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Getting ready for Veepee's visit...


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Remember those fiascos? Everything had to be perfect. A pack of Kool shorties, make sure you break the little mints into small pieces for him...and then there was getting his room ready for him...it was like a head of state was visiting...it sickens me when I think of how we kissed that old pervert's foot for him...I think all the mints were to hide the smell of the booze on his breath...you all know that Wierwille was drunk by 10:00 every morning?

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We had a VeeP Visit when we were wow's. Well, at least we cleaned up the place, but forgot to remove the scotch bottles from atop the fridge. His eyes widened a bit when he saw all that scotch so I offered him a drink, but he politely declined.

Perhaps he had his own snort on the little Winnebago he n Howie (and their traveling love-babe) were traveling in.

The whole weird routine got so out of control.

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...you all know that Wierwille was drunk by 10:00 every morning?

No, but I didn't get involved till after he had begun to rot.

I wonder, though, what did you all think who DID know? Did y'all ever talk about it? Did you just think it was okay since he was the MOG? Did you think about leaving when you found out?

Just curious.

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I had no idea. None whatsoever. At least until a couple of years after leaving that stinkhole.

Neither did I know about how the corps were rustled up in the middle of the night to meet the mog as his presence returned to them in their location.. jeez, he probably didn't even notice the bodies lining the driveway..

"See? da people really love you.."

Gads. It was like he was some kind of a god or something.. ptooie.

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Gawd remember that list for his visits?

What kind of car to pick him up from airport in. How the guest room should be decorated and arranged. What kinds of china to serve his beverages in. Where to lay his cigs for easy reach.

I wonder if I still have that sucker? I'll look.

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I don't think he ever visited a location where I was (central Illinois and later Houston). I was a TC, so I'm sure I would have been "invited" to help prepare. Mrs. W. came to Houston a couple of times. She was treated with honor, but I don't think she had such a detailed list of preparations.


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Shell, if you have that list, would you please post it? It would be a great eye-opener for everyone to see to what lengths one had to go in order to prepare for a visit from TMOGOTEW.

I ran across one of those lists by accident one day, when during in-residence training, performing housekeeping duties in D*l Dunc*n's office, I found one underneath the desk mat on his desk.

This list was at least THREE PAGES LONG. What to do, what not to do, what to have on hand, what he likes to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner... by the way, one of the most interesting things I learned, was that he liked a can of 7-Up every day, for....


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My ex told a story of a girl getting screamed at till she cried for putting more than the requested 3 ice cubes in his drink.

BTW, Moneyhands had a list just about as long. When it looked like they might be coming to our phone hook-up I took several pages of notes on what to do and not to do so that our local MOG was blessed. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

BTW, he likes Diet Coke - Not a lot of ice - NEVER let the glass get empty - it has to be a real glass, he doesn't like the plastic, styrofoam or paper cups - Never let him get cornered by one person for very long and -

at my wedding they had a crew with the sole purpose of keeping one of the wedding attendees from getting anywhere near him because he irritated Bob.

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I remember when I was a Emporia and every time Wierwille was going to arrive, we had to do some big deal thing to welcome him.

One time we all put on red clothes and stood in a heart shape so he could see it when he flew over.

Another time we had to make Christmas cards for him. I stayed up all night to finish one from our branch (since the only "free" time was sleep time) and I got chewed out for borrowing Divine Design supplies to make it.

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Originally posted by Belle:

My ex told a story of a girl getting screamed at till she cried for putting more than the requested 3 ice cubes in his drink.

BTW, Moneyhands had a list just about as long. When it looked like they might be coming to our phone hook-up I took several pages of notes on what to do and not to do so that our local MOG was blessed. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

BTW, he likes Diet Coke - Not a lot of ice - NEVER let the glass get empty - it has to be a real glass, he doesn't like the plastic, styrofoam or paper cups - Never let him get cornered by one person for very long and -


Originally posted by Catcup:

This list was at least THREE PAGES LONG. What to do, what not to do, what to have on hand, what he likes to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner... by the way, one of the most interesting things I learned, was that he liked a can of 7-Up every day, for....


Originally posted by outandabout:

Another time we had to make Christmas cards for him. I stayed up all night to finish one from our branch (since the only "free" time was sleep time) and I got chewed out for borrowing Divine Design supplies to make it.


These people [TWI] are delusional and spiritually dysfunctional.

They don't get it. (It ain't about them-never was.)

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by the way, one of the most interesting things I learned, was that he liked a can of 7-Up every day, for....

On one of his visits to California, there was a mad dash and search for 2 bottles, not cans, small old-style bottles of 7-Up.

Everyone in the A/V department learned the ritual of giving VPW his wireless mike. Don't talk to him, hand him the lapel microphone first, with your left hand, he takes it with his right hand, etc, etc.

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These people [TWI] are delusional and spiritually dysfunctional.

They don't get it. (It ain't about them-never was.)

Very likely hasn't changed, to this day.

Friggin tyrants. Don't have the wherewithal to run a country down a hole, just have to settle with a second-rate cult somewhere.

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