I voted christian, but am leading towards *I just don`t know*
Is that agnostic?
Funny, I never managed to walk on water either song....
I had an uncle though, that almost succeded once when fleaing from a bear! Don`t think it was sit that we heard that was coming outta his mouth as he flew by while being persued ;-)
I'm wavering between "I don't know", "Christian" and "a little bit of everything".....
Haven't voted yet. Any suggestions? Also, I'm willing to sell my vote to anyone who wants to increase the votes for their favorite category. Contact me for my "reasonable" price and details. :)-->
I believe most of TWI doctrine (regardless of its original sources), so I picked the penultimate choice, though something about "really accurate" bothers me! ;)-->
Tomarrow it might be Chakra clearing with a bit of Deepak and meditation.
Saturday Animism with a smug ritual for good measure.
Sunday AA and an Evangelical Gay /all ethnic group church.
I think that covers the journey. I find that spirituality comes in different expressions. Much like a kalatiscope. One true source(light) but many ways to reflect it(colors). We are multi- dementional beings.
I do it all the time (especially when it is frozen, and goes by the name of ice)!
Of course you have to wait until it is winter, but ice is still water, and easier to walk on than water in the summer. :D-->
I never did master walking on *puddles* first (like CG from Gartmoor suggested back in the mid 80's) as a way of learning to walk on a larger *liquid* body of water though.
Now I forget how I voted -- but it had to do with one of the latter two choices.
One true source(light) but many ways to reflect it(colors). We are multi- dementional beings.
I know for sure that I am often "multi-dementional" and definitely "multi-dimensional" too. Seriously, I think that quote should be an option on the next poll. That is a beautiful way to put it, Imbus...One true source (light), but many ways to reflect it (colors). Very cool!
I'm one of the three (so far) pagan/Wiccan types here. I know a couple of exway who are pagan(one is Wiccan, the other a mix of stuff, mostly shamanism) but neither hang out here and both are pretty removed from all the exway/TWI stuff.
I hang out here because the exTWi stuff is of interest to me, but I have other places to go for 'fellowship.'
As for me...well I just keep "working it out, here a little-there a little".
A good description of my current belief. Definately not sure about who "God" is or does, has done in the past, or will do in the future. Waaaayyyyyyyyy too many belief systems out there to pin one down as "right".
" I am the way, the truth and the light, no man cometh to the Father but by me "- Jesus
Within Christianity there is divison concerning almost every verse. If you are Catholic it doesn't matter if you believe in Jesus or not, if you have a mortal sin on your soul when you die you will spend eternity in hell. And if you die with a venial sin on your soul you will go to pergatory until you are cleansed enough to enter heaven.
Some Christian religions say you must live a Christ like life to get to heaven. If you don't you will go to hell when you die.
Others say all you have to do is believe Jesus is Christ and that God raised him from the dead, and you can live any life system you like, and yet you will go to heaven.
If I choose Christianity which one will you guarantee will get me to heaven?
I still go with Romans 10:9,10 unequivocally( which I think means without a doubt !)
Works for me.Nothing any man or woman says can be guarenteed but I do believe what the Bible says regarding life, death, eternity and all the bits in-between !
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Tom Strange
WW, thanks for the poll... but I didn't see "Believes Aliens put us here as a test colony"
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You mean these folks Tom?
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Tom Strange
I guess those could be some... I'm talking about the first "humans" though...
also... I didn't see "believes in baseball" as an option...
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Doez i dunno counts?
I am still attempting walking on water& have been for the last ten years to prove that SIT is for real!!!
That would be my current belief-system
that is for the time being,
ya know
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What about ALL OF THE ABOVE?
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I voted, but I doubt what I believe now could be called a system
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Song remains the same said..I'm still trying to walk on water to prove that s.i.t. is real..
What's walking on water got to do with s.i.t??!!
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LMAO Song.
I spose Allan that they would both be doing something by da spirit.
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Juan Cruz
"wasn't that special"?!?!
how about "was especially foolish"?
I'm a Christian Neo-Platonist.
I really think they had it about right.
I think St. Paul was one, regardless of Karl Barth.
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I voted christian, but am leading towards *I just don`t know*
Is that agnostic?
Funny, I never managed to walk on water either song....
I had an uncle though, that almost succeded once when fleaing from a bear! Don`t think it was sit that we heard that was coming outta his mouth as he flew by while being persued ;-)
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I'm wavering between "I don't know", "Christian" and "a little bit of everything".....
Haven't voted yet. Any suggestions? Also, I'm willing to sell my vote to anyone who wants to increase the votes for their favorite category. Contact me for my "reasonable" price and details.
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sounds like your turning into a Pragmatic Realist to me Belle
as for me I'm with Popeye
"I am what I am and thats all that I am"
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I believe most of TWI doctrine (regardless of its original sources), so I picked the penultimate choice, though something about "really accurate" bothers me!
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Varity is the spice of life.
Today Toaism with a splash of New Age.
Tomarrow it might be Chakra clearing with a bit of Deepak and meditation.
Saturday Animism with a smug ritual for good measure.
Sunday AA and an Evangelical Gay /all ethnic group church.
I think that covers the journey. I find that spirituality comes in different expressions. Much like a kalatiscope. One true source(light) but many ways to reflect it(colors). We are multi- dementional beings.
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I couldn't see what fits me up there either
How about adding the catagory: other spiritual thoughts and musings
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As for me...well I just keep "working it out, here a little-there a little".
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Did someone mention walking on water?
I do it all the time (especially when it is frozen, and goes by the name of ice)!
Of course you have to wait until it is winter, but ice is still water, and easier to walk on than water in the summer.
I never did master walking on *puddles* first (like CG from Gartmoor suggested back in the mid 80's) as a way of learning to walk on a larger *liquid* body of water though.
Now I forget how I voted -- but it had to do with one of the latter two choices.
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Wait a minute -- I voted *not that special*.
Although twi was an *entrance gate* (if you will) to the learnings/teachings gleaned by others.
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I know for sure that I am often "multi-dementional" and definitely "multi-dimensional" too. Seriously, I think that quote should be an option on the next poll. That is a beautiful way to put it, Imbus...One true source (light), but many ways to reflect it (colors). Very cool!
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I'm one of the three (so far) pagan/Wiccan types here. I know a couple of exway who are pagan(one is Wiccan, the other a mix of stuff, mostly shamanism) but neither hang out here and both are pretty removed from all the exway/TWI stuff.
I hang out here because the exTWi stuff is of interest to me, but I have other places to go for 'fellowship.'
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Stayed Too Long
A good description of my current belief. Definately not sure about who "God" is or does, has done in the past, or will do in the future. Waaaayyyyyyyyy too many belief systems out there to pin one down as "right".
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" I am the way, the truth and the light, no man cometh to the Father but by me "- Jesus
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Stayed Too Long
Within Christianity there is divison concerning almost every verse. If you are Catholic it doesn't matter if you believe in Jesus or not, if you have a mortal sin on your soul when you die you will spend eternity in hell. And if you die with a venial sin on your soul you will go to pergatory until you are cleansed enough to enter heaven.
Some Christian religions say you must live a Christ like life to get to heaven. If you don't you will go to hell when you die.
Others say all you have to do is believe Jesus is Christ and that God raised him from the dead, and you can live any life system you like, and yet you will go to heaven.
If I choose Christianity which one will you guarantee will get me to heaven?
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I still go with Romans 10:9,10 unequivocally( which I think means without a doubt !)
Works for me.Nothing any man or woman says can be guarenteed but I do believe what the Bible says regarding life, death, eternity and all the bits in-between !
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