I most CERTAINLY did NOT! And I CERTAINLY have NO control over what others write and further more, I CERTAINLY never gave any aproval of such tactics....PROVE IT! yeah right you can`t....Oh, and as far as them being my buddies? I only know one of those posters personally...............but hey, as long as anybody agrees with another posters pov? It`s a damned conspiracy right?
You are a damned liar BMan, it is YOU who owe ME an apology, not that I`d expect any.
I hadn't intended to post to this thread, because I have little, if any, to say about the topic. But I do have something to say about what you're doing on this thread, Rascal.
You are doing the same thing, from the opposite direction, that you accuse (often rightly) oldiesman of doing on abuse threads.
Long Gone, thank you for bringing that up. That is EXACTLY what she is doing.
Rascal, calling me a "damned liar" is, I belive a personal attack. I may have been in error as I guess you didn't directly post any jabs to Alan about his misspelling.
But, since you started the personal attack, I belive I will call YOU a damned liar. I never said once that you approved of such tactics. I said I didn't see you jumping to his defense.
As far as apologizing, It will be a cold day in hell before I apologize to a bully like you. I was mistaken...you did not make jabs at Alan. But see, your words were said in a bullying way, and you will not "bully" an apology out of me.
You spewed:
You are a damned liar BMan, it is YOU who owe ME an apology, not that I`d expect any.
Just what the hell's up with that anyway? That little "not that I'd expect any" makes it sound like you know something about me when you don't know jack **** about me. Nice little tactic Rascal...make people think you know me and that I'm not man enough to make an apology. Wow, your a real piece of work.
Now this thread is not about you, nor is it about me so I am not going to post anymore to you here. Go ahead, have the last word. As I have seen in the past, this will continue till you get it so I'm done. Have fun!
One of the largest lessons I learned is all people struggle.
I was young but I know many older people who have never learned the fact people really want to be loved and accepted.
twi pretended to give us that as many struggled with breaking away from mom and dad and church as we knew as a child or young adult twi said we can be loved.
I remember that now.. when I see or hear people go beyond what they maybe should for acceptance and get hurt.
I walked away from twi and the offhoots with a gapping wound and a scar I notice everyday.
but inside I have a strength , hard to describe, a strength that says i will survive. twi gave me the ability to seek God and myself without the illusion of people and what they may say or do to me.
I never would have asked for the lesson the way I got it . and I cant answer if it was "worth it" but I cherish who I am today because of it.
I cant see or know me without the story of all this twi and offshoot interference in my life.
I wouldnt know what it would have been like. so here I am trying to make lemonade still out of life in general twi and all.
Im glad I knew the bible and I am glad I believe it to be an instruction book for life, and Im glad I do not have to learn that it is a book for my learning from a faithful Lord who loves me and not a church group or a special teacher. it is a spiritual life I learned, to the point those who seek God today and struggl;e with many of the religous stuff I no longer play with in my mind and I see and hear the foolishness, Im thankful.
mj412's last paragraph is my feeling also. When I took pfal my life was a mess and that class (right or wrong) turned it around 180 degrees. I don't know how it would have gone had I not taken the class but I can imagine and I would rather not. Too late for that. The best thing I think I have from the whole way experience is I will never be religious. That is not because TWI is not a religious organization but because it is.
I do wish everyone could just get along but that is just wishful thinking. Jewel
I didnt come in a mess I got into a mess with the people I got involved in twi with.
I am not going to blame twi, for what happened to me , I cant not now because I do not know how life would have been without the trouble I got in.
would it have happened if I never got involved? I doubt it and it was a life changing event. I was marked for a reason.
nah not with all the guilt and condemation and learning that took place, in the real world it would have maybe never happened maybe something worse who knows what life brings when your guessing.
I am not one of those who claim twi saved my life oh hell no!
my involvement brought me and my family the worst heartache possible this side of death and at times I think worse than death.
but of course we learn we either learn or continue doing whatever it is that destroyed your life in the first place.
twi caused two divorces for me, my first because he was an unbeliever ,and I was,the second because he was a believer and I wasnt.
that is only a slice of it all. no no Im not one of those who claim twi saved me from my life. it changed my life but not because I was in a bad way at the time. what I was saying is I do not know how my life would have been.
but they certainly had the allowance to change it for way to long.
I have few regrets now. grew up I guess came into my own self and decided to have some peace.
