Steve! I'm thinking about it.. probably won't take long..
Oh. "Why aren't we bringing NEW people!!??"
I remember that question posed over and over again, as if the "leader"'s sobering lack of compassion, social skills and overall bad manners didn't have anything to do with it..
Maybe he was just using that tactic to get everybody focussed on the same thing as a "lead in" to whatever was to be presented. I saw Styx in concert and Tommy Shaw asked who had and who hadn't ever seen Styx before. Seemed like just personal curiosity, but maybe not.
During my 13 years in TWI state penitentiary, I was witenss to some horrifically run meetings...people who were overly nervous, people who were confused, scared, had no personalities, had no idea what they were talking about...boring, stupid, name it. They trained people to string chairs and then put them in charge of running meetings with a couple hundred people in was ridiculous.
Funny, isn't it, how we were the ones working our butts off to clean, set up, serve and then clean the whole dang thing up, but because they showed up to teach us for a little while they get these elaborate cards and/or gifts we also labored to design, buy or make.
Maybe he was just using that tactic to get everybody focussed on the same thing as a "lead in" to whatever was to be presented.
It *never* correlated to what was being taught.
I saw Styx in concert and Tommy Shaw asked who had and who hadn't ever seen Styx before. Seemed like just personal curiosity, but maybe not.
Personal curiosity? I have no problem with that, but to drag on a meeting and make it much more gruelingly boring than it already was, asking the same question in 20 increments? I felt like looking for an oven to stick my head into!
I remember Steven Daniels gettng mad at a meeting because he said no one told him about how bad it was for a baby to fall asleep with a bottle and now his kid had rotten teeth and ---well it was all our fault....but he was really there to impart the greeaaaatness of Gawd's Werd....suuuusrrruuueeee
How about reading all the "greetings from the field" on the phone hookups on Pentecost, Anniversary, etc.? Minute after minute of flowery brown-nosing.
Some of the most agonizing stuff was from my last Twig leader. Not Way Corps. He would drag on his teachings for 45 minutes, sometimes more; and this wasn't a Limb meeting, just a twig, when people had to get up for work or school in the morning. His "introductory remarks" would go for twenty minutes. He'd go on and on, and when you THOUGHT that he'd made his point, and it SOUNDED like he was concluding, he go on some more. During this time it was suggested from on high that teachings be 15 or 20 minutes; so he would reprove anyone ELSE who exceeded this time frame!
Not only did he bore us all with his long teachings, but when he was leading, his announcements would turn into teachings. Even if he was neither leading nor teaching, he would manage to weasel in to say something that would go on and on.
And you would often get to the end and wonder what the point of it all was.
Steve: I meant that if BG could get everybody focussed on ANYTHING it could transfer to the presentation. True, it's a reach, but TWI leaders didn't seem to do that stuff haphazardly; there was always a reason. I once heard that they had people do "devotion with motion" because they figured if people didn't move physically then they wouldn't receive spiritually either and they watched people to see who was "motivated".
My roommate was a stick leader for a stick that I wasn't involved in, thank goodness!
He would often conduct prayer that would last an hour or more. Everyone would be sitting holding hands, and he'd pause for 3 or 4 seconds between each request. It was gawd-awful!
I didn't want to interrupt stick fellowship once when I came home during the proceedings, so I waited in the garage for 45 minutes. I'd peek in every 10 minutes or so, and they'd still be praying! 3 or 4 of them would be sound asleep at any given time.
And song leading! He would take that song "Peace, peace" and have his stick fellowship sing it 4 times, first time "peace, peace, wonderful peace", second time "joy, joy, wonderful joy", third time "love, love, wonderful love", fourth time "peace, love, wonderful joy" - it would go SOOOOO SLOOOOOWLY. The glazed looks would start before even the second time.
I remember Pau* Mosqu**a opening up a meeting by chewing the corps out because he had just been to have a dump and when he went to wipe his butt, realised the last person hadn't replaced the empty toilet roll !!
Then he proceeded to teach about corps not being spiritually sharp enough !!
