are hopeless. dying in the streets, they are draggin human dead bodies around .
Roy, you very well may have a point that this disaster could be retribution for us. Look at what this Kuwaiti official has to say about it:
"The Terrorist Katrina is One of the Soldiers of Allah…"
"…As I watched the horrible sights of this wondrous storm, I was reminded of the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah [in the compilations] of Al-Bukhari and Abu Daoud. The Hadith says: 'The wind is of the wind of Allah, it comes from mercy or for the sake of torment. When you see it, do not curse it, [but rather] ask Allah for the good that is in it, and ask Allah for shelter from its evil.' Afterwards, I was [also] reminded of the words of the Prophet Muhammad: 'Do not curse the wind, as it is the fruit of Allah's planning. He who curses something that should not be cursed – the curse will come back to him.'
"When the satellite channels reported on the scope of the terrifying destruction in America [caused by] this wind, I was reminded of the words of [Prophet Muhammad]: 'The wind sends torment to one group of people, and sends mercy to others.' I do not think – and only Allah [really] knows – that this wind, which completely wiped out American cities in these days, is a wind of mercy and blessing. It is almost certain that this is a wind of torment and evil that Allah has sent to this American empire. Out of my absolute belief in the truth of the words of the Prophet Muhammad, this wind is the fruit of the planning [of Allah], as is stated in the text of the Hadith of the Prophet.
"But I began to ask myself: Doesn't this country [the U.S.] claim to aspire to establish justice, freedom, and equality amongst the people? Isn't this country claiming that everything it did in Afghanistan and Iraq was for truth and justice? How can it be that these American claims are untrue, when we see how good prevails in the streets of Afghanistan, and how it became an oasis of security with America's entrance there? How can these American claims in the matter of Iraq be untrue, when we see that Iraq has become the most tranquil and secure country in the world?
"But how strange it is that after all the tremendous American achievements for the sake of humanity, these mighty winds come and evilly rip [America's] cities to shreds? Have the storms have joined the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization?"
"The Disaster Will Keep Striking the Unbelievers for What They Have Done"
"How sad I am for America. Here it is, poor thing, trying with all its might to lower oil prices which have reached heights unprecedented in all history. Along with America's phenomenal efforts to lower the price of oil in order to salvage its declining economy and its currency – that is still falling due to the 'smart' policy America is implementing in the world – comes this storm, the fruit of Allah's planning, so that [the price of] a barrel of oil will increase further still. By Allah, this is not schadenfreude.
"Oh honored gentlemen, I began to read about these winds, and I was surprised to discover that the American websites that are translated [into Arabic] are talking about the fact that that the storm Katrina is the fifth equatorial storm to strike Florida this year… and that a large part of the U.S. is subject every year to many storms that extract [a price of] dead, and completely destroy property. I said, Allah be praised, until when will these successive catastrophes strike them?
"But before I went to sleep, I opened the Koran and began to read in Surat Al-R'ad ['The Thunder' chapter], and stopped at these words [of Allah]: 'The disaster will keep striking the unbelievers for what they have done, or it will strike areas close to their territory, until the promise of Allah comes to pass, for, verily, Allah will not fail in His promise. ' [Koran 13:31]."
What about snow? Here in the Rockies snowfall amounts lead to river, lake, water table and reservoir amounts in the other seasons. It is important around here to get lots of snow in the mountains. No snow is a bad, bad thing.
Of course, if you are stuck out in the snow without shelter or heat, you can die. So, does that make snow devilish, too?
Heck, in Eastern Montana temps can drop to way below zero, like forty below or sixty below. You don't even need a blizzard to kill you then, the cold alone can do it. Is that devilish weather?
What about the ocean? If you are stranded on the ocean with out water, you will die(unless you get some rain.)
So is the ocean devilish, too?
What about low humidity areas, like Montana and Wyoming? Dew isn't a big producer here. They irrigate crops with water from the snowfall.
Any weather that was not changed because of sin is natural
Hmm, we've only had rain for the last 6,000 years huh? How then do you explain these rivers coming down mountains, where the river bed can be dated so far back, it makes 6,000 years look like 6 minutes. How did that water get up that mountain?
Hmm. So the laws of physics were different 6,000 years ago. And they were changed by one couple enjoying a snack they didn't have permission for?
Was water able to freeze before that fateful apple?
it is the poor the sick and the criminals that couldnt pack up the old RV and head out.
people have been without medicine for days now, medicine that controls behaviour, thoughts etc. people are desperate. people are angry. people are hot and tired and wet and hungry .
bad situation. In panic mode. it has been my experience people will FREAK.
Why do I see major Hurricane after hurricane hitting the world. Is it a sign of the end of the world coming or is it because of sin?
Possiblities Given:
1. Sign of the end of the world.
2. Because of sin.
Roy, this is what's known as a false dilema. That is when only two possible choices are given when actually there are more.
