I can't tell you just how much it moved me to read your posts. Exie, I am sorry for the loss of your father and dmiller, I am sorry for the loss of your sister.
Mr.D, I know not the feeling of sudden loss but can only amagin the senclessness and anger that would be felt. Know that you are loved and supported.
Exie, My father died without the resolve of somany issues. He was incapable of being honest and taking responcibility for his behaviors. When he passed my whole life flashed before me in relationship to him.. The traumas, abuse and lies. It's like my life stopped and I could not shake the belief and hope for a happy ending.
When I buried my father I burnt a letter I wrote to him and put it in his urn. Giving back to him the baggage that I carried for him, by him and because of him. So when ever my mind drifts back to my life in relationship to him, I remember that day alone with his ashes and say "This is not my stuff...This is yours."
I hope this helps with the memories that do flood your mind. Know too as with Mr.D, you are loved and supported. Namaste
Thanks to all for the kind wishes. I surely didn't mean to derail this here, but only wanted to say that I have said things in haste, and found them *moderated* soon after.
and yea -- when it happened, I felt like I was sent to the principal's office too.
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All above please report to the PrincipAls office!
All above please report to the PrincipAls office!
Girls: No skirt above the knee!
Boys:No hair below the ear!
Are we clear on that!
Whhooops just a thot from the 6ixties~~~
Be aware of the man
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This life is a test
It is only a test
Had it been a real life
You would have been given further instructions
on where to go and what to do.
Love ya excie
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(((((((((((Excie)))))))))) and ((((((((David)))))))))))): My condolences to you both.
Ex, Check your PT's
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Exie and dmiller:
I can't tell you just how much it moved me to read your posts. Exie, I am sorry for the loss of your father and dmiller, I am sorry for the loss of your sister.
God Bless you both.
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EXIE and Mr.D.
My deepest sympathy for your losses.
Mr.D, I know not the feeling of sudden loss but can only amagin the senclessness and anger that would be felt. Know that you are loved and supported.
Exie, My father died without the resolve of somany issues. He was incapable of being honest and taking responcibility for his behaviors. When he passed my whole life flashed before me in relationship to him.. The traumas, abuse and lies. It's like my life stopped and I could not shake the belief and hope for a happy ending.
When I buried my father I burnt a letter I wrote to him and put it in his urn. Giving back to him the baggage that I carried for him, by him and because of him. So when ever my mind drifts back to my life in relationship to him, I remember that day alone with his ashes and say "This is not my stuff...This is yours."
I hope this helps with the memories that do flood your mind. Know too as with Mr.D, you are loved and supported.
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Thanks to all for the kind wishes. I surely didn't mean to derail this here, but only wanted to say that I have said things in haste, and found them *moderated* soon after.
and yea -- when it happened, I felt like I was sent to the principal's office too.
But it's something that one can *get over*.
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