9. Special 'brownies' ;)--> and an array of alcoholic beverages (40%) must be served after the meeting to the public so that the people can finally have a good time. (snacks and drinks are prohibited to be served to the leader). He must be sent directly back to his skanky motel room where a black and white fuzzy reception television awaits him and yellowed sheets.
...and all the Way songs (sung in a minor chord) have to be sung to a DIFFERENT TUNE than the ones they originally were written with ... followed by a sharing of someone talking about how "lucky" they were to have solved a "problem" in their lives.
Worst of all, they would have to eat their mints whole (GASP! HORRORS!).
16. Questioning of the sMOG during the middle of the teaching will be highly encouraged, and interrupting the answer with some half-baked additional question is even better.
17. Snapping of the rings in binders shall be allowed and encouraged at any time during the service.
18. The bathrooms shall all have hair on the floor/counters, bad aim residue around the toilet, scrunge on the tile and toothpaste spittle on the mirrors. (MOG can clean with his own hands with his own purchased supplies if he so desires)
19. The temperature shall not be cryogenic during the teaching, but rather a comfortable temperature thereby allowing people to fall asleep if they so choose or just can't help it.
20. Screaming, talking, crying, giggling kids shall NOT be silenced.
22. Questions shall be allowed from the floor. Specifically, any dubious claim or reference by the MOG/WOG may be challenged with the cry of "GOT A CITE?" The MOG/WOG may be pelted with spitballs made from sylibus pages for failure to produce a timely and convincing cite.
Two failures to cite will be rewarded with the chant "LIER, LIER, PANTS ON FIRE". Three or more failures to cite will result in the MOG/WOG's pants being set on fire.
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A la prochaine
Oh, my...don't waste such precious music on them.
I would suggest some Lawrence Welk or their own Singing Ladies of the Way.
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Well.. but for a meeting, it would be priceless..
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At the question and answer period, someone could ask what the true meaning is of "to be a rock and not to roll".
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A la prochaine
Mr. Hammie,
'Tis true. It would be priceless.
Maybe some "Grunge" music might be appropriate!
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We prefer "Hotel California" out here on the left coast.
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Singing Ladies?
Nah, pick up a quartet of the best women Chicago has to offer from out on Western Avenue at about 3 a.m.
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But those women don't sing, do they?
Oh, but they would take better care of the mog, wouldn't they?
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A la prochaine
Addendum to the internal memo:
9. Special 'brownies'
;)--> and an array of alcoholic beverages (40%) must be served after the meeting to the public so that the people can finally have a good time. (snacks and drinks are prohibited to be served to the leader). He must be sent directly back to his skanky motel room where a black and white fuzzy reception television awaits him and yellowed sheets.
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Can't sing, perhaps. Don't sing may be a different animal altogether.
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Ah yes, number ten..
10. All sling along der vey songs shall be played in a minor chord..
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A la prochaine
"10. All sling along der vey songs shall be played in a minor chord.."
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Thanks, Ala, heh heh. Well, you mentioned this on another thread, and it obviously seemed to belong here..
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Do you want that to include the literal according to usage?
Ouch! That makes my brain hurt!
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...and all the Way songs (sung in a minor chord) have to be sung to a DIFFERENT TUNE than the ones they originally were written with ... followed by a sharing of someone talking about how "lucky" they were to have solved a "problem" in their lives.
Worst of all, they would have to eat their mints whole (GASP! HORRORS!).
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A la prochaine
12. Make sure that every person in the audience closes their bibles before the teacher has ended his 'speech'.
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13. There shall be NO ushers. People will sit where they damn well please, and not be herded like cattle all the way up to the front row.
14. Chiming watches and cell phones MUST be turned on.
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15. The MOG's cup shall be filled with PRECISELY three and a half cubes of ice, which MUST be made with "yellow water".
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16. Questioning of the sMOG during the middle of the teaching will be highly encouraged, and interrupting the answer with some half-baked additional question is even better.
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17. Snapping of the rings in binders shall be allowed and encouraged at any time during the service.
18. The bathrooms shall all have hair on the floor/counters, bad aim residue around the toilet, scrunge on the tile and toothpaste spittle on the mirrors. (MOG can clean with his own hands with his own purchased supplies if he so desires)
19. The temperature shall not be cryogenic during the teaching, but rather a comfortable temperature thereby allowing people to fall asleep if they so choose or just can't help it.
20. Screaming, talking, crying, giggling kids shall NOT be silenced.
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21. Snacking during the teaching shall be required.
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22. Questions shall be allowed from the floor. Specifically, any dubious claim or reference by the MOG/WOG may be challenged with the cry of "GOT A CITE?" The MOG/WOG may be pelted with spitballs made from sylibus pages for failure to produce a timely and convincing cite.
Two failures to cite will be rewarded with the chant "LIER, LIER, PANTS ON FIRE". Three or more failures to cite will result in the MOG/WOG's pants being set on fire.
Edited by jimLink to comment
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I think you guys are outdoing me, heh heh.
Jim, good point, except I perhaps would substitute "very ripe tomatoes" for "spitballs made from sylabus pages".
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23. Arrive at the meeting 10 minutes LATE.
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23a. And blue jeans and T shirt are required.
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