in my travels, i have come across strangers in dire need, and helped them, but did not have the time or inclination to hang out once the work was thru. i probably seemed like a mythical angel, but i'm just Todd.
also, have been helped by strangers who never stuck around long enough to chat afterwards. and have met a few people in life who simply do these sorts of things as a way of life. I cant imagine this has not been true throughout recorded and unrecorded history
no, not "magic" per se, or otherwordly explanations required, but nonetheless, worthy of the title angelic intervention in the world, imo
Christ comes from within, remember?
perhaps when we all get this someday,
"Christ will have finally fully come to earth"
also, the notion and scriptural records of meeting glowing angelic beings...deeper investigations have revealed to me that these are often our very own "inner man" manifest to our unconditioned perspectives. not that this would make it any less holy, or valuable, or significant in life. just that it is often not some otherworldly being that is seperate from us, visiting from afar, but an actual part of us and God "stepping out," if you will.
also, i think that sometimes, even the old biblical references to "angels" are not reference to some other beings, but various aspects of our very selves (which function better if they function as a whole)
and so, if "the angels are fallen from heaven"
folks simply act like "the devil"
and the way they reproduce and satisfy themselves reflects this, strongly
and reverberates in lives
again, no special magical beings from beyond time required
(because "they" are all already always everpresent anyway, in us, around us, fallen or not)
and considering how all the books of the Bible were written over such a long diverse period of history, covering quite a few changes in religious and cultural thought, and only represent a small small fraction of even Judeo/Christian spiritual writings of those times, let alone writings regarding the nature of angelic experience...
...there is no clean cut perfection to what is said about angels in the Bible
and, more and more valid texts about it all are being discovered as the centuries roll by
to "speak in tongues of angels" and "interpret the tongues of angels," in my experience, is to speak of these universal "angelics" in a way that transcends all the old limits of racial linguisitics.
i mean, how else does one blow the minds and challenge the beliefs of a multicultural crowd?
(with all those "angels" are already present and waiting within each and every speaker and listener)
to be "confused by Babylon,"
is when we cannot see the universal FORMs (light) of truth
simply because the words (sounds) are spelled different
having evolved through a specific race
(which God can draw from the rocks again)
what else is it to "open the inward eyes,"
but to show us how to see how form/shape of divine wisdom comes BEFORE the fom/shape of knowledge
just as the light of lightning comes to us before the sound of thunder
(though, if we miss the light, the sound still comes eventually.)
in part, Jesus the Christ and his students came to rescue his people from textual racism and blindness, and bookish xenophobia
And that the multi-layered "angelic" realms of life, inward and outward, are universal, and more tangible
and are ABOVE the limits of language, just as the words "Jesus" or "Christ" or "God" or "Angel" also are
in other words, "put the books down, see THE LIVING WORD regarding angels where it is NOW, which is EVERYWHERE, including your very nature"
try and let go of that death grip on mere words, and simply use them as the crude tools they are
because books are made of dead wood,
which can be and are often set up as idols
and white-washed sepulchres of dead men
generating obsessions with the past and future
when each of us are already living epistles NOW,
chock full of our own angels and Jacob's ladders and narrow pathways to navigate
(sorry if too bold...maybe just try and picture me as a bubbly cheerleader with pom poms...because that is closer to my intent :D-->)
We all have narrow minds sir, when it comes to what really is.
it is only our own peception and world.
it is all Jesus has as you metioned, Yet He is the creator of mankind the higher power we tend to wonder about.
books have been good to me, knowledge is a freedom fighter.
what ya think gets so dam small as we mostly only think what we think until we open the door to anothers thought and see a bigger world or possibliity.
I guess it is easier for me to listen from a book, no noise of what I have thought myself when I see it in print and say maybe it could be so.
I alwyas thought the living epistle part of the saga is our own life the testimony each individual has of the story of how God is in their life. remmeber when you felt? that was amazing when you achieved that. wow God really lived within you... that is the epistle I speak of in each soul longing to know God.
Im getting better at it, as time goes by I realize the reality of knowing nothingness.
more and more what I think has little to do with what is, I recognize this fact.
the change is within ourself (our perception of the world) as God changes not.
as far as territory goes and "map" . Jesus is "the way".
We hold no script remember. Unless we chose to write it our own and get lost agin.
