I find it interesting that MJ seems to have a lot of "inside" information about what went on in Alaska makes me wonder--Just who exactly are you MJ????
Yep...that question has been in my mind for a long time...and not just about mj...but about those who say they don't know anything but are absolutely sure they know twi didn't have anything to do with it all...
I have read them and I just read them again and I think that those that were involved in the midst of it all should STILL be VERY involved in trying to bring it to some sort of 'Godly' conclusion.
You know what, TWI in Alaska wasn't the only issue, You want reality MJ and all you other pious, she-could-have-done-something-about-it, naysayers, OKAY I'll give you Reality--
There's the Social worker who is making decisions about whether I'm a fit parent so strung out on cocaine that even his agency can;t cover for him and he is "reassigned" (read sent to treatment)
There is social worker number two who demands sex so I can keep the kids--he gets called on it at the grand jury and pleads the fifth while social services tries to make me out as this mistress of seduction.
There is his supervisor who makes me quit my job and go on welfare while Making my husband -the abuser- ex facto guardian of the kids
There is the welfare case worker who French kisses me while fondling my breasts(buddy of social worker two) as a condition for my getting food stamps which I now need since I no longer have a job and heaven Forbid That hubby should have to work.
Actual conversation with Police Lt.
Me: If you know that he (my husband) is physically abusing me and the kids why don't you get him out of the house???
Officer: That's your responsibility
There is the social worker who was sleeping with my husband in exchange for cocaine (Have I not mentioned that the kids have told me now they are adults that he was dealing and they were runners???)
There's the attorney who tipped me to the fact that TWI had been under investigation for years not just by the judicial system but the treasury dept. And there was no way that they could Admit I knew nothing becuase then there culpability in not removing hubby from the home would become apparent.
There was leadership "you lack meekness" Blah blah blah
There is the social worker who called my attorney and Said " we know your client has Multiple sclerosis (diagnosed after "the house of cards" fell) and so won't be able to care for the kids. That was the killing blow to my retaining custody not the abuse, not the allegations, not the wolves in sheeps clothing, but my medical condition. That is when I agreed to relinquish because as my attorney pointed out everything else we coudld fight and win--but my health was incontrovertable --and the stress made the atttacks more frequent.
When it was all over I went to counseling for battered wives. There were six women in my group
Me -divorced
a Cocktail waitress -separated
and four women who were sneaking out on the sly and stil married
2 cops wives
the wife of a legislator
and the wife of a superior court judge.
That's the Alaska of the 80's
That's the reality I faced
And I wasn't just me or Just Alaska
You sanctimonious, self righteous, there-has-has-to-be-a-reason, soothsayers have NO CLUE what the reality is for a battered woman. Not then not now.
Becuase the truth is TWI has suceeded so long in hiding the truth and hid the truth then because it is all one giant good old boy network, of powerful men alike as peas in a pod who corrupt the whole barrel.
Yeah there are good cops, good social workers, good judges, but the code of silence to this day envelops them all,
Some quit, some go into private practice, some commit suicide. but making waves is still the number one NO NO in the Social Service world.
Mo, I am so damned sorry that you have to defend yourself.
Please know though that there are those that are reading that can finally put all of the pieces together and understand what a sneaky villains these guys were.
What happened to your family at the hands of those who claimed to represent God...is deeply disturbing....
See .... I know, that it could have very easily been any one of us.....or our children...our lives.....it is nausiating to contemplate.
Twi leadership knew ....they covered, they prevented the families from persecuting, they then moved a known pedophile to a new area .... unconcerned for the safety of mo her children, the rest of the children in their fellowship..the children of the people of the town ........
Twi was directly responsible for the destruction of these lives.
Dp not accuse me falsely I know nothing about this but what the folks here say.
so this guy is on the "most wanted" list, somwhere.
and twi is funding his escapes from justice you want me to believe that?
well I do not. he probably is a child molester he probably did have involvement in twi. that does not mean they are helping him escape to anywhere or funding them to me that is a leap.
so the social worker was a raper and a molester and that is why you lost your kids. um ok and your husband was dealing drugs and that helped him keep custody of the kids. esp since they were "running drugs for him at age 7? hmm sounds like you did work alot to miss all that.
but the reason you gave custody to your child molesting drug dealing husband is because of your health , you who had to be the soul bread winner for the family, ( i heard a good drug dealer makes pretty good buck) while on welfare, and the stress of it all made a flare up. and not one good guy to be found in all of Alaska . my your a victim over and over dam shame.
and to think Alaska was on my top ten places to vist some day ,
I agree and amen. I have a nephew who has custody of his little daughter her mom and him fought and she also accused him of sexual molesting. it is common .
she lost as well, but today they get along fine , she realized she didnt want the finanacial situation of providing for a child and also her health really declined and she is on disability. he allows her vistation now.
