"She taught me the great respect and love I have for the human body-the tenderness of it. She loved the body, like I love the Word of God. She just stood in awe of how magnificently it was put together. She rid me of my hang-ups, that false stuff, and taught me the beauty of the human body. We used to talk about the human body-where the life was located."
If 'Calling him every night' wasn't enough..then she visited him every weekend ... wowza
That's quite the committed individual to Wierwille. What kind of life did she have?
Actually, I have a followup question for you....
Take a woman this obsessed with vpw-
called EVERY night, visited town EVERY weekend-
add that she "rid him of his hang-ups" about the human body,
So that's what we did. At lunchtime Stiles came in with his wife and the pianist. I just
remember thinking to myself,
'There aren't going to be any women around when I get the holy spirit.'
I was just watching and waiting. Lunch was kind of light talk- we talked about Oral
Roberts, the Holy Spirit, lots of stuff. When we were done, I picked up the check'Honey, I'm going with VP.' She said something'Honey, I'm going with VP.' She said something, and
then Stiles turned to his wife and said,
'Honey, I'm going with VP.' She said something
to him like, 'How long will you be?' And he said,
'That's none of your business.'
That was it, and my opinion of him as a man went up 99 percent.
His stature increased in my eyes. just from the way he handled her."
Yes, I wanted state that very thing you asked...but thought maybe I should let readers make their own conclusions.
I find it very 'strange' that she stayed at the 'Y'. If she was such a dear friend,then why did she not stay with VP at his home??? Perhaps they wanted 'privacy'?
Feeling sicker by the minute... (insert smiley face that is the colour of green and looks like it's about to puke right about here ---> )
Things you could open your heart on, you never do, to those depths
of perception. You go so far. You know the abundance available and
the Father says, 'That's all folks! End of show.' And it's
something you cannot describe to people. Just you and Father know.
"cannot" describe.. good grief. He seems to stop short of claiming he went to the "third heaven and earth" like John and Paul.. sees "undescribable" glory or something.
Really? Was that the state of the art at that time? 8000 watts.. lessee. That's a BANK of EIGHTY one-hundred watt bulbs. I wonder how valid this claim is.
I know the old film formats required a higher light level than modern equipment, but was this the norm?
Really? Was that the state of the art at that time? 8000 watts.. lessee. That's a BANK of EIGHTY one-hundred watt bulbs. I wonder how valid this claim is.
I know the old film formats required a higher light level than modern equipment, but was this the norm?
I don't know... My dad used to take home movies at Christmas, and he had to set up these big klieg lights. I think we needed to put ice cubes on our eyes after the filming was done. We WERE the only kids in Chicago with tans in January!! :D-->
Really? Was that the state of the art at that time? 8000 watts.. lessee. That's a BANK of EIGHTY one-hundred watt bulbs. I wonder how valid this claim is.
I know the old film formats required a higher light level than modern equipment, but was this the norm?
I don't know... My dad used to take home movies at Christmas, and he had to set up these big klieg lights. I think we needed to put ice cubes on our eyes after the filming was done. We WERE the only kids in Chicago with tans in January!! :D-->
No pun intended, but please ENLIGHTEN us-I'd like to hear more.
At least tell me the configuration of klieg lights.
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I agree that it is "garbage" insofar that it is propaganda. But I think it does have a certain value: it's a good case study on VPW's sick thinking (and lack thereof) and a red flag about the dangers
A la prochaine
If 'Calling him everynight' wasn't enough..then she visited him every weekend ... wowza That's quite the committed individual to Wierwille. What kind of life did she have? Man oh man...I can hard
Never heard anything about this character. Anybody know what happened?
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A la prochaine
If 'Calling him everynight' wasn't enough..then she visited him every weekend ... wowza
That's quite the committed individual to Wierwille. What kind of life did she have?
Man oh man...I can hardly handle reading this stuff...I'm almost ready to hurl chunks.
I'm so embarrased I even endorsed this book at one time in my life
--> What dillusion was I under? 
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Actually, I have a followup question for you....
Take a woman this obsessed with vpw-
called EVERY night, visited town EVERY weekend-
add that she "rid him of his hang-ups" about the human body,
and I ask you,
WHAT happened between them when doors were shut?