He is the one who goes with the winds of change (us).
it may be a challenge to be the Teacher and guidance of so many thoughts as the genuine Head. I would think.
Iknow I cant figure it all out spinning around with a title considered stress and anxiety, Jesus says do not be anxious or worried, so He can and enjoys the challenge I suppose as He loves us so much better than we can. truly it is His wisdom I can rely on.
I have always wanted to see a lion in my back yard yet I have many houses and a city in my view so if such a beast entered my space it would be as an enemy has attacked.
yet in a far away land as the Lion rest in the shade of a park or backyard tree He may very well be an angels unaware.
I was referring to Genesis 6:4. These giants were the cause of the flood. See v. 5-8. Even your reply had "sons of God" as angels.
Jude 6 says, "the angels...left their own habitation," habitation being used only one other time in II Cor. 5:2, "desiring to be clothed upon with our housewhich is from heaven", house and habitation...same Greek word.
Jude 7 says their sin was like unto Sodom and Gomorrah. See II Peter 2:4-7.
Gen. 6:4 also says that this wasn't the only time these angels were around. It says also after that. There are some awesome comments about this by Bullinger in App. 25 of his Bible. Like, perhaps an explanation of Greek mythology, or what they might have had to do with the huge buildings in Egypt, that have thus been unexplainable.
I did not mean son of God are Angels but in the book of Enoch they are translated that way
sons of God are messengers of God but so can an animal be or even an Angel
Yes Angels left there home in the heavens to live on the earth because they needed water
Yes there were big people called giants but these giants were only men
David kill a giant and that was not a angel
Now you said
...fallen angels did it with humans?
and the bible does not say that but the book of Enoch calls these giants children of men and children of God it calls Angels
as I recall
so what are you saying
I read the book of Enoch and love it
lets read Genesis again
Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Children of God = children of Seth blood line
had sex with
Children of men = children of Cain blood line
I see nothing more here in Genesis
Ok year2027
is the 2,000th year from the year Christ went up in the air
Roy, the Seth explanation is one, but I do not believe it is correct.
I believe fallen angels, watchers, whatever you want to call them did mate with females of the Adamic line and produced giant offspring - Nephilim, hybreds.
Why did they do this?
Satan had been given this world, and dominion over it by Adam. Satan knew the Savior was promised through the Adamic line - Adam's descendents. Adam was created by God. This future redeemer would reclaim all for God and must come through Adam's line.
If Satan could corrupt Adam's genetic line, there could be no Savior.
If there were no Savior, this world would always belong to Satan - there would be no redemption available - God loses.
Why was Noah called "perfect"? It was not because of his morals. Look up the word. Its a physical perfection. Noah was the only one left on earth who had not been genetically corrupted - he still had the Adamic DNA from which the Savior could come.
The situation was so catastrophic that God deemed it necessary to rid the world of this corruption. The corruption was astounding, sexual perversions, hybred animals, hybred people, etc. These beings are clearly shown in the temples of ancient Sumeria and other places where the people worshipped them as "gods."
Fast forward - Gen 6 - "and after that." There was another smaller scale irruption after the flood. God clearly names the tribes who are these descendents. It became one of Israel's divine missions to wipe these human/hybred abominations out. When people say, why is God so genocidal? He's not. There is a reason. God also commanded Israel not to mingle with them - which, of course, Israel eventually did.
Daniel speaks of Iron (nephilim) not mingling with clay (humans). God says these people have no souls - there is no resurrection for them.
Sodom and Gomorrah - why were the people so eager to go after "strange" flesh? They had been with fallen angels and knew what could be done with them - they recognized the two men as angels - what could be more natural than wanting to have sexual relations with them? That's what fallen angels did. It was the "strange flesh" they were after.
Jesus, to his disciples, talked about God patiently waiting while the wheat and the tares grow up together (wheat = human, tares = nephilim descendants - those with no soul). The express purpose of the wrath of the end days is to rid the earth of the "tares" that are among us.
Jesus also said, when asked by his disciples, what will it be like in the ends days? What sign will there be? Jesus replied, it will be like the days of Noah. We now know what was going on in the days of Noah.
What are Nephilim today? They are the psychopaths amoung us, the killers who like to eat people and do all sorts of horrendous things - those with no conscience, or no soul.
