Anyone that has ever been involved in our ministry honestly knows that we explain decisions involving our ministry from A to Z, from soup to nuts, to our followers.
It is just so amazing what they consider soup to nuts. They don't say sh$t about what is really happening to the Corps to just a believer. They are liars.
You would think as soon as they found out about Martindale.
#1 He would have been exposed and fired.
#2 They would have offered all the help they could have to the victims and family.
Same for VP and all the devilish things he did to our brothers and sisters.
God has a purpose for everything he says in the He says it, where he says it, when he says it....
The Word fits like a hand in a glove with a mathematical exactness and a scientific precision.
Question to self: Must the doctrine of inerrancy stand in order for my faith to remain intact? Must I have an inerrant Bible on my shelf in order to have a reasonable faith...or has my inerrant Bible become just another icon, another touchstone, another statue, another idol telling me I'm right and in possession of the truth and a pretty groovy guy?
Is the Bible a magic book?...full of magic words that inform us of a magic life?
Heretical question to self: Is the perfect "Word" really meant to be an object put under a microscope and dissected. Or a subject...another valuable source to inform us of the Creator.
Kinda reminds me of "da good ole days". The teacher would go on and on about the accuracy of the word, how everything is in it, can trust it, find a promise and believe it.. then he turned around and said something to the effect of "what do you think? Do you think this is some kind of magic book?" I felt like saying, I thought that's what you just said a few minutes ago..
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Sometimes 5 minutes of speaking in tongues can be as restful as 8 hours of sleep.
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Anyone that has ever been involved in our ministry honestly knows that we explain decisions involving our ministry from A to Z, from soup to nuts, to our followers.
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justloafing, i like the nuts part
"people are to be used, things are to be loved"
"you can go as fast and as far as you want to on the motor coach"
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It is just so amazing what they consider soup to nuts. They don't say sh$t about what is really happening to the Corps to just a believer. They are liars.
You would think as soon as they found out about Martindale.
#1 He would have been exposed and fired.
#2 They would have offered all the help they could have to the victims and family.
Same for VP and all the devilish things he did to our brothers and sisters.
TWI has and always will be about Man and not God.
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Everybody's welcome at The Way.
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"Do what God tells you to do, not what people think you should do."
"Teaching the Word should be like a woman's dress: long enough to cover the subject, and short enough to keep it interesting."
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..."You have to get your needs and wants parallel"
That one didn't make any sense, even when I was glassy eyed.
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God first
Beloved Jim
God bless your heart
with love and an holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Justloafing
God bless your heart
with love and an holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Excatherdra
God bless your heart
with love and an holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved DMiller
God bless your heart
with love and an holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Uncle-Hairy
God bless your heart
with love and an holy kiss blowing your way Roy
I want to thank all of you I have been loving reading your quotes
One can see the quotes make a picture of the heart of the Way "Control Control and Take " or that the picture I get from Way quotes
thanks Roy
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Georgio Jessio
The Way has no members , only followers.
They still use that one.
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Welcome Home!
Don't blame me. I didn't write the book. (said when teaching inaccurate private interpretation)
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We'll teach you to have more harmony in the home.
Priorities should be: God, Yourself, Your Spouse, Your Family, THEN the ministry and others.
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"We should want to obey our wonderful MOG"
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Shortly followed up with "disobedience is sin".
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My favorite...
Bless Patrol: "Lova ya , bless ya, GO HOME!"
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Way Leaders and others during a contontation after I got mugged:
"We're not trying to blame you, But...."
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"I've forgotten more about the bible than I'll ever know."
"I have no friends when it comes to Mr. Happy."
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I think they changed that one, "I've got no friends when it comes to da verd" to "I've just plain got no friends". Sad, but true..
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"It rained so hard that it sounded like a cow whizzing on a flat rock."
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The Word is perfect.
The words in the Word is perfect.
God has a purpose for everything he says in the He says it, where he says it, when he says it....
The Word fits like a hand in a glove with a mathematical exactness and a scientific precision.
Question to self: Must the doctrine of inerrancy stand in order for my faith to remain intact? Must I have an inerrant Bible on my shelf in order to have a reasonable faith...or has my inerrant Bible become just another icon, another touchstone, another statue, another idol telling me I'm right and in possession of the truth and a pretty groovy guy?
Is the Bible a magic book?...full of magic words that inform us of a magic life?
Heretical question to self: Is the perfect "Word" really meant to be an object put under a microscope and dissected. Or a subject...another valuable source to inform us of the Creator.
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tithe? of course befor taxes!!!
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Kinda reminds me of "da good ole days". The teacher would go on and on about the accuracy of the word, how everything is in it, can trust it, find a promise and believe it.. then he turned around and said something to the effect of "what do you think? Do you think this is some kind of magic book?" I felt like saying, I thought that's what you just said a few minutes ago..
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"a suggestion(by leadership)should be paramount to a command"
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"We will sink to the depths, or rise to the heights of our believing".
"The greatness of the Power For Abundant Living class is not in what I say, but in the greatness behind what I say".
Sounds like Mike might of said that one.
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