A person can be out of shape at any age I run circles around the teens at my job.
they are also too tired or out of shape to contend with work.
I hike with a lady who is ninety four year young! She was also in rehab for four months after a nasty car accident just four months ago.
it is the mind, it is motivation, it is wanting to go get it!
We all do what we want.
if we think we should be to tired we will be. If we know we are tired and feel it can be an excuse to not be the day best then we will not....
Im single, few "do" for me. I sit and look and say I cant do this anymore Im to tired and the next day it is still there waiting to get done!!!!
so I just do it. tired lazy or what not .
if your ill it may be different I have never been sick so I do not know what that is like.
The fact is it isnt getting "older" in years it is getting older in your mind, you do not want to, your less motivated, it isnt as exciting and new as it once may have been.
A good excuse.
I do not believe it has anything to do with age at all.
I know 42 year old women with three or four very young chidren who work full time, and keep a house and husband!!!
if your tired go to bed! if your excited about life and have a full plate you may not notice you need more sleeep.
sleep is under rated. life is for living!!! sure enough you will sleep when ya need it!
ya know what got me going the next day?? EXCITMENT!!! or food money or rent!! motivation baby it is all it comes down to!
young or older.
but an excuse is waiting for any lazy man or woman.
old fat sick depressedblah blah blah...
maybe your just out of shape. not used to it!!!
unless your sick or something. my gramma is 98 years OLD and lives lone with many pets and a huge garden and a big house!
she says to "keep busy"! haha and that is the answer . do not stop cause if you do it feels like you cant do it all over again because you lost your motivation.
Belle, "old," at "almost 42"??? Get that thought out of your pretty little head.
Vegas isn't the real world. Your senses are being assaulted with noise and lights and crowds and the little adrenalin rushes of gambling ("I won, I won!" "I almost won a lot!") And if you're not a smoker, you were breathing a LOT more smoke than you're probably accustomed to (half the cause of hangovers, in my opinion).
I will say that in my 40s, I did slow down a bit in terms of my late-night stamina. I learned I could either stay up late or drink, but that if I did both, I'd pay for a coupla days.
Now, if you woke up exhausted and feeling like crap every day, then you might have a problem. But I think what you experienced was normal given where you were.
Now, if you woke up exhausted and feeling like crap every day, then you might have a problem. But I think what you experienced was normal given where you were.
No I don't wake up feeling like crap every day. Only when I stay up past midnight, which isn't too often.
Vegas isn't the real world. Your senses are being assaulted with noise and lights and crowds and the little adrenalin rushes of gambling ("I won, I won!" "I almost won a lot!") And if you're not a smoker, you were breathing a LOT more smoke than you're probably accustomed to (half the cause of hangovers, in my opinion).
Thanks, Linda, I think you hit the nail on the head. I don't smoke (quite in 1994), and I forgot what kind of things it does to you. I'm asthmatic now too. I'm sure that didn't help.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't think 42 or even 65 is old. My Dad is 68, and he is very active for his age. Whenever we are out in the woods hiking, he runs circles around all those younger than him. He has a vicious stride.
I don't feel almost 42 except when I stay out late. And I certainly don't look almost 42. Nobody ever believes me when I tell them my age. They always guess 28-34. I like that. ;)-->
Welcome to da spot Penguin..you really from the upside down part of the earth?LOL I too can identify with the creaking & squeaking that you describe...LOL!
From my own aged experience (63) I believe LindaZ hit the nail on the head.
This is a good time to double check your diet just in case. Have a few extra pounds found your waist to hang out on?
Also 2 hours in that neck of the woods is enough of a drive to change altitude enough that thirst could be affected....and...possible "exhaustion" from a climb into it is plausable. If there was a significan altitude change, that could explain a whole lot.
Hey Penguin!!!! Where in the Antarctic are you from? Are you a scientist? I sold a penguin today (I flamework glass beads) come home to GS and here you are!!!! WELCOME!!!!
