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My massage today


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Ok, first of all, no sexual content.

I've had some really bad pains and numbness in my right arm, going down into my hand and up into my shoulder at times. It's been going on for about 6 weeks and I've been getting concerned about it. I'm an engineer by trade and a right-handed engineer is pretty much useless without his right arm. I got a wireless mouse and was using it left-handed when the pain and numbness became intolerable.

I've never been overly confident in the healing ability of doctors and I just hoped that it would get better, like just about everything that's bothered me in the past.

So this morning at work, the Japanese guy that runs the fitness/sports massage place next to us comes over with his Ibook. He needs another stick of memory installed. I invite him to come in and I take 10 minutes to install his memory. He says to come over for a free massage any time. I say that I've had this problem with my arm. He feels my hand, my upper and lower arm, then he presses on a point where my shoulder meets with my ribcage. I wince in pain and he says "that's where it is, come over around 1:00 and I'll fix it".

I come over at 1:00 and he says "it's going to hurt, but that's the only way I can fix it in 15 minutes". I say ok. He works on my hand, my arm, and especially the area around my shoulder where he poked earlier. He does some massage while I press my arm forward on his other hand. He does the same while I try to turn my head as he holds it in one place. It hurts, but in a good way, as I start using muscles that haven't been used for awhile.

When he was done, the pain and numbness was gone. More impressive, I could raise my right arm straight up whereas before I could only get it to about 10 o'clock.

I have to tell you, I was amazed. I've never had a massage or gone to a chiropracter, being skeptical of all of them. All I can say is that I was healed.

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Oh yaay...words fitly spoken...lol.

My middle son just started his course of study to become a board (like State Board, not massage board) certified massage therapist.

His thinking is, that by taking 5 months now and becoming certified, he will have a flexible houred means of income when he returns to regular pre-med college track in the Spring.

Viva la rub!

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Oh yeah! My budget's a little too tight now, but I absolutely LOVE my massage therapist and wouldn't trade her for anything! She'll even accommodate on a moment's notice if I'm in pain or seriously stressed out.

Warning, Jim: It's addictive!

Also, being single and living alone and trying to re-establish friendships, I miss the human touch. It's so important, too, especially for healing.

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Belle, the therapist you are used to would be able to turn you onto schools, instructors, etc.

When I go during breaks between classes once a week or so, it's wonderful!

The students sometimes accept tips and since I have issues with not paying for what's mine to pay, that helps.

Also one year the students had one tip bucket and they all celebrated at the end of practicums and certification.

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There are different types of massage.

I had massage therepy after a car accident. This helped alot with the healing process.

I work behind a desk for a living, and sometimes need a massage to take care of "knots" in my back and shoulder.

And, I get a "sports" massage due to playing racquetball.

A good massage is a very wonderfull thing icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

(almost as good as sex icon_razz.gif:P--> redface.gif:o-->)

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I'm sorry Wacky! I'm of the old school, and when speaking of more than one person where the gender is unknown, it is normally the male pronoun used.

We are now in a different generation......

A good massage therapist is worth his/her weight in gold.

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I'm a big fan of massage therapists and chiropractors... it makes sense to me that your spine and your muscles are pretty much the bulk of what makes up your body, so if they are "out of sorts" the effects can be dramatic and widespread.

Years ago my son started having seering pains in his thigh -- so bad couldn't sleep and couldn't put any weight on that leg. We saw a myriad of doctors who shrugged their shoulders and put him through some painful and expensive tests and therapies.

After weeks of this, a friend brought us to his chiropractor. ONE adjustment and my kid was hopping around playing like normal. It was a pinched nerve in his lower back.

When I went back to each of these doctors to tell them what the problem turned out to be, were they happy to learn something new? To be better prepared to diagnose the next patient? Oh, hell no. They just sorta turned their heads and coughed as if to say, "well, if you want to take your kid to a quack..."

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I like that 'worth their WEIGHT in gold' stuff!!

If that were the case ...I WOULD BE VERY RICH!!!!!!

Jim --- that is a wonderful endorsement of a sometimes misunderstood field!!

Matilda!... I think your middle son has the right idea... lets see--- make $50 to $80 an hour making people happy and feeling better-- or waiting tables for ..well ... less money!

Thats a great way to work your way through college!!

and Belle--- anytime we are in the same area--- a free massage for you! (Actually-- That offer stands for any Greasespotcafe people!!)


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