Understanding this, you can clearly see, that when God created the world for man, the Sons of God (angels) rejoiced - except for one. It was a great blow to his pride to think God was creating a new, puny little being that would have dominion over this beautiful planet. Remember, it was Satan who originally had dominion over the universe and "walked among the stones of fire" - i.e., the planets. They were his habitation. How dare he be ursurped! How dare this planet not be his!
To me, it becomes quite clear what a great spiritual battle for humanity has been waged and will be waged in the future. The Bible also makes much more sense when seen in this light.
These beings have been tinkering with genetics since the beginnning, continue to do so now (UFO abuctions anyone?). They are racing against time, they know they are doomed. Revelations tells us that Satan and his angels will be cast down to earth at the end times. I believe we will see these fallen angels once again. They will once more walk the earth, just as the ancient sumarians, bablylonians, etc. saw them and worshipped them as Gods. Humanity will worship them as benign "aliens" come to help us evolveand teach us great knowledge. As God says in Rev. - he will send humanity a delusion that they should believe a lie ("Ye shall be as Gods" anyone? from Gen.) - except for those people, Christians who will not accept them as gods.
Do basketball players fit this profile? Just joking . . . .
Yes, I do believe the Bible backs up
giants of evil
plus alot of other things science would do well to accept. However, I am confused about the seed aspect. Offspring, etc. Although angels appear to be human, they are not. Also, these particular angels are not the only fallen angels. Have you ever wondered why there are so many accounts in the gospels of devil spirits and why
Jesus, I believe knew who these descendants were when he told the religious leaders, they were of their father, the devil - I think he meant that literally.
He was also the redeemer - I think spirits knew that and they showed themselves much more readily. I do find it interesting Jesus called the religious leaders white washed sepulchers, and of their father the devil.
Sound familiar - and no marvel, Satans angels are transformed into ministers of light. I think you will find descendants in many religious organizations. That's why I ask, where is your pastor, or whoever leading you?
I do think the seed of the the adversary in the material world here on earth, would be the descendents of the beings that ended up mingling with Israel, contrary to God's express forbidding to do so.
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Yes, I married one.
We may well imagine that not every part of them could have been in a "fallen" state.
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Danny Boy, I'm happy for you. But, I WAS serious.
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Dan --- ROFLMAO!!!
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in my travels, i have come across strangers in dire need, and helped them, but did not have the time or inclination to hang out once the work was thru. i probably seemed like a mythical angel, but i'm just Todd.
also, have been helped by strangers who never stuck around long enough to chat afterwards. and have met a few people in life who simply do these sorts of things as a way of life. I cant imagine this has not been true throughout recorded and unrecorded history
no, not "magic" per se, or otherwordly explanations required, but nonetheless, worthy of the title angelic intervention in the world, imo
Christ comes from within, remember?
perhaps when we all get this someday,
"Christ will have finally fully come to earth"
also, the notion and scriptural records of meeting glowing angelic beings...deeper investigations have revealed to me that these are often our very own "inner man" manifest to our unconditioned perspectives. not that this would make it any less holy, or valuable, or significant in life. just that it is often not some otherworldly being that is seperate from us, visiting from afar, but an actual part of us and God "stepping out," if you will.
also, i think that sometimes, even the old biblical references to "angels" are not reference to some other beings, but various aspects of our very selves (which function better if they function as a whole)
and so, if "the angels are fallen from heaven"
folks simply act like "the devil"
and the way they reproduce and satisfy themselves reflects this, strongly
and reverberates in lives
again, no special magical beings from beyond time required
(because "they" are all already always everpresent anyway, in us, around us, fallen or not)
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But sirguess alot the bible clearly seperates angels from mankind.
I think they are different beings, maybe not in how they appear, they have appeared in the bible in many different forms.
but how would ya know if they were an angel? or a spirit within?
i do not know. maybe that is where all that revelation stuff comes in and God told me, but that is a fine line between mental health issues isnt it?