WayferNot! I have loads of energy in the morning....and I tucker out into the evening. I don't like going out at night anymore...even in Vegas, unless I have to for a show or something.
I think this is what happens when you get old.
However...you're not even close yet!!! I'd take Sudo's advice and guzzle the geritol. ;)-->
I woke up today feeling hung over. I didn't have any alcohol and drank quite a bit of water.
Was the venue particularly smoky? Inhaling a bunch of carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide can leave you with a "hung-over" feeling, even if you didn't drink.
At my last duty station (I was 39 through 42), I was in control of 40 MPs who were mostly (over-whelmingly) teenagers (We had very few adults stationed there). Doing our PTs (work-outs) three times each week, I kept up with them, though I was able to see that my recovery time took longer, as I was in my fortys.
I think that if you stay in 'shape', and get plenty of rest every few nights, you'll be fine.
Most of my 'adulthood' has been 'going to sea' I have usually had to change day-night cycles every few months. Spending a couple months at a 24 hour day-cycle, and then working 100 days at a 18 hour day-cycle.
Working as an MP, we worked one month 'days'. Getting up at 0400 and working until 1900 (7pm), trying to get home by 10pm. Then the following month working 'nights', getting up at 1600 (4pm) and working until 0700. We did make an effort to avoid working more than three days in a row without any time off for sleep, but it does not always work-out that way. MPs just alternate one month of 'days' and a month of 'nights', etc for three years.
I think that a part of folks feeling 'old' is that they have been locked into a day-night cycle for too long. Each time you change your cycle, I think it does keep you 'up' with the teenagers.
As far as getting hang-overs, I dont.
Now as a retiree, I try to drink wine at every dinner, one or three rum-cokes each evening, sometimes I get a little depressed (mostly just regret over men's lifes I have ruined and whose deaths I have been responsible for) during those times I drink a little more. But I rarely drink more than a fifth of rum per night, and I have almost entirely given up scotch whiskey. Overall I normally go through two 750ml bottles each fortnight (one bottle of rum, one bottle of everclear).
I get a physical every year (including endo-scopy), and a liver-function-panel every six months. I am on meds for a bleeding duodenal-ulcer and for cholesterol.
So far the docs have always told me that so long as my drinking does not increase to excessive levels I am well within the norms for my group.
It is my understanding that hang-overs are far more dependant on 'what' you drink, not how much you drink. Red-wines are far worse, as are distilled liquers with more distillates still in them. You can Google it and certainly learn a lot about what kinds fo things can be safely drank without hang-over.
3 or 4 beers a night, with a few days off at times .. just what the doctor ordered ;)--> I guess red wine is sposed to do something special for you too ... I'm making a bunch of that this year.
I've found that smoke filled bars do make me feel yucky the next day, and I've had that hung over but didn't drink feeling. I thought it had to do with sinus pressure.
As I've gotten older (almost 50)a heart defect(I was a preemie and had some minor heart abnormalities all my life)has become more of an issue. I now have to watch my diet, water, alchohol, caffiene and medications very closely, but if I do what I'm supposed to do I feel just as I always always did, like I'm twentyfive or so. Not as limber, though! And I feel better if I get regular sleep.
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Wayfer Not,
'Fraid so... You'll be needing a little bit of help from now on out.
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42?? 42?? Forty-two!!!???
Shucks -- I still feel young at a decade (plus) older than thou!!
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ps. --- I guess the moral of this story is:
"If you go to Vegas, don't drink the water!"
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Stayed Too Long
What I used to do all night now takes all night to do.
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my answer is a loud NO!
A person can be out of shape at any age I run circles around the teens at my job.
they are also too tired or out of shape to contend with work.
I hike with a lady who is ninety four year young! She was also in rehab for four months after a nasty car accident just four months ago.
it is the mind, it is motivation, it is wanting to go get it!
