I guess they are trying to be a corporate entity. Save the ministry. I don't know. I heard it explained and didn't quite "get it".
For instance, Vince M is overseer at Camp Gunnison, so he should be a VP so he has authority there etc...and down the line. Then there is I think 10 new, younger cabinet members. I was hanging around before to see if they can do anything, but honesty and truth are too important for me to stay no matter what changes they make now......too late.
"There's gotta be something more, gotta be more than this, I need a little less hard times, I need a little more bliss....."
So that would mean that if Rosie were to 'kick off' as it were from the presidency, they would then have no less than *3* presidents in her place.
Ie., TWI's version of the trinity, I imagine. ;)--> :D-->
P.S., a sidenote. I knew Vince McFadden when he was a WOW in Huntsville, AL back in 1975-76. And he was a stuck up snot even back then. ... I can see why he got so far in TWI. -->
I just had a very long conversatio with some innies and they claim that The Way is great now and that the problem before was that there were too many members. They're actually keeping it SMALL on purpose.
Then you see them with all the VPs and it just seem so corporate. Vive president of this, Vice President of that. Don't corporations want to grow? Who takes over if Rosie kicks the bucket? They need to find a three sided coint to flip.
I guess they are no longer trying to win people to Christ or share the accuracy of the word. So much for Word over the World and Bringing the Prevailing Word to the World.
What's their new slogan going to be? "Continuing to Control, Deceive, Rape and Pillage the Flock of God" might be a good one to consider.
I don't know any of the others, but can you imagine the scintillating energy and excitement that will flow through that joint if the highly colorful and charismatic R. Mittler becomes El Presidente?
I just had a very long conversatio with some innies and they claim that The Way is great now and that the problem before was that there were too many members. They're actually keeping it SMALL on purpose.
George --- huhnn!!! That's a new way to look at it!
Wonder how long it took them to come up with that poor excuse, to explain their lack of growth. Ya gotta love it (or not).
Of course now -- abs will have to rise higher by a few percentage points so that the *upper crust* can continue to live the lifestyle to which they have been accustomed.
I just had a very long conversatio with some innies and they claim that The Way is great now and that the problem before was that there were too many members. They're actually keeping it SMALL on purpose.
Yeah........I heard this same shpeeeel in 1991/1992 after the "fog years"
Yeah........they "want" a powerful, prevailing ministry that can't fill the first 15 rows in their auditorium at a sunday service. There is such a HUGE disconnect in that kind of logic that one would wonder if those folk even read the scriptures at all anymore.
Waybrained or deadbrained.....take your pick. :D-->
Aren't they still teaching from Martindale's Rise & Expansion book, which talks about both numerical and geogreaphic expansion,a s well as expansion of shere of influence? How can they use this book if "the present truth" is that small = good
Oh, and another curious observation about their site. I do not see ANY links to any other sites or Christian organizations or bookstore or material, recommended reading or even anything else remotely Christian.
That fact speaks loudly. I doubt you ever will see any.
I wonder if it is coming to one of the final rounds in the "Survivor, New Knoxville" series.
Only one VP will come out of it alive, but not rich..
or very intelligent either.
All three will be required to show their commitment and dedication, exhibiting the desired mind numbing character by truly licking rosies high heels, in ways the non-members can only sit back and dream of.
Well, since he's a VP now, I can reveal that it was John Rupp who told WordWolf and me that God picked VPW and VPW picked LCM by revelation, so if LCM was the wrong choice then God is stupid.
I just had a very long conversatio with some innies and they claim that The Way is great now and that the problem before was that there were too many members. They're actually keeping it SMALL on purpose
Small "on purpose"!!! That's a good one.
Thanks for the laugh!!!
If they really want to be "small" they must be happy now!
Is it just me, or do you get the biggest kick out of the b.s. these kool-aid drinkers are believing and then cringe at the thought that you once were so adamant and so gullible to believe that cr@p too?
It's funny now, but also it hurts to think about how stupid I was to have believed it at one time, too. I just thank God for taking those rose colored glasses off my face.
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Yea, they want a commitee.
I guess they are trying to be a corporate entity. Save the ministry. I don't know. I heard it explained and didn't quite "get it".
For instance, Vince M is overseer at Camp Gunnison, so he should be a VP so he has authority there etc...and down the line. Then there is I think 10 new, younger cabinet members. I was hanging around before to see if they can do anything, but honesty and truth are too important for me to stay no matter what changes they make now......too late.
"There's gotta be something more, gotta be more than this, I need a little less hard times, I need a little more bliss....."
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Hmmmm, interesting setup they have there.
So that would mean that if Rosie were to 'kick off' as it were from the presidency, they would then have no less than *3* presidents in her place.
Ie., TWI's version of the trinity, I imagine.
P.S., a sidenote. I knew Vince McFadden when he was a WOW in Huntsville, AL back in 1975-76. And he was a stuck up snot even back then. ... I can see why he got so far in TWI.
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Maybe this is actually an improvement..
Seems with their names on the corporate papers and all, perhaps the mini-Hitlers won't have quite the free hand they once thought they did.