I had to look long and hard at why it did happenen tho why I got involved why I allowed what happened to happen etc. what was my part and why.
got to know myself some that is rather invaluable.
mj, I guess i should clarify myself. It was just your last paragraph that was my feeling also. Funny how two totally different experiences can come to similiar thoughts. Jewel
if my life was a messand got better I do not suppose I would give the glory to twi in the same vein I do not blame them for what happened to me while I was involved.
I honestly think all of us including vpw had no idea what was happening. or why.
isnt that why we have GS and the off shoots?
I have some answers a very few mostly my lemonaid is the strength I learned to endure and the ability to stop trying to figure it all out and go with my own gut.
I really learned that well. seldom do I doubt what I know to be true regardless of whatever is going on or who says what.
in fact i may be slightly rabid on this point in my life because of twi it may not be lemonaid but im drinking it now for sure.
I think the fact the folks who life was all messed up and they joined twi speaks volumes. did ya get fixed by being involved?
oh pray tell just how?
I cant imagine any type of answer other than trying to please people and that is exactly how I got into so much pain in my life.
I can't think of anything gained as a result of the ministry's scriptural instruction, in doctrine or practice. Maybe I will later.
laleo, you mentioned the kindness of many people in The Way, and I think that had a great influence over me.
Though The Way's leadership couldn't be depended upon to grasp "kindness," many Way believers found it to be a very simple concept, in thought and in deed. Their examples were my teachers.
I recall those examples often enough, I think, to make a small difference.
…and Rascal has shown me in her posts just how out and out ugly the ministry that I once loved had become. Thanks Racal, I do not now feel guilty about leaving twi when I did.
This is a great thread and I have been thinking about your questions. There is so much that has been beneficial to me. First off most of what others shared has been equally beneficial to me the organizational skills have proved to be of value both personally and in business organizing ,setting up and running meetings. Knowing that the Bible has answers to draw from in living life and how to study the Bible to find them, (how to use research books and keys to understanding scripture being a part of this.) has also been of great value.
Learning of Gods Grace, Mercy, Peace, and Love what each is and how they apply to me has been equally beneficial. What true service is and how to live a lifestyle of service. How to separate truth from error has been an invaluable tool in life.
But of all the many things I think if I had to choose one it would be that I learned how to have an effectual prayer life with my heavenly Father. To know of His love for me and see it in reality most every day in my life. In short to walk and talk with God. To know how to pray, who to pray to, and why. Getting answers to prayer not because we demand it, not because we have earned it, but for no other reason than our Father loves us so.
You asked about success stories here is one:
For my job I own a commercial cleaning company. Not too long ago I was wanting to change my schedule from nights to normal day hours. Well of course in this business you pretty much work after the business is closed for the day that is just the nature of the job. Working nights was becoming physically draining and conflicting with other things I wanted to do. So one day I started to pray about this for accounts that I could do in the day. Now of course other people in the business thought I had lost my mind but I was confident God could pull this off.
Within a few days I got a call to bid on cleaning a trade school a 6000 sq ft. building. Guess what? They have class in the morning till 12:30 then they break till evening classes. They wondered if I would have a problem cleaning during the afternoon? Anyway to make a long story short one by one I received calls to work during the day a church, a laundry, a dentist which I do early in the morning, some law offices that are off Fridays and so on. Not only did I have a schedule full of day work but each job just somehow fit into an open slot in the schedule without overlapping. Well I don't work nights anymore unless I choose to do a special job on occasion and last year my businesses had an increase of 60%.
Now some would say it was just coincidence but I know that to fit all the pieces together like they have is my heavenly Father at work. To learn that we are God's children. He loves us. He hears us. He knows us,and He wants us to have His abundance,and His love. He wants us to have his best. Those are some of the many things I am thankful to have learned from my Way experience. Claudette used to sing that wonderful song I'm telling you God will make a way where there is no way. And now I can tell you He surely has.
Bluzeman: Your help in keeping this thread on topic is appreciated. :)-->
Long Gone: You strike me as the quintessential pragmatist. Because of that, you don't seem to carry some of the emotional baggage that others might. If anyone has a recipe for lemonade, I would expect it to be you. So what is the "little, if any"?
jewel: "I do wish everyone could just get along but that is just wishful thinking." Do you mean here? On this thread? If so, don't be discouraged. We really are getting along, despite what it seems. Thanks for your post.
satori: Yeah, I can't come up with much as far as the "biblical research" goes either, except maybe just the fact of becoming familiar with the Bible. I'd lean more towards giving The Way credit (if I'm going to give it credit at all) for building community. Not perfectly, not always, but occasionally getting it right.
