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The Way Ministry Sleeps With Satan


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They're in bed together, figuratively speaking.

I mean, come on. They talk a good talk, but when we look at their fine track record, it leads straight to hell. Just read some of the articles and threads on Greasespot.

The lies.

The greed.

The betrayals.

The conniving.

The sinister politics.

So when I said Linder slept with the devil, I didn't mean he was the only one.

Is Rosalie Rivenbark Satan's consort? He probably has better taste, but she damn well serves Satan, like Linder does.

I realize, they probably don't like to read this. Then again, they've been pointing the lying and accusatory "devil-finger" at so many others, and in the strongest possible terms, (including us "cop outs") for decades, it's time to set the record straight.

The whole miserable leader lot is in bed with Satan.

Edited by satori001
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Okay, I can understand why some of you might be uncomfortable with he-who-must-not-be-named. No, not Voldemort. Satan.

And it may be a little uncomfortable to imagine Satan strolling the grounds at The Way International, winking at Rosalie (who winks back), pinching John Linder on the butt (who giggles like a school girl), and generally holding court at all of the meetings and teachings.

How could it happen? Doesn't it matter that the "name" of God is invoked 54 million times a day by this cult of pseudo-Christian phonies?

Hell yes, it matters! It's great cover for his Satanic Majesty, who knows TWI is of little practical use any more, but still enjoys toying with the pompous, powerless, oddly impious pontificating posers of Way World. It's just fun for him. How much can he steal, kill or destroy in the name of this fastidious bunch of jot'n'tiddle-olaters?

Can you imagine the peels of side-splitting satanic laughter as they rationalize every hypocrisy and hurt as the "will of God."

Her Exalted Indulgence, Rosalie Rivenbark, can ride, savior style, upon her own braying foot (the internal combustion variety) into the holy city of our day and our time (HQ,NK,OH,USA) each morning, palm fronds optional, and forget in the wink of an eye all the evil to which she is a principle party. She exists, and is permitted to exist, to be the unwitting life of that party. She keeps herself in the dark.

There's a phrase in the bible about turning someone over to Satan. For decades, the folks most elite of TWI have been hell-bent to turn themselves over.

And haven't they succeeded?

John, haven't you succeeded?

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Gee Whiz...Why pick on poor evil Rosie...afterall, she just wants to be one of the guys...

...and apparently she's quite oblivious to the fact that satan has sifted her like wheat. John Linder?...a pimple on the foot of humanity. I think satan sent one of his flunkies to deal with him...

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Space and time nothwithstanding, there's nothing really going on out there in the middle of rural Nowheresville USA. Just a piddly little cult run by an old cow with a beehive on her head.

And a bunch of bible-whipped farm-hands yankin' on her udder and shovelling her piles.

Okay, perhaps that might give Satan a passing chuckle...

As I recall, the Way seemed to take especial pleasure in the self-deluded notion that Satan took notice enough of them to try to thwart and hinder their schedules, i.e., "Oh gee. Satan is trying to stop the running of this class" or "Oh gosh. Satan turned the heart of that employer so I couldn't get a job at McDonalds to remain on the WOW field".

In the sense, the Way wanted to be more "Satanists" than "Christians".

To get Satan to actually notice them, so they would feel somehow validated about being jerks.

After thousands (or millions?- whatever) of years walkin' to 'n fro the planet, I imagine Satan more along the lines of Lestat the vampire, having developed a exquisite taste for the power, wealth and pleasures of the jet set.

Not hangin' around a bunch of losers who imagine themselves significant enough for Satan to fart in their general direction.


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So you're playing devil's advocate today, huh? I'll grant you that Linder is a blackhead on the buttocks of mankind, and Rosalie a boil, but the devil being vindictive and patient, I still suggest that The Way is the hottest comedy club in hell. For now.

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The whole miserable leader lot is in bed with Satan.

I wonder if their eyes glow in the dark, like in one of those old horror films, I think it was called "Satans Lot" or something like that..

But it is obvious that they have some kind of power over people. How else can they get a group of otherwise kind, intelligent folks to circle their wagons around a really oppressive bottom line, doctrinally speaking.

And to get otherwise kind, intelligent folks to ignore the "indiscretions" of the past prez, along with the reputation and conduct of those in charge now. They have to be friggin blind. I was at one time too. Just couldn't even think they could do any wrong.

I think the bastards know full well what kind of manipulation and deceit they are embracing.

The Way Ministry sleeps with Satan?

Well, if the shoe fits, perhaps they should wear it.

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Now, now. Just because The Way International's "ministry leadership" has a sordid history of sexual abuse and promiscuity, beginning with the grotesque example of VP Wierwille's career philandering in God's name, through Martindale's public spectacle and humiliation, and the myriad accounts of Martindale suck-ups and wannabe's following his lead on the "field," and of course Rivenbark's campaign of concealment and cover-ups... - doesn't mean we have to punish ourselves with skeevy mind pictures like that one.

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I agree with Invisible Dan in that Satan has better taste. Plus he made that conquest years ago when TWI looked much better to him so to come back now to TWI would suggest he has no new targets and must recycle back to an ex old flame (so to speak). Of course TWI would be a good roll in the hay for him given how willingly they take to deception and the like.

On the other hand it might have been a one night stand for old scratch which he very much regretted the next morning when he saw just how ugly TWI is in the cold light of day so he bolted and never came back. So he left TWI to the "generals" (daimon ?) who have in turn passed it on to the junior demons.

TWI might like to claim that they are Satan's number one enemy but thats just arrogance on their part. In fact they actually do more to drive people towards satan than away.

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But you have to admit, they are slowly extracting themselves from the web of deceit.

Why, just last year they finally figured out that sleeping with various pets and farm animals was not all it was cracked up to be.

I could almost hear all of the wailing from followers, forced to abandon a one time honored practice..

Well, they ought to get used to it. Takes a LOT of sacrifice to be a disciple of da vey..

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