We all do what we want.
if we think we should be to tired we will be. If we know we are tired and feel it can be an excuse to not be the day best then we will not....
Im single, few "do" for me. I sit and look and say I cant do this anymore Im to tired and the next day it is still there waiting to get done!!!!
so I just do it. tired lazy or what not .
if your ill it may be different I have never been sick so I do not know what that is like.
The fact is it isnt getting "older" in years it is getting older in your mind, you do not want to, your less motivated, it isnt as exciting and new as it once may have been.
A good excuse.
I do not believe it has anything to do with age at all.
I know 42 year old women with three or four very young chidren who work full time, and keep a house and husband!!!
if your tired go to bed! if your excited about life and have a full plate you may not notice you need more sleeep.
sleep is under rated. life is for living!!! sure enough you will sleep when ya need it!
ya know what got me going the next day?? EXCITMENT!!! or food money or rent!! motivation baby it is all it comes down to!
young or older.
but an excuse is waiting for any lazy man or woman.
old fat sick depressedblah blah blah...
maybe your just out of shape. not used to it!!!
unless your sick or something. my gramma is 98 years OLD and lives lone with many pets and a huge garden and a big house!
she says to "keep busy"! haha and that is the answer . do not stop cause if you do it feels like you cant do it all over again because you lost your motivation.
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I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was.
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Linda Z
Belle, "old," at "almost 42"??? Get that thought out of your pretty little head.
Vegas isn't the real world. Your senses are being assaulted with noise and lights and crowds and the little adrenalin rushes of gambling ("I won, I won!" "I almost won a lot!") And if you're not a smoker, you were breathing a LOT more smoke than you're probably accustomed to (half the cause of hangovers, in my opinion).
I will say that in my 40s, I did slow down a bit in terms of my late-night stamina. I learned I could either stay up late or drink, but that if I did both, I'd pay for a coupla days.
Now, if you woke up exhausted and feeling like crap every day, then you might have a problem. But I think what you experienced was normal given where you were.
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I'll be 53 next week and I still feel young too, until I do something like play basketball for two hours with some 20-somethings.
Then the next day I feel like I'm almost 83.
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No I don't wake up feeling like crap every day. Only when I stay up past midnight, which isn't too often.
Thanks, Linda, I think you hit the nail on the head. I don't smoke (quite in 1994), and I forgot what kind of things it does to you. I'm asthmatic now too. I'm sure that didn't help.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't think 42 or even 65 is old. My Dad is 68, and he is very active for his age. Whenever we are out in the woods hiking, he runs circles around all those younger than him. He has a vicious stride.
I don't feel almost 42 except when I stay out late. And I certainly don't look almost 42. Nobody ever believes me when I tell them my age. They always guess 28-34. I like that.
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Gee I already creak and squeak and have all types of body parts crack when I move....I think I need an oil change!! lol
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Second James
Welcome to da spot Penguin..you really from the upside down part of the earth?LOL I too can identify with the creaking & squeaking that you describe...LOL!
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From my own aged experience (63) I believe LindaZ hit the nail on the head.
This is a good time to double check your diet just in case. Have a few extra pounds found your waist to hang out on?
Also 2 hours in that neck of the woods is enough of a drive to change altitude enough that thirst could be affected....and...possible "exhaustion" from a climb into it is plausable. If there was a significan altitude change, that could explain a whole lot.
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Hey there Penguin. Welcome to GS.
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Wacky Funster
Hey Penguin!!!! Where in the Antarctic are you from? Are you a scientist? I sold a penguin today (I flamework glass beads) come home to GS and here you are!!!! WELCOME!!!!
WayferNot! I have loads of energy in the morning....and I tucker out into the evening. I don't like going out at night anymore...even in Vegas, unless I have to for a show or something.
I think this is what happens when you get old.
However...you're not even close yet!!! I'd take Sudo's advice and guzzle the geritol.