Brother Speed: Welcome to GreaseSpot, if you're new here. If not, welcome back. I felt guilty for awhile, too, after leaving. But then sometime in the 90s, an old friend who attended the ROA on a whim gave me an update, and that's when I knew there was nothing to go back to.
WhiteDove: I enjoyed reading your testimonial. Had I read it at another time, on another thread, I may have been a little put off by it, maybe because it doesn't fit well with my own (post-Way) theology, not that I have much of one.
Your last paragraph, where you switched from "I" to "we" -- which reads a little like an altar call -- makes me wonder if you feel an obligation to convince others of the rightness of your beliefs.
I think it's great that things worked out so well for you with working the hours that fit better with your schedule. I wonder if part of your success is due to the confidence you have that you will succeed, sort of that "letting go and letting God" thing where you just turn things over to the universe and trust that all will be well.
WhiteDove: I enjoyed reading your testimonial. Had I read it at another time, on another thread, I may have been a little put off by it, maybe because it doesn't fit well with my own (post-Way) theology, not that I have much of one.
-->I'm not getting your point I guess could you try again.
Your last paragraph, where you switched from "I" to "we" -- which reads a little like an altar call -- makes me wonder if you feel an obligation to convince others of the rightness of your beliefs.
No most likely poor english. I guess since it was speaking of things that were available to myself and others as well I assumed we was the word to use.
I think it's great that things worked out so well for you with working the hours that fit better with your schedule. I wonder if part of your success is due to the confidence you have that you will succeed, sort of that "letting go and letting God" thing where you just turn things over to the universe and trust that all will be well.
I don't think so really I had a successful schedule full of work but I felt that it was not the best situation for my life and health and that a better one was needed. So it was a deliberate request that I kept in my daily prayers. Anyway it was not meant as an alter call just as a listing of some of the things I am thankful to have had the opportunity to learn while in the Way.
Okay, gotcha. Just didn't know if the switch from first person singular ("I") to plural ("we") was deliberate, making it more of a teaching than just your experience. That's the part that made me pause. I'm probably just not used to your grammar.
First, I learned I had a great marriage! As my wife revealed things she noticed of which I was oblivious, I came to realize that it was more amazing that we were still together than surviving 3 brain sugeries (which I've done). We are celebrating our 19th this September and she hasn't run me off yet (go figure).
I also learned that I can make friends with people based on other things besides the condition that they come to fellowship.
Our family actually went to a neighbor's birthday party last month and we had a more fun than I ever had with BCs or in many cases LCs. (Not hard to imagine is it?).
Most importantly, I've learned how to maintain fellowship with God while wearing Levis most of the time and without the trappings of SNS. (I now own one suit, which is rarely worn)
Long Gone: You strike me as the quintessential pragmatist. Because of that, you don't seem to carry some of the emotional baggage that others might. If anyone has a recipe for lemonade, I would expect it to be you. So what is the "little, if any"?
I've been dealt plenty of lemons, and gathered plenty more on my own. I've made lemonade from some of them, but because most of the lemons didn’t come from TWI or my TWI experience, my lemonade doesn’t seem to belong in this particular lemonade stand.
More straightforwardly, I neither blame TWI for the negatives I've experienced, nor credit it for the positives, so it's hard to relate them to TWI.
it was the still small voice that said "brother speed, study, to show yourself approved unto God, not unto vpw or lcm, and obey the principles therin. for with God's word, not vpw's, not lcm's but God's word at the center, behold, all things fall into place. and brother speed went unto his own house and said unto himself, 'as for me and my house, I shall serve the lord.
Laleo, in answer to your question. I do wish everyone would get along not only on GSC but everywhere. I'm a dreamer but a realist at the same time, notice I said I guess it was just wishful thinking. Thanks for letting me know that on these posts you are doing just fine in that category. (getting along) As a new poster I wasn't sure where some of these posts were going. As someone with more experience as yourself, I understand your knowledge of what is happening, at times, is like a family argument. Right? Jewel
Thanks to TWI's habit of calling on you to pray, SIT, teach at the drop of a feather. I got over my fear of public speaking. I actually enjoy speaking, teaching, etc even to a groupf strangers.
