Sounds the same as it has always been. God forbid that someone would figure out that having the mating habits of Guinea Pigs could be technically wrong..
My friend at HQ has given me the following information:
TWI no longer wants their corpse to do research. All the more recent way rags usually quote some other publication.
Thanks for bringing this info to the forefront.
In a 1997 corps meeting, martinfail declared to us that most corps were not spiritually adept enough to do "true research." He went on to say that any and all research would be done by "his research team." Period!!
After this corps hook-up, I was so furious that martinfail had such arrogance to spout such bogus trash. It was ANOTHER glaring red-flag that showed me twi was upping the ante of their cultdom.
Heck, in research is gone, the revelation manifestations are non-existent. Everything has to be checked thru to your IDOLATROUS leadership!!!!! Everything.
The corps teachings DEMEAN and BELITTLE the corps constantly. Its verbal abuse and the abusee cowers to the mogfarts.
The green card lied. It said we'd be able to rightly-divide the word of truth if we took the pfal class.
They've apparently made official what's been the de facto policy for years.
In the past, any research that didn't line up with what Wierwille or later, Martindale was teaching was ignored, or the researcher was directed to line up his thinking with the company line.
What's the good of research that has predetermined results? As much as Wierwille railed against the churches doing it, he did it himself.
Any deviations from official research, or even questions about it, was referred back to a Way publication, or a tape, or a quote from a class.
A few years ago, Belle & I presented the same questions about a topic to our respective "leadership", and each got basically the same answers: quotes from the very publications we were questioning, and long explanations about the analogy that supposedly explained the doctrine.
Yeah, maybe they are getting "honest". The past generations of wayfers actually used the research tools that they'd been taught to expose the lies
The Way International has NEVER, EVER allowed true, independent biblical research.
Those of us who were foolish enough to actually believe they would give us an opportunity to do true research, were persecuted, fired, chased off, and defamed to our friends and families.
For many years, The Way International has not had ONE SINGLE INDIVIDUAL who is trained at an accredited University in the biblical languages, who can properly parse a pronoun. NOT ONE PERSON.
Getting honest?
Far from it.
IF they were honest, they would stop selling any research tools whatsoever in their bookstore.
Tell me, what is the profit and purpose of selling tools to people who do not have the proper skills or even the permission to use them? For TWI, it simply lines their pockets. For their followers, it only plumps up their egoes and feeds their delusions.
IF they were honest, The Way International would change their website, which plainly states that they are all about "Biblical Research, Teaching, and Fellowship"
If The Way International deems biblical research to be so dangerous (actually to the organization) that they will not even allow their "seasoned" and "most mature" leadership to crack a concordance, how in the world can they continue to call themselves a Biblical RESEARCH outfit? What justification is there for that?
If you are a RESEARCH organization, you are assumed to have ACTIVE RESEARCH going on, as a major, ministry wide, primary activity, especially if you have RESEARCH in the title and purpose statement of your organization.
But The Way International simply cannot be honest with and trust their people when it comes to doing research.
The Way International claims to not come to the Word of God with preconceived ideas.
However, if what a person comes up with in their own personal research does not fall within the nine dots of nonsense that The Way International has imposed upon its followers, that person will be harassed and persecuted until he either gives up his conclusions, or they will force him or her out.
There IS no honesty within The Way International. Only smoke and mirrors.
I'm sorry...i must be one of those very dense peoples...but what are the mating habits of Guinea Pigs?
I actually have 2 of them (well...they're are technically my kids', and they are both female -the pigs that is ... well actually so are the kids) :D-->) and the only thing I have to do with those things(meaning the pigs) is that I simply walk by once in a while and say ...'the rodents' cage needs cleaning'.
(nothing to do with the size of its organs or anything- it was more of like "the Godfather")
Anyway, this rascal would mate with ANYTHING. Even his own daughter..
Guinea Pigs are not supposed to be able to jump. This one not only jumped, but he jumped out of a twenty four inch tank, and into a twenty four inch tank that the female(s) resided.
The Guinea Pig population soon reached epidemic proportions here..
However, if what a person comes up with in their own personal research does not fall within the nine dots of nonsense that The Way International has imposed upon its followers, that person will be harassed and persecuted until he either gives up his conclusions, or they will force him or her out.
This is what eventually happened to me. It wasn't the only reason, but it was a big reason why they were glad to get me out of their group.
