Funny funny, Learning, When I was on the wow field....we were RELIGIOUSLY in bed literally at 11:59 every single night in observation of that oh so spiritual rule...
Course we had NO qualms about arrising promptly 2 miniutes later at 12:01 because our commitment in no way stated how EARLY it was permissable to get up to start our day :-)
Never heard it out of VP's mouth, but it was taught during his "reign".
Loy probably turned it into a genuine spiritual suspicion type thing. Probably couldn't even harbor the thought of taking fido out to do his business at 1:15.
Dunno bout the devil`s dirty work Mr. Hamm....but that`s when I snuck out of my window with a wow from another family and rolled the oh so stuffy way corpes/wow bc`s house....Some how he didn`t find it as amusing as we had anticipated...sigh
During LMC's reign, it was only mentioned to me when it came to New Years. Even then, it was suggested to be home early for safety reasons. (Drunks, etc.) It was all pretty reasonable to me.
I was only affilitated with an off branch from the Way - however, my uncle use to say this phrase all the time. (He didn't even know the WAY). I believe it's just an old Southern term.....
I've heard other older people say it.
Kinda like "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" or "night night sleep tight."
Oh c'mon now...don't you realize that all the decent, God fearin', Christian folk are fast asleep by the witching hour? That way, all of the nasty, evil, sexually perverted, pond scum can dance around the bonfires of decadence and evil...without being disturbed!
While the loving Christians are dreaming of dropping their hard earned money into the horn of plenty, the evildoers and necromancers frolick around a different "horn of plenty"...reveling in their sick desires to inflict the innocent with demons and decadence...
...unless, that is, you happen to work third shift at the Ralston plant. :P-->
Don't know where or when but it was something VP used to say. Maybe as Hooner said it was more of a cliche from the good ol' days that he just said without thinking. I did always think it strange that if nothing good ever happens after midnight then why did he stay up so late studying all those years. I think he said he would go for just a few hours of sleep a night for days on end.
and speaking of not thinking, what was up with all the mindless drones repeating that and making it a madate that isn't a mandate?
Belle quoted in the Christmas post that the leaders had to make sure the cattle (ahem I mean believers) were home "before the witching hour" on New Years.
Our entire fellowship had to have a sleep over on New Years Eve at the coordinator's house one year to make sure no one was out after midnight. My teenage daughter threw a fit.But being the "good" twiggie mom that I was, I made her attend. This was for some reason that year, from Martinpuke, some kind of great revelation that he got. Geez.....
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Funny funny, Learning, When I was on the wow field....we were RELIGIOUSLY in bed literally at 11:59 every single night in observation of that oh so spiritual rule...
Course we had NO qualms about arrising promptly 2 miniutes later at 12:01 because our commitment in no way stated how EARLY it was permissable to get up to start our day :-)
We had a lot of fun that year.
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We were told that that was when the debil did his dirtiest work..
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Never heard it out of VP's mouth, but it was taught during his "reign".
Loy probably turned it into a genuine spiritual suspicion type thing. Probably couldn't even harbor the thought of taking fido out to do his business at 1:15.
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well f***ing hell Ham. Why do all the cool guys get midnight? Werewolves, vampires and the debil? I wonder if anyone ever asked chapter and verse?
Has anyone heard this recently or just an older thing?
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What could you possibly do after midnight that you couldn't do before? That was one question.....I think I will use it on my teenagers though....
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Look at your watch and exclaim: "Oh my word, it's 1am!" ??
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Dunno bout the devil`s dirty work Mr. Hamm....but that`s when I snuck out of my window with a wow from another family and rolled the oh so stuffy way corpes/wow bc`s house....Some how he didn`t find it as amusing as we had anticipated...sigh
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Seems to be yet another thing that started out without rules,
then got official, then became etched in stone as another
"thou shalt not."
vpw said that the "nightowls" started out unofficially.
He and the mrs would sit out by the river to cool off in the
summer, and people would just come over and hang out and
talk God-stuff. So, they got to calling those "night-owls."
He said they called them "hoot-owls" when they passed
So, at least at THAT time, it was considered fine to do stuff
after midnite.
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During LMC's reign, it was only mentioned to me when it came to New Years. Even then, it was suggested to be home early for safety reasons. (Drunks, etc.) It was all pretty reasonable to me.
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I was only affilitated with an off branch from the Way - however, my uncle use to say this phrase all the time. (He didn't even know the WAY). I believe it's just an old Southern term.....
I've heard other older people say it.
Kinda like "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" or "night night sleep tight."
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Oh c'mon now...don't you realize that all the decent, God fearin', Christian folk are fast asleep by the witching hour? That way, all of the nasty, evil, sexually perverted, pond scum can dance around the bonfires of decadence and evil...without being disturbed!
While the loving Christians are dreaming of dropping their hard earned money into the horn of plenty, the evildoers and necromancers frolick around a different "horn of plenty"...reveling in their sick desires to inflict the innocent with demons and decadence...
...unless, that is, you happen to work third shift at the Ralston plant.
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Don't know where or when but it was something VP used to say. Maybe as Hooner said it was more of a cliche from the good ol' days that he just said without thinking. I did always think it strange that if nothing good ever happens after midnight then why did he stay up so late studying all those years. I think he said he would go for just a few hours of sleep a night for days on end.
and speaking of not thinking, what was up with all the mindless drones repeating that and making it a madate that isn't a mandate?
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Our entire fellowship had to have a sleep over on New Years Eve at the coordinator's house one year to make sure no one was out after midnight. My teenage daughter threw a fit.But being the "good" twiggie mom that I was, I made her attend. This was for some reason that year, from Martinpuke, some kind of great revelation that he got. Geez.....
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One couple here in town had an old church they lived in, and the branch always went there for a party on New Year's eve.
The only ones who slept over, were the ones who celebrated a bit too heartily.
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Some of my fondest memories come from post-midnight adventures.
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I had no problem when it was expressed as opinion, but when it was quoted as if it came straight from the lips of God...that was just annoying.
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