Of course when one buys lemonade there is a price to pay and I know I was way overcharged!!!
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I most CERTAINLY did NOT! And I CERTAINLY have NO control over what others write and further more, I CERTAINLY never gave any aproval of such tactics....PROVE IT! yeah right you can`t....Oh, and as far as them being my buddies? I only know one of those posters personally...............but hey, as long as anybody agrees with another posters pov? It`s a damned conspiracy right?
You are a damned liar BMan, it is YOU who owe ME an apology, not that I`d expect any.
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I hadn't intended to post to this thread, because I have little, if any, to say about the topic. But I do have something to say about what you're doing on this thread, Rascal.
You are doing the same thing, from the opposite direction, that you accuse (often rightly) oldiesman of doing on abuse threads.
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Long Gone, thank you for bringing that up. That is EXACTLY what she is doing.
Rascal, calling me a "damned liar" is, I belive a personal attack. I may have been in error as I guess you didn't directly post any jabs to Alan about his misspelling.
But, since you started the personal attack, I belive I will call YOU a damned liar. I never said once that you approved of such tactics. I said I didn't see you jumping to his defense.
As far as apologizing, It will be a cold day in hell before I apologize to a bully like you. I was mistaken...you did not make jabs at Alan. But see, your words were said in a bullying way, and you will not "bully" an apology out of me.
You spewed:
Just what the hell's up with that anyway? That little "not that I'd expect any" makes it sound like you know something about me when you don't know jack **** about me. Nice little tactic Rascal...make people think you know me and that I'm not man enough to make an apology. Wow, your a real piece of work.
Now this thread is not about you, nor is it about me so I am not going to post anymore to you here. Go ahead, have the last word. As I have seen in the past, this will continue till you get it so I'm done. Have fun!
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juice didnt start with twi for me.
One of the largest lessons I learned is all people struggle.
I was young but I know many older people who have never learned the fact people really want to be loved and accepted.
twi pretended to give us that as many struggled with breaking away from mom and dad and church as we knew as a child or young adult twi said we can be loved.
I remember that now.. when I see or hear people go beyond what they maybe should for acceptance and get hurt.
I walked away from twi and the offhoots with a gapping wound and a scar I notice everyday.
but inside I have a strength , hard to describe, a strength that says i will survive. twi gave me the ability to seek God and myself without the illusion of people and what they may say or do to me.
I never would have asked for the lesson the way I got it . and I cant answer if it was "worth it" but I cherish who I am today because of it.
I cant see or know me without the story of all this twi and offshoot interference in my life.
I wouldnt know what it would have been like. so here I am trying to make lemonade still out of life in general twi and all.
Im glad I knew the bible and I am glad I believe it to be an instruction book for life, and Im glad I do not have to learn that it is a book for my learning from a faithful Lord who loves me and not a church group or a special teacher. it is a spiritual life I learned, to the point those who seek God today and struggl;e with many of the religous stuff I no longer play with in my mind and I see and hear the foolishness, Im thankful.
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mj412's last paragraph is my feeling also. When I took pfal my life was a mess and that class (right or wrong) turned it around 180 degrees. I don't know how it would have gone had I not taken the class but I can imagine and I would rather not. Too late for that. The best thing I think I have from the whole way experience is I will never be religious. That is not because TWI is not a religious organization but because it is.
I do wish everyone could just get along but that is just wishful thinking. Jewel
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twi made my life a mess.
I didnt come in a mess I got into a mess with the people I got involved in twi with.
I am not going to blame twi, for what happened to me , I cant not now because I do not know how life would have been without the trouble I got in.
would it have happened if I never got involved? I doubt it and it was a life changing event. I was marked for a reason.
nah not with all the guilt and condemation and learning that took place, in the real world it would have maybe never happened maybe something worse who knows what life brings when your guessing.
I am not one of those who claim twi saved my life oh hell no!
my involvement brought me and my family the worst heartache possible this side of death and at times I think worse than death.
but of course we learn we either learn or continue doing whatever it is that destroyed your life in the first place.
twi caused two divorces for me, my first because he was an unbeliever ,and I was,the second because he was a believer and I wasnt.
that is only a slice of it all. no no Im not one of those who claim twi saved me from my life. it changed my life but not because I was in a bad way at the time. what I was saying is I do not know how my life would have been.
but they certainly had the allowance to change it for way to long.