I even talked to our HFC's at the time (J1m & B@bette Densm0re)and J1m said that he had research he had submitted that showed something they were teaching was wrong. He said they wouldn't acknowledge it and they STILL teach it wrong. BUT Jim won't push the issue because they are too afraid of being kicked out and B would leave him in a heartbeat if he left TWI. She already abandoned her daughter because of Moneyhand's command.
So now you can only use the TWI published material and that still includes Craig's book on Rise & Expansion when there's no expansion much less rise going on in the group....pathetic.
Guinea Pigs are not supposed to be able to jump. This one not only jumped, but he jumped out of a twenty four inch tank, and into a twenty four inch tank that the female(s) resided.
The Guinea Pig population soon reached epidemic proportions here.
Mr H., Ya shouldn't have let him take the *Rise and Expansion* class.
In the past, any research that didn't line up with what Wierwille or later, Martindale was teaching was ignored, or the researcher was directed to line up his thinking with the company line.
Ha. Like J**n S*ho*nh*it's paper/research on adultery back in the mid-80's?
Whether referring to itself as The Way, Incorporated, or The Way Biblical Research Center, or The Way International, or The Way Ministry, the organization has always claimed in its mission statements and in its classes and fellowships and in its public teachings, and still on its current website, that it is fundamentally a Biblical Research, Teaching, and Fellowship ministry.
However, that statement is nothing but a
otherwise known as
There is NO ONE within the organization that can actually PERFORM TRUE RESEARCH.
They do not have the skills, nor do they have the willingness, to carry it out.
I challenge The Way International to bring ONE person forward, just ONE, from within their organization:
Who has been academically trained in the biblical languages of Koine Greek, Estrangelo Aramaic, Syriac, AND Hebrew at an accredited University which specializes in those languages, and graduated from it.
They cannot do it.
Come on, Rosalie, who do you have?
What gives you the RIGHT to say you are a RESEARCH ministry, and what justifies your PRETENSE at being able to actually perform it?
Who among your cabinet or staff, has the above qualifications? Name him or her. Who?
Who among your Way Corps?
Who among any of your leadership?
Even among any of your followers?
WHO do you have, who can prove they have been academically trained in all of those languages in an accredited University and graduated from that University?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
You used to have an entire department of qualified and trained people, a few with doctorates from The University of Chicago, with the above qualifications.
Why aren't they with you any more, Rosy Lie?
What happened to these trained and capable people?
They all left you, one by one, or they were all chased off, one by one, until you had nothing left but an empty, hollow, shell of an organization with all the outward appearances of godly intent, but full of nothing but toxic gasses.
So why don't you get honest and tell your followers that you can't trust them to do research because you don't have anyone at ANY level within your organization who can do it themselves?
If you were honest you would change the name of your organization.
You would no longer call yourselves a "Biblical Research" organization. Let's see now, what could you possibly change that to?
Welcome to The Way International, an organization committed and dedicated to the accuracy of preserving the fossilized, plagiarized rantings of perverse men who sexually abused their female subordinates, and impose false, unrealistic, and intrusive doctrines upon unsuspecting followers, and we will continue to wring every last cent from your pockets."
Nah, I guess it just doesn't have the same "ring" to it...
In one of the villages I've visited in South America they serve Quie which is Guinea pig roasted on a spit over eucalyptus leaves. It's very tasty, like very juicy chicken.
Darn, just writing this gives me a hankerin for some good Guinea pig on a stig with some papas fritas with a garlic mayonaise sauce
well I just peeked at their website and they are still calling themselves a RESEARCH ministry - or at least claiming they do research. Course most of us know they haven't done any true research in years.
I peeked at the WayRag articles posted too - It was like I never left nearly 5 years ago. Same old same old - rehashed.
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Well, they've really always been about "The Word of Man", haven't they?
At least they're being honest.
Now, they need to update their logo....
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Sounds the same as it has always been. God forbid that someone would figure out that having the mating habits of Guinea Pigs could be technically wrong..
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So much for a kinder, gentler, "better" joint..
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Thanks for bringing this info to the forefront.
In a 1997 corps meeting, martinfail declared to us that most corps were not spiritually adept enough to do "true research." He went on to say that any and all research would be done by "his research team." Period!!