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A la prochaine
I picked up the check...
talk about 'all about me' issues!!!
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A la prochaine
Yes, I wanted state that very thing you asked...but thought maybe I should let readers make their own conclusions.
I find it very 'strange' that she stayed at the 'Y'. If she was such a dear friend,then why did she not stay with VP at his home??? Perhaps they wanted 'privacy'?
Feeling sicker by the minute... (insert smiley face that is the colour of green and looks like it's about to puke right about here ---> )
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A la prochaine
I can just hear the next part coming up ... the part about his eyes getting burnt from the lights...he was such the 'sacrificial lamb'!!
WW...Stoooooooooooop! I must get some sleep!!!
You're killing me!!
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Well since I'm posting them now, I recommend the sleep so
I can post them in SUCCESSION....
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A la prochaine
I'm shutting up now...
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Then he spent a paragraph detailing who had done what. Considering
his usual proclivities, I'm surprised he did.
The film was made fall of 1967.
He was making plans to visit the fellowship in San Jose, when he
makes another ashcan discovery.
pg-231, he arrives in San Jose, and tells them he wants to go to
Haight-Ashbury. From there he goes to "the Living Room", a
Christian house in Haight-Ashbury. There he meets Ted Wise, who
invites him to Novato to the House of Acts...
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I almost missed this, but it illustrates his frame of mind nicely.
pg-231. At the House of Acts with Ted...
He said he liked how they were candid and upfront-
if they didn't like you, they told you, if they did like you, they
told you that.
However, this is an amazing quote.
We'll be discussing THIS later....
pg-233 vpw tells the Board of Trustees about the group, and they
offer to bring them onsite for a Summer School.
I especially LOVE LOVE LOVE to compare this next quote with a
young person called vpw...
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pg-234, we see Donnie Fugit arrive in summer 1969, speak to
someone in Wichita who was from Rye, NY-which led to the
beachhead in Rye.
In 1968 (yes, he jumped back a year...)
I don't know what the army teaches people about working, but I
get the impression that they work pretty hard there, even in
peacetime. vpw seems to disagree-at least at this moment.
Those of you PERSONALLY kicked out by vpw himself, this is a
perfect time to remind us.....
Ooo, pot, meet kettle.....
Regular Mother Teresa of Calcutta he was.
Except, you know, for the "helping people" part.
Then he decided to set up a leadership program.
He also says the new improved program is a 2-year program.
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Amazing what vpw "allows" to happen.
pg-237, we hear
Now comes the AD portion of tonight's show.
Man, I can't hear the sounds of the violin music over the earth
shaking there...
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"cannot" describe.. good grief. He seems to stop short of claiming he went to the "third heaven and earth" like John and Paul.. sees "undescribable" glory or something.
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But I can bet money that I know of at least one person who thinks that's EXACTLY what
he said, meant and did.
Which, IMHO, was exactly the reason he made the vague, inflated claim...
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Yep. Like he WAS a John, or a Paul..
sure left a lot to the imagination.
I remember a couple of people claiming how great vic was, because he did indeed "see it".
The claim didn't exactly square with his self-confessed lack of knowledge about the book of Revelation and the end times..
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Really? Was that the state of the art at that time? 8000 watts.. lessee. That's a BANK of EIGHTY one-hundred watt bulbs. I wonder how valid this claim is.
I know the old film formats required a higher light level than modern equipment, but was this the norm?
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More questions than answers here, I guess..
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I don't know... My dad used to take home movies at Christmas, and he had to set up these big klieg lights. I think we needed to put ice cubes on our eyes after the filming was done. We WERE the only kids in Chicago with tans in January!!
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Ok, this should be the very last excerpt post.....
*wild cheering from the stands*
pg-251, Dr spencer from West Virginia is speaking.
Me, I'd like to know where he went to school, and who taught that.
I know medicine has not so completely advanced since, say, med school in the
50s or 60s that they taught that fear of death is a symptom of a bad heart.
That belongs more to the "bleed him with leeches" era-or at least the
Freud "everything is scientific" era, in the 19th century.
