I think God wants us to be married if we want to be. I think, too, that He knows what we want in a spouse and He wants that for us.
Please stay hopeful and optomistic! You just moved and are haven't been where you are with a much shorter commute that originally, if I remember correctly. :)--> Maybe your Sean Connery was waiting for you to get settled in and into a new routine with the extra time you finally have.
If it makes you feel any better, I'm 36 and still want to have kids (I don't have any at all). I don't want to do it on my own and sometimes I get frustrated and scared that it's never going to happen. :)--> Some days are better than others. Hang in there! We'll find our Ephesians 3:20's yet!
I do not believe those men exist except in romance novels. :o-->
I think that sexy looks across a room might be nice... But do not serve a purpose other than to present an attraction. :)--> And make you feel like maybe you still have it.
The "all man" stero type to me is a dream...
As is the woman who will never have cellulite, laugh at all his jokes, enjoys oral sex, keeps a perfect house, never passes gas and whose breath is minty fresh upon awakening.
I think, a real man is one who is not afraid to show emotion.
I think the truth is you might get a friend who will be in your corner, love you even when your breath rivals a moose and your hips bounce on the door frame. A man who will open the car door for you but then miss the hamper, and think nothing of cleaning his toe nails with the end of a hanger.
You crack me up! I see your "real man" scenario very clearly.
Like Belle said, hang in there. After several years of internet dating, and hanging around Christian men who believed God would bring them a blonde nympho who prays and cleans house, I met my sweetheart in ordinary circumstances (at work) without much effort at all. The thing that I finally had to realize after kissing a lot of frogs, is that as long as I kept my heart and my eyes open, there will always, always be another opportunity to meet someone. And if you saw the thread with Cowgirl and Goey's pictures, you will know that when you find someone who will look at you the way those two do, you will have found a treasure beyond words.
For all you single guys at Greasespot:
If you are looking to meet someone, QUITCHERBELLYACHIN! Some of the finest caliber of women you could hope to meet are right here, posting and chatting and navigating the same maze of life that you are. Send a private topic to someone whose posts have interested you. Get real about what you want and meet a real woman.
Come to the Weenie Roast or organize some event that will put you in contact with several amazing women. Set your face to the wind and move forward.
And if you saw the thread with Cowgirl and Goey's pictures, you will know that when you find someone who will look at you the way those two do, you will have found a treasure beyond words.
I was bringing this up mainly for womens opinion or such. This is not a broadcast commercial by any means. I only commented to those who posted. this is a forum so I expected a multitude of thoughts..I have no clue as to how old some are.
stayed too long I dont understand your post totaly.
stayed too long I dont understand your post totaly.
"Woman and men of old" were baby boomer's parents, pre WWII moms and dads. Us 'boomers' changed it all.....burned draft cards and bras, made love not war, tuned in, turned on, and dropped out. Decided any belief or practice done pre 60's, including being "men and woman of old", was from the "establishment", and to be destroyed.
Woman became "liberated" and decided men were only needed for sex, and an occasional doobie. This certainly didn't go against the grain of most men, as sex was now free for the taking. Knights in shining armour were discarded for nights of free love. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am was the order of the day. No complaints from men....and none from the ladies...for awhile.
Then liberated woman morphed into "feminists" and sex again had to have some "meaning" behind it.
So what I am saying is: Men are after one thing! For the past 40 years that "one thing" has been free. You woman conditioned us that way.
Men of old were attracted to woman of old. How many of them do you think are around? Cook, iron, wash, ........
You mean like the virtuous woman, in Proverbs 31??
The woman who is not just a sex object, but an actual *team member* in the marriage? Someone who is capable of making competent decisions,and her husband goes along with it, cause he sees the validity of her decisions? A woman that a man trusts to act responsibly with whatever is thrown in her path?
A woman who can referee any disagreement within the household, and have all parties come out of it happy? Someone who can handle money and make major purchases, and keep the bank account in the black?
Someone who works hard and diligently so that her family is never in need? Someone who is always there to comfort her kids and her husband (when it is needed) and be able to kiss away the hurt, and successfully promise a better day tommorow?
I'm a *boomer* too, and while I agree (somewhat) with your assessment of the 60's, I have never have taken the position you espoused about being after one thing only. And I am not belly-aching either, cause I kinda like being alone -- but if I were looking:
It would be for a virtuous woman, not just *one of old*. :)-->
A word fitly spoken, my friend. I did limit the bellyachin comment to those who post here who are looking. And biblical standards for behavior will always be higher than society's standards.
I feel those responsibities of the home should be according to the family need. altho, women are very talented in making the home a haven for her family..geesh if she is a surgeon could be difficult for her to maintain everything thats goes in the home...I for one love making a home a home.........
very fitly spoken.......
wwj- you imput it very good. its refreshing..I agree:)-->
A woman who can referee any disagreement within the household, and have all parties come out of it happy?
dmiller, dmiller--you haven't spent much time with middleschool aged girls, have you.
If all parties come out with hair and appendages attached and hide in their room's in a huff for three or four hours writing 'I So Hate You' poetry, then I'm pretty happy.
I figure they'll be good friends in about 15 years.
dmiller, dmiller--you haven't spent much time with middleschool aged girls, have you.
If all parties come out with hair and appendages attached and hide in their room's in a huff for three or four hours writing 'I So Hate You' poetry, then I'm pretty happy.
HA! :D-->
Never, unless I am around my nieces. I have to plead *mea culpa* to being ignorant otherwise.
Recommended Posts
I think God wants us to be married if we want to be. I think, too, that He knows what we want in a spouse and He wants that for us.