After this corps hook-up, I was so furious that martinfail had such arrogance to spout such bogus trash. It was ANOTHER glaring red-flag that showed me twi was upping the ante of their cultdom.
Heck, in research is gone, the revelation manifestations are non-existent. Everything has to be checked thru to your IDOLATROUS leadership!!!!! Everything.
The corps teachings DEMEAN and BELITTLE the corps constantly. Its verbal abuse and the abusee cowers to the mogfarts.
The green card lied. It said we'd be able to rightly-divide the word of truth if we took the pfal class.

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They've apparently made official what's been the de facto policy for years.
In the past, any research that didn't line up with what Wierwille or later, Martindale was teaching was ignored, or the researcher was directed to line up his thinking with the company line.
What's the good of research that has predetermined results? As much as Wierwille railed against the churches doing it, he did it himself.
Any deviations from official research, or even questions about it, was referred back to a Way publication, or a tape, or a quote from a class.
A few years ago, Belle & I presented the same questions about a topic to our respective "leadership", and each got basically the same answers: quotes from the very publications we were questioning, and long explanations about the analogy that supposedly explained the doctrine.
Yeah, maybe they are getting "honest". The past generations of wayfers actually used the research tools that they'd been taught to expose the lies
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The Way International has NEVER, EVER allowed true, independent biblical research.
Those of us who were foolish enough to actually believe they would give us an opportunity to do true research, were persecuted, fired, chased off, and defamed to our friends and families.
For many years, The Way International has not had ONE SINGLE INDIVIDUAL who is trained at an accredited University in the biblical languages, who can properly parse a pronoun. NOT ONE PERSON.
Getting honest?
Far from it.
IF they were honest, they would stop selling any research tools whatsoever in their bookstore.
Tell me, what is the profit and purpose of selling tools to people who do not have the proper skills or even the permission to use them? For TWI, it simply lines their pockets. For their followers, it only plumps up their egoes and feeds their delusions.
IF they were honest, The Way International would change their website, which plainly states that they are all about "Biblical Research, Teaching, and Fellowship"
If The Way International deems biblical research to be so dangerous (actually to the organization) that they will not even allow their "seasoned" and "most mature" leadership to crack a concordance, how in the world can they continue to call themselves a Biblical RESEARCH outfit? What justification is there for that?
If you are a RESEARCH organization, you are assumed to have ACTIVE RESEARCH going on, as a major, ministry wide, primary activity, especially if you have RESEARCH in the title and purpose statement of your organization.
But The Way International simply cannot be honest with and trust their people when it comes to doing research.
The Way International claims to not come to the Word of God with preconceived ideas.
However, if what a person comes up with in their own personal research does not fall within the nine dots of nonsense that The Way International has imposed upon its followers, that person will be harassed and persecuted until he either gives up his conclusions, or they will force him or her out.
There IS no honesty within The Way International. Only smoke and mirrors.
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It's been that way for years and the offshoots promulgate the heresy to this day.
Research all you want, but don't dare disagree with the tenets of the faith.
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A la prochaine
Mr. Hammie,
I'm sorry...i must be one of those very dense peoples...but what are the mating habits of Guinea Pigs?
I actually have 2 of them (well...they're are technically my kids', and they are both female -the pigs that is ... well actually so are the kids)
:D-->) and the only thing I have to do with those things(meaning the pigs) is that I simply walk by once in a while and say ...'the rodents' cage needs cleaning'.
That's my job.
Gawd...that was a poorly written post!
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Tom Strange
I thought it was pretty good minkee ala!
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Ala, we had a Guinea Pig, we named it "Mr. Big"..
(nothing to do with the size of its organs or anything- it was more of like "the Godfather")
Anyway, this rascal would mate with ANYTHING. Even his own daughter..
Guinea Pigs are not supposed to be able to jump. This one not only jumped, but he jumped out of a twenty four inch tank, and into a twenty four inch tank that the female(s) resided.
The Guinea Pig population soon reached epidemic proportions here..
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Oak, I remember that.
Catcup said:
This is what eventually happened to me. It wasn't the only reason, but it was a big reason why they were glad to get me out of their group.
I even talked to our HFC's at the time (J1m & B@bette Densm0re)and J1m said that he had research he had submitted that showed something they were teaching was wrong. He said they wouldn't acknowledge it and they STILL teach it wrong. BUT Jim won't push the issue because they are too afraid of being kicked out and B would leave him in a heartbeat if he left TWI. She already abandoned her daughter because of Moneyhand's command.