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i agree, mj
in my haste, i may have spoke too absolute
or too general
because i do also believe that all the notions of otherworldly (and same-worldly) beings has deep truth to it as well
bottomline, i guess
angels are incomplete parts of the overall Christ/logos/universal divine form
which is why even the spectacular visitations have such limits
angelic visitations could be manifests of one's self
or of parts of one's self
of a collective will, desire, or knowledge
or of parts of collective will
or of a distant prayer partner or group (in another language, even)
and are most often completely misundestood for something other than what they are.
and the experience can only be translated through the value/belief system of the experiencer/s
(which can makes things worse)
sometimes people are better better off had they not been visited at all
because their worldview distorts the message
and entrenches them deeper in whatever belief system they are already in
lets say that a hopi healer is praying for someone
and does not personally care what race they are,
or what tradition they come from
and just wants them well
(which is Christlike,
regardless of knowledge)
but unknown to the Hopi,
this manifests in that person's dream
and that person is also healed (for any reason)
and so they go to church the next day saying "Jesus himself visited me"
and "aint i so special," and "isnt Christianity's book superior to everyone else's?"
yes, it is a wilderness
the master taught us to walk in the wilderness
not avoid it, or hate it for being wild
but to be wise as serpents
harmless as doves
(and don't forget to take off your darn shoes)
The Mystery ™ is never solved forever
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and considering how all the books of the Bible were written over such a long diverse period of history, covering quite a few changes in religious and cultural thought, and only represent a small small fraction of even Judeo/Christian spiritual writings of those times, let alone writings regarding the nature of angelic experience...
...there is no clean cut perfection to what is said about angels in the Bible
and, more and more valid texts about it all are being discovered as the centuries roll by
to "speak in tongues of angels" and "interpret the tongues of angels," in my experience, is to speak of these universal "angelics" in a way that transcends all the old limits of racial linguisitics.
i mean, how else does one blow the minds and challenge the beliefs of a multicultural crowd?
(with all those "angels" are already present and waiting within each and every speaker and listener)
to be "confused by Babylon,"
is when we cannot see the universal FORMs (light) of truth
simply because the words (sounds) are spelled different
having evolved through a specific race
(which God can draw from the rocks again)
what else is it to "open the inward eyes,"
but to show us how to see how form/shape of divine wisdom comes BEFORE the fom/shape of knowledge
just as the light of lightning comes to us before the sound of thunder
(though, if we miss the light, the sound still comes eventually.)
in part, Jesus the Christ and his students came to rescue his people from textual racism and blindness, and bookish xenophobia
And that the multi-layered "angelic" realms of life, inward and outward, are universal, and more tangible
and are ABOVE the limits of language, just as the words "Jesus" or "Christ" or "God" or "Angel" also are
in other words, "put the books down, see THE LIVING WORD regarding angels where it is NOW, which is EVERYWHERE, including your very nature"
try and let go of that death grip on mere words, and simply use them as the crude tools they are
because books are made of dead wood,
which can be and are often set up as idols
and white-washed sepulchres of dead men
generating obsessions with the past and future
when each of us are already living epistles NOW,
chock full of our own angels and Jacob's ladders and narrow pathways to navigate
(sorry if too bold...maybe just try and picture me as a bubbly cheerleader with pom poms...because that is closer to my intent
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btw - i know i'm speaking fast and loose
and on the fly. sorry y'all.
i think perhaps its a more direct path at times...using silly poetries to try and unravel silly poetries.
i dunno, maybe we can move bigger mountains that way.
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We all have narrow minds sir, when it comes to what really is.
it is only our own peception and world.
it is all Jesus has as you metioned, Yet He is the creator of mankind the higher power we tend to wonder about.
books have been good to me, knowledge is a freedom fighter.
what ya think gets so dam small as we mostly only think what we think until we open the door to anothers thought and see a bigger world or possibliity.
I guess it is easier for me to listen from a book, no noise of what I have thought myself when I see it in print and say maybe it could be so.
I alwyas thought the living epistle part of the saga is our own life the testimony each individual has of the story of how God is in their life. remmeber when you felt? that was amazing when you achieved that. wow God really lived within you... that is the epistle I speak of in each soul longing to know God.
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yeah...& please dont get me wrong, mj
i love books too. and knowledge.
especially the Bible.
an interesting book i am reading now is called
"The Translucent Revolution."
as i read on, i think you might relate to it.
and yes, we all have narrow minds when it comes to what really is.
question is, i suppose...who is it then that is aware of the narrowness of our minds?
if that one is observing the mind, it cant be our mind, then, can it?
as all this pertains to angels and giants...
whatever maps of angeldom are put forth, either now or over the millenia... helpful as they are, those maps are never the same as the territory they describe.
regardless of whether the the map is described on a page,
in our ear, or visualized in our head
(not to mention how the territory itself tends to change from time to time, sometimes quite radically)
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I thought the question was relatively simple. You are making me wonder if perhaps you (or me) are on another planet . . . .