Please stay hopeful and optomistic! You just moved and are haven't been where you are with a much shorter commute that originally, if I remember correctly.
:)--> Maybe your Sean Connery was waiting for you to get settled in and into a new routine with the extra time you finally have.
If it makes you feel any better, I'm 36 and still want to have kids (I don't have any at all). I don't want to do it on my own and sometimes I get frustrated and scared that it's never going to happen.
:)--> Some days are better than others. Hang in there! We'll find our Ephesians 3:20's yet!
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Call 1-800-dmi-ller
(sorry -- couldn't resist!!)
(hey -- at least it isn't a *900* number!)
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Dot Matrix
I do not believe those men exist except in romance novels.
I think that sexy looks across a room might be nice... But do not serve a purpose other than to present an attraction.
:)--> And make you feel like maybe you still have it.
The "all man" stero type to me is a dream...
As is the woman who will never have cellulite, laugh at all his jokes, enjoys oral sex, keeps a perfect house, never passes gas and whose breath is minty fresh upon awakening.
I think, a real man is one who is not afraid to show emotion.
I think the truth is you might get a friend who will be in your corner, love you even when your breath rivals a moose and your hips bounce on the door frame. A man who will open the car door for you but then miss the hamper, and think nothing of cleaning his toe nails with the end of a hanger.
But hey,that's just how I see it.
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After 20 years of marriage, hearing my wife fart still makes me laugh...
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You crack me up! I see your "real man" scenario very clearly.
Like Belle said, hang in there. After several years of internet dating, and hanging around Christian men who believed God would bring them a blonde nympho who prays and cleans house, I met my sweetheart in ordinary circumstances (at work) without much effort at all. The thing that I finally had to realize after kissing a lot of frogs, is that as long as I kept my heart and my eyes open, there will always, always be another opportunity to meet someone. And if you saw the thread with Cowgirl and Goey's pictures, you will know that when you find someone who will look at you the way those two do, you will have found a treasure beyond words.
For all you single guys at Greasespot:
If you are looking to meet someone, QUITCHERBELLYACHIN! Some of the finest caliber of women you could hope to meet are right here, posting and chatting and navigating the same maze of life that you are. Send a private topic to someone whose posts have interested you. Get real about what you want and meet a real woman.
Come to the Weenie Roast or organize some event that will put you in contact with several amazing women. Set your face to the wind and move forward.
Go forth and date.
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Wwjes, you brought tears to my eyes.
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Group hug!!
Cowgirl- what lovely picture..Im so glad for the both of you
Belle- you are a dear one. That void of not having children will be met..
Minus the a couple of tough years in the way, I have successfully raised 2 girls..what an addition to life they bring
WWJ- how sweet of you..you made me laugh..
Im am picky but am a giver..I guess I need to mature in the patience area

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Belle's got a Border Terrier, the next best thing. Besides, if I weren't happily married, I'd be after her....
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Stayed Too Long
Men of old were attracted to woman of old. How many of them do you think are around? Cook, iron, wash, ........
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I was bringing this up mainly for womens opinion or such. This is not a broadcast commercial by any means. I only commented to those who posted. this is a forum so I expected a multitude of thoughts..I have no clue as to how old some are.
stayed too long I dont understand your post totaly.
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Stayed Too Long
"Woman and men of old" were baby boomer's parents, pre WWII moms and dads. Us 'boomers' changed it all.....burned draft cards and bras, made love not war, tuned in, turned on, and dropped out. Decided any belief or practice done pre 60's, including being "men and woman of old", was from the "establishment", and to be destroyed.
Woman became "liberated" and decided men were only needed for sex, and an occasional doobie. This certainly didn't go against the grain of most men, as sex was now free for the taking. Knights in shining armour were discarded for nights of free love. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am was the order of the day. No complaints from men....and none from the ladies...for awhile.
Then liberated woman morphed into "feminists" and sex again had to have some "meaning" behind it.
So what I am saying is: Men are after one thing! For the past 40 years that "one thing" has been free. You woman conditioned us that way.
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You mean like the virtuous woman, in Proverbs 31??
The woman who is not just a sex object, but an actual *team member* in the marriage? Someone who is capable of making competent decisions,and her husband goes along with it, cause he sees the validity of her decisions? A woman that a man trusts to act responsibly with whatever is thrown in her path?
A woman who can referee any disagreement within the household, and have all parties come out of it happy? Someone who can handle money and make major purchases, and keep the bank account in the black?
Someone who works hard and diligently so that her family is never in need? Someone who is always there to comfort her kids and her husband (when it is needed) and be able to kiss away the hurt, and successfully promise a better day tommorow?
I'm a *boomer* too, and while I agree (somewhat) with your assessment of the 60's, I have never have taken the position you espoused about being after one thing only. And I am not belly-aching either, cause I kinda like being alone -- but if I were looking:
It would be for a virtuous woman, not just *one of old*.
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A word fitly spoken, my friend. I did limit the bellyachin comment to those who post here who are looking. And biblical standards for behavior will always be higher than society's standards.
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I feel those responsibities of the home should be according to the family need. altho, women are very talented in making the home a haven for her family..geesh if she is a surgeon could be difficult for her to maintain everything thats goes in the home...I for one love making a home a home.........
very fitly spoken.......
wwj- you imput it very good. its refreshing..I agree
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dmiller, dmiller--you haven't spent much time with middleschool aged girls, have you.
If all parties come out with hair and appendages attached and hide in their room's in a huff for three or four hours writing 'I So Hate You' poetry, then I'm pretty happy.
I figure they'll be good friends in about 15 years.
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Never, unless I am around my nieces. I have to plead *mea culpa* to being ignorant otherwise.
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