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Was the venue particularly smoky? Inhaling a bunch of carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide can leave you with a "hung-over" feeling, even if you didn't drink.
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At my last duty station (I was 39 through 42), I was in control of 40 MPs who were mostly (over-whelmingly) teenagers (We had very few adults stationed there). Doing our PTs (work-outs) three times each week, I kept up with them, though I was able to see that my recovery time took longer, as I was in my fortys.
I think that if you stay in 'shape', and get plenty of rest every few nights, you'll be fine.
Most of my 'adulthood' has been 'going to sea' I have usually had to change day-night cycles every few months. Spending a couple months at a 24 hour day-cycle, and then working 100 days at a 18 hour day-cycle.
Working as an MP, we worked one month 'days'. Getting up at 0400 and working until 1900 (7pm), trying to get home by 10pm. Then the following month working 'nights', getting up at 1600 (4pm) and working until 0700. We did make an effort to avoid working more than three days in a row without any time off for sleep, but it does not always work-out that way. MPs just alternate one month of 'days' and a month of 'nights', etc for three years.
I think that a part of folks feeling 'old' is that they have been locked into a day-night cycle for too long. Each time you change your cycle, I think it does keep you 'up' with the teenagers.
As far as getting hang-overs, I dont.
Now as a retiree, I try to drink wine at every dinner, one or three rum-cokes each evening, sometimes I get a little depressed (mostly just regret over men's lifes I have ruined and whose deaths I have been responsible for) during those times I drink a little more. But I rarely drink more than a fifth of rum per night, and I have almost entirely given up scotch whiskey. Overall I normally go through two 750ml bottles each fortnight (one bottle of rum, one bottle of everclear).
I get a physical every year (including endo-scopy), and a liver-function-panel every six months. I am on meds for a bleeding duodenal-ulcer and for cholesterol.
So far the docs have always told me that so long as my drinking does not increase to excessive levels I am well within the norms for my group.
It is my understanding that hang-overs are far more dependant on 'what' you drink, not how much you drink. Red-wines are far worse, as are distilled liquers with more distillates still in them. You can Google it and certainly learn a lot about what kinds fo things can be safely drank without hang-over.
Good luck
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3 or 4 beers a night, with a few days off at times .. just what the doctor ordered
;)--> I guess red wine is sposed to do something special for you too ... I'm making a bunch of that this year.
Hey George, are you still nasal spray free? lol
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I've found that smoke filled bars do make me feel yucky the next day, and I've had that hung over but didn't drink feeling. I thought it had to do with sinus pressure.
As I've gotten older (almost 50)a heart defect(I was a preemie and had some minor heart abnormalities all my life)has become more of an issue. I now have to watch my diet, water, alchohol, caffiene and medications very closely, but if I do what I'm supposed to do I feel just as I always always did, like I'm twentyfive or so. Not as limber, though! And I feel better if I get regular sleep.
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Ok a 50 I hurt. Its not in my mind its my knee's and feet.
I reffed too many soccer games and learned to late that I shouln't wear cleats. Its bad when the ref is carried off the field.
My Dad's feet hurt him his whole life. Well tha acorn didn't fall far from the tree. My feet hurt all the time.
So if you feel old there is a reason. YOUR GETTING OLD.
Just some people age quicker than others. I still can outwork some of the young bucks. I work smarter.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
my thoughts
if one glass of wine a day is good for you
--> how can 12 be bad 
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Like Steven Wright says ---
"24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case -- makes sense to me."
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
they come in 30 packs now!!!!!!!!!
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Shhhhhhh!! (I knowwwwww!!)
Just between you and I, now I have to set my watch back by six hours after the first six are gone!!
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Billy H!! I always wondered what happened to you. You were always so patient when my "musings" during PFAL were freeaking out all the grads!
And, yes, haven't had a squirt since Session 1!
What's the deal with "Rhino"? Something for the "Names We're Known By" thread, I suppose.
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