vee pee - Hey, I raped five women, got three of 'em drunk and re-read the WC biographies and lined up four more for tomorrow. Oh, and I also led a couple of people into speaking in tongues. - Now where's my robe? I'm sleeping in the camper tonight.
Some of you just minimize God's blessings in peoples lives. Make them of none effect
Actually Oldies, I think if people really GOT God's blessings in their lives, I personally CAN'T make them of none effect. I don't think God's blessings are exactly THAT fragile.
Kind of reminds me of the Psalm: "If I make my bed in hell, thou art there.."
But lets be honest- hell is hell. God didn't exactly CALL us there..
Wow, Mr. Hamm, I think THAT is the last piece of the puzzle!!!!'
Seriously, that makes all of the sense in the world to mw....
If we were decieved, lured away from the shepherd by wolves in sheeps clothing, enticed by the offer to teach us about God....when the trap was sprung, when the wolves were running rampant among the flock, slashing and devouring, destroying ...... God, or Jesus, whatever you want to term the good shepherd was there when we returned to patch our wounds, to hold our wounded heal
Gosh.....this would explain not only the deception, the betrayal, the destruction, but also the blessings, and positive experiences.
It also explains why we met so many wonderfull people that made our twi experiences special....they were the fellow sheep.... then there were wolves wandering disguised through our midst.....desimating the flock.....only a few wolves at first...that is why we were unaware ....but more and more predators were losed on the poor sheep....untill the evidence of the carnage became undeniable.
Oakspear, Rascal..I get tired of the fact that you don't see the forums as a two-way dialogue, not everyone has to fully agree with you and your friends opinions !
Who's stopping you or anyone else from posting your opinion? Not me.
But I'll call a spade a spade, as you seem to have no problem doing...buckwheat
You are making a conclusion that twi (the twi I once knew) "masqueraded" as ministering for God.
But evil was not the only thing that occurred.
This is why I keep mentioning the point that the only things you are really considering in your viewpoint are the evil works of some.
That's why you consider everything twi as merely a masquerade, a hoax, a sham, to lure the innocent people in.
You miss everything else.
Consider that if evil works of some defines the whole, and that's all that matters; then this country, this world, the history of our planet and our solar system is forever corrupt, hell in a handbasket without redemption.
I have seen what a small conspiracy of good liars and manipulators can do to people. [story deleted because even though it didn't contain anything that would likely identify them, I'm not comfortable with posting anything about other people's lives.]
So, you know what, mj? You don’t know what you’re talking about and you should shut the hell up!
Is that a threat? or what?
um no I do not think I will.
and this is not a thread of bullies who need to control others by any means possible.
none of this is so outrageous ya know.
a convicted child molester was in the ranks of a large group of kids and adults . a mom gave up custody of her kids and blames everyone eles .
I would suggest an alternative- you received "the truth" IN twi, not FROM twi.
"Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness SHALL be filled".
If you really got it, fine- but God could've gotten it to you while you hypothetically were in the RC church. He did for others. And that in itself does not validate THEM as a godly, christian organization either.
I don't mind going by that, but I have a problem with a double standard.
For instance, if we say we got blessed from God alone and forget about where or who we got it from, fine.
But to be fair, in that case we really should say we got hurt and abused from the Devil alone, and forget where or who we got THAT from as well.
IF we're talking spiritual sources, let's talk spiritual sources exclusively.
Put another way, if you blame VPW for being an evil SOB, then I believe to be fair you also should consider giving him some credit for the good works he managed to accomplish.
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Good grief- they weren't just being little bad boys, or something.
And it wasn't just some little weakness in life either..
At least the one guy was a SERIAL rapist.
Wasn't like he said the fish was twenty inches when it was only fourteen..
"did a few bad things" is a pretty big stretch- even for a euphemism..
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We are also living in a world where evil men will utilize anything even the bible to achieve their ends.
In scriptures we are warned about wolves in sheeps clothing...seeking who they may devour.
They wear *sheeps* clothing so that they can aproach the flock, without alarming the sheep..
If they aproach the flock growling with fangs bared as the predators they are....the sheep simply run seeking the safety of the shepherd......
I think after considering the fruit of his life and the fruit of his minisrtry, that vp was always a wolf, a predator.
I think that the benefits recieved are mearly the bait for the trap set to snare the unworthey.
I don`t think that God would call us to be there.
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Rascal, I am really beginning to agree, whole-heartedly..
I think some folks constant justifying of the evil with the apparent good did it.
If that's your only argument, "well, most (??? more like a FEW) got good out of it. It hadda be God..
I can't stomach that answer any more.
It was like the concentration camps. One line led to the barracks, and LOTS of labor-
The other line led to the gas chamber (motorcoach).
Boy, we were so "lucky"..
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Yep. Life was good in da "camp"- ESPECIALLY if you were a commandant or SS or something..
The SOB's would go home at night-
"Hi honey, how was your day... sure was murder at the shop today".. then he'd kiss the children and go to bed.. and not lose a minute of sleep.