Why, if PM had taken Tom Benner's Orientalisms class then he'd have known that in India today they wipe with their hands and then wash them AND they think WE'RE gross for using paper, so it's OK to use your hands in a pinch.
I remember Pau* Mosqu**a opening up a meeting by chewing the corps out because he had just been to have a dump and when he went to wipe his butt, realised the last person hadn't replaced the empty toilet roll !!
Then he proceeded to teach about corps not being spiritually sharp enough !!
And why wasn't he spiritually sharp enough to notice before he started to unload?
Oh now,lets not get too hubby still snarls at me when I forget to replace to toilet paper...... :o-->
It's not about not replacing the paper - it's about being such a moron as to not notice it's gone until it's too late and then blaming someone else for his lack of observation skills.
The raising of hands according to distance traveled , seems like a scaled down version of corps night hookups, where Craig would make a big show of acknowledging Gunnison, Emporia etc being hooked up. Well of COURSE they were hooked up-where the f else were they going to be ?
The toilet paper thing reminded me of the time a grad needed to use the bathroom during a pfal class. Almost the unforgivable sin in way world. During the 10 minute break, the corps dude hauled all the grads down to the basement and reamed everyone for even thinking of going to the bathroom. After all it might give the new students ideas. I think a new student seeing all the grads disappear like lemmings during the short break sent a much bigger message. Plus it was during the only break, so noone had a chance to use the bathroom during the only time they could. Just another hell night in the more than 40 (gasp) pfal classes I suffered through.
Our branch leader was an arrogant b*stard, who took any opportunity to turn any minute situation into a teaching. EVERY STICKING LITTLE THING WAS A TEACHING!
What a waste of time listening to him drivel on about how God really showed him something while he was sitting at his computer doing whatever he did, while his drones worked his business and he sat at home and did 'administrative' work.
The man was the most selfish man I have ever met.
My husband witnessed once (during one of those lovely PFAL set-ups) where someone was using a dustbuster to clean. The wife of this man came downstairs in a huff...looked around, spotted the dustbuster and in front of probably 8-10 people said to her husband with all the love in her cold and calloused heart, "If you're gonna use a dustbuster, use your own F**king dustbuster." and walked away.
A true jacka**, Jim D**r (probably still in somewhere in western NC) had a whole list of rules posted for his children on the fridge about every detail of their lives ... even to what snacks at what time of day ... usually had nasty coffee-breath and had the nerve to complain he had been gaining weight because he was eating too many home-baked cookies while living off the believers' dimes during the all-Corps-no-matter-how-worthless-shall-be-salaried period. What a loser...
Some of the most agonizing stuff was from my last Twig leader. Not Way Corps. He would drag on his teachings for 45 minutes, sometimes more; and this wasn't a Limb meeting, just a twig, when people had to get up for work or school in the morning.
His "introductory remarks" would go for twenty minutes. He'd go on and on, and when you THOUGHT that he'd made his point, and it SOUNDED like he was concluding, he go on some more. During this time it was suggested from on high that teachings be 15 or 20 minutes; so he would reprove anyone ELSE who exceeded this time frame!
Not only did he bore us all with his long teachings, but when he was leading, his announcements would turn into teachings. Even if he was neither leading nor teaching, he would manage to weasel in to say something that would go on and on.
And you would often get to the end and wonder what the point of it all was.
That wasn't All*n L!cht, was it? Good gawd... what a project!
Remember those lovely AC reviews we had on the field? We'd meet about every two weeks to read the syllabus, review the materials, and listen to some fat head yammer on and on about gawd knows what...
Well, at one of the first ones that I went to when I moved to MA, there was a leader there who is now in charge of the WC. Just before the start of the review, he was on the phone with a couple who decided they weren't coming - not to that or anything else again! Yuppers - they were blowing that clam bake!
Then, Gr@g decided that it was his job to let everyone know how ticked - ticked to the tenth power - he was about these people leaving. He screamed, turned red in the face, yelled some more, and even threw a chair across the tiny stage - I thought it was going to hit someone. He was very intimidating - I had never seen someone so out-of-control in my life! He yelled obsenities, said some vicious things and was just scarey as hell. He continued to be in a foul mood for the rest of the meeting - even took some nasty shots at some others who I know post here - but don't you know... he wasn't out of control...that was "spiritual anger"!
