Yeah, teaching people something wasn't enough. They weren't anything but a p.o.s. if they didn't hang around.
Now they are saying that things are great because they are smaller and that they want to stay small. So much for Word over the World, eh? So much for sharing the good news. I suppose that's a wee bit more honest, "We're a controlling cult and that's not for everyone. Keeping it small is an easy way to control and keep tabs on you, so don't you go bringing any high maintenance people into our little group."
What was wrong? Those who were running things didn't give a crap about God or people's lives. That was just the merchandise they peddled to get our money. If it's not of God it will come to naught? Seems like TWI has come to naught.
There were lies, manipulation, sexual secrets, wrong or plageurized doctrine, and downright mean people at times. You can find this is in any denomination, any church, or any culture.
Let me say this is not to minimize any of these things done to people who were involved. Wrong is wrong no matter where it happens. And wrongs done in an organization that says it teaches people to love God is purely evil.
My intent on this thread is to express that there isn't just one way. Diversity is what I'm talking about here.
The type of authority that TWi exerted over its followers is not typical of most churches, as far as I can tell.
Church people would be horrified at the types of things we a(almost) took for granted--having leadershi+ inspect your house, handing over lists of every item in your home, including medications. Having your budget scrutinized. Schedules that showed when you would have sex with your spouse. Planning play dates for toddlers a week in advance--and nonspontaneous play or unscheduled stuff was of the devil.Going two by two all the time(so one spouse couldn't stay home with the kiddies, everyone had to go)...Insano stuff.
Try to pull that stuff in a Methodist church and see how far you'll fly.
there were a few people who stayed around because we were genuinely nice people. i imagine they would have stayed around if we were pushing potholder making....
when we moved, they went away.... yeah we thought they didn't "stand"
Loads of things, but the ONE that quickly comes to mind....
veepee initiated a system wherein he could bask in adulation and have sole authoritative rule. At best, his plagairized work was a steppingstone for many of us in our desire to cross the running waters of youth and find worse, his controlled cult has become a stagnant cesspool of iniquity for others.
The type of authority that TWi exerted over its followers is not typical of most churches, as far as I can tell.
Church people would be horrified at the types of things we a(almost) took for granted--having leadershi+ inspect your house, handing over lists of every item in your home, including medications. Having your budget scrutinized. Schedules that showed when you would have sex with your spouse. Planning play dates for toddlers a week in advance--and nonspontaneous play or unscheduled stuff was of the devil.Going two by two all the time(so one spouse couldn't stay home with the kiddies, everyone had to go)...Insano stuff.
Try to pull that stuff in a Methodist church and see how far you'll fly.
Amen. Since I've been out I have found most churches to be places to remind us what we are doing here. We have the Holy Spirit to convict us of error. And He does a perfect job. verse After these things were ended start what the author claims the 8th great statment.It was no longer on growth but on the individual Paul.
Yep that is the script twi is playing a script written by someone they(leaders) put on probation and defrocked and they are still carrying out his script
Great points, we learned so much ABOUT God and scriptures and formulas, but yet I never really felt I *knew* him there.
It was very hard after leaving because I assumed that if a group didn`t master the scriptures like twi did...they were not worth fellowshipping with....
It is amazing how many people out here KNOW God
and they belong to every different group imaginable.
I have to say that since leaving, it has been like rediscovering a long lost friend and rebuilding a relationship.
I think that is one of the really twisted things twi did.... we were taught such disrespect and mistrust of ANYBODY outside of twi....we miss a good bit of blessings being so immature.
Straining gnats and swallowing camels comes to mind.
All that Greek and 4 crucified and thoroughly and throughly doesn't mean jack when there's no teaching of the one-body (the real one-body and not TWI's private interpretation of it) and the personal relationships with God and Jesus.
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Stayed Too Long
Amazing!! I never realized how many people with common sense actually took PFAL. The rest of us were, "The Few. The Proud. The Marooned."
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Yeah, teaching people something wasn't enough. They weren't anything but a p.o.s. if they didn't hang around.
Now they are saying that things are great because they are smaller and that they want to stay small. So much for Word over the World, eh? So much for sharing the good news. I suppose that's a wee bit more honest, "We're a controlling cult and that's not for everyone. Keeping it small is an easy way to control and keep tabs on you, so don't you go bringing any high maintenance people into our little group."
What was wrong? Those who were running things didn't give a crap about God or people's lives. That was just the merchandise they peddled to get our money. If it's not of God it will come to naught? Seems like TWI has come to naught.
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Let me say this is not to minimize any of these things done to people who were involved. Wrong is wrong no matter where it happens. And wrongs done in an organization that says it teaches people to love God is purely evil.
My intent on this thread is to express that there isn't just one way. Diversity is what I'm talking about here.
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The type of authority that TWi exerted over its followers is not typical of most churches, as far as I can tell.
Church people would be horrified at the types of things we a(almost) took for granted--having leadershi+ inspect your house, handing over lists of every item in your home, including medications. Having your budget scrutinized. Schedules that showed when you would have sex with your spouse. Planning play dates for toddlers a week in advance--and nonspontaneous play or unscheduled stuff was of the devil.Going two by two all the time(so one spouse couldn't stay home with the kiddies, everyone had to go)...Insano stuff.
Try to pull that stuff in a Methodist church and see how far you'll fly.
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there were a few people who stayed around because we were genuinely nice people. i imagine they would have stayed around if we were pushing potholder making....
when we moved, they went away.... yeah we thought they didn't "stand"
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What was wrong, really?
Loads of things, but the ONE that quickly comes to mind....
veepee initiated a system wherein he could bask in adulation and have sole authoritative rule. At best, his plagairized work was a steppingstone for many of us in our desire to cross the running waters of youth and find worse, his controlled cult has become a stagnant cesspool of iniquity for others.
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Amen. Since I've been out I have found most churches to be places to remind us what we are doing here. We have the Holy Spirit to convict us of error. And He does a perfect job.
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In the book Rise and Expansion the ma@@@nfail
states Acts 19:20 So mightily grew the word and verse After these things were ended start what the author claims the 8th great statment.It was no longer on growth but on the individual Paul.
Yep that is the script twi is playing a script written by someone they(leaders) put on probation and defrocked and they are still carrying out his script
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(I received) ---------- Recriminations;
(I retained) ----------- Rejection
(I released) ---------- Regurgitation.
Hmmmm -- would that be the three *R's* of Receive, Retain, Release???
Something went wrong, but -- we followed the three *r's* (to our own liking).
(leastways I did)
How are ya doing twi??
Are the three *R's* now "Rosalie's Righteous Revelations"?
or do ya even teach that anymore?
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Great points, we learned so much ABOUT God and scriptures and formulas, but yet I never really felt I *knew* him there.
It was very hard after leaving because I assumed that if a group didn`t master the scriptures like twi did...they were not worth fellowshipping with....
It is amazing how many people out here KNOW God
and they belong to every different group imaginable.
I have to say that since leaving, it has been like rediscovering a long lost friend and rebuilding a relationship.
I think that is one of the really twisted things twi did.... we were taught such disrespect and mistrust of ANYBODY outside of twi....we miss a good bit of blessings being so immature.
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Straining gnats and swallowing camels comes to mind.
All that Greek and 4 crucified and thoroughly and throughly doesn't mean jack when there's no teaching of the one-body (the real one-body and not TWI's private interpretation of it) and the personal relationships with God and Jesus.
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