I would never give up my kids ever. I do not get the idea of intimidation esp if you know abuse is happening. I do not get this idea of fry the bastard but you who had the power to help them didnt because you didnt feel well.
Im not saying it isnt valid or your choice ,I just do not get it at all no way. most children in family court have families on welfare, most are troubled these ideals are not new to the justice system they know who ends up in their face. I live just a few short miles from Canada, this guy could be in this twon but we put their picture up all over the place , store fronts etc.. he wouldnt live here long. honestly the one we did have here kept getting beat up every time he left his house he moved. he practicaly had 24 hour police protection just to go outside. So I do not get it, and your a victim , Im sorry your a victim but I think your kids paid a higher price than you ever will.
I do believe twi did ask people not to get involved in this , but a parent who puts twi or even a spouse before the safety and welfare of their kids have even deeper issues than being involved ina bible study cult in life. imo
I would NEVER trade my knowledge of what the scripture says for anything even my own children.. no I wouldnt.. it is a life blood to me it is serious life style.. it is the peae I have within.
I wouldnt kill my children but if it was betwen the truth of the bible or having children I would chose the scripture.
I would NEVER trade my knowledge of what the scripture says for anything even my own children.. no I wouldnt.. it is a life blood to me it is serious life style.. it is the peae I have within.
I wouldnt kill my children but if it was betwen the truth of the bible or having children I would chose the scripture.
Want a hint? The same person who said this:
but a parent who puts twi or even a spouse before the safety and welfare of their kids have even deeper issues than being involved ina bible study cult in life. imo
first seen in the thread: "The Biblical Accuracy Approach to Christian Living"
I think the truth I learned from the bible helped me keep and raise my children. I still cant imagine a life without the truth from the book. God and I both agree both are a blessing to life. No one has ever had to make a choice between them rather the bible was given to help one in any position in life.
and this is a bad thing? try not to twist or take thing out of context. the idea is I would probably not have had the abilities I have within His grace nor a knowledge or a relationship without the bible these in my life are more important than the choice of whether to have children. I chose both. Parenting is a job or a role people do. Being born again believing God and trusting what is written is a lifestyle.
I wouldnt dare raise kids without God today.
I know my family was and is blessed by God who loves us and honors my prayers, I would never have been able to do it without Jesus Christ and his loving kindness. God blesses all we do in life. The records in the bible speak of a man who decided his children were more important than what God said to do, and bad results happen. People lose their kids everyday in this evil world... it truly is idol worship to put your Kids in the same vein as a Father who loves us all.
both are choices. but you can have one without the other for sure.
Goey facts are facts and the fact are clear in that Mo states she gave her children over to this man . for her reasons. again I say that is her choice and circumstances may have been such she felt she needed to for her health or whatever. She didnt even have her kids taken away she gave them away to a man she knew was an abuser . and now she is to be pitied as a victim?
sorry I do not get it.
that doesn not make her wrong in her choices we all make choices but I would not be very proud of it and ranting about how it is all TWI problem these kids got abused.
MO, I'm really sorry you have gone through all you have gone through. It all sounds horrible to me. I know what it would have done to me to loose my son :(--> I pray you and your kids are healed and reconciled, no matter how long it takes.
I have seen what a small conspiracy of good liars and manipulators can do to people. [story deleted because even though it didn't contain anything that would likely identify them, I'm not comfortable with posting anything about other people's lives.]
So, you know what, mj? You don’t know what you’re talking about and you should shut the hell up!
that Mo states she gave her children over to this man . for her reasons. again I say that is her choice and circumstances may have been such she felt she needed to for her health or whatever. She didnt even have her kids taken away she gave them away to a man she knew was an abuser . and now she is to be pitied as a victim?
I relinquished my kids to the state of Alaska after mr Urquhart and Hubby were in jail.
But then the truth doesn't really help your slant on things, does it MJ?? So you post I relinquished them to an abuser---TWI taught you well
I think MJ has some valid points and you have just said you gave your kids over to the State AFTER these bast***s were jailed..why ??
It is just that I know mums(sorry)moms who would fight and believe God big time to keep their kids and I do know some moms(through conselling)that tried to get rid of (dump) their kids onto others or welfare ??
Oakspear, Rascal..I get tired of the fact that you don't see the forums as a two-way dialogue, not everyone has to fully agree with you and your friends opinions !
French kissing breast fondling cocaine taking state welfare officers and nothing could be proven..? why didn't anyone want to listen to you at the time ?? Was it a conspiracy, everyone against you ??