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sorry irisheyes
the curse of me, i suppose
welcome to the gsc
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God first and last
Beloved irisheyes
God bless your loving heart
Are you talking about the book of Enoch because I know of no place were there were hapf mankind and hapf Angelkind born
Now the one for angels come from the word messenger and a messenger can be a man, animal, or even a angel
The book of Enoch was translated poorly
Children God = children of Seth = children that are messengers (translated Angels) of God = children of Seth
Children of man = children of Cain = took wifes of man
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Im getting better at it, as time goes by I realize the reality of knowing nothingness.
more and more what I think has little to do with what is, I recognize this fact.
the change is within ourself (our perception of the world) as God changes not.
as far as territory goes and "map" . Jesus is "the way".
We hold no script remember. Unless we chose to write it our own and get lost agin.
He is the one who goes with the winds of change (us).
it may be a challenge to be the Teacher and guidance of so many thoughts as the genuine Head. I would think.
Iknow I cant figure it all out spinning around with a title considered stress and anxiety, Jesus says do not be anxious or worried, so He can and enjoys the challenge I suppose as He loves us so much better than we can. truly it is His wisdom I can rely on.
I have always wanted to see a lion in my back yard yet I have many houses and a city in my view so if such a beast entered my space it would be as an enemy has attacked.
yet in a far away land as the Lion rest in the shade of a park or backyard tree He may very well be an angels unaware.
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Roy, 2027? What's the meaning of that?
I was referring to Genesis 6:4. These giants were the cause of the flood. See v. 5-8. Even your reply had "sons of God" as angels.
Jude 6 says, "the angels...left their own habitation," habitation being used only one other time in II Cor. 5:2, "desiring to be clothed upon with our housewhich is from heaven", house and habitation...same Greek word.
Jude 7 says their sin was like unto Sodom and Gomorrah. See II Peter 2:4-7.
Gen. 6:4 also says that this wasn't the only time these angels were around. It says also after that. There are some awesome comments about this by Bullinger in App. 25 of his Bible. Like, perhaps an explanation of Greek mythology, or what they might have had to do with the huge buildings in Egypt, that have thus been unexplainable.
Happy trails!!!
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God first and last
Beloved iriheyes
God bless your heart
I did not mean son of God are Angels but in the book of Enoch they are translated that way
sons of God are messengers of God but so can an animal be or even an Angel
Yes Angels left there home in the heavens to live on the earth because they needed water
Yes there were big people called giants but these giants were only men
David kill a giant and that was not a angel
Now you said
...fallen angels did it with humans?
and the bible does not say that but the book of Enoch calls these giants children of men and children of God it calls Angels
as I recall
so what are you saying
I read the book of Enoch and love it
lets read Genesis again
Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Children of God = children of Seth blood line
had sex with
Children of men = children of Cain blood line
I see nothing more here in Genesis
Ok year2027
is the 2,000th year from the year Christ went up in the air
from 27 AD to 2027 AD
the book of Enoch can be downloaded from
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Roy, why isn't this book of Enoch part of the Bible as we know it?
I will check it out when time allows.
Where are you getting the children of God = children of Enoch from?
Happy trails!!
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God first and last
Beloved iriheyes
God bless your heart
Yes Children of God = the blood line of Adam son Seth - Enoch - Noah - Moses - all the way to Christ
Children of man = the blood line of Adam son Cain up to the wife of Enoch
and it this bloodline is pass up even more by the children of Noah
I get this and a lot more by reading books like the book of Enoch and many more
Why was not this book in the bible I do not know but I would say it went against what the church taught when books were pick to be in the bible
All books in the bible and outside the bible were wrote as a book to themself
Men put it into one book not God
that all I can say
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Roy, the Seth explanation is one, but I do not believe it is correct.
I believe fallen angels, watchers, whatever you want to call them did mate with females of the Adamic line and produced giant offspring - Nephilim, hybreds.
Why did they do this?
Satan had been given this world, and dominion over it by Adam. Satan knew the Savior was promised through the Adamic line - Adam's descendents. Adam was created by God. This future redeemer would reclaim all for God and must come through Adam's line.