Folks have been clammmoring that the end is near since the first century. It seems that everytime there is another war, hurricane or earthquake, the clammoring elevates. Modern self-proclaimed 'end of times' prophets are pretty sure to attribute Katrina as a sign of the end times to get folks all hepped up about Christ's return. Yet, all predictions of the when the Lord will returns have been wrong so far to date.
From 1951- 2004 there were a total of 31 major hurricanes that struck the US mainland, which averages to about .57 per year
From 1901-1950 there were 34, which averages to about .68 per year.
There were 10 from 1941-1950 while there were only 5 from 1991-2000.
The world is sinful. It has always been sinful. It is no more or less sinful now than it was 10 years ago or 1000 years ago. Why would God cause or allow something like this now, (and in New Orleans) for the purpose of punishing or eliminationg sin? Sin does not cause hurricanes. Besides, I thought God was done with floods of punishment/retribution several thousand years ago.
There are other explanatins besides sin, or a sign that Jesus is comming real soon.
Roy, you are seeing these hurricanes now because you are paying attention now. You weren't paying attention in 1941-51.
When I see a hurricane hit Las Vegas, I make take notice.
I lived in NOLA for 2 years upon graduation from the Corpse.
I hated it! The wife loved it (she's a grade school teacher and saw the tender side of the chillens [properly pronounced]).
While I was there, I learned not to trust the police, the govenor, the schools, the economy, and especially the water.
I almost embarked on an endeavor to write a booklet called, "10 Reasons NOT to Live in NOLA".
Each chapter could be about a few paragraphs stating the obvious and then giving examples. It would have chapters like:
Don't drink the water
No left turns
Don't get a ticket
Don't buy a car there, the taxes will kill you.
Don't trust the govenor (who is now in prison)
Crime punishment
Unemployment (highest in any large city in America)
West Bank is in the East.....Don't ask directions
Traffic on the NO River Bridge (at the time it was under construction) [rumor had it, it was under construction for almost 10 years]
WeBees....Unfamiliar languagee.....
Cirriculum director stood up to address the teachers at a school at the beginning of the school year and said, "We be gonna have a goood yeara." True wife, sitting in the audience did a double take and the teacher sitting next to her said, "You heard her right!"
NOLA has been told this would eventually happen. They were so dependent on the government that they figured Edwin Edwards would calm the winds and the yankee feds would dish out all the money to rebuild (I was so much as told this while at work one day).
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Tom Strange
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Not ---- gonna ---- go ----- there -----
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The fact the criminals have stoledn all the guns isnt God. the reports of mutiple rapes and murders and crimes of horid measures isnt God.
it is people , people in misery.
Im sure for every horror of humanity a story of helping may be out there But why do they keep saying Security is their biggest concern?
What are they protecing?
all these news people can get in and get information out why are they saying No communication is a major problem ?
We are running out of Gas here because people are flipping out and have emptied our stations.
I do not know what I would do if it was my child who was thirsty and hungey I like to think I would steal and kill someone for a bag of chips and a gallon of water.
You say they are not believing God.
Dear Lord, people are suffering and want to live and cope. they are hopeless. dying in the streets, they are draggin human dead bodies around .
this has nothing to do with what God did.
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Two words, Wing.
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Roy, you very well may have a point that this disaster could be retribution for us. Look at what this Kuwaiti official has to say about it:
Now I don't particularly believe that to be the case. But, obviously this Kuwaiti gentleman believes it to be the case.
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Science teaches me that when a mass of wind and water for days is headed your way you move the hell out of it's way,and take your ID with you.
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Stayed Too Long
Misery? That is the sorriest excuse I have heard yet!
"I am miserable so I will rape my neighbor."
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God first and last
Beloved Bob
God bless your heart
Ok dew is natural Weather
rain is unnatural Weather
Any weather that was not changed because of sin is natural
You this earth has changed over time to safe guard itself
Look before the flood what of Weather did they have
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Tom Strange
God bless your heart
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Belle
God bless your heart
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved mj412
God bless your heart
Yes this things are sad
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved lindyhoppe
God bless your heart
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Mark
God bless your heart
Yes they believe in thier man made church more than all of the USA believs in their man made churches
They give their life but most believers just walk and say they believe
Believing without trust is nothing
Now thank God for the ones who truly believe
The who lived there God told them to get out and they did
By not getting out if God set up you a way is temping God
now believers like me and you who's hearts go out to the many asking for help now
thank you your words you made me think
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved WhiteDove
God bless your heart
yes move and move now I am sure not just science told some but God did too
Like Lot he was told to get out and not look back
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Stayed Too Long
God bless your heart
the people who take anything but food, water, chothes and any need are unGodly and need no help because they are taking wants
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Rain is unnatural?? Sez who??
What about snow? Here in the Rockies snowfall amounts lead to river, lake, water table and reservoir amounts in the other seasons. It is important around here to get lots of snow in the mountains. No snow is a bad, bad thing.
