I personally LOVE THE Way (Since Jesus Christ said of himself "I am the Way, the truth & the life"
I really don't care if the farm cult goes under or not..If people are stupid enough to ignore the warning signals (especially here on GSC)..then let the yes men continue on with one another...more power to them, as they are entitled to waste their life based on keeping their heads in the Way sand.
My opinion-- TWI taught people how NOT to function in society, how to avoid the local community instead of being a vital part of it like churches are.
Also, to avoid neighbors who didn't want the Word...no friends.
Family members who chose not to be TWI were shunned, and many TWI activities happened on traditional family holidays, to further isolate people, or put them on the 'hot seat.'
When TWI folk had a health or financial crisis, they were reproved and the fellowship/branch etc did very little to help--unless they were leadership, of course.
Regular folk had to ask their earthly families to help out while they recovered from surgery etc. Where we were, couples who had a baby better plan on making plans with earthly family for help, because the fellowship wouldn't organize even a bucket of chicken--unless you were leadership, of course.
I have certainly seen how different other religious groups handle such things as this with their people. Heck, there are even civic groups that band together to help their members! I've seen internet forums do stuff, too.How they provide comfort in bad times, and rejoicing and help in happy times, like births.
Outside TWI, taking time for one's family is seen as loving and natural, not a weakness and a turn toward the dark side.
"I really don't care if the farm cult goes under or not..If people are stupid enough to ignore the warning signals (especially here on GSC)..then let the yes men continue on with one another..."
Is it remotely possible that some of these folks are not actually "stupid" but rather deceived or maybe entrapped?
It may not simply be a matter of intelligence.
I split TWI in 82 becasue I saw warning signs that TWI was corrupt and becoming legalistic and abusive. Does my leaving in 82 make me smarter than someone who left in 85 or dumber than someone who left in 79? I don't think so.
Should I feel superior and more intelligent than those that left after me? -- Should I wear it like a badge? -- Should I bow to the superior intelligence of those that left before me?
You want to call these folks "stupid"? Go ahead. I prefer deceived, seduced, entrapped, or ensnared.
Then of course there are those who's conscience has been seared. But the scripture indicates that even these were seduced.
Is is stupidity that allows one to be seduced, entrapped or deceived? -- I don't think so.
rofl, awe come on brother speed, lol tell us what you REALLY think ;-)
TWIts are also homophobic tirading sexual deviants and plagiarizing split-tongued belly crawlers and bottom-feeding scum suckers that give catfish a really bad name.
I hate The Way for how they used and abused people, spouting, "Things are to be used, people to be loved." Hypocrites
I hate The Way because the people with the top positions were the ones God held accountable for shepharding His sheep. Instead, they deceived them and used them for their own gain, sexually and financially.
Hypocrites. Whited supulchres. I just hope they ask for forgiveness for their sins.
Read Jeremiah if you want to know what God thinks of false shephards like them.
TWIts are also homophobic tirading sexual deviants and plagiarizing split-tongued belly crawlers and bottom-feeding scum suckers that give catfish a really bad name.
Brother Speed, I must know. Are you a Dick Marcinko fan?
O&A, I agree! I think they either don't really believe in God or they really don't believe the Bible and that they are going to have to answer for the way they've abused and allowed people to be abused.
I think it was a case of such deep selfishness that some really didn't care about other people, and gleefully found and twisted Bible verses to give themselves power and leverage over others. An innie told me not too long ago that my former HFC likes to play politics. Yes he did, politics to give him power over people.
While The Way did very little to help me, I do believe it had to be a part of my destiny. Why? I have a rather vague answer. But it does have something to do with how God metes out justice. I do believe they did abuse their liberty severely, but it was a liberty I needed at the time. I have since moved on to even a greater liberty than The Way has taught. Still, it's better that such a liberty is not abused, but then again judgement does begin with the house of God. And I myself do feel I'm going through the fires right now, and actually have been doing so since the beginning of my tour with The Way.
I don't know if I exactly hate THE WAY. More like I hate what they did, what they do, or rather, what I found out what they did, hiding behind their self-righteous facade, at least when I was in the organization.
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Twi was the northern end of a south bound horse.
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You have that one right. I am wondering now if that was their only goal, from the beginning?
Could be. Others may know, I don't.
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And ps --- I'm not really mad at them anymore (although I am irritated that they are *still in business*.
I'm glad to be out, and no longer a part of their schemes.
I have found God to be much larger than twi!!
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Brother Speed
Koolaid swillin' rat-faced, bible-twistin', filth infested, blasphemy spoutin', putrid hearted, crooked finger pointin' greedy money grubbin', freakish spawn of satan.
WOW! and I didn't even drop the f-bomb.
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God first and last
Beloved D Miller
God bless your loving heart
Maybe you will get to put the chain on the door of that big teaching thing they build with our money and lock it for good
It be better than cutting a ribbon at a open
Just think you get to put the lock on at the closing wouldn't that be fun
and yes God is must larger
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Rascal
God bless your loving heart too
I agree with David too
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Brother Speed
God bless your loving heart too
Now I know what a freakish spawn of satan is
thank you
I am learning new things
It good to let out the feeling the Way gave us back at the Way
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Second James
I personally LOVE THE Way (Since Jesus Christ said of himself "I am the Way, the truth & the life"
I really don't care if the farm cult goes under or not..If people are stupid enough to ignore the warning signals (especially here on GSC)..then let the yes men continue on with one another...more power to them, as they are entitled to waste their life based on keeping their heads in the Way sand.