So now you can only use the TWI published material and that still includes Craig's book on Rise & Expansion when there's no expansion much less rise going on in the group....pathetic.
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NO true research
NO wholesome teaching
NO fulfilling fellowship
In vain do they worship, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men!!!
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Mr H., Ya shouldn't have let him take the *Rise and Expansion* class.

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Ha. Like J**n S*ho*nh*it's paper/research on adultery back in the mid-80's?
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Is that why they changed their name from The Way Biblical Research and Teaching Ministry to The Way International? BTW, when did that happen?
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No change in name, just manipulation of it.
Whether referring to itself as The Way, Incorporated, or The Way Biblical Research Center, or The Way International, or The Way Ministry, the organization has always claimed in its mission statements and in its classes and fellowships and in its public teachings, and still on its current website, that it is fundamentally a Biblical Research, Teaching, and Fellowship ministry.
However, that statement is nothing but a
otherwise known as
There is NO ONE within the organization that can actually PERFORM TRUE RESEARCH.
They do not have the skills, nor do they have the willingness, to carry it out.
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I challenge The Way International to bring ONE person forward, just ONE, from within their organization:
Who has been academically trained in the biblical languages of Koine Greek, Estrangelo Aramaic, Syriac, AND Hebrew at an accredited University which specializes in those languages, and graduated from it.
They cannot do it.
Come on, Rosalie, who do you have?
What gives you the RIGHT to say you are a RESEARCH ministry, and what justifies your PRETENSE at being able to actually perform it?
Who among your cabinet or staff, has the above qualifications? Name him or her. Who?
Who among your Way Corps?
Who among any of your leadership?
Even among any of your followers?
WHO do you have, who can prove they have been academically trained in all of those languages in an accredited University and graduated from that University?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
You used to have an entire department of qualified and trained people, a few with doctorates from The University of Chicago, with the above qualifications.
Why aren't they with you any more, Rosy Lie?
What happened to these trained and capable people?
They all left you, one by one, or they were all chased off, one by one, until you had nothing left but an empty, hollow, shell of an organization with all the outward appearances of godly intent, but full of nothing but toxic gasses.
So why don't you get honest and tell your followers that you can't trust them to do research because you don't have anyone at ANY level within your organization who can do it themselves?
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If you were honest you would change the name of your organization.
You would no longer call yourselves a "Biblical Research" organization. Let's see now, what could you possibly change that to?
Welcome to The Way International, an organization committed and dedicated to the accuracy of preserving the fossilized, plagiarized rantings of perverse men who sexually abused their female subordinates, and impose false, unrealistic, and intrusive doctrines upon unsuspecting followers, and we will continue to wring every last cent from your pockets."
Nah, I guess it just doesn't have the same "ring" to it...
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Out There
In one of the villages I've visited in South America they serve Quie which is Guinea pig roasted on a spit over eucalyptus leaves. It's very tasty, like very juicy chicken.
Darn, just writing this gives me a hankerin for some good Guinea pig on a stig with some papas fritas with a garlic mayonaise sauce
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well I just peeked at their website and they are still calling themselves a RESEARCH ministry - or at least claiming they do research. Course most of us know they haven't done any true research in years.
I peeked at the WayRag articles posted too - It was like I never left nearly 5 years ago. Same old same old - rehashed.
Well maybe this will wake up a few more people.
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Trefor Heywood
Research in TWI parlance means Rehash.
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Maybe they should change their name to the Rehash, Reading and Stepford Ministry. It would be more honest.
They don't even have a friggin research department anymore!! Haven't had one in at least three years that I know of.
How the H*LL can they justify teaching from craig's book when "a double-minded man is unstable in ALL HIS WAYS?"
Well, the same COULD be said about vee pee, but since his books were mostly all plagarized, I guess that doesn't count.
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So, since about 1986, about twenty years ago.....twi has had NO RESEARCH DEPARTMENT and conducts NO TRUE RESEARCH and yet, the deception continues.
Could it be any clearer??
Twi is a deceptive and dark organization.....hiding behind bogus qualifications and slanted agendas.
Who indoctrinates and fronts the corps nowadays.....Rico Spagettio?? Or is it Rxpp??
Amazingly, pathetic.
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Maybe the three stooges.
They'd do better research anyway..
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