Of course, if you are stuck out in the snow without shelter or heat, you can die. So, does that make snow devilish, too?
Heck, in Eastern Montana temps can drop to way below zero, like forty below or sixty below. You don't even need a blizzard to kill you then, the cold alone can do it. Is that devilish weather?
What about the ocean? If you are stranded on the ocean with out water, you will die(unless you get some rain.)
So is the ocean devilish, too?
What about low humidity areas, like Montana and Wyoming? Dew isn't a big producer here. They irrigate crops with water from the snowfall.
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Tom Strange
man! I don't even know what recompense means! ...guess I better dust off the old Webster's...
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Hmm, we've only had rain for the last 6,000 years huh? How then do you explain these rivers coming down mountains, where the river bed can be dated so far back, it makes 6,000 years look like 6 minutes. How did that water get up that mountain?
Hmm. So the laws of physics were different 6,000 years ago. And they were changed by one couple enjoying a snack they didn't have permission for?
Was water able to freeze before that fateful apple?
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mankind can get quite rough ya know.
it is the poor the sick and the criminals that couldnt pack up the old RV and head out.
people have been without medicine for days now, medicine that controls behaviour, thoughts etc. people are desperate. people are angry. people are hot and tired and wet and hungry .
bad situation. In panic mode. it has been my experience people will FREAK.
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Everyone is now blaming the President and the government for all the problems in New Orleans. They should have gotten out.
But the real question is, "What would Al Gore do?"
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Roy Posted:
Possiblities Given:
1. Sign of the end of the world.
2. Because of sin.
Roy, this is what's known as a false dilema. That is when only two possible choices are given when actually there are more.
Folks have been clammmoring that the end is near since the first century. It seems that everytime there is another war, hurricane or earthquake, the clammoring elevates. Modern self-proclaimed 'end of times' prophets are pretty sure to attribute Katrina as a sign of the end times to get folks all hepped up about Christ's return. Yet, all predictions of the when the Lord will returns have been wrong so far to date.
From 1951- 2004 there were a total of 31 major hurricanes that struck the US mainland, which averages to about .57 per year
From 1901-1950 there were 34, which averages to about .68 per year.
There were 10 from 1941-1950 while there were only 5 from 1991-2000.
The world is sinful. It has always been sinful. It is no more or less sinful now than it was 10 years ago or 1000 years ago. Why would God cause or allow something like this now, (and in New Orleans) for the purpose of punishing or eliminationg sin? Sin does not cause hurricanes. Besides, I thought God was done with floods of punishment/retribution several thousand years ago.
There are other explanatins besides sin, or a sign that Jesus is comming real soon.
Roy, you are seeing these hurricanes now because you are paying attention now. You weren't paying attention in 1941-51.
When I see a hurricane hit Las Vegas, I make take notice.
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lol Goey...hit Las Vegas...
storms happen, reasons?
plenty of them for sure
signs of the coming of the Lord?
they have been around for a long time.
maybe this should be noticed,
that the coming of the Lord
is not understood.
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I lived in NOLA for 2 years upon graduation from the Corpse.
I hated it! The wife loved it (she's a grade school teacher and saw the tender side of the chillens [properly pronounced]).
While I was there, I learned not to trust the police, the govenor, the schools, the economy, and especially the water.
I almost embarked on an endeavor to write a booklet called, "10 Reasons NOT to Live in NOLA".
Each chapter could be about a few paragraphs stating the obvious and then giving examples. It would have chapters like:
Don't drink the water
No left turns
Don't get a ticket
Don't buy a car there, the taxes will kill you.
Don't trust the govenor (who is now in prison)
Crime punishment
Unemployment (highest in any large city in America)
West Bank is in the East.....Don't ask directions
Traffic on the NO River Bridge (at the time it was under construction) [rumor had it, it was under construction for almost 10 years]
WeBees....Unfamiliar languagee.....
Cirriculum director stood up to address the teachers at a school at the beginning of the school year and said, "We be gonna have a goood yeara." True wife, sitting in the audience did a double take and the teacher sitting next to her said, "You heard her right!"
NOLA has been told this would eventually happen. They were so dependent on the government that they figured Edwin Edwards would calm the winds and the yankee feds would dish out all the money to rebuild (I was so much as told this while at work one day).
They were half usual.
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I do not have to dismiss science to believe in God.
I think science proves God. over and over science has shown bible accounts to be possible.
I believe cause and effect happens, but I think the greater Laws such as Love has been tapped into only slightly and we could learn more.
In its a wonderful life the christmas story. We learn that Jimmy stewart character makes a difference even when he can not see how or why.
well ya know it is a movie but we all do make a difference some bad some good.
I really do not think God sits in heaven with puppet strings and plays with our life.
I think a good chink of it we make happen or not and spend the rest of our time figuring out why.
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