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Yep...that question has been in my mind for a long time...and not just about mj...but about those who say they don't know anything but are absolutely sure they know twi didn't have anything to do with it all...
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So Coolwaters lived with Mo..the plot thickens..
Were you aware of what was going on..what did you do to help ? Is there anything you can do now to help ?
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Read the da*ned threads, Allan...and I mean actually read them...not just guess what's in them.
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I have read them and I just read them again and I think that those that were involved in the midst of it all should STILL be VERY involved in trying to bring it to some sort of 'Godly' conclusion.
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CW means to Do and Archive search and read ALL the threads about this case including ones from the old Waydale.
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You know what, TWI in Alaska wasn't the only issue, You want reality MJ and all you other pious, she-could-have-done-something-about-it, naysayers, OKAY I'll give you Reality--
There's the Social worker who is making decisions about whether I'm a fit parent so strung out on cocaine that even his agency can;t cover for him and he is "reassigned" (read sent to treatment)
There is social worker number two who demands sex so I can keep the kids--he gets called on it at the grand jury and pleads the fifth while social services tries to make me out as this mistress of seduction.
There is his supervisor who makes me quit my job and go on welfare while Making my husband -the abuser- ex facto guardian of the kids
There is the welfare case worker who French kisses me while fondling my breasts(buddy of social worker two) as a condition for my getting food stamps which I now need since I no longer have a job and heaven Forbid That hubby should have to work.
Actual conversation with Police Lt.
Me: If you know that he (my husband) is physically abusing me and the kids why don't you get him out of the house???
Officer: That's your responsibility
There is the social worker who was sleeping with my husband in exchange for cocaine (Have I not mentioned that the kids have told me now they are adults that he was dealing and they were runners???)
There's the attorney who tipped me to the fact that TWI had been under investigation for years not just by the judicial system but the treasury dept. And there was no way that they could Admit I knew nothing becuase then there culpability in not removing hubby from the home would become apparent.
There was leadership "you lack meekness" Blah blah blah
There is the social worker who called my attorney and Said " we know your client has Multiple sclerosis (diagnosed after "the house of cards" fell) and so won't be able to care for the kids. That was the killing blow to my retaining custody not the abuse, not the allegations, not the wolves in sheeps clothing, but my medical condition. That is when I agreed to relinquish because as my attorney pointed out everything else we coudld fight and win--but my health was incontrovertable --and the stress made the atttacks more frequent.
When it was all over I went to counseling for battered wives. There were six women in my group
Me -divorced
a Cocktail waitress -separated
and four women who were sneaking out on the sly and stil married
2 cops wives
the wife of a legislator
and the wife of a superior court judge.
That's the Alaska of the 80's
That's the reality I faced
And I wasn't just me or Just Alaska
You sanctimonious, self righteous, there-has-has-to-be-a-reason, soothsayers have NO CLUE what the reality is for a battered woman. Not then not now.
Becuase the truth is TWI has suceeded so long in hiding the truth and hid the truth then because it is all one giant good old boy network, of powerful men alike as peas in a pod who corrupt the whole barrel.
Yeah there are good cops, good social workers, good judges, but the code of silence to this day envelops them all,
Some quit, some go into private practice, some commit suicide. but making waves is still the number one NO NO in the Social Service world.
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As a student of Social Work, I can attest to Mo's reality in the field.
As a student of Social Work, I refuse to be one of them.
As a student of Social Work, if I can't pay the bills w/o sacrificing the client, McDonalds can use my burger flipping talents.
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Mo, I am so damned sorry that you have to defend yourself.
Please know though that there are those that are reading that can finally put all of the pieces together and understand what a sneaky villains these guys were.
What happened to your family at the hands of those who claimed to represent God...is deeply disturbing....
See .... I know, that it could have very easily been any one of us.....or our children...our lives.....it is nausiating to contemplate.
Twi leadership knew ....they covered, they prevented the families from persecuting, they then moved a known pedophile to a new area .... unconcerned for the safety of mo her children, the rest of the children in their fellowship..the children of the people of the town ........
Twi was directly responsible for the destruction of these lives.
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Richard Lee Urquhart was mentioned tonight on the Abrams Report on MSNBC. He is on a list of the most wanted sex offenders in Alaska.
Abrams is listing and describing sex offenders from every state over the next year starting alphabetically.