If Satan could corrupt Adam's genetic line, there could be no Savior.
If there were no Savior, this world would always belong to Satan - there would be no redemption available - God loses.
Why was Noah called "perfect"? It was not because of his morals. Look up the word. Its a physical perfection. Noah was the only one left on earth who had not been genetically corrupted - he still had the Adamic DNA from which the Savior could come.
The situation was so catastrophic that God deemed it necessary to rid the world of this corruption. The corruption was astounding, sexual perversions, hybred animals, hybred people, etc. These beings are clearly shown in the temples of ancient Sumeria and other places where the people worshipped them as "gods."
Fast forward - Gen 6 - "and after that." There was another smaller scale irruption after the flood. God clearly names the tribes who are these descendents. It became one of Israel's divine missions to wipe these human/hybred abominations out. When people say, why is God so genocidal? He's not. There is a reason. God also commanded Israel not to mingle with them - which, of course, Israel eventually did.
Daniel speaks of Iron (nephilim) not mingling with clay (humans). God says these people have no souls - there is no resurrection for them.
Sodom and Gomorrah - why were the people so eager to go after "strange" flesh? They had been with fallen angels and knew what could be done with them - they recognized the two men as angels - what could be more natural than wanting to have sexual relations with them? That's what fallen angels did. It was the "strange flesh" they were after.
Jesus, to his disciples, talked about God patiently waiting while the wheat and the tares grow up together (wheat = human, tares = nephilim descendants - those with no soul). The express purpose of the wrath of the end days is to rid the earth of the "tares" that are among us.
Jesus also said, when asked by his disciples, what will it be like in the ends days? What sign will there be? Jesus replied, it will be like the days of Noah. We now know what was going on in the days of Noah.
What are Nephilim today? They are the psychopaths amoung us, the killers who like to eat people and do all sorts of horrendous things - those with no conscience, or no soul.
Understanding this, you can clearly see, that when God created the world for man, the Sons of God (angels) rejoiced - except for one. It was a great blow to his pride to think God was creating a new, puny little being that would have dominion over this beautiful planet. Remember, it was Satan who originally had dominion over the universe and "walked among the stones of fire" - i.e., the planets. They were his habitation. How dare he be ursurped! How dare this planet not be his!
To me, it becomes quite clear what a great spiritual battle for humanity has been waged and will be waged in the future. The Bible also makes much more sense when seen in this light.
These beings have been tinkering with genetics since the beginnning, continue to do so now (UFO abuctions anyone?). They are racing against time, they know they are doomed. Revelations tells us that Satan and his angels will be cast down to earth at the end times. I believe we will see these fallen angels once again. They will once more walk the earth, just as the ancient sumarians, bablylonians, etc. saw them and worshipped them as Gods. Humanity will worship them as benign "aliens" come to help us evolveand teach us great knowledge. As God says in Rev. - he will send humanity a delusion that they should believe a lie ("Ye shall be as Gods" anyone? from Gen.) - except for those people, Christians who will not accept them as gods.
Call me crazy....
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I've heard "crazier".
This explanation seems to fits more with scripture, in a broader sense, than some of the other explanations.. at least to me.
Otherwise, you have a lot of explaining away of some stuff..
In exodus, the Israelites practically regarded them as monsters, and feared to go into the land and fight..
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Do basketball players fit this profile? Just joking . . . .
Yes, I do believe the Bible backs up
plus alot of other things science would do well to accept. However, I am confused about the seed aspect. Offspring, etc. Although angels appear to be human, they are not. Also, these particular angels are not the only fallen angels. Have you ever wondered why there are so many accounts in the gospels of devil spirits and why speaks of them today?Link to comment
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Oops! Got that quote thing wrong. Mybad?
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Good question Irisheyes.
Jesus, I believe knew who these descendants were when he told the religious leaders, they were of their father, the devil - I think he meant that literally.
He was also the redeemer - I think spirits knew that and they showed themselves much more readily. I do find it interesting Jesus called the religious leaders white washed sepulchers, and of their father the devil.
Sound familiar - and no marvel, Satans angels are transformed into ministers of light. I think you will find descendants in many religious organizations. That's why I ask, where is your pastor, or whoever leading you?
I do think the seed of the the adversary in the material world here on earth, would be the descendents of the beings that ended up mingling with Israel, contrary to God's express forbidding to do so.
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