I have few regrets now. grew up I guess came into my own self and decided to have some peace.
I had to look long and hard at why it did happenen tho why I got involved why I allowed what happened to happen etc. what was my part and why.
got to know myself some that is rather invaluable.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
i don' deer to respon here caus i spel bad
lighten up folks!

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mj, I guess i should clarify myself. It was just your last paragraph that was my feeling also. Funny how two totally different experiences can come to similiar thoughts. Jewel
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if my life was a messand got better I do not suppose I would give the glory to twi in the same vein I do not blame them for what happened to me while I was involved.
I honestly think all of us including vpw had no idea what was happening. or why.
isnt that why we have GS and the off shoots?
I have some answers a very few mostly my lemonaid is the strength I learned to endure and the ability to stop trying to figure it all out and go with my own gut.
I really learned that well. seldom do I doubt what I know to be true regardless of whatever is going on or who says what.
in fact i may be slightly rabid on this point in my life because of twi it may not be lemonaid but im drinking it now for sure.
I think the fact the folks who life was all messed up and they joined twi speaks volumes. did ya get fixed by being involved?
oh pray tell just how?
I cant imagine any type of answer other than trying to please people and that is exactly how I got into so much pain in my life.
I guess your right.
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I can't think of anything gained as a result of the ministry's scriptural instruction, in doctrine or practice. Maybe I will later.
laleo, you mentioned the kindness of many people in The Way, and I think that had a great influence over me.
Though The Way's leadership couldn't be depended upon to grasp "kindness," many Way believers found it to be a very simple concept, in thought and in deed. Their examples were my teachers.
I recall those examples often enough, I think, to make a small difference.
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Brother Speed
Thanks Pawtucket! Let the 'food fights begin'
Ok, on topic, From pfal, I learned that it's my relationship with God, and I learned to study to show myself approved.
From my wow year I learned how to look for a job and keep a job, and how important it is to lower the toilet seat when I was finished using it.
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Brother Speed
…and Rascal has shown me in her posts just how out and out ugly the ministry that I once loved had become. Thanks Racal, I do not now feel guilty about leaving twi when I did.
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This is a great thread and I have been thinking about your questions. There is so much that has been beneficial to me. First off most of what others shared has been equally beneficial to me the organizational skills have proved to be of value both personally and in business organizing ,setting up and running meetings. Knowing that the Bible has answers to draw from in living life and how to study the Bible to find them, (how to use research books and keys to understanding scripture being a part of this.) has also been of great value.
Learning of Gods Grace, Mercy, Peace, and Love what each is and how they apply to me has been equally beneficial. What true service is and how to live a lifestyle of service. How to separate truth from error has been an invaluable tool in life.
But of all the many things I think if I had to choose one it would be that I learned how to have an effectual prayer life with my heavenly Father. To know of His love for me and see it in reality most every day in my life. In short to walk and talk with God. To know how to pray, who to pray to, and why. Getting answers to prayer not because we demand it, not because we have earned it, but for no other reason than our Father loves us so.
You asked about success stories here is one:
For my job I own a commercial cleaning company. Not too long ago I was wanting to change my schedule from nights to normal day hours. Well of course in this business you pretty much work after the business is closed for the day that is just the nature of the job. Working nights was becoming physically draining and conflicting with other things I wanted to do. So one day I started to pray about this for accounts that I could do in the day. Now of course other people in the business thought I had lost my mind but I was confident God could pull this off.
Within a few days I got a call to bid on cleaning a trade school a 6000 sq ft. building. Guess what? They have class in the morning till 12:30 then they break till evening classes. They wondered if I would have a problem cleaning during the afternoon? Anyway to make a long story short one by one I received calls to work during the day a church, a laundry, a dentist which I do early in the morning, some law offices that are off Fridays and so on. Not only did I have a schedule full of day work but each job just somehow fit into an open slot in the schedule without overlapping. Well I don't work nights anymore unless I choose to do a special job on occasion and last year my businesses had an increase of 60%.
Now some would say it was just coincidence but I know that to fit all the pieces together like they have is my heavenly Father at work. To learn that we are God's children. He loves us. He hears us. He knows us,and He wants us to have His abundance,and His love. He wants us to have his best. Those are some of the many things I am thankful to have learned from my Way experience. Claudette used to sing that wonderful song I'm telling you God will make a way where there is no way. And now I can tell you He surely has.