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Mrs. W - Hi Honey, how was your day?
vee pee - Hey, I raped five women, got three of 'em drunk and re-read the WC biographies and lined up four more for tomorrow. Oh, and I also led a couple of people into speaking in tongues. - Now where's my robe? I'm sleeping in the camper tonight.
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Some of you just minimize God's blessings in peoples lives. Make them of none effect.
I'm sorry to say I think some of your minds have been corrupted.
I still love ya tho.
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nope, the God of this World is God
there's only one God remember?
I'll pass on the lemonade, thanks though.
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rascal THAT what we have been feeling? brrrr
I remember hearing that after the vilest of face meltings by a leader....*but I wouldn`t do it if I didn`t love ya*....
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Actually Oldies, I think if people really GOT God's blessings in their lives, I personally CAN'T make them of none effect. I don't think God's blessings are exactly THAT fragile.
Kind of reminds me of the Psalm: "If I make my bed in hell, thou art there.."
But lets be honest- hell is hell. God didn't exactly CALL us there..
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Wow, Mr. Hamm, I think THAT is the last piece of the puzzle!!!!'
Seriously, that makes all of the sense in the world to mw....
If we were decieved, lured away from the shepherd by wolves in sheeps clothing, enticed by the offer to teach us about God....when the trap was sprung, when the wolves were running rampant among the flock, slashing and devouring, destroying ...... God, or Jesus, whatever you want to term the good shepherd was there when we returned to patch our wounds, to hold our wounded heal
Gosh.....this would explain not only the deception, the betrayal, the destruction, but also the blessings, and positive experiences.
It also explains why we met so many wonderfull people that made our twi experiences special....they were the fellow sheep.... then there were wolves wandering disguised through our midst.....desimating the flock.....only a few wolves at first...that is why we were unaware ....but more and more predators were losed on the poor sheep....untill the evidence of the carnage became undeniable.
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Makes more sense to me too.. I hope you find a little bit more peace in this.
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But I'll call a spade a spade, as you seem to have no problem doing...buckwheat
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It does...thank you Mr. Hamm, thank you all....
The betrayal I have felt that God had led us to twi knowing what we were to face.....has seriously affected my ability to trust.
If relying on him was what led us to twi....I didn`t want anything to do with him...
THIS finally answeres my question of Where was God????
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Do you feel betrayed that God has put you in a world where people hurt and kill other people and God doesn't intervene?
Where we live in a country that has killed innocent people and God allows this?
I could go on and on...but I see the implications of your focus and it's a lot bigger than twi...
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Tom Strange
OM said:
...and yet you continue to defend twi and veepee... Amazing!
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Oldies, those innocents that you mention being hurt and killed, are not being destroyed by people who insist that they speak for God.
The innocents that you mentioned weren`t lured by promises of being taught God`s word and will for our lives.
TWI took what they did in God`s name, and when we resisted, were told that God required it of us.
There in lies the difference...the evil you speak of doesn`t masquerade as a minister for God.
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You are making a conclusion that twi (the twi I once knew) "masqueraded" as ministering for God.
But evil was not the only thing that occurred.
This is why I keep mentioning the point that the only things you are really considering in your viewpoint are the evil works of some.
That's why you consider everything twi as merely a masquerade, a hoax, a sham, to lure the innocent people in.
You miss everything else.
Consider that if evil works of some defines the whole, and that's all that matters; then this country, this world, the history of our planet and our solar system is forever corrupt, hell in a handbasket without redemption.
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Tom Strange
That's the truest statement you've ever made OM!
I knew you'd come around... I never thought I'd hear you say that of twi, but... WOW!
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Well.. who's to say that that indeed was not the case?
But I won't go there, at least today..
I think the whole point is: God indeed did NOT call us to that lousy excuse for a religion..
If anything, God called us to sonship, if the epistles are right.
Not to some stinking, hellish organization.
Was God there? I don't think He has a choice in the matter.
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Is that a threat? or what?
um no I do not think I will.
and this is not a thread of bullies who need to control others by any means possible.
none of this is so outrageous ya know.
a convicted child molester was in the ranks of a large group of kids and adults . a mom gave up custody of her kids and blames everyone eles .
it is pathetic. common happens everyday.
has little or nothing to do with god or twi.
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Tom Strange
c'mon mj... does the mj in your name stand for michael jackson? least then some of what you say would make sense...
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if Christianity is a hoax, then what I received of the truth (or so proclaimed) in twi-1 was a hoax.
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I would suggest an alternative- you received "the truth" IN twi, not FROM twi.
"Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness SHALL be filled".
If you really got it, fine- but God could've gotten it to you while you hypothetically were in the RC church. He did for others. And that in itself does not validate THEM as a godly, christian organization either.
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I don't mind going by that, but I have a problem with a double standard.
For instance, if we say we got blessed from God alone and forget about where or who we got it from, fine.
But to be fair, in that case we really should say we got hurt and abused from the Devil alone, and forget where or who we got THAT from as well.
IF we're talking spiritual sources, let's talk spiritual sources exclusively.
Put another way, if you blame VPW for being an evil SOB, then I believe to be fair you also should consider giving him some credit for the good works he managed to accomplish.
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