I never heard about there being 12 but will look into it
Isa 11:2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the (1)spirit of wisdom and (2) understanding, the (3)spirit of counsel and (4)might, the (4)spirit of knowledge and of the (5)fear of the LORD;
Ok lets see
Spirit of God -V- spirit of Christ
God upon people -V- Christ in us
1 spirit of wisdom -V- word of wisdom
2 spirit of understanding -V- word of knowledge
3 spirit of counsel -V- faith
4 spirit of might -V- gifts of healing
5 spirit of knowledge -V- working of miracles;
6 spirit of fear -V- discerning of spirits
then there
7 prophecy -V- prophecy
8 divers kinds of dreams -V- divers kinds of tongues;
9 interpretation of dreams -V- interpretation of tongues:
Now Moses gave prophecy and Joseph dream dreams and gave interpretation of dreams
As Jesus Christ spoke prophecy,Jesus Christ spoke in parables, and gave the interpretation of parables
So Jesus Christ did all nine
But what is greater is that we are not over shower by the gift of holy spirit but the gift has become part of us
thank you very must
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved TheEvan
God bless your loving heart too
I love them all too
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Dmiller
God bless your loving heart too
Yes they did I guess they were afraid of what I would of been taught or what I might of shared with others
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Juan Cruz
I like the traditional listing from Isaiah 11 of seven. Here's a short article that starts there.
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Neat. I'd like all of the those gifts!
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They returned your money??????? Get out of here!!!
And not once, but twice???
(that establishes it!)
I'm almost not believing this!!
(Too funny!!)
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Juan --- good link! Thanks.
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God first and last
Beloved Juan Cruz
God bless your heart
I never heard about there being 12 but will look into it
Isa 11:2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the (1)spirit of wisdom and (2) understanding, the (3)spirit of counsel and (4)might, the (4)spirit of knowledge and of the (5)fear of the LORD;
Ok lets see
Spirit of God -V- spirit of Christ
God upon people -V- Christ in us
1 spirit of wisdom -V- word of wisdom
2 spirit of understanding -V- word of knowledge
3 spirit of counsel -V- faith
4 spirit of might -V- gifts of healing
5 spirit of knowledge -V- working of miracles;
6 spirit of fear -V- discerning of spirits
then there
7 prophecy -V- prophecy
8 divers kinds of dreams -V- divers kinds of tongues;
9 interpretation of dreams -V- interpretation of tongues:
Now Moses gave prophecy and Joseph dream dreams and gave interpretation of dreams
As Jesus Christ spoke prophecy,Jesus Christ spoke in parables, and gave the interpretation of parables
So Jesus Christ did all nine
But what is greater is that we are not over shower by the gift of holy spirit but the gift has become part of us
thank you very must
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved TheEvan
God bless your loving heart too
I love them all too
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Dmiller
God bless your loving heart too
Yes they did I guess they were afraid of what I would of been taught or what I might of shared with others
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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