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Bluzeman: Your help in keeping this thread on topic is appreciated.
Long Gone: You strike me as the quintessential pragmatist. Because of that, you don't seem to carry some of the emotional baggage that others might. If anyone has a recipe for lemonade, I would expect it to be you. So what is the "little, if any"?
jewel: "I do wish everyone could just get along but that is just wishful thinking." Do you mean here? On this thread? If so, don't be discouraged. We really are getting along, despite what it seems. Thanks for your post.
satori: Yeah, I can't come up with much as far as the "biblical research" goes either, except maybe just the fact of becoming familiar with the Bible. I'd lean more towards giving The Way credit (if I'm going to give it credit at all) for building community. Not perfectly, not always, but occasionally getting it right.
Brother Speed: Welcome to GreaseSpot, if you're new here. If not, welcome back. I felt guilty for awhile, too, after leaving. But then sometime in the 90s, an old friend who attended the ROA on a whim gave me an update, and that's when I knew there was nothing to go back to.
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WhiteDove: I enjoyed reading your testimonial. Had I read it at another time, on another thread, I may have been a little put off by it, maybe because it doesn't fit well with my own (post-Way) theology, not that I have much of one.
Your last paragraph, where you switched from "I" to "we" -- which reads a little like an altar call -- makes me wonder if you feel an obligation to convince others of the rightness of your beliefs.
I think it's great that things worked out so well for you with working the hours that fit better with your schedule. I wonder if part of your success is due to the confidence you have that you will succeed, sort of that "letting go and letting God" thing where you just turn things over to the universe and trust that all will be well.
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I don't think so really I had a successful schedule full of work but I felt that it was not the best situation for my life and health and that a better one was needed. So it was a deliberate request that I kept in my daily prayers. Anyway it was not meant as an alter call just as a listing of some of the things I am thankful to have had the opportunity to learn while in the Way.
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Okay, gotcha. Just didn't know if the switch from first person singular ("I") to plural ("we") was deliberate, making it more of a teaching than just your experience. That's the part that made me pause. I'm probably just not used to your grammar.
Regardless, I enjoyed reading it.
Edited to fix my own grammar.
Edited by laleoLink to comment
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Leaving TWI was an education indeed!
First, I learned I had a great marriage! As my wife revealed things she noticed of which I was oblivious, I came to realize that it was more amazing that we were still together than surviving 3 brain sugeries (which I've done). We are celebrating our 19th this September and she hasn't run me off yet (go figure).
I also learned that I can make friends with people based on other things besides the condition that they come to fellowship.
Our family actually went to a neighbor's birthday party last month and we had a more fun than I ever had with BCs or in many cases LCs. (Not hard to imagine is it?).
Most importantly, I've learned how to maintain fellowship with God while wearing Levis most of the time and without the trappings of SNS. (I now own one suit, which is rarely worn)
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More straightforwardly, I neither blame TWI for the negatives I've experienced, nor credit it for the positives, so it's hard to relate them to TWI.
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Brother Speed
Ok Dorothy,
click your heels three times and say
'There is life outside of twi.'
'There is life outside of twi.'
'There is life outside of twi.'
...and the magical spell of the 'great and powerful mucky muck' that held her in bondage was broken forever.
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Brother Speed
...or rather,
it was the still small voice that said "brother speed, study, to show yourself approved unto God, not unto vpw or lcm, and obey the principles therin. for with God's word, not vpw's, not lcm's but God's word at the center, behold, all things fall into place. and brother speed went unto his own house and said unto himself, 'as for me and my house, I shall serve the lord.
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Laleo, in answer to your question. I do wish everyone would get along not only on GSC but everywhere. I'm a dreamer but a realist at the same time, notice I said I guess it was just wishful thinking. Thanks for letting me know that on these posts you are doing just fine in that category. (getting along) As a new poster I wasn't sure where some of these posts were going. As someone with more experience as yourself, I understand your knowledge of what is happening, at times, is like a family argument. Right? Jewel
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Thanks to TWI's habit of calling on you to pray, SIT, teach at the drop of a feather. I got over my fear of public speaking. I actually enjoy speaking, teaching, etc even to a groupf strangers.
Of course when one buys lemonade there is a price to pay and I know I was way overcharged!!!
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