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'Cool Mom' Threw Sex Parties for Boys

Friday, January 21, 2005

ARVADA, Colo. — A 40-year-old woman faces charges of sexual assault (search) and contributing to the delinquency of a minor for allegedly supplying drugs and alcohol to high school boys and having sex with some of them.

Sylvia Johnson (search), 40, told police she wanted to be a "cool mom," according to an arrest affidavit.

Johnson did not immediately return a telephone message Thursday.

The arrest affidavit alleges Johnson had parties for the boys almost weekly between October 2003 and October 2004. The affidavit says she gave them marijuana (search), methamphetamine (search) and a variety of alcoholic drinks.

"She described herself as a 'cool mom,' " Detective R.J. Vander Veen wrote in the affidavit. He said Johnson told investigators "she was never popular with classmates in high school and now began 'feeling like one of the group.' "

Jefferson County district attorney's spokeswoman Pam Russell said she could not comment on whether Johnson has any children. If she does, they would be considered victims, Russell said, and state law shields their identities.

The affidavit accuses Johnson of providing drugs and alcohol to eight boys and having sex with five of them.

Authorities said the investigation began after one of the boys told his mother about the encounters, and she called police.

Johnson faces a preliminary hearing in February on two counts of sexual assault, eight counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and two counts of distribution of a controlled substance. She was arrested last month.

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Is there a double standard? If it was a "cool dad," entertaining girls, wouldn't he be in shackles right now?

I think there should be a double standard in this case.

Giving meth to the boys was far worse than Sylvia taking them to bed.

Coo coo kachoo, Mrs. Robinson.

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I don't know exactly how to think about this case. if i was a 15 year old again , it would probably seem cool, too cool to think about. But I am not a 15 yo male anymore so I accept the role of being repulsed (especially by the drugging).

But if it was reversed and was a 40 year old male with young girls I would be in near seizure.

I don't know why this is,this double standard, Its an inconsistancy within myself that I have to look a little harder at.

Are boys and girls really that much different, that sexual abuse at the hands of an elder effects them differently, and one is more acceptable than another?

Don't know just yet--gotta think about it a little more.

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Well, boys don't have to be convinced to have sex with an older woman - for them, it's 'any port in a storm', so to speak.

But girls, on the other hand, aren't always immediately ready to jump bones.

Yes, there are physiological and psychological differences that support a double standard.

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Although this is not a political thread, its content does fall under my new "I really shouldn't make public comments on this" rule.

So I will say this. I think, from the bottom of my heart, that [squeeeeee-aaaaaaaaa-eeeeeeeep ooooooooooor eheheheheheheheheh shhshshshhshhshshhshshshs]. And that's all I have to say about that.

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This took place in my town, and my local highschool. You picked up an old story off the internet somewhere Satone. (The February hearing was LAST February) The lady was in jail, and yesterday she plead guilty and expressed sincere remorse, and is facing perhaps 58 years, if I remember the newstory report from this morning correctly. By the way, she does have a daughter (same age as the boys). The daughter is very likely the one paying the highest price for all the stupid things her mom did.

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mood is a stupid mom, a few stupid kids, a very stupid situatuion, but its overwith. Not a big deal really, and not at all a common practice here or anywhere else.

We really concern ourselves more with other stupid things like our US representative who thinks we should bomb Mecca to make the evil Islamists think twice about bombing us.

Hee, ya'll must have slow dialup internet, she was arrested in December. Old news.


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old news it may be - but the story was printed or reprinted, cause I read it this morning too. CNN or MSNBC, can't remember which.

58 years? Wow - now there is an interesting double standard. Here in Michigan a guy can beat his wife or rape his daughter's friends and be free again in a matter of weeks.

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