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Rascals question --Praising or Cursing


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Originally posted by Allan:

Like I said before and I was pretty clear..all I wanted to do was'expose' the motives for some of posting what you do about 'doctrinal truths'

You have exposed nothing except possibly your own ignorance and your own bias.

Originally posted by Allan:

Can you HONESTLY say a 'professed' Pagan or Wicca or Mormon or whatever is going to post 'unbiased' comments on what many still know and believe to be truths from Gods' Word.?


Newsflash For Allan! ... EVERYONE has certain biases. But this really isn't news at all, now is it? Besides, NO ONE ever said that the folks here are unbiased concerning religious/theological matters. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or self-proclaimed defender of the truth to figure that out and "expose" it.

Alan, the funny thing is that by attempting to pointing out that others are not "unbiased" you make the absurd implication that YOU are unbiased. What a crock !

You are probably one of the most biased and most objectionably unobjective posters here. While you try to expose the bias of others you conceal your own bias behind a facade of 'I am a Christian' .

Alan, You profess that you are "Christian". So What? Christians do not agree on "the truths of God's word", so your profession is meaningless in regards to the bias you seek to expose. Christians are some of the most biased folks out there.

But, are you telling us that YOU will posts "unbiased" comments on the "truths from Gods' Word" ?? LOL! -- Well, go ahead. Post what you think are some of the "truths from God's Word" and offer your "unbiased" comments on them.

And while you are at it, why don't you set the example here and expose yourself and your true motives? -- Tell everyone here what YOUR background and YOUR current religious affiliations are? -- Where do you attend church or fellowships, and who are the leaders? -- What are the core doctrines?

That way we can all understand how you became so unbiased.

Originally posted by Allan:

And thanks for showing that some of you can be as demeaning, snide, viscious as some of the people in the ministry many of us walked away from.

Ain't that like the pot calling the kettle black?
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