I just finished Cub Scout day camp last week. It was a lot of fun. Our den earned special beads for being on time at opening and closing ceremonies and for the lunch time programs. I did a lot of yelling -- putting up that quiet sign doesn't work when there are 125 kids in a grove of trees right next to a busy interstate. I finally got my 12 boys trained to scurry to our den flag when they heard me whistle.
Archery, BBs, crafts, songs and skits. What a great way to spend the week. And lots of walking from activity to activity. One mom said her pedometer had 2.5 miles in one day. And she hauled along a chair to sit in at each activity while I stood or walked around helping.
We were exhausted by the end of the week but the boys are all asking their parents when they start their scout meetings.
My son has been in scouts for 3 years now. I decided to pump up his den (of 2) and now we have 7 with 2 others interested. Once school does start we will meet after school on our early release day. (They get out at noon on Fridays -- or Thursdays if Friday is a no school day.) I am looking forward to starting the camping and hiking -- these boys are first year Webelos!
Our Cubs did day camp last week, too. I missed it cuz I was at Boy Scout Camp, but kept tabs.
I have a dual identity...on Fridays, I'm the intrepid Assistant Scout Master and on Mondays, I'm the Webelos Leader. Andrew crossed over last May, but I have to remain Webelos leader for at least another year. I have blue epaulets on Monday and red ones on Friday. I'm thinking of velcro on my patches.
Remember MTgal...never forget...
It's ONLY one hour per week.
My 2nd year Webelos' earned 3 activity pins each last week and two will have their Arrow of Light by the time Blue and Gold rolls around.
Maybe I'll meet you in a year or two since I'm on the waiting list for Philmont.
Our Cubmaster, who was the Day Camp Director, is going to Jamboree with his son and a couple others from his Troop. I assume it's huge but if you are there and see Troop 177 from Oregon, it's them.
The boys I recruited are good friends with my son. They are all techno geeks who will play a game of basketball or soccer but don't like the competition of a team. They all work well with my son, who has Aspergers Syndrom, a form of autism. They are all very protective of him and when in situations where others are "pushing his buttons" I have actually seen them step between my son and the other person and direct the attention away from my son. They don't know he has AS, they have learned his limits and what happens when he is pushed from being with him at school. They are great kids and will be wonderful caring men.
I have been on our pack committee for a year now as treasurer. I enjoy working with the leaders but our pack is small and as usual I am part of the 10% that helps out. I told our cubmaster the solution to the same 5 people doing everything is to increase the number of boys so there are more parents to tap into. I am ashamed to admit it but witnessing and undershepherding tips come in handy with recruiting and establishing an involved group of parents.
I am also hoping that my husband will eventually step up and be part of the camping, fishing and hiking events. He said he would go to Webelos Weekend with our son next year.
I figure it's about 1 hour a week per boy!
Oh yea, I'm the Popcorn Kernel too!
And I put out the pack newsletter. Communication, communication, communication!
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Beeen there dude HAHAHAHA
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Good to see ya back Ron.
Great way to lose weight, ehh? ..... all that walking, that is.
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LOL!! Can't wait to see the pictures, Ron!
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But Ron...did ya do any walking????? MOre importantly did you make s'mores? love tcat
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tcat...about time you poked your head in here.
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I just finished Cub Scout day camp last week. It was a lot of fun. Our den earned special beads for being on time at opening and closing ceremonies and for the lunch time programs. I did a lot of yelling -- putting up that quiet sign doesn't work when there are 125 kids in a grove of trees right next to a busy interstate. I finally got my 12 boys trained to scurry to our den flag when they heard me whistle.
Archery, BBs, crafts, songs and skits. What a great way to spend the week. And lots of walking from activity to activity. One mom said her pedometer had 2.5 miles in one day. And she hauled along a chair to sit in at each activity while I stood or walked around helping.
We were exhausted by the end of the week but the boys are all asking their parents when they start their scout meetings.
My son has been in scouts for 3 years now. I decided to pump up his den (of 2) and now we have 7 with 2 others interested. Once school does start we will meet after school on our early release day. (They get out at noon on Fridays -- or Thursdays if Friday is a no school day.) I am looking forward to starting the camping and hiking -- these boys are first year Webelos!
So different from Girl Scouting!
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Ron G.
Our Cubs did day camp last week, too. I missed it cuz I was at Boy Scout Camp, but kept tabs.
I have a dual identity...on Fridays, I'm the intrepid Assistant Scout Master and on Mondays, I'm the Webelos Leader. Andrew crossed over last May, but I have to remain Webelos leader for at least another year. I have blue epaulets on Monday and red ones on Friday. I'm thinking of velcro on my patches.
Remember MTgal...never forget...
It's ONLY one hour per week.
My 2nd year Webelos' earned 3 activity pins each last week and two will have their Arrow of Light by the time Blue and Gold rolls around.
Maybe I'll meet you in a year or two since I'm on the waiting list for Philmont.
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Our Cubmaster, who was the Day Camp Director, is going to Jamboree with his son and a couple others from his Troop. I assume it's huge but if you are there and see Troop 177 from Oregon, it's them.
The boys I recruited are good friends with my son. They are all techno geeks who will play a game of basketball or soccer but don't like the competition of a team. They all work well with my son, who has Aspergers Syndrom, a form of autism. They are all very protective of him and when in situations where others are "pushing his buttons" I have actually seen them step between my son and the other person and direct the attention away from my son. They don't know he has AS, they have learned his limits and what happens when he is pushed from being with him at school. They are great kids and will be wonderful caring men.
I have been on our pack committee for a year now as treasurer. I enjoy working with the leaders but our pack is small and as usual I am part of the 10% that helps out. I told our cubmaster the solution to the same 5 people doing everything is to increase the number of boys so there are more parents to tap into. I am ashamed to admit it but witnessing and undershepherding tips come in handy with recruiting and establishing an involved group of parents.
I am also hoping that my husband will eventually step up and be part of the camping, fishing and hiking events. He said he would go to Webelos Weekend with our son next year.
I figure it's about 1 hour a week per boy!
Oh yea, I'm the Popcorn Kernel too!
And I put out the pack newsletter. Communication, communication, communication!
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