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Steve! I'm thinking about it.. probably won't take long..
Oh. "Why aren't we bringing NEW people!!??"
I remember that question posed over and over again, as if the "leader"'s sobering lack of compassion, social skills and overall bad manners didn't have anything to do with it..
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They were laying the ground-work for the 250 mile radius.
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Maybe he was just using that tactic to get everybody focussed on the same thing as a "lead in" to whatever was to be presented. I saw Styx in concert and Tommy Shaw asked who had and who hadn't ever seen Styx before. Seemed like just personal curiosity, but maybe not.
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During my 13 years in TWI state penitentiary, I was witenss to some horrifically run meetings...people who were overly nervous, people who were confused, scared, had no personalities, had no idea what they were talking about...boring, stupid, name it. They trained people to string chairs and then put them in charge of running meetings with a couple hundred people in was ridiculous.
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well, what still stands out in my mind is the gift/card business at the end of each of these boring thing...
Not only was it absurd, it changed like the weather regarding what the actually policy was!!
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Funny, isn't it, how we were the ones working our butts off to clean, set up, serve and then clean the whole dang thing up, but because they showed up to teach us for a little while they get these elaborate cards and/or gifts we also labored to design, buy or make.
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Personal curiosity? I have no problem with that, but to drag on a meeting and make it much more gruelingly boring than it already was, asking the same question in 20 increments? I felt like looking for an oven to stick my head into!
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or the pre-meeting money collections $$$ lordy
I remember Steven Daniels gettng mad at a meeting because he said no one told him about how bad it was for a baby to fall asleep with a bottle and now his kid had rotten teeth and ---well it was all our fault....but he was really there to impart the greeaaaatness of Gawd's Werd....suuuusrrruuueeee
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How about reading all the "greetings from the field" on the phone hookups on Pentecost, Anniversary, etc.? Minute after minute of flowery brown-nosing.
Some of the most agonizing stuff was from my last Twig leader. Not Way Corps. He would drag on his teachings for 45 minutes, sometimes more; and this wasn't a Limb meeting, just a twig, when people had to get up for work or school in the morning. His "introductory remarks" would go for twenty minutes. He'd go on and on, and when you THOUGHT that he'd made his point, and it SOUNDED like he was concluding, he go on some more. During this time it was suggested from on high that teachings be 15 or 20 minutes; so he would reprove anyone ELSE who exceeded this time frame!
Not only did he bore us all with his long teachings, but when he was leading, his announcements would turn into teachings. Even if he was neither leading nor teaching, he would manage to weasel in to say something that would go on and on.
And you would often get to the end and wonder what the point of it all was.
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Steve: I meant that if BG could get everybody focussed on ANYTHING it could transfer to the presentation. True, it's a reach, but TWI leaders didn't seem to do that stuff haphazardly; there was always a reason. I once heard that they had people do "devotion with motion" because they figured if people didn't move physically then they wouldn't receive spiritually either and they watched people to see who was "motivated".
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My roommate was a stick leader for a stick that I wasn't involved in, thank goodness!
He would often conduct prayer that would last an hour or more. Everyone would be sitting holding hands, and he'd pause for 3 or 4 seconds between each request. It was gawd-awful!
I didn't want to interrupt stick fellowship once when I came home during the proceedings, so I waited in the garage for 45 minutes. I'd peek in every 10 minutes or so, and they'd still be praying! 3 or 4 of them would be sound asleep at any given time.
And song leading! He would take that song "Peace, peace" and have his stick fellowship sing it 4 times, first time "peace, peace, wonderful peace", second time "joy, joy, wonderful joy", third time "love, love, wonderful love", fourth time "peace, love, wonderful joy" - it would go SOOOOO SLOOOOOWLY. The glazed looks would start before even the second time.
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Hmmm, interesting, Johnyouare.
But it would have the opposite effect - it would distract, and people would lose focus, because it was so idiotic.
As far as devotion with motion - what's so "motion" about keeping your hand up in the air until your increment is reached?
