But students of liberty should recognize in this instance just another collectivist fantasy. Greene's brand of neuroscience is not science, but a new addition to the category of "politics by other means."
Ever hear the old saying about "When you're a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail"? Well, I'm reminded of that when I read that phrase after what appears to be an objective scientific paper, but what winds up being Yet Another "The Commies (collectivists) are out to get us using Yet Another Means to Take Over the World". (Shades of Pinky and the Brain! -->)
It's like the knee-jerk approach that folks like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton uses to portray everything thru 'racial lenses' (you know, there is a racial meaning behind everything, or even most things, people say and do). So it is with this supposed 'mass collectivist hive mind' that 'students of liberty' are supposed to be on the lookout for.
Utilitarians? I've met a few, and quite a number of them are members/friends/aggreable with of the Libertarian Party and it's philosophies. ... And you KNOW how Communist/Collectivist they aren't. ;)-->
In this connection Greene mentions with approval the fact that Peter Singer, the famed utilitarian professor, donates about 20% of his income to charity.
Peter Singer’s name recognition should be characterized in terms of infamy rather than fame.
Nat Hentoff, who has referred to Singer as an “apostle of infanticide,†quotes Singer as having written:
'"Human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping that they exist over time. They are not persons."'
'"[T]he life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee."'
(Italicization is mine.)
Singer also has some lower-tier notoriety due to a quasi-review (titled “Heavy Pettingâ€) he did of a book on bestiality. In the piece, Singer, an animal rights whacko, conducted jihad against the distinctiveness of humans by minimizing the sexual barrier between man and beast. Commenting on an orangutan’s attempted rape of a human female, Singer maintained the attack should be inoffensive in respect to its being committed by an animal, though he recognized it as disturbing on the basis of its potential violence. It can be read at http://www.nerve.com/Opinions/Singer/heavyPetting/main.asp .
Nat Hentoff, who has referred to Singer as an “apostle of infanticide,†quotes Singer as having written:
'"Human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping that they exist over time. They are not persons."'
'"[T]he life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee."'
(Italicization is mine.)
Singer also has some lower-tier notoriety due to a quasi-review (titled “Heavy Pettingâ€) he did of a book on bestiality. In the piece, Singer, an animal rights whacko, conducted jihad against the distinctiveness of humans by minimizing the sexual barrier between man and beast.
Sounds like a man vee pee and craig would really respect and love to have seen involved with TWI. Imagine, he coulda been on the BOD with those kinds of beliefs. -->
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Ever hear the old saying about "When you're a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail"? Well, I'm reminded of that when I read that phrase after what appears to be an objective scientific paper, but what winds up being Yet Another "The Commies (collectivists) are out to get us using Yet Another Means to Take Over the World". (Shades of Pinky and the Brain!
It's like the knee-jerk approach that folks like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton uses to portray everything thru 'racial lenses' (you know, there is a racial meaning behind everything, or even most things, people say and do). So it is with this supposed 'mass collectivist hive mind' that 'students of liberty' are supposed to be on the lookout for.
Utilitarians? I've met a few, and quite a number of them are members/friends/aggreable with of the Libertarian Party and it's philosophies. ... And you KNOW how Communist/Collectivist they aren't.
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Ron G.
You'll notice it DID come from the Von Mises Institute blog. It's quite interesting, nevertheless.
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Yes it is.
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Some people have too much time on their hands, and should get a real job.
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Peter Singer’s name recognition should be characterized in terms of infamy rather than fame.
It has sprung largely from his advocacy of a state of affairs in which parents would be allowed to have disabled newborns euthanized for up to 28 days or so following birth. Among things qualifying a baby for parentally approved extermination in Singer's view reportedly are Down’s Syndrome and hemophilia (see http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/hentoff091399.asp and http://www.michaelspecter.com/ny/1999/1999...hilosopher.html ).
Nat Hentoff, who has referred to Singer as an “apostle of infanticide,†quotes Singer as having written:
'"Human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping that they exist over time. They are not persons."'
'"[T]he life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee."'
(Italicization is mine.)
Singer also has some lower-tier notoriety due to a quasi-review (titled “Heavy Pettingâ€) he did of a book on bestiality. In the piece, Singer, an animal rights whacko, conducted jihad against the distinctiveness of humans by minimizing the sexual barrier between man and beast. Commenting on an orangutan’s attempted rape of a human female, Singer maintained the attack should be inoffensive in respect to its being committed by an animal, though he recognized it as disturbing on the basis of its potential violence. It can be read at http://www.nerve.com/Opinions/Singer/heavyPetting/main.asp .
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Sounds like a man vee pee and craig would really respect and love to have seen involved with TWI. Imagine, he coulda been on the BOD with those kinds of beliefs.
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