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Dp not accuse me falsely I know nothing about this but what the folks here say.
so this guy is on the "most wanted" list, somwhere.
and twi is funding his escapes from justice you want me to believe that?
well I do not. he probably is a child molester he probably did have involvement in twi. that does not mean they are helping him escape to anywhere or funding them to me that is a leap.
so the social worker was a raper and a molester and that is why you lost your kids. um ok and your husband was dealing drugs and that helped him keep custody of the kids. esp since they were "running drugs for him at age 7? hmm sounds like you did work alot to miss all that.
but the reason you gave custody to your child molesting drug dealing husband is because of your health , you who had to be the soul bread winner for the family, ( i heard a good drug dealer makes pretty good buck) while on welfare, and the stress of it all made a flare up. and not one good guy to be found in all of Alaska . my your a victim over and over dam shame.
and to think Alaska was on my top ten places to vist some day ,
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Think as you will
There is none so blind as he who will not see
Or as deaf as he who will not hear
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Or as stupid as he who will not think
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I agree and amen. I have a nephew who has custody of his little daughter her mom and him fought and she also accused him of sexual molesting. it is common .
she lost as well, but today they get along fine , she realized she didnt want the finanacial situation of providing for a child and also her health really declined and she is on disability. he allows her vistation now.
I would never give up my kids ever. I do not get the idea of intimidation esp if you know abuse is happening. I do not get this idea of fry the bastard but you who had the power to help them didnt because you didnt feel well.
Im not saying it isnt valid or your choice ,I just do not get it at all no way. most children in family court have families on welfare, most are troubled these ideals are not new to the justice system they know who ends up in their face. I live just a few short miles from Canada, this guy could be in this twon but we put their picture up all over the place , store fronts etc.. he wouldnt live here long. honestly the one we did have here kept getting beat up every time he left his house he moved. he practicaly had 24 hour police protection just to go outside. So I do not get it, and your a victim , Im sorry your a victim but I think your kids paid a higher price than you ever will.
I do believe twi did ask people not to get involved in this , but a parent who puts twi or even a spouse before the safety and welfare of their kids have even deeper issues than being involved ina bible study cult in life. imo
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must have been the silly tv. Oakspear.
keep praying.
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This is obviously beyond your ability and willingness to comprehend. Facts are facts. Your denial of them does not change them or make them go away.
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first seen in the thread: "The Biblical Accuracy Approach to Christian Living"
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I think the truth I learned from the bible helped me keep and raise my children. I still cant imagine a life without the truth from the book. God and I both agree both are a blessing to life. No one has ever had to make a choice between them rather the bible was given to help one in any position in life.
and this is a bad thing? try not to twist or take thing out of context. the idea is I would probably not have had the abilities I have within His grace nor a knowledge or a relationship without the bible these in my life are more important than the choice of whether to have children. I chose both. Parenting is a job or a role people do. Being born again believing God and trusting what is written is a lifestyle.
I wouldnt dare raise kids without God today.
I know my family was and is blessed by God who loves us and honors my prayers, I would never have been able to do it without Jesus Christ and his loving kindness. God blesses all we do in life. The records in the bible speak of a man who decided his children were more important than what God said to do, and bad results happen. People lose their kids everyday in this evil world... it truly is idol worship to put your Kids in the same vein as a Father who loves us all.
both are choices. but you can have one without the other for sure.
Goey facts are facts and the fact are clear in that Mo states she gave her children over to this man . for her reasons. again I say that is her choice and circumstances may have been such she felt she needed to for her health or whatever. She didnt even have her kids taken away she gave them away to a man she knew was an abuser . and now she is to be pitied as a victim?
sorry I do not get it.
that doesn not make her wrong in her choices we all make choices but I would not be very proud of it and ranting about how it is all TWI problem these kids got abused.
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MO, I'm really sorry you have gone through all you have gone through. It all sounds horrible to me. I know what it would have done to me to loose my son
:(--> I pray you and your kids are healed and reconciled, no matter how long it takes.
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I have seen what a small conspiracy of good liars and manipulators can do to people. [story deleted because even though it didn't contain anything that would likely identify them, I'm not comfortable with posting anything about other people's lives.]
So, you know what, mj? You don’t know what you’re talking about and you should shut the hell up!
Edited by LGLink to comment
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I relinquished my kids to the state of Alaska after mr Urquhart and Hubby were in jail.
But then the truth doesn't really help your slant on things, does it MJ?? So you post I relinquished them to an abuser---TWI taught you well
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I think MJ has some valid points and you have just said you gave your kids over to the State AFTER these bast***s were jailed..why ??
It is just that I know mums(sorry)moms who would fight and believe God big time to keep their kids and I do know some moms(through conselling)that tried to get rid of (dump) their kids onto others or welfare ??
Oakspear, Rascal..I get tired of the fact that you don't see the forums as a two-way dialogue, not everyone has to fully agree with you and your friends opinions !
French kissing breast fondling cocaine taking state welfare officers and nothing could be proven..? why didn't anyone want to listen to you at the time ?? Was it a conspiracy, everyone against you ??
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