Fear of death is a symptom of having brushed death-either thru personal
experience or thru the death or near-death of a loved one. I don't even have
to go to medical school to learn that. (I'll just stick with my Doctorate
of Theology, thankyouverymuch.
;)--> )
Now, this educated MD talks about witnessing, and he talks about how he used to
be a "hunter" of men-describing how people ambush a deer with both barrels from
a concealed positions (which would make him a SNIPER of men, but I digress.)
He then says
Interesting analogy.
Peter was not a hook-and-line fisherman, Peter was a NET fisherman.
"I will let down the net."
The analogy is completely different. A net fisherman casts the net out broadly
over the area, then he draws the net out of the water, and whatever is in the net
is in the net. Jesus wanted THAT kind of guy, not a line fisherman,
When the sower went forth to sow, he sowed everywhere, and some grew and
flourished. He did not study out the area, and bury one seed HERE and one seed
THERE. Dr S completely misunderstood Peter's job AND the lesson it teaches us.
Then again, even that early, twi was beginning to practice early hints of
Now then,
in the middle of the book is a set of pictures. Most are pretty typical.
There's a shot of the traditional birthday dunk-in-the-river
"God's blessings on you-SPLASH!", and there's a photo of vpw on the film set
of pfal. You can recognize the set, you can recognize the suit, there's the
sign saying "power for abundant living" on the desk. vpw's not actively
filming in this shot. There's a person in the foreground getting ready to cue
the cameraman to begin his countdown-you can see him ready to start the count.
vpw is holding up a Bible and looking forward. I don't remember him holding up
a Bible at the start of any segment. Plus, he's holding it a little close to
comfortably read from. It looks like he's holding it up for the photo snapshot.
I also note the light levels. Despite the stage lights, he knows someone is
getting ready so snap a picture, and they're standing next to the cameraman.
He can see the cue-guy. So, he's looking towards lights that aren't blinding.
STAGE lighting blinds you to anything in its direction. If he was using the
lighting at STAGE level-which is not as bright as he claimed the lights were
during filming-then the entire crew could have slipped away with the camera,
and, if they were silent, he'd be waiting for the signal to begin. You can see
NOTHING at that light level. (Yes, I've been on stage, and seen the audience
vanish as I stepped into the light.)
Furthermore, the man giving the cue, and the cameraman, can be seen in
silhouette, since they're seen blocking the light to the "studio".
If the light really WAS at blinding level, we'd be able to see the pattern of the
guys' shirts, and their facial features.
The next shot, in fact, shows how tight the formation was.....
it shows the side with the cameraman.....but there's no bank of BLINDING LIGHTS
lined up in a row like STAGE LIGHTS. Are they all stacked up in the one
non-visible corner, out of sight? If so, that's a STUPID place to put ALL the
lights. You'd put them CENTRAL in some way. So, unless someone's wheeling in
a foldaway LIGHTHOUSE BEACON, the lights were NOT nearly as bright as he claimed.
I'm also curious just how lousy this film material supposedly was. The old, old
black-and-white turn-of-the century films filmed outdoors to use sunlight.
According to vpw, the stage had lights far in excess of that.
Car headlights are 18,000 candlepower. They are bright enough to make that
studio REALLY bright-brighter than in the photo. Yet, they are not PAINFUL to
have shined at you. Am I the only one skeptical of this story?
Perhaps he got sore eyes from the filming. I could buy that. But "lose my sight"
bright? And he was STUPID ENOUGH to film 2-3 more days when Day One swelled his
eyes SHUT and the Dr said he'd be blinded for LIFE?
Was he that stupid, or does he think WE are?
(No, that was not a rhetorical question.)
This ends the posts documenting the contents.
Let the full-blown analysis begin!!!!!
"Let joy be unconfined.
Let there be dancing in the streets,
drinking in the saloons,
and necking in the parlor."
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No pun intended, but please ENLIGHTEN us-I'd like to hear more.
At least tell me the configuration of klieg lights.
Do they stack vertically in a narrow column?
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Who'd like to take the first shot at our first post, seen here?
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Brother Speed
oooh, awesome ad
where's the disclaimer 'individual results may vary?'
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