And it was *reaaaaally* bad when he would do this more than once during a big meeting. Urggggh! find me a barf bag!
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I remember Pau* Mosqu**a opening up a meeting by chewing the corps out because he had just been to have a dump and when he went to wipe his butt, realised the last person hadn't replaced the empty toilet roll !!
Then he proceeded to teach about corps not being spiritually sharp enough !!
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So he was demonstrating that he was completely inept, was he?
If he was so damned sharp, why didn't he "receive revelation" to look at the toilet paper holder?
Geeze, what a moron!
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Oh now,lets not get too hubby still snarls at me when I forget to replace to toilet paper......
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I think it's just that some people hate being caught in a compromising position and have to place the blame. (did I say that
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Why, if PM had taken Tom Benner's Orientalisms class then he'd have known that in India today they wipe with their hands and then wash them AND they think WE'RE gross for using paper, so it's OK to use your hands in a pinch.
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And why wasn't he spiritually sharp enough to notice before he started to unload?
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It's not about not replacing the paper - it's about being such a moron as to not notice it's gone until it's too late and then blaming someone else for his lack of observation skills.
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The raising of hands according to distance traveled , seems like a scaled down version of corps night hookups, where Craig would make a big show of acknowledging Gunnison, Emporia etc being hooked up. Well of COURSE they were hooked up-where the f else were they going to be ?
The toilet paper thing reminded me of the time a grad needed to use the bathroom during a pfal class. Almost the unforgivable sin in way world. During the 10 minute break, the corps dude hauled all the grads down to the basement and reamed everyone for even thinking of going to the bathroom. After all it might give the new students ideas. I think a new student seeing all the grads disappear like lemmings during the short break sent a much bigger message. Plus it was during the only break, so noone had a chance to use the bathroom during the only time they could. Just another hell night in the more than 40 (gasp) pfal classes I suffered through.
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A la prochaine
Our branch leader was an arrogant b*stard, who took any opportunity to turn any minute situation into a teaching. EVERY STICKING LITTLE THING WAS A TEACHING!
What a waste of time listening to him drivel on about how God really showed him something while he was sitting at his computer doing whatever he did, while his drones worked his business and he sat at home and did 'administrative' work.
The man was the most selfish man I have ever met.
My husband witnessed once (during one of those lovely PFAL set-ups) where someone was using a dustbuster to clean. The wife of this man came downstairs in a huff...looked around, spotted the dustbuster and in front of probably 8-10 people said to her husband with all the love in her cold and calloused heart, "If you're gonna use a dustbuster, use your own F**king dustbuster." and walked away.
That's love. That's CORPS!
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A true jacka**, Jim D**r (probably still in somewhere in western NC) had a whole list of rules posted for his children on the fridge about every detail of their lives ... even to what snacks at what time of day ... usually had nasty coffee-breath and had the nerve to complain he had been gaining weight because he was eating too many home-baked cookies while living off the believers' dimes during the all-Corps-no-matter-how-worthless-shall-be-salaried period. What a loser...
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Oak, are you sure you weren't in my fellowship?
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That wasn't All*n L!cht, was it? Good gawd... what a project!
Remember those lovely AC reviews we had on the field? We'd meet about every two weeks to read the syllabus, review the materials, and listen to some fat head yammer on and on about gawd knows what...
Well, at one of the first ones that I went to when I moved to MA, there was a leader there who is now in charge of the WC. Just before the start of the review, he was on the phone with a couple who decided they weren't coming - not to that or anything else again! Yuppers - they were blowing that clam bake!
Then, Gr@g decided that it was his job to let everyone know how ticked - ticked to the tenth power - he was about these people leaving. He screamed, turned red in the face, yelled some more, and even threw a chair across the tiny stage - I thought it was going to hit someone. He was very intimidating - I had never seen someone so out-of-control in my life! He yelled obsenities, said some vicious things and was just scarey as hell. He continued to be in a foul mood for the rest of the meeting - even took some nasty shots at some others who I know post here - but don't you know... he wasn't out of control...that was "spiritual anger"!
Yep... that meeting was "decent and in order"....
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