Seems to me, they just very well may be more legally accountable for their actions, and their actions indeed would represent the ministry position..
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Georgio Jessio
I just had a very long conversatio with some innies and they claim that The Way is great now and that the problem before was that there were too many members. They're actually keeping it SMALL on purpose.
Then you see them with all the VPs and it just seem so corporate. Vive president of this, Vice President of that. Don't corporations want to grow? Who takes over if Rosie kicks the bucket? They need to find a three sided coint to flip.
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I guess they are no longer trying to win people to Christ or share the accuracy of the word. So much for Word over the World and Bringing the Prevailing Word to the World.
What's their new slogan going to be? "Continuing to Control, Deceive, Rape and Pillage the Flock of God" might be a good one to consider.
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I don't know any of the others, but can you imagine the scintillating energy and excitement that will flow through that joint if the highly colorful and charismatic R. Mittler becomes El Presidente?
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OMG Evan! ROFLMAO!! I can see it now---NOT!!!
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Ah, that is why they dumped so many of us "deadbeats"..
Kind of makes sense. Like the Pepsi company sending hit men around to thin out their clientelle..
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Bliss --- a few extra *rubber stamps* for the bod and their decisions maybe??
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George --- huhnn!!! That's a new way to look at it!
Wonder how long it took them to come up with that poor excuse, to explain their lack of growth. Ya gotta love it (or not).
Of course now -- abs will have to rise higher by a few percentage points so that the *upper crust* can continue to live the lifestyle to which they have been accustomed.
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Quick bring me the paper towels!!
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Rev. Vince McFadden,Vice President
Did he used to be from Washington state?
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Yeah........I heard this same shpeeeel in 1991/1992 after the "fog years"
Yeah........they "want" a powerful, prevailing ministry that can't fill the first 15 rows in their auditorium at a sunday service. There is such a HUGE disconnect in that kind of logic that one would wonder if those folk even read the scriptures at all anymore.
Waybrained or deadbrained.....take your pick.
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Fleecing the Flock:
(sung to the tune of Standing on the Promises)
Pulling the wool over believer eyes;
Gotta get it done before they realize;
Everything we taught, was a pack lies;
While we're fleecing the flock of God.
Fleeee-cing, fleeee-cing;
Fleecing the flock for all their money;
Fleeee-cinnnnggg, fleeeeeeeeee-ciiiiiiiiiing;
We're fleecing the flock of God.
We don't care if you think that we're wrong;
Money in our pockets sings a happy song;
We're inviting everyone to come along;
While we fleece the flock of God.
Once we were big, but now we're small;
Now our numbers barely fill a Kingdom Hall;
But for us the good news is -- overall;
We can still fleece the flock of God.
Rosie now has three *VP's*
A *W* added to it is all they need;
Who will be the *W*inner when she's deceased;
To continue the fleecing of the flock.
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Aren't they still teaching from Martindale's Rise & Expansion book, which talks about both numerical and geogreaphic expansion,a s well as expansion of shere of influence? How can they use this book if "the present truth" is that small = good
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Hi Royal Gorge. How's the family. Will be in O next weekend.
They WANT to stay small. Ha! How boring!
They will indeed get their wish.
As the old farts die off or get shipped off to alzheimers units or rest homes I do not believe there will be any younger ones to take their place.
I can not understand really why ANYONE would waste their time and their life there.
Only thing I can think of is no guts, full of fear, stuck in a boring rut or outright laziness.
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Oh, and another curious observation about their site. I do not see ANY links to any other sites or Christian organizations or bookstore or material, recommended reading or even anything else remotely Christian.
That fact speaks loudly. I doubt you ever will see any.
Beware of anyone who is so closed minded.
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I agree...and I'm happy to have voluntarily reduced their "membership" by one 18 years ago.
I can almost guarantee it wasn't a man who thought that one up.
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But three vice-presidents...
I wonder if it is coming to one of the final rounds in the "Survivor, New Knoxville" series.
Only one VP will come out of it alive, but not rich..
or very intelligent either.
All three will be required to show their commitment and dedication, exhibiting the desired mind numbing character by truly licking rosies high heels, in ways the non-members can only sit back and dream of.
Ooooh, they must be soooooo "blessed"..
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Well, since he's a VP now, I can reveal that it was John Rupp who told WordWolf and me that God picked VPW and VPW picked LCM by revelation, so if LCM was the wrong choice then God is stupid.
Your vice president, ladies and gentlemen of TWI!
Psst. God chose King Saul.
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Or maybe it's like the Bachelorette...
Who will get "The Rose"?
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Small "on purpose"!!! That's a good one.
Thanks for the laugh!!!
If they really want to be "small" they must be happy now!
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Yea, they wanted a smaller ABS. I can buy that.
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Is it just me, or do you get the biggest kick out of the b.s. these kool-aid drinkers are believing and then cringe at the thought that you once were so adamant and so gullible to believe that cr@p too?
It's funny now, but also it hurts to think about how stupid I was to have believed it at one time, too. I just thank God for taking those rose colored glasses off my face.
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