But I do love God & Jesus Christ....THE WAY!
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Amen Second James, amen, AMEN, A flippin MEN !!
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My opinion-- TWI taught people how NOT to function in society, how to avoid the local community instead of being a vital part of it like churches are.
Also, to avoid neighbors who didn't want the Word...no friends.
Family members who chose not to be TWI were shunned, and many TWI activities happened on traditional family holidays, to further isolate people, or put them on the 'hot seat.'
When TWI folk had a health or financial crisis, they were reproved and the fellowship/branch etc did very little to help--unless they were leadership, of course.
Regular folk had to ask their earthly families to help out while they recovered from surgery etc. Where we were, couples who had a baby better plan on making plans with earthly family for help, because the fellowship wouldn't organize even a bucket of chicken--unless you were leadership, of course.
I have certainly seen how different other religious groups handle such things as this with their people. Heck, there are even civic groups that band together to help their members! I've seen internet forums do stuff, too.How they provide comfort in bad times, and rejoicing and help in happy times, like births.
Outside TWI, taking time for one's family is seen as loving and natural, not a weakness and a turn toward the dark side.
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Posted by Second James
Is it remotely possible that some of these folks are not actually "stupid" but rather deceived or maybe entrapped?
It may not simply be a matter of intelligence.
I split TWI in 82 becasue I saw warning signs that TWI was corrupt and becoming legalistic and abusive. Does my leaving in 82 make me smarter than someone who left in 85 or dumber than someone who left in 79? I don't think so.
Should I feel superior and more intelligent than those that left after me? -- Should I wear it like a badge? -- Should I bow to the superior intelligence of those that left before me?
You want to call these folks "stupid"? Go ahead. I prefer deceived, seduced, entrapped, or ensnared.
Then of course there are those who's conscience has been seared. But the scripture indicates that even these were seduced.
Is is stupidity that allows one to be seduced, entrapped or deceived? -- I don't think so.
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God first and last
Beloved Second James
God loves you my friend
But as for me I want to help more see the light and get out
Now I pray for the ones in still
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Allan
God loves you my friend too
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Bramble
God loves you my friend too
Yes trig did teach many things like that but it was out of fear that some one might get you or me to see their true colors
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Goey
God loves you my friend too
Yes I saw warning signs a month after jointing at my first ROA in 1980 but I stray until about 1992
It was VPW calling other Churches dead and I just did not like the name calling
But thanks to God we left and I have hopes that more will leave soon and more keep leaving until the door is closed for good
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Hate TWI --that's not the right word for me
I think CONTEMPT fits the bill in my corner of the universe
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rofl, awe come on brother speed, lol tell us what you REALLY think ;-)
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I guess that I am not afraid to say that I actually HATE twi for what was done to so many good people in God`s name.
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Brother Speed
TWIts are also homophobic tirading sexual deviants and plagiarizing split-tongued belly crawlers and bottom-feeding scum suckers that give catfish a really bad name.
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I hate The Way for how they used and abused people, spouting, "Things are to be used, people to be loved." Hypocrites
I hate The Way because the people with the top positions were the ones God held accountable for shepharding His sheep. Instead, they deceived them and used them for their own gain, sexually and financially.
Hypocrites. Whited supulchres. I just hope they ask for forgiveness for their sins.
Read Jeremiah if you want to know what God thinks of false shephards like them.
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Brother Speed, I must know. Are you a Dick Marcinko fan?
O&A, I agree! I think they either don't really believe in God or they really don't believe the Bible and that they are going to have to answer for the way they've abused and allowed people to be abused.
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Yeah, Belle
Wow, they either DIDN'T BELIEVE THE BIBLE, (and thus pretended to) or they JUST PLAIN DIDN'T CARE what it said and thus disobeyed it knowingly.
Not a pretty picture, and to think I fell for it all.
Even now it blows my mind if I think of it.
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I think it was a case of such deep selfishness that some really didn't care about other people, and gleefully found and twisted Bible verses to give themselves power and leverage over others. An innie told me not too long ago that my former HFC likes to play politics. Yes he did, politics to give him power over people.
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God first and last
Beloved templelady, rascal, Brother Speed, outandabout, Belle, and Bramble
God bless you all
Yes they were false shephards
They taught us how easy to make the bible say
what one needs it to say and then they did as they taught not to do
They the Way top leaders do not just play politics but they play God
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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jee zis
uh are you sure this is an appropriate topic
yuk yuk
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God first and last
Beloved ljn698
God bless your heart
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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While The Way did very little to help me, I do believe it had to be a part of my destiny. Why? I have a rather vague answer. But it does have something to do with how God metes out justice. I do believe they did abuse their liberty severely, but it was a liberty I needed at the time. I have since moved on to even a greater liberty than The Way has taught. Still, it's better that such a liberty is not abused, but then again judgement does begin with the house of God. And I myself do feel I'm going through the fires right now, and actually have been doing so since the beginning of my tour with The Way.
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I don't know if I exactly hate THE WAY. More like I hate what they did, what they do, or rather, what I found out what they did, hiding behind their self-righteous facade, at least when I was in the organization.
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